- Kitchen of Light, New Scandinavian Cooking - 2007 publication by Andras Vstad, 2007-01-01
- Cooking Scandinavian: 100 recipes from the best home cooks by Shirley & Barbara Scott O'Neil Sarvis, 1963
- The Art of Scandinavian Cooking by Nika Standen Hazelton, 1965
- Cooking Scandinavian; 100 recipes from the best home cooks by Shirley Sarvis,
- The Art of Dutch cooking\The Art of Scandinavian Cooking
- Scandinavian Cooking by Beryl Frank, 1977
- 'round the World Cooking Library Scandinavian Cooking Svory Dishes from the Four Northern Sisters: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland by Gunnevi Bonekamp, 1974-01-01
- Scandinavian Cooking by Gunnevi Bonekamp, 1974
- 'Round the World Cooking Library, Scandinavian Cooking
- Scandinavian Cooking: A Culinary Guide to Denmark Finland Norway Sweden
- Round the World Library's Scandinavian Cooking : Savory Dishes from the Four Nirthern Sister's : Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland by Gunnevi Bonekamp, 1973-01-01
- THE ART OF SCANDINAVIAN COOKING & THE ART OF DUTCH COOKING by Nika Standen & C. Countess Van Limburg Stirum Hazelton, 1965-01-01
- The Art of Scandinavian Cooking by nika hazelton, 1965
- COOKING THE SCANDINAVIAN WAY by Elna Adlerbert, 1969