PlanetYouth The Native American Youth Connection as well as letters, essays, surrender speeches and even poems. Provides homework help, ideas for environmental club projects and how you can help
Extractions: Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids is a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic responsibilities. FDA Kids
Homework Hotline - Composititon homework Hotline composition Although described by many as Mori in fact Maori are a composition of many Iwi (Tribes) Hapu (Subtribes) and Whanau
Extractions: The Elements of Style - This is an online version of William Strunk's book "The Elements of Style."This book is intended for use in English courses in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature. It aims to give in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style. It aims to lighten the task of instructor and student by concentrating attention (in Chapters II and III) on a few essentials, the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated. The numbers of the sections may be used as references in correcting manuscript.
Youth Anfd Family Web Page -- Beaufort County (SC) Library Computer Science / homework help / Language Arts / Math / Music / Reference Extras include historical documents, inaugural speeches, biographies and
Homework - Links The White House, Speeches, documents, historical information and links to Rocks Minerals, help for students with homework on rocks minerals by the
Extractions: 4:00 to 7:30 pm. ; Monday - Thursday. Looking for more magazine articles, biographical information or information on other topics, go to the Research Tools page for a list of other databases that you could try. General Ask an Expert This service connects students to experts in a variety of fields, including the sciences, math, literature, and technology.
Modern Languages: French Division Courses FRE 2220 homework Do all the workbook exercises, both written and aural. Each composition is to be typed, doublespaced, and printed in Palatino 12.
Extractions: French 2220 is an intermediate study of the French language. The key to success in this course is to keep up with your work on a daily basis. Daily attendance and participation are required. Policies Attendance You may have 4 unexcused absences with no penalty (roll will be taken daily). If you are sick or cannot attend for some other valid reason, please notify the instructor, preferably before class time, although this may not count as an excused absence. In order to have an excused absence, you must provide official documentation (such as: absence form from a university organization; FSU Health Center/doctors note on official stationery; accident/police report; copy of an obituary) or it must be a religious holiday.
English 12 SOL Links This site is designed to help you target your specific needs as a speaker. How to Deliver a speechSuggestions on how to deliver an effective speech.
Extractions: Standards of Learning: English 12 The twelfth-grade student will use organizational skills, audience awareness, appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and both verbal and nonverbal presentation skills to plan and deliver an effective 5-10 minute oral presentation. The student will analyze British literature and literature of other cultures, with attention to the many classic works which may be studied. Writing will include the production of informational and expository papers, which are organized logically and contain clear and accurate ideas. The student will also produce a well-documented major research paper, using a standard method of documentation. Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of grammatical conventions through writing, editing, and speaking.
English 8 SOL Links Writing a composition without a pen!Students will interview a peer for an InterviewA list of before, during and after tips from homework Helper.
Extractions: Standards of Learning: English 8 The eighth-grade student will learn and apply interviewing techniques. The student will demonstrate correct use of language, spelling, and mechanics by applying grammatical conventions in writing and speaking. The student will plan, draft, revise, and edit writing with emphasis on exposition and persuasion. Students will apply reading and writing skills in all subjects, as well as respond critically to literature. The student will continue development of vocabulary with attention to connotations and figurative language. The student will become a skillful interpreter of the persuasive strategies used in print and mass media. The student will continue to develop an appreciation for literature through a study of a wide variety of selections. The student will describe themes or inferred main ideas, interpret cause-effect relationships, and draw conclusions from a variety of literary and informational selections. Grade 8 English SOLs in Word The student will use interviewing techniques to gain information.
Home Work Help Page This is one of the best all around homework help sites that can be found. Lots of games, speeches, and drawings of landmarks to print and color.
Extractions: Nestled among how-to-get-help-with-your-homework articles, are a handful of short features on improving your study skills. My favorites are How to Memorize Almost Anything ("Break the list into small manageable groups or chunks.") and How to Do More Work in Less Time ("Remove distractions, such as TV, games, or people who might disturb you.") Although I remember doing homework with the television on, as a mom I rail against my kids when I see them trying to do the same.
Extractions: My Tips and Advice: Types of Learning Disabilities Tip: Dysgraphia Trouble forming letters or writing in a defined space. Tip: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. While not a learning disability, it affects about a third of children who have one. Tip: Memory Short -Term Memory Loss:
Homework Help Links If you happen to run across other sites that would help us in our endeavor, click here and we ll be homework helper Home Page Research Topic Subway
Extractions: Homework Help Home College Help CSR Education Links ETA Links Homework Help Parenting Links PEL Strategic Plan Tutor Sources ETA Home Having a computer at home can save many parents and students a lot of stress and grief. A missing source for a report or finding research data can easily be accomplished by following these links. If you happen to run across other sites that would help us in our endeavor, click here and we'll be happy to add the link if it is appropriate. General Homework Helpers Homework Central Research Paper Home Page Homework Helper Home Page Research Topic Subway ... Great links by Subject for Homework Help! E-Journals and Newspapers Style Sheet Resources Archives ArchivesUSA provides information on more than 4,400 archival repositories in the United States that have combined holdings of nearly 100,000 special collections. The database combines three index directories of primary source materials. First, an updated directory that supersedes the
Course Description Daily homework is given to reinforce the new material, and at times for After receiving your corrected composition back, you will have four days to
Extractions: Homework requires the use of the internet. Make sure you have an access to a computer with sound capabilities and the program QuickTime. Download the program for free. The recording (and your instructor) are your only source for authentically spoken Hebrew, and are extremely helpful. Working regularly with the recordings will improve your reading skills, comprehension, and pronunciation.
English Islamic site that will help make your homeschooling experience nicer. Learn the basics of forming sentences and putting together a composition.
Extractions: Qur'an Study References Lesson Plans ... ONLINE ENGLISH - I have joined this email a week lesson plan. I urge all families using the internet as their main source for materials to join this list. Every week the level will be different until more people join and can start Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced lists. Each week answers and a new lesson will be posted! If I had children in upper grades I would definitely use this site in place of traditional text. So who says life doesn't sometimes get easier? Current rating by Ummzubair for webpage only 2 stars. Wild World of Words
WR 122 ENGLISH COMPOSITION Michael Dembrow, Instructor homework I ll be assigning various response exercises for many of the readings We ll analyze various kinds of persuasive writing (including speeches,
Extractions: WR 122 ENGLISH COMPOSITION Web: WR 122 : WR 122, the second term of English Composition, carries on with the noble task you began in WR 121: to make yourself a more confident, capable, and thoughtful essay-writer. It also has some interesting, unique wrinkles. You'll be doing the following: style TEXTS Dialogues, by Goshgarian, Krueger, and Mine; 4 th ed., 2003 LB Handbook The basic textbook for the course is Dialogues , whose central premise is that thinking, reading, and writing are all tied up inextricably with one another, and that effective writing is intimately connected with a good grasp of audience, context, and purpose. It has many useful things to say about the process of critical reading, writing, arguing, and researching. It encourages us to question our own assumptions and those of others, and to try to escape from the strait-jacket of our preconceptions and try to imagine and understand why others believe as they do. Thus, if we can find common ground with our readers, we can develop positions and proposals that are compelling and convincing to them. LB Handbook , great. If not, I expect you to have another.
Web Resources For Communication Skills What Do I Say Lesson on Giving a speech Interviewing and Telephone Writing Skills - homework Helper Writing Structure Writing - Succeed in
W.Todd Kaneko | Teaching Philosophy In The Shifting Relationships Between speech and Writing, Peter Elbow says that writing is composition in Four Keys. Ed. Mark Wiley, Barbara Gleason,
Extractions: Statement of Teaching Philosophy When we walk into a classroom, we have knowledge that we can share with our students, but we must recognize that our students often have more knowledge than they might aware of. As students from different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds come together in a classroom, the overlap, the contact zone, the whole mess that occurs as these different minds come together is where knowledge is constructed. It can be a dangerous place to exist, as preconceived notions butt up against firm, immovable beliefs, but learning is about difference and excursion into unfamiliar territories. As teachers, we do not necessarily have to privilege our own knowledge over that of our students. As teachers, we can facilitate conversation and nudge students toward areas where we think the elements for the construction of new knowledge can be found in the classroom, yet we must also value the students' own instincts of where the conversation needs to go in order to create knowledge. Writing is a mode of thinking. William Faulkner used to say that he never knew what he was thinking until he saw what he had written on the page. Through writing, writers can form a dialogue between their minds and the ideas that tumble on to the page and struggle to become one cohesive piece of prose. One might say that writers speak to themselves as they search for their own truths. Or, one might say that the muse takes over, showing writers where a piece should go, allowing writers to sit back allow the text to flow through them. Regardless of what one might call it, teaching students to be craftspeople who work with words and language gives them the tools necessary to gather up their messes of words and ideas and sculpt them into text.
Extractions: AAACN Viewpoint ABNF Journal, The AIDS Treatment News AMAA Journal ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Service delivery considerations in working with clients from Cantonese-speaking backgrounds American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Nov 1999 by Fung, Floria Roseberry-McKibbin, Celeste In the 5-year secondary school, the components of English learning focus on the following in order of importance: (a) writing composition, (b) receptive language or comprehension skills, and (c) oral expressive skills. During English writing lessons, Cantonese-speaking students focus strictly on learning rules of English grammar and applying these grammatical rules to compositions. Creative writing and critical thinking in writing are rarely encouraged or even accepted. Throughout their years of schooling, students in Hong Kong are taught oral English skills through learning BritishEnglish taught by native Cantonese-speaking teachers, many of whom speak with pronounced Cantonese accents.
LD OnLine - Linda Bland-Stewart, Ph.D. - Mentor Teacher Dr. BlandStewart s area of specialization is speech and language disorders. question What can parents do to help children with learning disabilities
Extractions: Materials by Subject Alphabet / Phonics Reading / Literacy / Books Writing / Language Arts Basic Skills / Readiness Activities Math Science and Social Studies Themes Computers / Technology Classroom Displays / Bulletin Boards / Name Plates Classroom Helpers: learning centers, forms, plan books Learning Games / Flashcards / Bingo Best of the Mailbox series
LITTLE FALLS PUBLIC LIBRARY Review a collection of biographies, calendars and speeches devoted to AfricanAmerican Directory provides students with links to homework help resources
Extractions: We will create a subject directory based on educational not commercial concerns. The directory will contain free resources on each subject. Within each subject students will find general indexes and resources, free online publications, journals, and databases, career opportunities, and online reference material. There will be a Student Center where high school students and parents can obtain free information on colleges, download financial aid and student loan applications, research scholarship opportunities, and a Placement Center to browse career possibilities. A Reference Desk will contain tutorials on searching the Internet, as well as quick information aids such as online maps, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. AskERIC The Education Index is a service of Hobsons, an international college and career publisher. Hobsons creates a link between education and commerce by providing information on education and job opportunities to students, teachers, advisers, and parents across the world. Our products and services guide students from the age of 14 through high school and college into the world of work, professional education, and training.
English Composition Other required activities such as quizzes, journals and speeches will count for ten Finally, homework, library work and class work will count for the
Extractions: OFFICE: AH BLDG. 1D2 PHONE : 682-1611 EXT. 7389 ELECTRONIC MAIL COLLEGE FAX (405) 682-7585 (Facsimile machine in the Library) OFFICE HOURS: M W 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. W 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. T Th 11:00 am - 12:00 Noon. I can be available for office hours at other times by appointment.