Extractions: Photograph by David Cohen The Central Valley Outlaws, a boys under-17 select soccer team from the Santa Clara Valley, won the prestigious San Marino Cup in Italy. Members of the team included (front row, l-r) Andrew Levers, Preston Greene, Justin Johnson, Kris Zanotto, Dustin Cohen and Matt Wytock, and (back row, l-r) Max Podlone, Nathan Smith, Jose Flores, Dusty Brim, Ryan Carter, Reid Wilson, Paul Gurney, Nick Greene, Jason Park, Nick Murdick and coach Richard Johnson. Outlaws claim San Marino Cup Rodriguez helps Clash to Far West semi's By Dick Sparrer The band of outlaws raided Italy earlier this summer and stole the coveted San Marino Cup. But don't call out la polizia it's not what you think. This was the Central Valley Outlaws, a boys under-17 soccer team from the Santa Clara Valley, and the local soccer players took a summer trip to Europe to experience soccer at a different level. But they did more than experience the game ... they won a few in the process. The Outlaws played tournaments in Italy and Finland, and to the surprise of their Italian hosts, they won the team championship in the San Marino Cup tourney.
Extractions: Photograph by David Cohen The Central Valley Outlaws, a boys under-17 select soccer team from the Santa Clara Valley, won the prestigious San Marino Cup in Italy. Members of the team included (front row, l-r) Andrew Levers, Preston Greene, Justin Johnson, Kris Zanotto, Dustin Cohen and Matt Wytock, and (back row, l-r) Max Podlone, Nathan Smith, Jose Flores, Dusty Brim, Ryan Carter, Reid Wilson, Paul Gurney, Nick Greene, Jason Park, Nick Murdick and coach Richard Johnson. Central Valley Outlaws win big in Italy By Dick Sparrer The band of outlaws raided Italy earlier this summer and stole the coveted San Marino Cup. But don't call out la polizia it's not what you think. This was the Central Valley Outlaws, a boys under-17 soccer team from the Santa Clara Valley, and the local soccer players took a summer trip to Europe to experience soccer at a different level. But they did more than experience the game ... they won a few in the process. The Outlaws played tournaments in Italy and Finland, and to the surprise of their Italian hosts, they won the team championship in the San Marino Cup tourney. The Outlaws rolled to five wins and a tie in seven games, including an impressive 6-1 win over an Italian team in the finals.
San Marino Flag: Sticker Giant Stickers san marino Flag KEWL culture - Stickers by Sticker Giant Bumper Stickers. san marino FlagPolyester or Nylon Flag as seen above Actual 3 x 5 fabric http://www.stickergiant.com/page/sg/PROD/sanmarino35
Extractions: Match all any Conservatory to Open Oct. 7th T he Huntington's Rose Hills Foundation Con servatory for Botanical Science will add a public exhibition and interactive learning space to the existing facilities for botanical research. The new conservatory will feature four distinct "environments" created for different hands-on botanical exhibits including a Tropical Forest Rotunda, Cloud Forest, Carnivorous Plant Bog, and Field Lab. Living plant displays, water features, and interactive learning stations will invite active exploration and discovery. More... Orchids: A Natural Obsession Oct. 15, 2005 Jan. 1, 2006 This Boone Gallery exhibition of rare books and botanical art from The Huntingtons collections will take a closer look at these icons for the exotic in art, literature, and history. In conjunction with the exhibition, the Southland Orchid Show Committee will present a show and sale Oct. 21-23 in the Huntington Botanical Center. The show will feature spectacular displays, how-to lectures, and orchid plants for sale. Free with general admission.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Microstates san marino. Society and culture. About san marino, from Omniway. Government.For information on national and local political and governmental resources see http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/cwes/VL/nhp/microstates.nhp.html
Extractions: Vatican City. Society and Culture. Government. News Media. For further information check the following search engines and subject catalogues. Return to Top. Society and Culture. Government. News Media. For further information check the following search engines and subject catalogues. Liechtenstein Online.
Where Will You Dine? (Republic Of San Marino) As you know the cuisine in its essence - is a cultural matter and fact whichexpresses The culture of a country? It can also be measured at the table. http://www.todine.net/sanmarino_home.html
Extractions: Todine.net, acena.it, pizza it:) "Official Web Site" - today they represent the greatest data bank of cuisine kinds and tipologies, containing thousands of restaurants and new ones - discovered or suggested by our experts - which are added from time to time.A site on progress.... on continuous evolution, really advanced from the technological point of view, which focuses on the service, being addressed to and meant for both the cuisine fans and the catering/ restaurant professionals. As you know the cuisine - in its essence - is a cultural matter and fact which expresses itself through a multiplicity of elements.Each restaurant has got its own roots, origins, history and different culture and therefore a variety of products which change accordingly. For this reason, tuning in perfectly with Internet means, we planned to subdivide the guide according to the cuisine "genres" and kinds and according to the natural geographical location, with a basic simple graphic shape and look thanks to which we are considered absolutely unique. Analysis and selection methods to include restaurants - into "Where will you dine?" and " Dove andiamo a cena stasera?" - take into account the evaluation done by international gastronomical critics, the opinions reported on gastronomical guides ofvery great prestige and the different suggestions and mentions of new restaurants whichwe keep on receiving by our cooperators spread all around the world.
DIVISIONAL COINS 2002 The Republic of san marino will also have its own eight metallic Euro coins. eight coins displays images linked to san marino, its culture and history. http://www.aasfn.sm/2000/inglese00/numismatica00/divisionali02_en.htm
Extractions: SET OF DIVISIONAL EURO COINS 2002 For all the countries involved in the Euro changeover, the first major innovation of 2002 will be the introduction of new coins. The Republic of San Marino will also have its own eight metallic Euro coins. Even if only a limited amount of these coins will be minted according to the quota which the European Union has agreed upon, they will have purchasing power in the 12 countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Holland, Portugal, Spain) which have adopted the single currency and also in the Vatican State and in the principality of Monaco.
EuroTB The proportion varied from 0% in Iceland, Malta and san marino (all reporting In the first group, the proportion of cases confirmed by culture was 55%, http://www.eurotb.org/rapports/1995/r95-5.htm
Extractions: Surveillance of tuberculosis menu previous page Surveillance of Tuberculosis in Europe Tuberculosis cases notified in 1995 5. Characteristics of the disease Among 34 countries with information on the new or recurrent status of the cases ( Table 4 , an overall proportion of 10% of recurrent cases was reported among a total number of 226 785 cases. The proportion varied from 0% in Iceland, Malta and San Marino (all reporting less than 30 cases) to 23% in Norway (median 8%). The proportion of recurrent cases differed slightly between Group 1 and Group 2 countries. It varied from 3% to 23% in Group 1 (median 9.5%) and from 2% to 17% in Group 2 (median 8%).
DAAD - Wandel Durch Austausch - Change By Exchange Translate this page http//www.omniway.sm. Il Portale della Republica di san marino About san marino /culture, University, School etc. http//www.unirsm.sm http://www.daad.de/portrait/en/1.7_bookmarks.html?landid=85&lang=de
DAAD - Wandel Durch Austausch - Change By Exchange Translate this page Il Portale della Republica di san marino About san marino / culture, University,School etc. http//www.unirsm.sm. Universitá degli Studi di san marino http://www.daad.de/portrait/de/1.7_bookmarks.html?landid=85&lang=de
San Marino Etnofestival Translate this page san marino Etnofestival si propone da oltre sei anni di offrire un contributo La conoscenza di altre culture attraverso le emozioni e le suggestioni dei http://www.ethnosuoni.it/eventi/sanmarino04.htm
Extractions: San Marino Etnofestival si propone da oltre sei anni di offrire un contributo di conoscenza della "musica nel mondo". Un'escursione attorno al nostro pianeta alla scoperta delle molteplici espressioni in musica tramandate dall'uomo nel corso dei secoli. La conoscenza di altre culture attraverso le emozioni e le suggestioni dei canti, delle danze dei ritmi di tantissimi musicisti, costituisce un percorso musicale a forte valenza culturale. sono solo alcuni dei prestigiosi protagonisti delle passate edizioni. La rassegna musicale, patrocinata dalla Segreteria di Stato per il Turismo, con la direzione artistica di Maurizio Martinotti e Raffaello Carabini, presenta quest'anno un programma dal titolo "Viaggio nei suoni e nei ritmi. Francia - Africa andata e ritorno", dedicato alle percussioni nei paesi francofoni.
San Marino International Photomeeting La Repubblica di san marino ospita, dal 20 al 26 giugno 99, l8a edizione delsan marino Photomeeting. Ministries of Tourism and culture. ORGANIZATION http://www.omniway.sm/photomeeting/
Extractions: Associazione Sammarinese Foto Amatori COMITATO ORGANIZZATORE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Art Director Franco Fontana Art Director Direttore Tecnico Albano Sgarbi Technical Director Direttore Ufficio Turismo Antonio Macina Tourist Office Manager Ufficio Amministrazione Terzina Fabbri Administration Office Ufficio Stampa Daniela Giannini Press Office Promozione e Programmazione Gloria Licini Promotion and Preogramming Relazioni Esterne Anna Maria Rondelli Public Relations ISCRIZIONI
San Marino Government Information The judicial system of san marino is entrusted to foreign executives, In addition, the Italian Government pays san marino an annual budget subsidy http://www.traveldocs.com/sm/govern.htm
Extractions: GOVERNMENT The Arengo, initially formed with the heads of each family, relinquished its power to the Great and General Council. In 1243, the first two Captains Regent were nominated by the Council, and this method of nomination is still in use today. The Council is composed of 60 members who are elected every 5 years under a proportional representation system in all nine administrative districts. These districts (Townships) correspond to the old parishes of the Republic, and each one is ruled by a Council, which is chaired by a Captain elected every 5 years. The Great and General Council approves the budget, as well as the nominations of Captains Regent and heads of the Executive. Every 6 months, the Council elects two Captains Regent to be the heads of state. The Regents are chosen from opposing parties so they can keep an eye on each other. They serve a 6-month term. The investiture of the Captains Regent takes place on April 1 and October 1 in every year. Once this term is over, citizens have 3 days in which to file complaints about the previous Regents' activities. If they warrant it, judicial proceedings against the former head(s) of state can be initiated.
San Marino (08/05) Flag of san marino is two equal horizontal bands of white (top) and light The population of san marino is comprised of native Sammarinese and Italian http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5387.htm
San Marino Television broadcast stations 1 (san marino residents also receive broadcastsfrom Italy) san marino Republic of san marino (Countries of the World) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107939.html
Extractions: World Countries Infoplease Atlas: San Marino Republic of San Marino National name: Repubblica di San Marino Captains Regent: Fausta Simona Morganti and Cesare Antonio Gasperoni (2005) Area: 24 sq mi (61.2 sq km) Population (2005 est.): 28,880 (growth rate: 1.3%); birth rate: 10.2/1000; infant mortality rate: 5.7/1000; life expectancy: 81.6; density per sq mi: 1,222 Capital (2003 est.): San Marino, 4,300 Largest city: Serravalle, 8,700 Monetary unit: Euro Language: Italian Ethnicity/race: Sammarinese, Italian Religion: Roman Catholic Literacy rate: 96% (1976 est.)
San Marino Weather, San Marino san marino Weather Resources social, cultural, and humanitarian problemsand in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; http://creekin.net/k17541-n159-san-marino-weather-san-marino.html
Extractions: Title: Background Note: United NationsPASource: Office of Public Communication, Bureau of Public AffairsDescription: Historical, Political and Economic Overviews of the Countries of the WorldDate: Oct, 15 199210/15/92Category: Country DataRegion: Whole WorldCountry: Ashmore and Cartier IslandsSubject: Travel, Human Rights, Arms Control, Security Assistance and Sales, History, International Organizations, Trade/Economics, Military Affairs, Cultural Exchange[TEXT]Official Name: United ... [ Read More U.S Department of State Background Notes: United Nations, October 1995 Bureau of Public Affairs BACKGROUND NOTES: UNITED NATIONS October 1995 Official Name: United Nations PROFILE Established: By charter signed in San Francisco, California, on June 26, 1945; effective October 24, 1945. Purposes: To maintain international peace and security; to achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these common ends. Members: 185. Official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish. Principal organs: General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, Secretariat. Budget (Calendar year 1995): $12.8 billion (U.S. share $2.8 billion). Components: UN regular assessed budget$1.3 billion ... [
San Marino Travel Guide @ TravelNotes.org san marino Travel Notes Camel trains and indigenous people will not be foundon the road to san marino. Most holidaymakers make the trip up from Rimini http://www.travelnotes.org/Europe/san_marino.htm
Extractions: Directory of newspapers and news sources from around the world. The Most Serene Republic of San Marino The Most Serene Republic of San Marino boasts an association with some of the leading characters in the play of history: Napoleon offered gifts and friendship to San Marino, in 1797, and expressed the wish to extend its territorial boundaries. There might have been no San Marino today, if the humble people of the free city had not rejected the grandiose plans of the little Frenchman. A better man by far was Abraham Lincoln. In a letter to the Captain's Regent in 1861, he showed his friendship and sympathy for the people of San Marin by saying:
Right Map of san marino, san marino in Europe. Coat of Arms. Capital san marino;Area 60 sq km; Population 25, 061 (July 1999 estimated); Currency Italian http://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/nvaget/eurst/europe/sanmarino/right.htm
Extractions: Pictures from San Marino Links: Central Bank of San Marino (Istituto di Credito Sammarinese) City of San Marino Alleanza Popolare Per Internet - informations about country, regional politics, culture, science and law Informazioni, cultura, politica, societa e un pizzico di ironia per tutto cio che riguarda la Repubblica di San Marino. Info San Marino Republic of San Marino - introduction to the Republic of San Marino: its monuments, history, and culture.
San Marino 2004 - Concert And Event Reviews - Salsa Power! Gathered in san marino, the worlds oldest Republic and renowned for its spirit of The Community Cultural Movement of the Amigos del Danzón y el Son in http://www.salsapower.com/concerts/sanmarino.htm
Extractions: Cuba wins the First Amateur World Championship for Salsa Casino and the World Cup in San Marino, February 26-29, 2004 By: Member of UNEAC, Project Artist and Local Correspondent for SalsaPower.com in Santiago de Cuba Translated to English by: Co-Founder, www.salsapower.com Cuba gana el Campeonato Mundial en el Primer Campeonato Mundial Amateur de Salsa Casino y la Copa Mundial, en San Marino, 26-29 de febrero del 2004. Por , Miembro de la UNEAC, artista del Proyecto y Corresponsal Local de SalsaPower.com en Santiago de Cuba Socia-Fundadora, www.salsapower.com English The Cubans made off with 7 (seven) World Cups in the First World Amateur Salsa Casino Championship , held on February 26, 27, 28 and 29, 2004 in the Azzurro Convention Center in San Marino. Our national hymn was played twice for these multiple champions as the prizes were awarded as follows for the World Cup and the World Championship: Cuba World Cup Champion for the Best Cuban Salsa Casino Dance Show (Show Dance) for the Rueda de Casino "Desde la Cuna del Son y el Bolero"