Metformin - Your infertility resource from Fertility Resources Glossary of Answer I have PCOS, infertility spec placed me on Metformin.
Extractions: Useful Links Fertility Supplement Hormonal Forecaster IVF Program FertilAid ... Male Fertility Supplement Herbal Supplements Male Infertility Female Infertility Problems getting pregnant? : Metformin Name: B Title of Question: Metformin Question: i was wonder if any of you ladies are on Metformin. i was thinking about taking it, as my doctor has mentioned it and said to read up on it and find out more info and then come back if i would like to take it...does it have any nasty side effects? and how effective has it been? ie have any of u ladies become pregnant by it? especialy interested in the ladies who have PCO...thanx ;o) Post Your Answer To The Question Above: Name:
Mckinney Ob/Gyn - Home About the practice and its services. Including information about a host of health issues for women, including pregnancy, menopause, breast cancer and infertility. (McKinney, TX)
Extractions: Welcome to McKinney OB-GYN located in McKinney, TX just 45 minutes north of Dallas. Husband and wife team of Dr. Andrew Shimer and Dr. Tricia Shimer started McKinney OB-GYN in December of 2000. Dr. Shea Joyner joined the group in August of 2003 and Dr. Sara Robert joined the group in August of 2005. All of the physicians are either Board Certified or Board Eligible and trained at some of the top training programs in the country. They offer an Advanced Gynecological Surgery Center which provides some of the latest surgical treatments for women's healthcare problems and also provide a Maternity and High Risk Pregnancy Center assisting women through all types of pregnancies. They also have a added a certified nurse midwife, Jeanean Sullivan , who provides Obstetrical care to women desiring complete midwifery care and also can provide complete office gynecological care. McKinney OB-GYN conveniently has 2 locations to suite your needs. Our main location is located adjacent to Medical Center of McKinney, with an additional location adjacent to Presbyterian Hospital in Allen. Urgent problems can almost always be seen that day. We also accept almost all insurance plans Our patients are very important to us and our number one priority is to educate all of our patients concerning their health...which is why we have developed this Web site. There are 600 pages on this site covering almost every
Dr. Med. Erik-C. Miller, Frauenarztpraxis München Obstetrician/gynecologist. Contains information on pregnancy complications, miscarriage, infertility and other women's health issues. Berg am Laim.
The Beach Center For Infertility, Endocrinology And IVF Jill Taylor Flood, M.D., and D. Robin PoeZeigler, M.D., specialize in In Vitro Fertilization, high risk pregnancy, and health issues related to reproduction and Gynecology.
Fertility And Family Planning - John Casterline adolescent fertility; outof-wedlock fertility; infertility. This is one consequences of unintended pregnancy. There are issues of access to
Extractions: Population Council, New York Fertility and family planning are areas of long-standing emphasis for the NICHD and DBSB. The concerns that have motivated this component of the DBSB's program of work are very familiar: unintended pregnancy (and contraceptive acceptability); adolescent fertility; out-of-wedlock fertility; infertility. As I shall indicate below, in my view most of these now-familiar concerns still merit rigorous scientific investigation. My list of priority issues is as follows (see capsule listing at end of document): Unintended pregnancy . On the order of one-half of pregnancies in this country are unintended, with a substantial fraction of those unwanted. This may seem a tired topic, but until it has been demonstrated that the personal and societal costs of unintended pregnancies are low, this must remain a priority for DBSB-funded research. Research along three lines is in order. The meaning of "wanted," "intended," "planned," and related concepts. One need is for methodological research to ascertain what surveys (e.g., NSFG) are capturing. But there should also be deeper social scientific exploration into feelings about parenting and how these translate into behaviors (e.g., putting oneself at risk of pregnancy, later investments in children, etc.)
University Of Hull Module Specification Psychological issues in teenage pregnancy Postnatal depression adjustment to reproductive losses (including miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility)
Extractions: Module Rationale The module offers advanced level undergraduates the opportunity to apply psychological knowledge and understanding gained in Semesters 1-5 to selected topics in the area of human reproductive behaviour and health. Aims and Distinctive Features The broad aim is to apply models and knowledge developed in the area of health psychology to understanding and facilitating the reproductive health of both women and men. Learning Outcome Statements The module has the following Learning Outcomes: a) to critically apply theories and models in Health Psychology to reproductive behaviour and decision-making. b) to show a scientifically informed understanding of the psychological and psychosocial consequences of reproductive disease, dysfunction and poor reproductive decision-making. c) To critically evaluate the impact of technological advances in reproductive medicine on individuals' experiences of reproductive health care and reproductive health outcomes d) to understand the ethical issues surrounding the use of technology in facilitating fertility and maximizing reproductive health and the role of psychological research in this context.
Extractions: Preconception Pregnancy Baby ... Male fertility factors "Dealing With Azoospermia #2" Posts: Last Post: Sep 24, 2005, 6:28 PM (PDT) JOIN IN: See all Boards Create a new thread Add a message WATCHES: My watches Start watching this thread HOW TO: Getting started Community Guidelines Trying to get pregnant? Boost your chances! Our FREE preconception newsletter, with: I am 36, DH is 37. We were trying for 6 months when we discovered he does not make any sperm. The doctor thinks he never developed properly from birth. They may be able to find a few sperm with a biopsy. We will consider it if we need IVF. My bloodwork is all good. After a great deal of testing we discovered I only have 1 ovary and full tube. The tube was blocked at the uterus but was un-blocked in December. We have 6 months to try before checking to see if the tube is still open or trying IVF. We are doing IUI with donor sperm. Today was our 3rd attempt. My DH was able to come for the 1st time, so that was really nice. He plans to take full credit if this one works. Sounds good to me! I have been sick with a low grade fever the last couple of days so that messed up my temperature chart. Guess I can't try to overanalyze that this month. We really hope the 3rd time is the charm.
Guidelines On Tracking Child And Maternal Mortality Maine, D. Safe Motherhood Programs Options and issues. coverage of maternity care, unsafe abortion, infertility, anemia in pregnancy, and fertility.
Extractions: Specialists: list of medical specialists The following list of diseases or medical conditions are some (but not all) of the medical issues that may be treated by Fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist (medical specialist) or where a Fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist may be involved: The following list of medical tests or medical diagnostic procedures are some (but not all) that may be performed, prescribed or diagnosed by Fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist, ordered by Fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist, or where a Fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist may be involved in such tests:
Specialty Definitions infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology concerned with both male and female primary and secondary infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and menstrual
Extractions: Home Directions For Physicians Careers ... Search Anesthesiology administration of anesthetics to alleviate pain and suppress consciousness, as well as monitor and support life functions during surgery; anesthesiologists also provide diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain Cardiology prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease Critical Care Medicine care provided to a critically ill patient during a medical emergency or crisis Dermatology diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin Diabetes disorder caused by decreased production or the inability to use insulin Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology) diagnosis and medical/surgical treatment of conditions of the ear, nose and throat Emergency Medicine evaluation and treatment of unexpected injury and illness Endocrinology treatment of the glands, hormones and related disorders, including diabetes and disorders of the pancreas, pituitary gland, ovaries, testes, thyroid and adrenal glands Family Medicine medical specialty providing continuing and comprehensive primary health care for individuals and families; family physicians care for patients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, men and women, and all medical problems; the specialty integrates biological, clinical and behavioral sciences; some family physicians provide maternity care
Journal Of Andrology -- Sign In Page Alert me to new issues of the journal Download to citation manager infertility is usually investigated by calculating time to pregnancy,
Extractions: This Article Full Text (PDF) Alert me when this article is cited Alert me if a correction is posted Services Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Alert me to new issues of the journal Download to citation manager PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by De La Rochebrochard, E. Articles by Thonneau, P. To view this item, select one of the options below: Sign In User Name Sign in without cookies. Purchase Short-Term Access Pay per Article - You may access this article (from the computer you are currently using) for 1 day for US$7.00 Pay for Admission - You may access all content in Journal of Andrology Online (from the computer you are currently using) for 7 days for US$25.00. Regain Access - You can regain access to a recent Pay per Article or Pay for Admission purchase if your access period has not yet expired.
Extractions: Journaler posted January 23, 2005 08:53 PM The dirt work was started on our land yesterday. We went out just awhile ago and it is looking soooo good!! We have the circle drive and the drive on both sides of the property. Everything is pretty well level. The guy still has more to do tomorrow - but it is getting there. We have the shop area leveled and will have sand moved in tomorrow so we can get the concrete poured and the shop can go up. It is all falling into place - but we still have a long way to go. We went and looked out the spec of the new house today to measure rooms, etc. I needed to get excited again Read my guestbook Sign my guestbook IP: Logged All times are ET (US) next newest topic next oldest topic Hop to: Select a Forum List of Forums: Journal Move Requests Guest Book Questions and Board Software Issues Category: Support and Prayer Requests Support and Prayer Requests Category: Thinking about Conceiving JJ's Journal Amberkins' Journal Dachsiemama's Journal MandaF's Journal Dawn J's Journal Mia's Journal tymetogrow's Journal Waiting_for_Kiah's Journal Courty's Journal Category: Thinking About Conceiving - Another Child Tracie's Journal LeahC's Journal Karla's Journal Blessedmommie's Journal Debbitoo's Journal Category: Trying to Conceive - to 6 Months deedee37's Journal Category: Trying to Conceive - Over 6 Months
Information For Parents Canadian Parents Online Parents can communicate about diverse issues, Parent Soup- Here is more information for parents from pregnancy to raising teens
Extractions: powered by FreeFind Moving Information Homefair - Find guidelines for mortgages, reports on local schools, calculations for moving expenses and cost of living ratios, and information on new homes and rentals here. -Data on most communities including detailed information about schools, jobs, homes, income and more is here. Check here to apply for a teaching job in a new city. - Find homes, city profiles, relocation tools, home values, and more here. A most useful component is the "Best Places to Live" personal analysis. Complete the survey and discover your best place to live. - Here is another great place to compare cities using 30 different criteria. Gazetteer - Here is some statistical information for any school district in the U.S. Obtain a detailed school district or school "report card" for a fee. Live and Learn - Here are games to play with children during long drives in the car.
Extractions: This page is intended for the stories of women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) who have improved their condition primarily by using natural health-building methods, although we've included other stories as well. We hope that you will be inspired by these stories and that you will have a renewed sense of hope and commitment to improving your health. Group 5 Stories My story starts out with knowing something wasn't right when as a teenager I had infrequent periods. I was put on a birth control pill that apparently had the testosterone in it and that really began my weight problem...and the hair problem just got worse and worse. Finally, when I was 24, I was given a diagnosis of PCOS (after I realized I wasn't dying) it was nice to have a name for it. My ob/gyn started me on Clomid...10 months. I went to a fertility specialist and he put me on bc pills again. Then more fertility drugs...and medications (Lupron) to shut everything was awful. The worst was having 17 eggs aspirated and hyperstimulating. Months later, I had the embryos put in...and went through the depression of not getting pregnant (again).
Extractions: By Tara Patel Is there such a thing as a tailor-made baby? No such thing yet, exclaimed a bemused British Doctor, Dr. Alan Thornhill, visiting Mumbai and India for the third time - this time in association with city doctor Dr. Aniruddha Malpani's Infertility Clinic Medical technology has advanced a great deal, he explained, but the field of genetics is complex. India still has a long way to go before we can order a baby to specification. Besides, there are ethics involved. For the time being, even the effort to treat genetically-flawed babied before problem. And if couples have been unable to have a child, they should seek medical redressal to the problem."
RRMEO counsel clients who need to make pregnancy choices; describe the options and make pregnancy choices, and the possible effects, complications and issues
Course Specification For MID 8070 Own experiences of gender/sexuality/fertility/pregnancy/birth and/or own birth story Wood, C Kovacs, G 1996, infertility All Your Questions Answered,
Extractions: Subject Cat-nbr Class Term Mode Description Units Campus MID EXT Midwifery Foundations TWMBA Academic group: FOSCI Academic org: Student contribution band: National Priority Nursing ASCED code: Examiner: Jackie Doolan Moderator: Jill Scanlan Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCNP or GDON or GDMH or MANP or MHEA or MMID or MMPO or MNUR or PCNP or PDON or PDMH or PDEV or SING or CRPG Consistent with the conceptual framework of the course students will learn about the socio-historical context of contemporary maternity services and additional computer skills that they may need to successfully access course materials. The course introduces students to midwifery care and childbearing during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, including the psycho-social-spiritual and cultural factors that potentially impact upon pregnancy and birth. Because the ability to nurture and understand women is dependent upon the midwife's own self-knowing and self nurturing this course begins a process of promoting self-knowing and self-nurturing for the midwife. On successful completion of this course and/or clinical placements students will be able to: use a computer for the purposes of accessing this course via home computer or via the Qld Health intranet;
BabyCenter | Community: BBS - Loss After Fertility Problems The BabyCenter Essential Guide to pregnancy and Birth will help you understand all spec. back in Feb. when I was already PG and just didn t know it yet.
Extractions: Preconception Pregnancy Baby Toddler ... Pregnancy Boards Loss after fertility problems Loss after fertility problems Threads: Posts: Share advice and support with other parents who have lost babies they conceived after having fertility problems. Your host is bcHOSTquirkyone . Chris lost her daughter Emerson at 20 weeks on March 16th, 2003 after years of fertility treatment. She knows firsthand how heartbreaking it is to lose a "miracle baby" and how hard it is to watch friends get pregnant again easily. She wishes there were no need for this board, but hopes to make it a welcoming place for those who've experienced a pregnancy/infant loss following fertility treatment. JOIN IN: See all Boards Create a new thread WATCHES: My watches HOW TO: Getting started Community Guidelines