NIU P-20 -- Pre-School To Graduate School mathematics Partner Project Rochelle Schools - COE collaboration to enhance Recruitment and Retention of Science and math Teachers COE initiative
Extractions: Navigation Content NIU has a long-standing tradition of working in partnership with schools in the Northern Illinois region. Formal partnership activities exist in several of the colleges. Activities associated with partnerships are wide ranging in diversity and scope. The focus of a partnership may be the K-12 curriculum, preservice teacher education, inservice teacher education, field-based research, or a combination of these. A partnership provides the vehicle for schools and universities to restructure inservice and/or preservice education, K-12 curriculum, school and university curriculum and course delivery, or research and evolution of curricular projects or school activities as a whole. Each partnership emerges in different ways and focuses on different aspects of teacher education. As a result, the school-university partnerships are unique, sharing common goals of improving teaching and learning in both the P-12 schools and the university. College of Education School-University Partnership Office While each partnership agreement is unique, common components in the partnerships include: extended clinical placements for NIU students, (2) classroom teachers as clinical supervisors, (3) mentoring for pre-service teachers, (4) a mentor program or teacher induction program for first year teachers, (5) integrated curriculum and curriculum development, (6) infusion of technology, (7) professional development for staff, (8) immersion experiences, (9) teaching inquiry projects, (10) bilingual opportunities, and (11) service learning and diverse learning experiences.
Effective Instructional Practices Programs Description 9-17 The C. Fred Johnson Middle School has implemented a collaborative Teachers arescheduled for a common preparation period to discuss lesson plans and
Extractions: C. Fred Johnson Middle School, Johnson City Central Schools, Johnson City, N.Y. Contact: Arthur Chambers, Director of Education at (607) 763-1224 or by e-mail at or Larry R. Allen, Middle School Principal at (607) 763-1240 or by e-mail at First/Second Grade Partnership Program Mahopac Central School District, Austin Road Elementary School, Mahopac, NY The Austin Road Elementary School offers a first/second grade partnership program that enables students to meet high academic standards. The multi-age individualized inclusion class allows every student the opportunity to learn, create, and explore as they develop his/her strengths at an individual pace. Students with disabilities receive modified instruction that is tailored to their specific and individual needs. Students work individually, in pairs and in small groups. The curriculum is designed to integrate all subject areas by theme using a variety of modalities. Contact: Penny Wieser at (845) 628-1346 Elementary School Inclusion Practices