Miscellaneous Educational Resources & Lesson Plans collaborative Lesson Archive preschool Undergraduate Columbia EducationCenter s Mini Lesson Language Arts, math, Miscellaneous, Science, http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/links/resources.html
Subject Resources This site replaces the former collaborative Lesson Archive. language arts,math, visual arts, and music and are for preschool through eighth grade. http://www.libraries.uc.edu/libraries/crc03/multi_teachact.html
Lesson Plans, Projects, Activities offers lessons and appetizers for math, critical thinking, and learning in collection of lesson plans, multidisciplinary units, and collaborative http://www.monroe.k12.la.us/mcs/hot_list/professional/lesson_plans.html
Jhoke.htm collaborative Lesson Archive Teachers can submit and share thematic teaching geography and geology, math, music, preschool, science and engineering, http://www-ma.beth.k12.pa.us/jhoke/TEACHERS.HTM
Extractions: A to Z Teacher Stuff Provides links for finding lesson ideas. Links are organized by theme for thematic unit resources, by author for book activities, and by topic. There are also links to sources for discounted professional educational resources. B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper Teacher's Corner Contains many links to sites providing lesson plans for English, math, science, history, social studies, and more. Classroom Connect Resource Station provides web-linked activities, internet projects, and internet-enhanced lessons math, science, social studies, and language arts for grades K-12. Features articles from the Classroom Connect newsletter about using the internet as a teaching resource. Collaborative Lesson Archive Teachers can submit and share thematic teaching units and lesson plans at any school level- preschool through undergraduate. Visitors are able to search the lesson archive by subject, title, or grade level. Cyber Exchange Cyber Exchange for Educators focuses on language arts curriculum. Lesson plans, internet projects, and power point presentations are available for grades 1-5.
1999-2000 Collaborative Work With Public Schools Sharing the Gift Creating and Outdoor Environment for preschool and Kindergarten Demonstration lessons for 3rd and 4th grade mathematics teachers. http://education.astate.edu/education/Collaborative/1999-2000.htm
Extractions: College of Education Dr. John Beineke, Dean Albright, Cindy held a bowling and athletics Special Olympics Sports Training Clinic for special education teachers, parents and volunteers from Harrisburg, Westside, Nettleton and Jonesboro Public schools. Jonesboro, AR., September 23, 1999. Albright, Cindy coached Special Olympics athletes in swimming. Athletes were from Westside Elementary School, Nettleton High School, Batesville High School. every Thursday. Jonesboro, AR., Feb-May 2000. presented a one-day Elementary Workshop for teachers in the Little Rock Public School District. Little Rock, AR., March 3, 2000. Anderson, Robin worked with 7th grade geography students at Greene County Tech Jr. High as they studied the Amazon River Basin. Bacot, Nancy . Member of Site-Based Management Committee. Jonesboro Kindergarten Center, Jonesboro School District, 1999-2000. Bacot, Nancy.
Secondary Education Resources-Math: General Resources math TopicThis site gives links with lessons and ideas for many different math Websiteshelps children in math from preschool through age fourteen http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/secedmathGen.html
Extractions: Earth Awareness Enrichment Program a traveling interactive K-12 enrichment program featuring the Earth Balloon, a 22' model of the earth that students enter to learn about the changing earth. Students learn about rain forests, the ring of fire, the solar system, plate tectonics, scale, seasons, timezones and more.
Collaborative Leadership: Lessons For The Future a fullday, year round preschool program that is preparing children ages twoto five Again, reflecting upon lessons to be learned for collaborative http://www.cargill.com/news/media/031009staley.htm
Extractions: @import "http://www.cargill.com/_css/dotcom_css_layout.css"; News Releases Cargill In The News Current Issues Media Tools Collaborative Leadership: Lessons for the Future , October 9, 2003 Warren R. Staley - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cargill, Inc. So, I understood why those who invited me to speak thought leadership would be an interesting topic. As the head of a large and successful global business, I have firm beliefs about the leadership traits I need to bring to my work as CEO at Cargill, and I think they can apply to other institutions and organizations as well: Managing Change at Cargill Cargill began nearly 140 years ago as a country elevator, sort of your classic local business. Over time, we followed midwestern grain into national markets on the coasts and then on to international markets. We also followed grain up the value-added food chain. So, by the mid 1990s, we were a global agrifood company, spanning much of the food chain and with even a few non-food sectors, like steel, deicing salt and financial markets. Though we had matured dramatically from our roots in grain trading, the world around us was changing at an accelerating pace. We found ourselves largely a transactional commodities company operating in an increasingly knowledge-based, value-demanding, customer-oriented marketplace. In 1997 a Cargill senior management team was asked to review our strategy.
MATH LINKS CIESE Online Classroom Projects collaborative, Internetbased projects The Lesson Plans Page Lots of printable math lessons, organized by grade level. http://www.col-ed.org/smcnws/msres/mathlinks.html
Extractions: Best Practices in Education Learn what works for schools in other countries and adapt it to your own lessons. Big Sky Math Lessons Blue Web'n Applications Library An easy-to-use, searchable database of K-12 lesson plans, activities, projects, and other resource links. Each link includes a concise review and a star rating.
Lesson Plan Sites collaborative Lesson Archive Great! Divided by Grade level, K-12, and subject . math Science lessons K12 Lesson Plans - Linked from Los Angeles http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listtlglessme.html
Extractions: Cleveland City Schools Introduction You COULD look for books or magazines to find out about TLG Lesson Plans, but why not use the power of the Internet instead? The links below will get you started. Gander Academy's Language Arts Resources on the World Wide Web Gander Academy's Theme-Related Resources on the World Wide Web General Curriculum Links Education World ... West Elementary Internet Projects - Then click on ONLY the activities that indicate a LESSON PLAN is included. All of these activities are great, but you will get bogged down exploring. Just bookmark and come back to this location later to explore on your own. Great links! Teacher Zone - Click on LESSON PLANS from the menu on the left side of the window. The Teacher's Resource Room - Scroll down and follow lesson plan links. The Learning Space - Click on Research Lessons Library. Teaching and Learning With Technology North Carolina Lesson Plans - Tried 'n True was a project in which North Carolina Teachers wrote model lesson plans tied to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and the New ABCs of Education. These lesson plans were designed to be models to help other teachers get ideas on integrating the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. These lessons are now accessible as part of the following collections or through the grade level links below. The Treasure Zone Resources Teacher Link - Scroll down to Lesson Plans.
Lessons Learned From FIPSE Projects III Firstyear college students take science and math courses along with masterlearners, collaborative learning, using student study groups, induces most http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/fipse/lessons3/
Extractions: Take our online survey Overview Contacts Offices ED Structure Offices Initiatives Publications ... Jobs Select a Topic Accountability Accreditation Arts Choice Charter Schools Early Childhood FAFSA Faith-Based Find a School High Schools History International Ed Math Reading Safe Schools Science Suppl Services Teacher Quality Technology Advanced Search About ED Offices I. PREFACE II. OVERVIEW III. SCHOOL-TO-COLLEGE TRANSITION AND RETENTION ... University of Michigan: Evaluation and Dissemination of an Undergraduate Program to Improve Retention The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) pairs first- and second-year students with faculty to collaborate on original research projects. Students also participate in an intensive peer advising program, and a series of workshops and other activities. The evaluation of UROP sought to determine its effect on student academic performance and retention to graduation, on students' attitudes towards their intellectual development, and on faculty perceptions of students. The program has had an especially strong positive effect on student retention.
Extractions: Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home ENC Features Math Topics Search the Site More Options Don't lose access to ENC's web site! Beginning in August, goENC.com will showcase the best of ENC Online combined with useful new tools to save you time. Take action todaypurchase a school subscription through goENC.com Classroom Calendar Digital Dozen ENC Focus ... Ask ENC Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. Create your learning plan, read the standards, and find tips for getting grants. Use math topic words to find web sites with lesson plans and activities. CEEE TeacherTECH lesson plans This Internet site, the homepage of GirlTECH, offers Internet-based lesson plans on a variety of topics in mathematics and science. GirlTECH is a program sponsored by the Center for Excellence and Equity in Education (CEEE) to provide intensive technological training and lesson plan design for equity in the classroom.
K-12: Elementary School : LESSON PLANS / CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES collaborative Lesson Archive preschool through high school, contributed by teachers . This site contains lesson plans for math, science, social studies, http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/ele.shtml
Extractions: Elementary School Archaeology Art Astronomy ... Teachers' Reference Section The sites listed on this page designate themselves as appropriate to the elementary grades. Still, you should explore the subject-indexed sites listed in the Table of Contents . Many sites contain pictures, sounds and/or movies that can be used by elementary students, even where the text is too advanced for them. You will find my notations on all sites for text, pictures, sounds, etc. to help in your search. Let me know if you find other sites particularly suited to the younger student. Colorful and interesting collection of articles on many different aspects of food production. Includes quizzes. Doesn't shy away from making declarations like: "Plants Clean Waste Water and Grow Better by Eating Fish Poop." The link below takes you to the table of contents page. Designed by the Agriculture Research Service with the USDA. Text, graphics, photos, animations
Dialogue On Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, And Technology I dont have to know math or science! A preschool teacher working on her The collaborative Coaching Project covers all six of the integrated http://www.project2061.org/publications/earlychild/online/fostering/copleyp.htm
Extractions: Juanita Copley and Yolanda Padrón The professional development of early childhood teachers is of critical importance to the young children in our country. Enrollment in pre-primary education for ages 3 to 5 has increased 37 percent between 1984 and 1995, with the greatest increase in the four-year-old population. In addition, projections based on the most recent census indicate that there will be a 12 percent increase in total elementary school enrollment over the next 10 years. The testimonials cited, combined with the growing number of pre-primary programs, indicate a need for more pre-service training. It is also clear that both pre-service and in-service teachers will require specialized training to help them understand and instruct the increasing number of children with a variety of needs, children from various socioeconomic backgrounds, exceptional children, and children who are enrolled in state-required, pre-kindergarten programs. Field experiences (short-term workshops, observations, simulations, practica, student teaching, and apprenticeship programs) are usually components of early childhood professional development programs. However, there is a wide range in both the quantity and quality of such programs. According to the 1997 National Educational Goals Report (National Education Goals Panel 1997), teachers in public elementary schools were more likely to participate in workshops or in-service programs (93 percent) than they were to take college courses (38 percent) or participate in activities sponsored by professional associations (50 percent).
Education Webliography collaborative Lesson Archive (UIUC) Lesson plans for preschool through high school Lesson plans for language arts, math, science and social sciences. http://library.ucf.edu/Reference/Instruction/Education/eduwebsites/EducationWebl
Extractions: (Aug 22-Dec 2, 2005) Mon - Thu 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. more... Quick Links... Hours Contact Us Regional campuses Find a book Find articles Find a database Find a journal F.A.Q. Interlibrary Loan Ask a Librarian My Libraries Account
EdReform.Net | Digital Equity - Lesson Plan collaborative Lesson Archive A web site repository devoted to the creation Nine mathematics lessons that show the connection of math to the real world, http://digitalequity.edreform.net/educationaltype/lessonplan
Extractions: part of the Education Reform Network You are in: Educational Type A plan for helping students learn a particular set of skills, knowledge, or habits of mind. Often includes student activities as well as teaching ideas, instructional materials, and other resources. Is shorter (in duration) than, and often part of, a unit of instruction. Goals and outcomes are focused. Amusement Park Physics This interactive exhibit, part of the Annenberg/CPB Exhibits Collection, explores how the laws of physics play a role in the design of amusement park rides. Activities in the exhibit invite visitors to design a roller coaster and determine the outcomes of bumper car collisions. AskAsia: Instructional Resources
LakelandTeacher Resources collaborative Lesson Archive; lesson plans for grades preschool through gr . links to math resources and lesson plans for teachers, books, cartoons; http://www.littlelake.k12.ca.us/Lakeland/teacherlinks.html
Math Booklist More Than Counting Whole math Activities for preschool and Kindergarten. S.Moomaw, $42.95 collaborative math Books For Your Class to Make Share. http://www.parentbooks.ca/math.html
Extractions: To return to main page at any time, click on our logo. All of our booklists are available in PDF format for easier printing. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, click here: Featured Books in this Category Main Booklist PDF Version Featured Books See and Learn Multiplication by Heart: the No-Fail Method for Children and Adults. Lucie Cossette, $20.95 "Children and adults CAN learn and remember the times tables for good! With See and Learn Multiplication by Heart you don't need flash cards, games or activity workbooks this revolutionary method teach you to visualize the multiplication facts in seven simple images". Simple, clear, practical and logical - it works! Also available in French edition Complete Booklist Math at School About Teaching Mathematics: a K-8 Resource. Marilyn Burns, $49.95
Ridgely's Theme Proposal The collaborative teaching model brings our plans, lessons, and staff together . The possibility of establishing a preschool program at Ridgely will http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/ridgely/theme.html
Extractions: Ridgely School would like to be known as "Ridgely's Learning Community." The school would like to magnify this theme by extending its arms to embrace the entire Community (i.e. the school population itself, which we hope will grow to be preschool through fifth grade, extended families, the neighborhood, the Ridgely Alumni, and Community businesses). The school building would be available as a Community Center for a variety of activities both educational and social. Section 5- Rationale and Definition of Process: Strong emphasis for this theme school is placed on the Social Studies Curriculum and the linking of it to the building technology plan. This linking will successfully integrate technology into the classroom curriculum. It is imperative to highlight our intense reading and writing programs, our hands on math program, and our collaborative teaching efforts. Through evaluation of the Language Arts, Mathematics, and Social Studies curriculum, we have found that in these content areas we not only meet but also exceed the standards that have been set by the district and the state. The collaborative teaching model brings our plans, lessons, and staff together.
Educational Links collaborative Lesson Archive preschool through high school, contributed by teachers . Helping Your Child Learn math Parent Involvement Materials. http://www.cvesd.k12.ca.us/cvhills/links.htm