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Derry Public Library Teen Zone: School students to find homework help with language arts, math, science, social studies, Don t forget to look in our databases for help with your homework! http://www.derry.lib.nh.us/teens/school.html
Researchers At One Of Americas Most Trusted Institutions Inform Great Web Sites For homework help. With the new school year coming up, of a fifth grader s social studies report Where can I get information about the http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/columns/goodhous/aboutMaina.htm
Extractions: Great Web Sites For Homework Help With the new school year coming up, it's a good time for parents to start thinking of ways to help their children excel in classes. One suggestion: Web sites that feature answers to frequently asked questions on homework topics and sites with deep "research collections." Some of the better homework sites also provide recommended links to other sites and suggestions for further research.
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD Student Corner, homework help, College Career Links Mr. Henry Dircks, a social studies teacher at WC Mepham High School, has been selected as http://www.bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us/news/may2004.htm
Extractions: during the 2003-04 school year have been invited to attend. STAFF ACCOMPLISHMENTS: STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Search the Web Yahoo AltaVista HotBot Excite ... Google Comments about this site can be sent to the webmaster This site was created by Ellen Johanson , Library Media Specialist, Calhoun High School, Merrick, NY
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD Student Corner, homework help, College Career Links Links for Parents and Community Members studies Mepham; Lynette Mitrey, gen. Spec. http://www.bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us/news/may2003.htm
Mid Hudson Library System - Lifelines - World War II Mid Hudson Library System. homework resources for parents and librarians to help students in grades K4. social studies - World War II http://lifelines.midhudson.org/lifelines2/soc-world-war-ii.html
Extractions: Homework help resources for grades 5 - 12 Arts Biographies Economics Foreign Languages ... Sports More help: Other Homework Help Sites College Search K - 4 Home 5 -12 Home ... About Lifelines Lifelines was chosen by School Library Journal as the Site of the Month in the October 2002 issue. Lifelines is a project by:
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Extractions: http://www.searchenginecolossus.com/ Top 10 Internet Search Tips Use phrase searching for multiple word phrases Use advanced searching mode whenever possible for more precise searching The Internet is case sensitive so use capital letters when they are appropriate. Use the most specific or esoteric words you can think of to describe your search. Use the command Control F or Edit (find in page) to search for a word within a long Web document Understand the difference between domains.com, .org., .gov, .edu and limit your search to the best domain. Highlight and Cut and paste to save retyping text or to move text to a new document Use + to require a word in your search or to eliminate a word from your search Change the word order or try new words if your search doesnt bring you the desired results Ask a librarian for help/Use Subject Guides from CofC Library homepage General Search Engines Google
ENC Portal - Browse Resources homework help, reference sites, many valuable student resources. FH Math, Science, Language Arts, social studies, Arts, Computers, PE / HealthFH http://portal.dep.anl.gov/SPT--BrowseResources.php?ParentId=190&StartingResource
Homework Center - Vigo County Public Library For Math, Science, social studies, English, Essay Writing Standardized Tests. Useful Geography Sites Math Science homework help @ VCPL http://www.vigo.lib.in.us/yp/homework/homework.htm
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Vindex - Zoekresultaten Voor Hundreds of links to history, social studies, and education sites on the Web. features activities, homework help, and background on major events. http://www.vindex.nl/dmoz.jspx?topic_id=Top/Society/History/Education
Brandywine Battlefield: 2004 Write To Us Archives Teen in need of middle school level homework help 1129-2004 i think it is good to learn about are past relitives in social studies! http://www.ushistory.org/brandywine/write_2004.htm
Extractions: anonymous My great grandfather seven times removed, Asa Thomas, fought at the Battle of the Brandywine under the command of Gen. John Armstrong. He was a Bucks-Associator, from Hilltown, Bucks County Pa., 7th Co.,3rd Batt.,Penna. Militia Div., 1st Penna. Brigade,Brig. Gen. James Potter, Bucks Reg.-Maj. John Folwell. Stationed at Gibsons Ford (now called Wilson Run).
Valley Forge Guest Book Archives: 2003 What a great social studies report website! Hi to Mr. Aronis! Cate 1117-2003 This is da best homework help site, eva! And remember, ALL girls, (Yes, http://www.ushistory.org/valleyforge/writeusarc2003a.html
YOUR LETTERS/FEEDBACK I m pleased to announce that homework help on the Internet will be I thought social studies was my least favorite subject but know it is interesting. http://www.americanrevwar.homestead.com/files/LETTERS.HTM
Extractions: I thought that I would share with you some of the e-mails I've received. If you know any answers to some of the inquiries, please e-mail me with your answers and I'll post them here. I just wanted to send an e-mail to tell you that I really like you web page and that it has a lot of good information. I have been trying to find out how many people died in the American Revoloution. Specifically: American Soldiers, British soldiers (including Hessians and colonial loyalists) and lastly, civilians. If you know the answers to these questions could you let me know? I have seen some great web pages today on that war but none have any of the above facts listed.
Kids And Teens School Time - Submission.it Features kids news, science, reading, math and social studies resources, studies Made Easy Offers homework help, math tricks, science news, http://www.submission.it/odp/pagedir_Top--Kids_and_Teens--School_Time.html
The Children's School - Students - Student Virtual Library Useful Links social studies Useful Links Language Arts Search Engines Resources homework help Teachers Parents Fun Stuff. Useful Links PreReaders http://www.thechildrensschool.com/students/library.shtml
Powell Finally Passes UN Resolution After Tenth Try on a social studies project. Jeez, what a mistake asking him for help. Powell said nothing quite so dramatic occurred in his homework session with http://www.freepressed.com/unhomework.htm
Extractions: Colin Powell takes notes while Bush dictates what he thinks the UN resolution should say. New York After repeated attempts to receive United Nations backing for the US occupation and rebuilding of Iraq, Secretary of State Colin Powell finally got his draft resolution to the UN passed. It took a lot of late nights and some last minute crammming, but the important thing is we passed, Powell said. "I also appreciate all of the President's help in knocking out the final version."
Iraq Museum International: Museum Directory General History Sources/Sites Part of the History/social studies Web Site for K-12 features activities, homework help, and background on major events. http://www.baghdadmuseum.org/dir/index.php?c=/Society/History/Education/
Library Links Databases for Alaskans, Live homework help, Teen Express, News Weather and Notable Trade Books for Young People National Council for social studies http://www.asdk12.org/schools/dimond/pages/library/4.htm
Extractions: Dimond Library - Info Lair for Lynx Learners. Library Links WebCat Catalog for Anchorage School District libraries. Enter DM as User ID for Dimond or ASD for entire district collection. Anchorage Municipal Libraries includes the catalogs for AML as well as the UAA/APU Consortium Library and ARLIS. A library card number allows access to Newsbank and Anchorage Daily News Archives. Statewide Library Electronic Doorway Alaskas Virtual Library and Digital Archives is the best collection of Alaska stuff around. Easy to use, SLED has most of what a student or teacher might want in Alaska- and Anchorage-related sites, as well as general help. UAA/APU Consortium Library Joint catalog with Anchorage Municipal Libraries, this site gives more information about the Consortium Library, branch access, journals, other resources unique to the campus site. ARLIS The result was a premier and award-winning information source of Alaska natural and cultural resources. ARLIS is located on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus in the Consortium Library building. Its catalog is jointly available with Anchorage Municipal Libraries and UAA/APU Consortium catalogs.
Gen-ref BJ Pinchbeck s homework Helper This site has more links to more sources on more things than you can believe. ERIC Clearinghouse for social studies http://department.monm.edu/cata/McGaan/Gen-ref.HTMl
Extractions: Last updated Other Scholarly Internet Sites INFOMINE: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections http://lib-www.ucr.edu/ Internet Scout Signpost: An easy way to find quality academic sites. http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/index.html MEL (Michigan Electronic Library): http://mel.lib.mi.us AltaVista Education Search http://www.altavista.com/sites/search/edu This new page from AltaVista allows users to search for terms from within the university and college sites in AltaVista. Searches here will focus on material likely to be relevant to academic research since the sources will be found at academic sites. The Virtual Reference Desk A good place to find quick answers to questions, much like you would at the reference section of the library. Has links to information of the sort found in various dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, etc. Specialized Sites Academy for Educational Development A location for resources on a variety of educational projects on social issues including: adult literacy, disabilities, HIV, youth development, educational reforms, etc. Excellent links to other resources on similar topics (e.g. health, environmental education. International development, NGOs)
Help With Homework In this Section (homework and Study) I started a thread ELIZABETHAN HOUSES. This is for a social studies Project!! Thank you!!! http://www.livinghistory.co.uk/general/homework/xw_167.html
Extractions: Free Web Sites ... Next lindsay snow Wed Jan 30 2002 18:09:57 I need this information for a school project. PLEASE HELP gom Mon Feb 11 2002 23:53:59 I have a report on renaissance clothing 1500-1600. can you please send me some information on this topic, and updated? Thank you. angala Thu Feb 21 2002 02:43:29 i need some pictures on people and how they dresses in the 1600's, from rich class to middle class and the lowest class. thanks hjgj Sun Mar 17 2002 14:50:12 i need this for an english project, send it fast plz!!!!!! chawn Thu Mar 21 2002 04:06:59 Im doing a project on 1400's to 1600's clothing. Please help! jonny Fri Mar 22 2002 14:08:43 I'm doing a essay on the 1500-1600 i was wondering if anyone can send information on board plz help chawn Tue Apr 9 2002 23:37:16 you dummies i turned in my project a week ago Sumaira Noreen Sat Apr 27 2002 05:01:21 hi, i doing my english project please send some information about early 1500 and late 1600, about their clothing fashion, music, religion and theater.send me april 27, 2002 bye Karn butler Sun May 5 2002 17:14:48 I need to find clothing for men, woman, and children in the 1680's for a school report.