Access To Quality Planning Document For South Dakota's Special Schools The planning process for the south dakota School for the Deaf and the south dakotaSchool for Provide resource materials to parents and local schools.
Extractions: Access to Quality Planning Document for South Dakota's Special Schools The planning process for the South Dakota School for the Deaf and the South Dakota School for the Visually Handicapped was based on the same principles which guided the development of Access to Quality for higher education. It was a participative process that included the superintendents and Board of Regents Executive Director with review and input from faculty, staff and the schools' Advisory Councils. The process began in September 1994 with a draft report to the South Dakota Board of Regents in June 1995. The document includes a chapter on the environment in which the special schools operate, as well as assumptions in a variety of areas. Assumptions were grouped into nine broad categories: Mission and Planning, Statewide, Governance, Student, Program, Staffing, Finance, Facilities and Intergovernmental Relations. In each category, statements reflect what exists or is expected to exist in the immediate future. The next section lists eleven directions which are to be pursued. The directions include: access to appropriate services, quality of programs and services, maximizing delivery statewide, creating quality teaching and learning environments, development of centers of excellence, resource management, collaborative relationships, partnerships with parents, increased public understanding of vision and hearing loss, competitive compensation for employees and maintenance of facilities and equipment. The directions are ambitious and reflect a standard of excellence. Some of the directions will require additional resources to implement and maintain. The course, however, is clear. The rate of progress may be affected by resource availability.
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