Extractions: Government section has links to the governor's office; the Legislature; the state constitution; the laws of South Dakota; agencies, divisions and elected offices; publications. Business information section includes information on economic development; licenses/occupations; financing; Department of Revenue. Employment section links to the Department of Labor and has labor market information. Online services section contains a Board of Technical Professions roster search; links to the Division of Insurance and to information on tax filing.
507 F.2d 775, Prostrollo V. University Of South Dakota, (CA8 (SD and the Board of Regents of the State of south dakota appeal from a The class within the regulation is created on the basis of educational attainment. http://www.jurisearch.com/newroot/caselink.asp?series=F.2d&citationno=507 F.2d 7
Mock V. South Dakota Bd. Of Regents, 2003 DSD 11 University of south dakota; Jack Doyle, Acting in His Official and Individual 532 US at 28691 ( Language in a regulation may invoke a private right of http://www.sdbar.org/opinions/DSD/2003/2003dsd011.htm
Extractions: Lawrence Piersol, Chief U. S. District Judge [¶1] Plaintiffs filed a Motion to Reconsider Ruling on Motion for Summary Judgment, Doc. 95. Defendants submitted a response in opposition. The Court will grant the motion to reconsider but adheres to the ruling in the Memorandum Opinion and Order, dated February 7, 2003, granting summary judgment in favor of Defendants on Plaintiffs' cause of action for retaliation under Title IX. BACKGROUND [¶2] The Court granted summary judgment in favor of Defendants on Plaintiffs' cause of action for retaliation under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 USC. § 1681
Extractions: Legal Services Speaking Books ... Licensure and Credentialing > South Dakota Passes Massa > On February 25th, 2005 governor Bill Rounds of South Dakota signed a new law that will regulate the stateâs massage therapy profession. According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), South Dakota is now the 34th state to regulate massage therapy (for the AMTA list of all states with massage therapy regulation, refer to: http://www.amtamassage.org/about/lawstate.html). For those who seek increased legitimacy and credibility through increased regulation, this new law is a step forward for massage therapists and complementary and alternative medical practitioners in general. In general, state regulatory boards establish educational and licensure requirements such as requiring the passing of a specific exam and minimum number of training hours. Furthermore, state regulation establishes specific standards for massage therapy practice such as continuing education hours and reciprocity requirements. State regulation is important for the credibility of massage professionals because it restricts the number of people who are allowed to practice. In general, increased regulation of complementary and alternative medical modalities not only serves to validate the therapies, but also ensures increased quality of the service provided by establishing stricter educational requirements. But note: there is also a
Colleagues In Caring Regional Collaboratives For Nursing Work Nursing Regulation and south dakota Nursing Work Force Development. Colleagues in Caring south dakota Consortium Educational Articulation Task Force http://www.rwjf.org/portfolios/resources/grantsreport.jsp?filename=036977.htm&ia
Contact Information And Websites What Boards Do Contact Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure south dakota Board of Nursing 4305 south Louise Ave., Suite 201 http://www.ncsbn.org/regulation/boardsofnursing_boards_of_nursing_board.asp
Civic Report 14 | The Education Freedom Index, By Jay P. Greene south Carolina has an education Freedom Index score of 1.64, putting it 43rd In its June 2000 report, The Regulation of Private Schools In America A http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cr_14.htm
Extractions: President, Thomas B. Fordham Foundation About the Author Jay P. Greene is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. He has conducted evaluations of school choice programs in Milwaukee, Cleveland, Charlotte, and San Antonio. He has also investigated the effects of school choice on civic values and integration. His publications include the chapters, Civic Values in Public and Private Schools, and School Choice in Milwaukee: A Randomized Experiment, in the book, Learning from School Choice, published by the Brookings Institution in 1998; The Effect of Private Education on Political Participation, Social Capital, and Tolerance, in the Fall 1999 issue of The Georgetown Public Policy Review; and The Texas School Miracle is for Real,
South Dakota Psychological Association south dakota PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The HIPAA Privacy Rule, a regulation promulgated by the US Department of Health and Human Services, establishes a http://www.psysd.com/hipaa.htm
Environmental Protection Agency - south dakota Legislature Weaves Comprehensive Groundwater Strategy; Orders Five Year Look regulation of water rights, including appropriation of water, http://notes.tetratech-ffx.com/newsnotes.nsf/0/76d06f4eceb414558525661d00558f45?