Virginia Department Of Education Gateway to Virginia's school system. Includes information on teacher licensure, education resources, current legislation, standards Of learning (SOL)
PH Cvr Did on the standards of learning tests? Test results are sent to parents in a document called Report to Parents Virginia standards of learning
Test Usage Information Links Research, articles, and information about high stakes tests and their misuse from group opposing Virginia's standards of learning tests.
Parents Across Virginia United To Reform SOLs Why high stakes tests are harmful Alliance (sols) has been formed to improve the Virginia standards of learning and standards of Accreditation
Teacher Efficacy Training Standards Of Learning And The At-Risk rigor and accountability along with the use of standardized assessments such as the Virginia standards of learning tests, (sols), is having a
Sol useful sites to help teachers teach the Virginia standards of learning in StudyWeb® Professional_Development standards of learning tests ((sols))
Extractions: Standards of Learning Sites Virginia Department of Education Sites Sol A Commonwealth of Knowledge search page - Search all of the SOLs by keyword or select the content area to see a listing of the SOLs by grade. SOL Lesson Plans - Finding a lesson plan is easy. Type a keyword in the search box above or choose the content area to see all the lesson plans available for that subject. Sol Resource Guide - SOL Teacher Resource Guides Available Under Each Subject Sol Test Questions from 1998 SOL - Blueprints Standards of Learning Search Page - View standards by subject area across all grade levels. Arts-Music, Arts-Performance, Social Science Language Arts/English Dr. Violet Allain's WWW site English/language arts unit/lesson plans developed by students in SEED 371 Clinical Methods. Units are correlated with VA SOLs. Edgar Allan Poe Museum. - The Poe Museum provides a retreat into early nineteenth century Richmond where Edgar Allan Poe lived and worked. The museum features the life and career of Edgar Allan Poe by documenting his accomplishments with pictures, relics, and verse, and focusing on his many years in Richmond. English Curriculum. Thematic Unit
Sol StudyWeb Professional_Development standards of learning tests ((sols)) Starters For Creating Sol-Related Library Lessons -11 great ideas
TCPS - Standards Of Learning s Standard of learning Practice tests similar to SOL tests in history, math, science, English and computer Virginia standards of learning
Rogue's Second Political Poll- Ah, The Stupidity Of School ok, i do agree with you to an extent. For example, standards of learning tests ((sols)) are complete and utter bull ****. I hate em.
Standards Of Learning Resources Virginia standards of learning Assessments Spring 2001 Released tests These PDF files are a form of the tests that students across the
The Value Of Learning Can the standards of learning tests and the preparation for these tests empower catch phrases such All the (sols) do is cause us to teach to the test.
Extractions: for Powell's Books FREE newsletter and you may win $100 worth of books. The Value of Learning by John Boleyn I understand why Gov. James Gilmore has instituted Standards of Learning tests for students in Virginia. In an era of ever declining academic performance, there is the need to see their performance levels increased. And as the chief executive of the commonwealth, he has the responsibility to ensure that this problem is addressed. But what if the problem is much larger than the solution of the SOLs? Does our education establishment know how the skills of learning are developed in the first place? Obviously, this is not a problem which can be solved entirely by Gov. Gilmore or by any Governor whether they are a Democrat or Republican.
Http Virginia has used its standards of learning (SOL) tests as a graduation teachers do teach to the test, crafting their own exams to mimic the (sols). report.htm
Extractions: The Center on Education Policy's latest report on the consequences of high-stakes school graduation tests, examining one district each in Virginia and Maryland, provides important evidence on the extensive educational harm caused by the tests, particularly in Virginia. How Have High School Exit Exams Changed Our Schools relied on interviews and focus groups with students, teachers and administrators. Virginia has used its Standards of Learning (SOL) tests as a graduation requirement starting with the class of 2004. Students must pass two tests in English and any four of ten exams in math, science and history/social science. While the state claims that about 95% of the class of 2004 passed, in fact independent studies show Virginias' real graduation rate to be around 70%. The tests are all multiple-choice, other than one write-to-a-prompt exam. According to the report, "many" educators excoriated the exams on multiple grounds, focusing on unfairness, narrowing the curriculum, and wasting lots of time on test prep and on fulfilling the requirements of the testing bureaucracy. Overall, said the report, "positive statements [about the SOLs] were limited and many teachers expressed only concerns." One student summed up the curriculum concern by saying, "
Number 2 Pencil: Setting Standards In Virginia It concerns the Virginia standards of learning, or (sols) up their own tests,which measured only what they chose to teach about a particular subject
Extractions: Kimberly's take on testing and education reform Main Devoted Reader Richard sent along a link to a Washington Post letter by one Susan O'Brien Saccomando, the chair of the science department at Mountain View Alternative High School. It concerns the Virginia Standards of Learning, or SOLs: In the past few years I have heard complaints from just about everyone about the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) and the accompanying assessment tests...But the complainers are wrong. The (SOLs) are working. Before the SOLs, to pass a course, a student came to class regularly, participated, turned in class work and homework and took some tests...Effort played a big role in a student's grade. For these reasons, a grade did not always reflect what the student had mastered in terms of amount and depth of subject matter. Some students simply went through the motions and passed courses just for showing up. Also in the past, teachers made up their own tests, which measured only what they chose to teach about a particular subject... As a result of the SOLs, seniors now will graduate knowing that they have reached a standard of performance. They will know that they not only measure up in terms of mastering material but that they also measure up to state standards...
Testimony Of Ms. Jane Massey-Wilson and are being used in the core areas to help teachers teach the (sols) On the first round of standards of learning tests, West Point students scored
Extractions: June 1999 Mr. Castle, Members of the Committee Thank you for inviting me to speak on "Academic Accountability." It is a topic near and dear to my heart, and I appreciate the work you are doing to improve academic accountability in our schools. I come to you today in support of high academic standards, high expectations, and accountability in public schools. Our students deserve no less. American businesses deserve no less. Our children are our most valuable resource for the future. We want to make certain that our students are competitive in the state, the nation, the world. We keep hearing from the business world that students are not prepared in the basics and that businesses are spending large amounts of money teaching recent high school graduates to read and write. We keep hearing from businesses that we need to teach the core academics, and they will train employees in specifics of the job. We must make certain that our students are well educated and have a competitive edge. I support the Virginia K-12 Education Reform to raise student achievement.
PolyFamilies:Polyamory For The Practical Virginia has already proven this with the standards of learning tests. teacher must now teach to these (sols) and drill their students to be able to
Extractions: Featuring Spice! The PolyFamily Web Comic I sometimes go off. I wrote it in the winter of 2001: I homeschool. Well, sort of. I have a pre-schooler and a kindergartener. The kindergartener knows how to read. I wish I could take credit for it as a sign of my educational brilliance, but frankly, I cannot. You see, I got some videotapes on the alphabet, played Boggle Jr. with him a little bit and he started sounding out letters by himself. From there it was a quick step to curling up with Thomas the Tank Engine books. Lately, he's been reading them to his sister. I had intended to do the flash card thing for math with my son. That fell by the wayside as well. Our next door neighbor has a dog that has lost a leg. One of my husbands, who was concerned about the apparent lack of math drills, decided to use the dog's lack of a full set of legs as a way to play with addition and subtraction. Wouldn't you know it, Baby Thor (my son) and The Bird (my daughter) were able to handle this with ease. Around the dinner table last night, one of my husbands, my wife and my children were talking about our day as usual. To give some background: The Bird is three and while she can sing the ABC song (usually) she is just starting into the phonetic significance of the letters. She started calling out words and asking Baby Thor what letter each word started with.
Extractions: Under Secretary for Management Bureau of Human Resources Family Liaison Office Resources - Publications and Related Links ... Education and Youth Many of our returning Foreign Service students who are enrolled in American public schools are learning that the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, required in Virginia, or other state-mandated achievement tests, are given much importance by the local school systems. This paper addresses the Virginia Standards of Learning. At the time of this writing, Maryland is revising their state assessment program. Students going to other states or jurisdictions need to check with their local education professionals Virginia Standards of Learning Standards of Learning (SOL) is a way for the Virginia Department of Education to outline the goals and objectives of the curriculum taught at each grade level in each subject. How these goals and objectives are met is measured by student performance on the state-mandated Standards of Learning tests. In addition to the SOLs, each county has the ability to add another layer of curriculum objectives over the state mandated SOLs. Northern Virginia school districts, which pride themselves on rigorous academic standards, do augment the state SOLs with an additional layer of their own county curriculums in order to "exceed state standards." Instruction and learning outcomes are measured quarterly in some counties by standardized testing in each subject and grade level, in addition to the annual state SOLs.
Virginia Standards Of Learning - SchoolZone The standards of learning are the cornerstone of Virginia s education system . READ WHAT THE (sols) teach. The SOL objectives prescribe what students
Extractions: APARTMENTS AUTOGUIDE CAREERCONNECTION CLASSIFIEDS ... YELLOW PAGES within Site Stocks News Archives Channels SchoolZone Scholastic Achievement Student Gallery Black History Month ... Weather Guides City Guides Chesapeake Franklin Gloucester Hampton James City Co. Newport News Norfolk NE N.C. Outer Banks Poquoson Portsmouth Smithfield Suffolk Va. Beach Williamsburg York County
Virginia SOL Information Welcome to the Virginia State standards of learning Practice tests! potential for supporting the teaching of the Virginia standards of learning ((sols)).
Extractions: "In June 1995, the Virginia Board of Education approved Standards of Learning (SOL) in four core content areas - mathematics, science, English, and history and the social sciences - and in computer technology. In September 1997, the Board of Education established new Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia (SOA) that link statewide accountability tests to the SOL and hold students, schools, and school divisions accountable for results." (excerpted from Here, students can practice taking SOL-related questions in the areas of Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies, and Computer Technology. Questions found in this database have been submitted by teachers in Rockingham County Public Schools. This online test generator was developed by Rob Lineweaver under the direction of Joe Hill. Jefferson Labs (Va SOL Science, Math, and Technology Practice Tests)
J. Frank Hillyard Middle School Preparing for the standards of learning tests Teaching the (sols) The sitethat reviews, evaluates, and indexes resources useful in teaching Virginia
Extractions: J. Frank Hillyard Middle School Home History Mission Curriculum ... RCPS SOL RESOURCES Preparing for the Standards of Learning Tests - SOL Games, study guides, and Tests for grades 8 in all subjects! - SOL Games, study guides and Tests for grades 7 in all subjects! - SOL Games, study guides, and Tests for grade 6 in all subjects! Download Test Taking Strategies PowerPoint - Download this excellent powerpoint on how to tackle standardized tests SOL Book Connections - Connecting Books to the Virginia SOLs with summaries Teaching the SOLs - The site that reviews, evaluates, and indexes resources useful in teaching Virginia Standards of Learning. Virginia Department of Education Lesson Plans - Presents the Virginia Standards of Learning for each subject area while also listing both strategies and resources for teaching each subject. Virginia Standards of Learning - The standards that must be reached in for each subject taught in public schools. A Parents' Guide to SOL Resources Download a handbook to the SOLS using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader SOL Blueprints - This site describes the SOL test for each subject area. The site also gives information regarding the number of questions from each subcategory as well as parts of the SOL that are not tested at all.