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         Russian Mythology:     more books (128)
  1. Three Russian Lyric Folk Song Meters by James Bailey, 1993-06-01
  2. SUPERSTITIOUS MUSE: Mythopoetic Thinking and Russian Literature (Studies in Russian and Slavic Literatures, Cultures and History) by David Bethea, 2009-09-30
  3. Politicizing Magic: An Anthology of Russian and Soviet Fairy Tales
  4. Ivan the Fool(Vol.41 of the GLAS Series): Russian Folk Belief by Andrei Sinyavsky, 2007-02-28
  5. The Songs of the Russian People, as Illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and Russian Social Life by William R. Shedden Ralston, 1872-01-01
  6. Mifologiia i Religiia v Rossiiskom Soznanii: Methodologicheskie Voprosy Issledovaniia [Mythology and religion in the Russian mind: Methodological issues] by M.Iu Smirnov, 2000
  7. Muzyka i Muzykal'naia Mifologiia v Tvorchestve Russkikh Poetov: Pervye Desiatiletiia Dvadtsatogo Veka [Music and musical mythology in works of Russian poets: The first decades of the twentieth century] by L.L Gerver, 2001
  8. The Vayu Purana V2, Fasciculus 1-6: A System Of Hindu Mythology And Tradition (1881) (Russian Edition) by Rakemdralala Mitra, 2010-09-10
  9. Russian Gypsy Tales (International Folk Tales Series) by Y. Druts, A. Gessler, 1998-03
  10. Russian Wondertales: Tales of Heroes and Villians (Complete Russian Folktale) (v. 3)
  11. An Anthology of Russian Folk Epics (Folklores and Folk Cultures of Eastern Europe)
  12. Glas 6: Jews and Strangers (New Russian Writing, Vol 6) by Natasha Perova, 1997-03-25
  13. Russian Mythologies (Russian Edition) by Yuri Duzhnikov, 1995
  14. Slavianskaia mifologiia: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar (Russian Edition)

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