Bartlett Independent School District collaborative Lesson Archive This site includes collaborative science and math Cooperative Learning lessons math math lesson plans in the following
Mathematics Archives - K12 Internet Sites PI Mathematics PI Mathematics, a collaborative project, The lessons integratemath, science, geography, and language arts in the process of teaching
Extractions: K-12 Teaching Materials The following are Internet sites which contain significant collections of materials which can be used in the teaching of mathematics at the K-12 level. We have organized these materials into the following categories: Lesson Plans Columbia Education Center Mathematics Lesson Plans Explorer The Explorer is part of the Unified Network Informatics Technology for Education (UNITE) efforts at the University of Kansas. The Explorer is part of a research and development effort to establish an on time and user friendly means of delivering a full range of information resources to educators and students. This site includes information on software, lab materials, lesson plans, video tapes, etc. for the teaching of mathematics at the k-12 grade levels. Lesson Plans for the Graphing Calculator Lesson Plans using Geometer's Sketchpad Math Activities for K-12 Teachers In December, 1997, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center funded Dan Biezad, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and Robin Ward, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, both of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, to develop materials for K-12 teachers based on aeronautical themes and NASA projects. One major goal of this project was to make the learning of mathematics more engaging and realistic for students, by using real-world applications. - The Filipino Global Community Cosmic math made easy from preschool to high school A POINT OF AWARENESS ByPreciosa S. Geometry lessons were on the study of two lines forming ANGLES.
Portage Montessori School - North Canton, Ohio Portage collaborative Montessori School is a cooperative effort of staff, parents,and students During the morning work cycle, math lessons are given.
Extractions: What makes the school different? On the surface, PCMS is different because the children remain with one teacher for three years in a mixed age class, and that teacher teaches all subjects except gym. The children spend most of their time working in small cooperative groups, mastering the curriculum. There are many more hands-on materials in the classroom than you might find elsewhere, and the children have free access to them on the shelves. Looking deeper, it is different because the main emphasis is on the social development of the child. The primary goal is for the child to become an independent learner who treats others with kindness and who acts responsibly in all situations. Is this school just for special students? No, this is a public school open to all students. Average students do just fine. Gifted learners do very well, as they can zoom ahead. Students with mild learning problems usually do well, as we are able to make some accommodations for their needs and provide some special education services. Self-control, self-motivation, and an ability to filter out distractions ARE necessary for success here, as the children are working in small groups most of the day, and are free to talk and move about the room as they work.
Extractions: A to Z Teacher Stuff searchable database of lesson plans and ideas organized by grade level. Academy Curriculum Exchange offers an archive of lesson plans organized by grade level and subject. Bits of Braille lesson plan for fourth through sixth grades utilizing the braille alphabet and information on Helen Keller. Cable in the Classroom public service effort to provide a free cable connection and commercial-free educational programming to schools across the country. Cemetery Studies offers lesson plans for a field trip to the local cemetery. Incorporates language arts, math, science, and history. China: Dim Sum: A Connection to Chinese-American Culture a thematic, cross curricula, integrated resource for elementary classrooms which enhances awareness and understanding of Chinese-American culture while building basic academic skills. Collaborative Lesson Archive lessons sorted by grade level. CEARCH Virtual Schoolhouse collection of links to K-12 Internet resources. Classroom Connect extensive service for K-12 teachers, parents, and students.
NCSM 2005 Conference -- Strand 2 FAMILY math for Young Children mathematics Teaching and Learning in preschool Ellen Lee, mathematics Education collaborative (MEC), Ferndale, WA
Extractions: * * * INFORMATION ACCURATE AS OF 2/18/05 SUBJECT TO CHANGE* * * Conference Overview Registration Hotel Information 2005 Sponsors ... Special Interest Sessions Sessions by Strand Monday Sessions Tuesday Sessions Wednesday Sessions All Sessions ... Strand 1 Strand 2 Strand 3 Strand 4 Strand 5 Strand 6 ... Strand 7 Strand 2. Mathematics Gallery a collection of outreach strategies and materials "Render" your conference complete with this collection of outreach strategies and materials. What are the messages we need to share with all constituencies including colleagues, parents, local organizations, business and industry, the media, and government officials and how do we get that message out? How do we garner and sustain support from our constituency? How do we develop advocacy? How do we deal with the public perception on high stakes testing? (Download Strand 2 sessions in Adobe Acrobat) Strand 2 Monday, April 4, 2005 Session Time Session Title Description Speakers Session Type Audience Room Partnerships to Enhance Middle School Educator Training in Rural Minnesota This session will share the methods, experiences and initial results of a partnership grant involving higher education, rural schools and an educational service cooperative. The program includes summer inservice in geometry and data analysis using powerful dynamic software tools and school-year follow-up using NCTM's Navigations materials.
Cm_calloway_presch_math Calloway County Schools shared their preschool math curriculum map and the teams within Calloway County preschool and expanded these collaborative Resources/Curriculum Documents and
Extractions: Preschool Mathematics Beginning in the 2003-2004 school year, the Calloway County Preschool teachers began conducting a standards audit at the end of the first semester and again at the end of the school year to document the presentation of the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards (KECS). An extension of this initiative led to the development of curriculum maps to ensure that all of our students were systematically exposed to each of the KECS during the school year. The curriculum maps were developed during a professional development training in January of 2005. The progressive stages of developing the maps began with viewing examples of other preschool curriculum maps.
Extractions: How Parents Can Help Their Child be Ready for School (click here) OAK VIEW STATE PRESCHOOL OAK VIEW EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER The Oak View Education Resource Center is located on the Oak View Preschool campus is a collaborative effort of the District, Huntington Beach Adult School, First 5 California, Orange County Children and Families Commission and Even Start Family Literacy Program and serves as a model for integrated education services. This multi-funded Center includes four preschool classrooms, two adult education classrooms, one computer lab, two babysitting/child care rooms, an Even Start Parent Resource Room and one administrative building. Also on the campus are a preschool play yard and a "tot lot". The Huntington Beach Union High School Adult School provides English as a Second Language (ESL) classes through their Community Based English Tutoring (CBET) program. English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are taught with parenting skills and the United States education system forming the basis of much of the curriculum. Adults are trained in ways to enhance the literacy skills of their own children and other Oak View students. Adult students read regularly with Oak View Preschool students. Computer, math and parenting classes are also offered at the Center. The computer lab is used by adult students to increase their awareness of technology, learn to use the internet, practice English skills, and work on academic skills. Adult classes are offered during morning, afternoon and evening hours.
Activities preschool6. A+ math All types of Java Games for all grade levels. There areonline lessons, offline lessons to download (you need to load a special
Extractions: Online Activities Activities are going on in the classroom all the time. Creating activities is a main strategy for classroom teachers to integrate the Web with their student's learning. Here are some sites to find online activities. Geography General Activities History Language Arts ... Typing Internet Treasure Hunts CyberBee Treasure Hunts Cybersurfari : The Internet Treasure Hunt. Black History, Past to Present (A treasure hunt) Tracking Alexis de Tecqueville Interactive Educational Activities for the Classroom Science/Math Who Wants to Win $1,000,000: This is a math and science game based on the TV show with a very similar name. Question topics include physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and geometry. Batter's Up Baseball: This site requires students to correctly answer Math problems in order to advance runners around the bases and score runs. You will need to Flash plugin to play this game. Science Education at Jefferson Lab : General emphasis on Math/Science for all grade levels.
Extractions: The following Internet sites present exemplary K-12 lesson plans for a variety of disciplines. The Access Excellence Collection - biology and life science lesson plans. American Memory Learning PageLessons - lesson plans designed to integrate primary sources from the Internet into an American History curriculum. Collaborative Lesson Archive - preschool to undergraduate lesson plans organized by grade level and subject area. Discovery Channel School Lesson Plans Library - comprehensive and organized lesson plans that are grade-specific and content-specific; each lesson includes an overview, vocabulary, questions, Internet links, and activities. Education Place - K-12 lesson plans organized by subject area and grade level, with the unique feature of searching for integrated lesson plans of various subject areas. Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plans - K-12 lesson plans according to subject area. Exploring the Environment - earth science modules and activities using environmental issues to promote problem-based learning and technology in the classroom. Foreign Language Lesson Plans and Resources - designed specifically to assist foreign language teachers to find lesson plans on the Internet.
Mathematics Archives - K12 Internet Sites PI mathematics PI mathematics, a collaborative project, using the concept This unit is divided into six lessons. The lessons integrate math, science,
Extractions: This file is a local (C. U. at Boulder) copy, dated 14 May, of the archival file at The following are Internet sites which contain significant collections of materials which can be used in the teaching of mathematics at the K-12 level. We have organized these materials into the following categories: The Academy One Curriculum Exchange The Curriculum Exchange is an area where teachers can deposit their favorite lesson plans and teachers, parents, and students can get what they want. The original group of lesson plans came from the Columbia Education Center's Summer Workshops. The lessons plans for mathematics are organized into Elementary (K-5) Intermediate (6-8) and High School (9-12) Allegheny Schools Parntership - Lesson Plans AskERIC - Lesson Plans Big Sky Telegraph Math Lesson Plans ... Explorer The Explorer is part of the Unified Network Informatics Technology for Education (UNITE) efforts at the University of Kansas. The Explorer is part of a research and development effort to establish an on time and user friendly means of delivering a full range of information resources to educators and students. This site includes information on software, lab materials, lesson plans, video tapes, etc. for the teaching of mathematics at the k-12 grade levels. Lessons Plans in High School Mathematics by Susan Boone Lesson plans using statistics and the Internet With all the data currently on the Internet, the Office for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education felt it would be beneficial to have lesson resources for teachers who would like to involve statistics and the Internet in their classroom. This document
Collaborative For Children A Dream of preschool for ALL New York Times via Arizona Republic marked longtermgains in math and reading for elementary and junior high students.
Extractions: Helping Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Collaborative for Children is working to identify infant, toddler and preschool programs that might be able to accommodate additional children who are displaced from their homes and in need of short term care. As we watch continuing coverage of Hurricane Katrina and the related flooding, it is important to remember that young children may be especially affected by disasters. Families and others who care for young children need to provide comfort, reassurance, and stability. For more information on helping young children after a disaster, click here For information on finding childcare, call 2-1-1 or 713-600-1234. Collaborative for Children also provides answers to parenting questions and other resources. Call our parenting information line at 713-464-0800. For help and resources, call 2-1-1 Texas United Way HELPLINE number ( 2-1-1 or 713-957-HELP) or go to PROVIDERS: If you are a provider who is willing to work with children of hurricane evacuees, call Collaborative for Children at 713-600-1312. Download Waiver for Shot Records Child care centers and public schools that provide emergency provisional enrollment for victims of Hurricane Katrina can receive a waiver for shot records. Learn more about the policy
Math The Awesome Library contains a collection of hundreds of math lesson plans for collaborative Lesson Archive (CLA). Bill and Dee Chapman s collaborative
Extractions: Lesson Plans Applications Board Games Organizations's Secondary School Lesson Plans. provides a collection of lesson plan sites for teaching math in grades 7-12. Academy Curriculum Exchange (K-5). The Academy Curriculum Exchange offers 32 mini-lesson plans covering various math topics at the elementary school level. Academy Curriculum Exchange (6-8). The Academy Curriculum Exchange offers 13 mini-lesson plans covering various math topics at the middle school level. Academy Curriculum Exchange (9-12). The Academy Curriculum Exchange offers 8 mini-lesson plans covering various math topics at the high school level. Activity Search from Houghton Mifflin. Activity Search from Houghton Mifflin features a curriculum database where the K-8 teachers can search for math lesson plans/activities by grade level. Algebra Online Lesson Plans. Rice University and the Houston School District provides beginning algebra lesson plans developed by teachers. ALI Featured Cuuriculum Resources. The Apple Learning Interchange (ALI) provides a library of computer and online lesson plans for the elementary middle , and secondary schools. At each level, you'll find plans for mathematics.
Curriculum And Lesson Plans collaborative Lesson Archive University of Illinois English, math,Science Grades PreSchool, 1-6. Good Company Players Government 101
Lesson Plans And Links By Subject The Perpetual preschool Click on themes and find hundreds of great collaborative Unit Archive- Themes and collaborative units are organized by grade
Extractions: Lesson Plans Primary and Younger Students K-12 Lesson Plan Collections Elementary and Middle School Theme Related Unit Projects S taff Dev. Lessons Links Teach Res ... Web Eval Primary and Younger Students Pre-School Teacher - Here is a super resource containing cross-curricular concepts and lessons for the month. Find tips and suggestions for teacher prep, organization, management, and more from this teacher. This is very impressive and one of the best resources around!! The Perpetual Preschool - Click on themes and find hundreds of great teacher-submitted lessons across the curriculum, organized by themes. Find some great teaching tips here, too. Kindergarten Resources- Explore this exemplary collection of web resources, lesson plans, themes, center ideas and more which complement the Kindergarten curriculum. - Here is a colorful, fun site for kindergarten through primary aged students. It's full of lessons and activities organized by subject. A to Z Kidstuff- Here are lots of activities and lessons for younger kids, organized by grade levels Pre-K -Primary and subject/concept area. The World of Kindergartens - Click on a letter and find numerous alphabetically listed topics, each with appropriate books, websites, poems, and activities. This is a very large and complete resource.
Lesson Plan Sites For K-12 Teachers references, tools); collaborative Lesson Archive from PreK to Grade 12 Teddy Bear Magic Cards A math magic trick that includes a lesson and
Extractions: Planning Templates Task Card (5x8) Task card (full sheet) Assessment Planning Web-based Lesson or Activity ... Multilinks Cool Teaching Lessons and Units - designed as a resource for teachers K-12 who wish to find quality ready-made units and lessons for all subjects, or who wish to develop their own units Beacon Learning Center - Audio interactive lessons for all subjects.
Math And Young Children Earliest Steps Can Play a Role in How Well Preschoolers Learn math, 35 years collaborative Lesson Archive, 0-8 years. Learning Numbers Through Play
Extractions: The sites marked with an asterisk ( *) have NOT been BOBBY approved. What We Know Age Level: Early Childhood: Where Learning Begins, Mathematics 2-5 years Great Beginnings, Early Math Development 2-6 years Earliest Steps Can Play a Role in How Well Preschoolers Learn Math 3-5 years Numeracy Development 3-5 years Math, Science and Girls: Can We Close the Gender Gap? 3-6 years Children's Literature in Mathematics Instruction 3-8 years Math Standards for Pre-K through Grade 2 3-8 years Math and the Myth of 1,2,3 3-8 years Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics 3-10 years Adding it Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics 3-13 years Before It's Too Late: A Report to the Nation from The National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century 3-18 years 5-7 years Computer-Assisted Instruction and Mathematics 5-10 years Literature-Based Mathematics in Elementary School 5-11 years Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics: Part 1 Research Findings 5-11 years Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics: Part 2 Recommendations for the Classroom 5-11 years
Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans collaborative LESSON ARCHIVE http// lessons on a Lesson plans and links to lesson plans organized by subject and grade
Extractions: Teaching Practices Lesson Planning Lesson Plan Collections Below are links to other lesson plan collections, as well as listings of subject specific collections. Dont forget to search ProTeacher! For tips on how to search ProTeachers huge and growing listings of individual lesson plans, click here! Language Arts Lesson Plan Book Can you have a "key" for your state learning standards? That way you can have that in the front of your lesson plan book and just reference each lesson with the number of the standard, off to the side. It wont take up much room that way. As far as the blocks, I would just put the individual subjects and notate any restroom breaks on... source lesson plans Do you have to use the big, blue plan book? If you dont have to, I suggest that you try something else. When I used the blue plan book, I made a template on the computer and stapled it into the blue book. It was much easier than writing the same schedule and routine week after week. There are some things in your plan book that will not change like ...