Scott Schools Joins Ranks Of 'outperforming' Districts In 2000, Virginia s standards of learning (SOL) tests were embarrassing so many Those opposed to Virginia s (sols) have complained that gains in academic
Extractions: Scott schools joins ranks of 'outperforming' districts April 10, 2005 By KEVIN CASTLE GATE CITY - Despite a high percentage of economically challenged students, Scott County continues to score high in the classroom. Half of Scott County students receive free or reduced-price lunches, an indication to an outside educational observer that economic conditions might prevent those students from being high academic achievers. But a recent report made by Standard and Poor's shows otherwise. "During the last 40 years, the statistical relationship between student poverty and performance has been well-documented in education research, and yet the true meaning of the relationship is often lost amidst the debate,'' the report states. Standard and Poor's, a company that provides independent credit ratings, risk evaluation and investment research, created School Evaluation Services a few years ago "to provide educators, policymakers, business leaders, parents, and taxpayers with an objective, independent analysis of school and school district data to allow them to implement more effective school reform policies," according to the company. A district achieving higher levels of student proficiency than peers of proportionally significant districts.
IDEAS - MIRROR NEWS: SPRING 2000 Here in Virginia, standards of learning (SOL) tests are now required and the We saw a need to look at how the State was doing with regard to (sols) and
Extractions: SPRING 2000 NEWSLETTERS HOME VIRGINIA CONSIDERS SPECIAL ED PROPOSAL BROUGHT BY IDEAS MOM AND FRIENDS Patti Rubel, parent of a son, Adam, who has idic15, recently sent us this update on her activities with the Virginia State legislature. Congratulations Patti! We made a proposal to our state delegate to have a study done that would look at this issue. We wanted the State to agree to modified testing for kids who follow a modified curriculum (this would include quite a few kids in special ed). That way, they wouldn't have to opt out. They would take tests based on the curriculum they're studying. The teachers would be accountable and the parents would have something to measure their children's progress by. We would also like to see another kind of diploma added to the system to go along with the "Modified SOLs". We hope this would help a great many kids in Special Ed go on to higher learning institutions. Right now an IEP Diploma won't get them anywhere. GO TO NEXT PAGE
Yule Heibel's Post Studio: standards of learning good; standardised tests bad (sols) Aren t DestroyingTeaching and learning, the tests Are, by Joel A. English (apt name,
Extractions: @import url(""); Yule Heibel's Post Studio I am a mongrel / O ma, a gremlin Friday, July 15, 2005 I'm still engaged in a continuing immersion course in e-learning theory, hitting upon more and more terrific resources (blogs, articles, reports) online. But before I link to any more of these, there's this gem: It's an article that deals with "standards of learning" (SOLs) and "standardised testing." It has one of the most concise summations of what, exactly, is wrong with standardised tests. The article is called State Learning Standards as Productive Curricular Objectives; SOLs Aren't Destroying Teaching and Learning, the Tests Are , by Joel A. English (apt name, as he teaches English at the university level...). On the third page of English's article, Tests (click on the yellow tab), he gives an example from a grade 3 standardised test. The third grader is asked to read a weird, charming, and heavily moralistic tale about a girl who has a great talent for beekeeping, is offered a chance to sell the honey at market, but through haste, inattention, and a case of counting chickens before they're hatched, loses her chance to make any money. The test then asks the third grader several questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the content of the story. The third grader is asked to identify which word out of a list of several rhymes with another word; what a specific word means; and which sequence of words out a list of several is in alphabetical order. The questions are so jarringly out of synch with the story passage that anyone not "drilled" in test-taking has to have a mental crisis when they read them. As English puts it, the test is essentially antithetical to the reading experience:
Alliance For Childhood - Techology Literacy Some talented students consistently score low on standardized tests; of ParentsAcross Virginia United to Reform (sols) (standards of learning),
Extractions: April 25, 2001 Political leaders throughout America, including President Bush, are calling for a dramatic increase in standardized testing in public schools. The new tests invariably carry high stakesthat is, the test results are linked to serious consequences for students, teachers, and schools. We believe that this massive experiment, intended to raise educational achievement, is based on misconceptions about the nature and value of testing and about how children develop a true love of learning. We further believe that this experiment may harm children's health by causing excessive anxiety and stress. Health-care professionals and parents already report that test-related stress is literally making many children sick. At the same time, we know a great deal about the kinds of schools and assessment practices that will best support children's learning and the development of the skills and capacities most needed in the 21st century. Such schools foster strong bonds between students, families, and good teachers. They help students to frame questions intelligently, to pursue and analyze information, and to think with originality, creativity, and concern for others. Yet these schools and practicesas well as some of our most able teachersare placed increasingly at risk by the proliferation of standardized tests.
Extractions: Main If you are a Blue Monkey reader than I am going to assume that you intelligent enough to know your issues, and when it comes to education there is no hotter issue that No Child Left Behind. If you know nothing about this please stop now, consult any major news source, and come back once you have learned the key points. Virginia, I am pleased to say, seems to be ahead of most other states in meeting federal mandates. We currently test K-12 in the four core areas: Math, English, Science, and History. This creates a plethora of problems that Id like to address, including how school teachers and administrators are dealing with the new law, how the law is affecting our students and our budget, and my proposal for leaving no child behind. This brings me to the next point, if this legislation is designed to help our students learn then why has our drop out rates increased? In our school if a students does not pass a certain number of SOL tests then they are denied their diploma the get frustrated and drop out wait didnt we just leave that student behind? Not to mention that this has become some sort of sick numbers game within many school districts. Fortunately my high school hasnt sunk this low yet, but in other VA schools there are reports of administrators blocking under achievers from taking the test for the purpose of raising the test scores oh my it looks like we just left yet another group of students behind! To support a standard that you know is unachievable and then to play with lives of children just to eek out the numbers for the politicians is more immoral, in my opinion, than allowing homosexuals to have a legal union!
Spring 99 Standards Of Learning Beyond The Debate More than half the states are using standardized tests to apportion Since theSOLS are so broad, she thinks it would be hard to teach just for the test.
Division Of Instruction Standards Of Learning Index Teaching and learning Virginia K3 History and Social Science standards of learning The Virginia SOL Writing tests A Teacher s Resource Notebook
Extractions: Available Under Each Subject Below General Resources Virginia Standards of Learning for All Subjects and Grade Levels Standards of Learning Enhanced Sample Scope and Sequence Guides for English, Science, Mathematics, and History and Social Science History and Social Science SOL Resources History and Social Science Standards of Learning Enhanced Sample Scope and Sequence Guides Teacher Resource Catalog CD-ROM for Teachers of United States History to 1877, United States History: 1877 to the Present, and Civics and Economics Virginia Indian History and Social Science Web Site: An Online Resource for the Classroom Documents of American History ... Virginia Studies: Ready Resources for the Classroom Maps of the Five Geographic Regions of Virginia Selected Geographic Regions of North America
Virginia Standards Of Learning - SchoolZone The standards of learning are the cornerstone of Virginia s education system . Special Reports 2002 test results Region s schools make gains on (sols)
Mrs. Wilborne's SOL Testing Page Our third grade curriculum is based completely on the Virginia standards oflearning ((sols)). Language Arts standards of learning for Third Grade
Extractions: Start Your Own Homonyms List and Learn Homonym - One of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning Homophone - One of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or spelling Homograph - One of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or pronunciation Our third grade curriculum is based completely on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). The SOLs are the curriculum. Please make yourself familiar with them and work to master each. In the spring, all third grade students will be tested on K-3 Standards of Learning. All fifth grade students will be tested on 4-5 SOLs.
Mrs. Wilborne's SOL Testing Site curriculum is based completely on the Virginia standards of learning ((sols)) . NEW Test Items Release Spring 2001 SOL Test NEW (sols) Approved by State
Extractions: Resource Guide For Social Studies Start Your Own Homonyms List and Learn Homonym - One of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning Homophone - One of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or spelling Homograph - One of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or pronunciation Our third grade curriculum is based completely on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). The SOLs are the curriculum. Please make yourself familiar with them and work to master each. In the spring, all third grade students will be tested on K-3 Standards of Learning. All fifth grade students will be tested on 4-5 SOLs.
Newport News Public Schools - SOL & Testing high academic standards is known as The standards of learning, or (sols) . Also, you may view the standards of learning currently in effect for
Extractions: your browser. Thank you. Please visit our site map. Communities Committed to Learning! NAVIGATE: Home About NNPS Our Schools ... NNPS Intranet -NNPS Quick Links- Acrobat Reader Adult Education Alpha. Site Index Assistive Tech. Athletics AYP Info The Beacon Bus Stops Calendars Channel 47 Child Find (PEEP) Child Nutrition Services Class Reunions Closings Driver Education Employers for Learning Feedback Grading Scale Graduation Req. Guidance Dept. Home Schooling Jobs Logo Downloads Lunch Menus Marking Periods New Teacher Acad. Operating Hours Parent Institute Prof.Devel.Council Phone Directory PTA Information Registration SAT Prep Special Education Student Handbook Superintendent TAG Transcript Requests Transition to Teaching Vendor Guide Virtual Enterprise VA Web Links Withdrawal Year-Rnd Calendar Zone Finder -Our Schools- EARLY CHILDHOOD: -Denbigh E.C.C.
VA SOLs Courses Student Teaching. Virginia standards of learning ((sols)) Blueprints for(sols) - A Blueprint is a guide for test construction and use.
Extractions: Academic Calendars Ball Education Award Career Fairs Courses ... Home Many of the documents on our Web Site are in PDF format and require Adobe's Acrobat Reader to be viewed and printed. To obtain a free version of Acrobat Reader click here Washington and Lee University Teacher Education Program Courses - Student Teaching Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) The Virginia Standards of Learning describe the expectations for student learning and achievement in grades K-12 in English, mathematics, science, history/social science, technology, the fine arts, foreign language, health and physical education, and driver education. Short form of SOLs - View all of the standards of learning at this site. This site also provides a timetable for revisions of these standards. Examples of SOL Questions Spring 2002 Released Tests Spring 2001 Released Tests Spring 2000 Released Tests Blueprints for SOLs - A Blueprint is a guide for test construction and use. Several examples are provided. Blueprints2 for SOLs - This site provides the 2002 released test items.
Assessment Reform Network - Homepage In a joint effort with the theme of Teaching ABOUT the tests, parents across benefit of the standards of learning, and that is reflected in the steady
Extractions: for a year. From Virginia: Raise children, not test scores: How parents organized to reform the Virgina Standards of Learning exams Education reform today is being increasingly defined as the imposition of "standards" from afar followed simultaneously by standardized multiple choice tests that carry consequences for failure to children, schools, teachers and communities. These tests are referred to as "high stakes" tests. As this "education reform" rises up in state after state, so also do networks of parents who are beginning campaigns of resistance. These organizing efforts are formed for a variety of reasons. This is primarily the story of the rise of parent network in Virginia. In March, 1998, in Virginia, six mothers met at Lynchburg College to explore the possibility of forming an organization to address parental concerns with Virginia's system of accountability - the Standards of Learning and the SOL tests. These mothers represented their various children, all of whom were losing out on a quality education because of the one-size-fits-all standards and high stakes tests. Their children were varied: children who did well at school, children who struggled, children with disabilities, children labeled gifted, children who took tests in stride and children who were afraid.
FETConnections - Winter 2000 The Strands indicate what standards of learning ((sols)) and additional If thetest is taken at the computer, it is automatically scored and the child
Extractions: Jennifer K. Badolato Project ECOLE is an Electronic Community Of Learning and Education. It is Manassas Park City School System's curriculum in an automated format created by Virginia Computer Institute. Together, we have constructed a web page format for our curriculum and have linked the curriculum to the National Standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning. We have three different webs: a Kindergarten through fifth grade web, a sixth through eighth grade web, and a ninth through twelfth grade web. This project is unique in that it is the only automated curriculum in Virginia. An impressive tool in the project is the 1,500 teacher-created activities designed to teach the National Standards which are linked to the Virginia Standards of Learning. The activities are done in a lesson plan format complete with topic, description, a materials list, directions, scoring rubric, extended activities and resource list. If there are any necessary worksheets, they have been scanned in and are accessible through Adobe Acrobat. Project Partners Explore the Weather The Project Partners component allows the teachers in our school system to work collaboratively on a topic with teachers from other school systems. Through e-groups, the teachers and students can communicate over the Internet and simultaneously explore a topic. This is a very exciting component of Project ECOLE and expands the scope of learning for students and teachers all over the world.
NewsHour Extra: SOL Testing - September 12, 1999 Take the test That s how many students feel about the standards of learning (SOL) SOL tests are designed to measure how well teachers are teaching and
Extractions: For some students, the possibility of having to repeat a grade is scary. "It's a really big test because if you fail you have to repeat the third grade," says nine-year-old Genny Miller. "I want to go on to the fourth grade with my friends and I just want to pass it so it will be over with." The pressure is so intense it's giving some students headaches, stomachaches and other stress-related illnesses.
Frontline: Testing Our Schools: Testing: In The Classroom | PBS children learn these (sols) standards of learning, that they pass this test . Your good teachers who refuse to give the test. Teaching the Curriculum
Extractions: var loc = "../../../"; In the course of making "Testing Our Schools," correspondent John Merrow and producer John Tulenko interviewed teachers and school administrators who are grappling with the realities of testing and its effects for better and worse on teaching and learning in the classroom. Here are excerpts from some of those interviews, with educators in Virginia and California, in March 2001. The Mood Inside the Schools Teaches kindergarten in Richmond, Va. ... This year has been the most stressful year for me and for my team, and I think for many teachers, because there has been so much pressure from on top, that you have to make sure that these children learn these SOLs [Standards of Learning], that they pass this test. And we're doing lesson plans, OK? Detailed lesson plans. We're making games, we're correcting all those papers that you see in my file. We're not only doing this during the day; ... we have to take work home. People forget that we have families and we have a life of our own. So on weekends, we're doing work. I'm up sometimes 'til 2 a.m. trying to do stuff that will help these children learn. ... I am not against assessment. ... I am against the methods they are using to test our children. I am against the pressure and the stress that is put on us for getting children to master these SOLs at the same rate of speed when everyone knows that all children do not [learn] the same way or at the same rate. ...
University Of Virginia Experts Database K12 Education standards of learning ((sols)) Topics standards of learning ((sols)) ,Student Assessment , Testing , Virginia standards of learning
University Of Virginia Experts Database K12 Education Virginia standards of learning Topics standards oflearning ((sols)) , Student Teaching , Teacher Education , Teacher,
American Prospect Online - ViewPrint When standards of learning ((sols)) first appeared in my Northern Virginiapublicschool classroom nearly We re crackerjack now at teaching to that test.
Parents Across Virginia United To Reform SOLs (sols) has been formed to improve the Virginia standards of learning and standards 1. prohibit the use of SOL test scores or pass rates as the sole or
Extractions: Contact us Media requests For more information JOIN OUR DISCUSSION GROUP. What is PAVURSOL? PAVURSOL is an internet-based, growing grassroots network of over 6,000 parents, grandparents and concerned citizens who want to ensure that the standards and assessments used with our children are educationally defensible. As parents, grandparents and supporters of school-aged children, we recognize the need for ensuring that all students acquire the knowledge and skills needed for success in school and beyond. However, we believe that our current "one-size-fits-all" SOL system will fail to accomplish this and will hurt, not help, students, schools, and communities. To join, click here.