Kenya Recommended because this site focuses on the Ogiek, an indigenous people living communities, the pokot in Northern Kenya, Sukor in Nigeria and the Dogon
Extractions: Recommended this site provides information about a cd-rom and video, by Classroom Connect, which featured a 1,5000 mile, 6 week mountain bike trip through the Great Rift Valley (East Africa) Oct-Nov. 1998. A poster, curriculum guide, cd-rom, video are $69.95. Reviewed by the Stanford University Center for African Studies. Coalition of Violence Against Women (COVAW) - Kenya Recommended because this is a membership-based non-partisan, secular, feminist network of individuals and organizations who are committed to eradicating violence against women. Reviewed by Stanford University Center for African Studies. (Mombasa)
Baylor University || Public Relations || News Multiple Disciplines Join Together for africa Mission Trip Three waterrelatedprojects in East and West pokot, as well as many projects associated with
Women's Indigenous Technical Knowledge Of Livestock Production indigenous technical knowledge depends on what people can see and remember For example, among the pokot of Kenya, 34 different kinds of utensils and
Extractions: document.write(document.title) 106. In traditional societies, indigenous technical knowledge depends on what people can see and remember without the aid of microscopes, journals or the written word. People often see correlations and understand causality, but where they see gaps in the process, they depend on spirituality to explain them. Local indigenous knowledge is increasingly being seen as a reservoir of ideas and solutions for development work. The ITK of women about agriculture, including livestock-raising, is a "largely untapped reservoir of intellectual wealth and experience ... and a valuable asset that must be capitalized upon and integrated into the development process" (IFAD 1991a). 107. Although ITK has long been the subject of anthropological research, it is only recently that interest has been shown in the possibility of harnessing it for the purposes of development (Howes 1980). Some development workers may agree with Richards (1980, p.192) that "a sentimental belief in traditional values and a gut feeling that the people know best without knowing why and under what circumstances, will be unhelpful and damaging to the prospects for rural devclopment in the long run". However, as yet there are very few examples in which ITK has been directly incorporated into projects and programmes. Development planners continue to function top down despite the rhetoric.
Encyclopedia Of African History Nilotes, Eastern africa Southern Nilotes Kalenjin, Dadog, pokot Literacy andIndigenous Scripts Precolonial West africa alMaghili
SSRC :: Global Security And Cooperation Program Equally the African people continued to utilize their traditions and cultures in a Kenya pokot, Turkana. indigenous communities in other continents.
National Museums Of Kenya This program visits the source of Lake Victoria waters in west pokot, This isa coproduction with the Eureka Film Company, The Swedish africa Museums
Extractions: This program visits the source of Lake Victoria waters in west Pokot, Nandi and Kakamega regions. It is a docu-drama, which advises the concerned community of the dangers of pollution and offers Solutions. This is a co-production with the Eureka Film Company, The Swedish Africa Museums Programme and The National Museums of Kenya Lake Victoria has continuously suffered from many ecological problems. The pragramme warns that it is time for positive action of rehabilitation.
Extractions: Title (omit initial article) Author (last name, first name) Keyword (use and, or, not) LC Subject MeSH Subject LC/NLM Call Number Local/Dewey Call Number Gov Docs Call Number Series ISBN/ISSN Number WorldCat OCLC Number Art Biology Carolina Pop. Center Chemistry Davis (Main) Geological Sciences GIS Government Information GrantSource Health Sciences Highway Safety Journalism Law Manuscripts Department Maps Collection Marine Sciences Math/Physics Media Resources Center Microforms Collection Music North Carolina Collection NCC Gallery Odum Institute Photographic Archives Planning Rare Book Collection School of Govt. Southern Historical Coll. Southern Folklife Coll. Stone Center Library Undergraduate University Archives UCIS K-12 Wilson How Do I...? Hours Catalog Article Databases ... E-Journal Finder This filmography lists those film and video documentary, instructional, and feature titles on and about Africa and African-Americans available at UNC in House Undergraduate Library's Media Resources Center . African-American in this filmography denotes both North and South Americans of African heritage and those of the Caribbean Basin as well. It includes subject headings in the Nonprint subject index that contain titles applicable to the study of African and African-American Studies. A selected bibliography of printed reference, monographic and articles on these areas is also listed at the beginning of the filmography.
Peace And Conflict Monitor Collective peacekeeping in West africa 07/28/2003 indigenous Production Globalization in Central America 09/29/2003
Projects Good News from africa! Income generation for the pokot people in Kenya Westpokot is one of the marginalized regions in Kenya where natural resources
Extractions: projects BioVision projects support the promotion of sustainable use of natural resources under fair and social conditions and help to preserve biodiversity and encourage ecological thinking and acting. The projects are arranged according to the following three areas: Information, Knowledge transfer and Income generation: A.Supported projects, Information B. Supported projects, Eco-dissemination (Knowledge transfer) b) Supported projects, Income generation A. Information
InDRA Medewerkers He did his PhD study among the pokot in Kenya and his research activities are His major research areas are on selfgovernance of indigenous people and
The First African Indigenous Women's Conference The absence of the African indigenous women in these international meetings shows The Nederlands Centre for indigenous People (Nederlands Centrum voor
Extractions: organize the first African Indigenous Women's Conference April 20-24, 1998, Agadir, Morocco Programme INTRODUCTION Increasingly many indigenous women are leading the movements to defend their communities and are fighting to protect their people. The success of this social movement, and the interest in the subject of human rights at the international level was clearly expressed in the world conferences held recently: The second International Indigeneous Women's Conference, Karasjohka (Norway) 1990; the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna (Austria) 1993; the Social Summit, Copenhagen (Denmark) 1995; the fourth Women's World Conference, Beijing (China) 1995; The First International Indigenous Women's Conference, Adelaide (Australia) 1988. When the thirtheen United Nation's working group on the indigenous population was held in Geneva in 1995, only three of the thirty African delegates present were women. The absence of the African indigenous women in these international meetings shows that they lack the apportunities to express their points of view and their interests at the international level. The indegineous people in the entire continent find themselves in a situation of marginalisation and isolation. Although this situation is present in any indigenous organization in Africa, the indigenous women meet other obstacles related to their status of woman in the dominant community as well as in the traditional community. The goal of the first African Indigenous Women's Conference is to put an end to this isolation.
IK Monitor 4(1) McCall Within farming systems, ITK embraces people s knowledge of tools and techniques McCall, MK (1995) indigenous technical knowledge in farming systems of
Extractions: The potentials of indigenous technical knowledge (ITK), both for expanding scientific technical knowledge and for empowering its owners, are overwhelming. There is compelling evidence of the extent and rationality of ITK in East Africa. This article presents a broad overview of past and present research in the field of ITK within East African farming systems. It also indicates possible topics for further research. Indigenous technical knowledge Within farming systems, ITK embraces people's knowledge of tools and techniques for the assessment, acquisition, transformation, and utilization of resources which are specific to a particular location. ITK can encompass: Vernacular: technical knowledge held by all or most individuals in a specific locality, e.g., knowledge of crop rotation, or pest and weed control;
Videos/DVDs Commercially Produced, AAfricana Library, Cornell Shows how contemporary African lifestyles are influenced by indigenous, Islamic, Portrays the struggles of the African people in America,
Extractions: General/Overviews Angola Benin Burkina Faso ... Films and Documents About Women in Africa (via UCB African American Studies Dept.) African Cinema and African Cinematic Representation: A Short Bibliography/Videography of Materials in the UC Berkeley Libraries DestinationLesotho. Describes daily life in Lesotho as experienced by Peace Corps volunteers and the families with whom they work and live with patricular emphasis on the importance of water to the culture. 1995. 20 min. Video/C 4737 Coverage of the first major cultural festival in Lesotho, celebrating 175 years of Lesotho's cultural heritage. Includes various forms of Sesotho music, horsemanship, traditional dances, local musical instruments, famo and jazz presentations and a Morabaraba sports competition. 59 min. PAL format. Video/C 9265 Lesotho, Water, Water Everywhere (Africa: Search for Common Ground; 8) Part of a series profiling formal efforts by various Sub-Saharan African countries to peacefully resolve contemporary conflicts. Focuses on the Lesotho Highlands Dam Project which seeks economic development for this poor nation. Here community and government leaders meet to discuss how all those concerned can benefit from the endeavor. 1997. 26 min. Video/C 5351 To the top Between War and Peace.
Site Currently Inactive The five days we spent in pokot seem to have been of crucial significance to thechurch. Some people walked for three days to attend the meetings,
AFRICA WATCH In the ensuing violence, homes and stalls of the local people were also attacked . 12 D Goldsworthy, Civilian control of the military in black africa,
Extractions: Institute for Security Studies INTRODUCTION This article focuses on two aspects of the Kenyan socio-political arena, and explains how these provide a useful setting for the President to manipulate the political process to his advantage. The first of these features may be described as a system of personal rule; the second as the ethnicisation of politics. These act as the context within which Moi, by instigating and exacerbating conflict, could and can control the political process. The argument is made here that, in so far as this continues to be the nature of politics in the country, Moi or any eventual successor, can choose to use the same means to retain political power virtually at will. CHRONOLOGY OF VIOLENCE During the course of the December 1992 elections, there was a lull in fighting after which conflict restarted and escalated, now encompassing the Molo, Narok, Pokot, Londiani, Elburgon and Burnt Forest areas of the Rift Valley. The perpetrators of this latest violence expanded to include the Maasai and Pokot ethnic groups. These attacks were aimed primarily at the Kikuyu. After another lull in fighting, there was renewed violence in March 1994. The Kalenjin again fought with the Kikuyu in the Rift Valley and Burnt Forest areas. This was followed by the forced eviction of Kikuyu by the Maasai in the Enoospukia region. In 1995, in the Mai Mahiu area of Naivasha, fighting broke out that left 300 000 people displaced.
The African Marula Fruit Membranophones Used for drummaking for use in war and people summoning 1331 Bark, human, liver Decoction of the bark is taken by the pokot,
Extractions: USING FILM AND VIDEO TO TEACH ABOUT THE AFRICAN ENVIRONMENT CURRICULAR GUIDE Table of Contents A. Background Readings B. Film and Video Guide Africa: A Voyage of Discovery Africa Features/Tanzania Features The Africans: A Triple Heritage An African Recovery AIDS in Africa Angano . . . Angano: Nouvelles de Madagascar (Angano...Angano: Tales from Madagascar) Baabu Banza: Nothing Goes to Waste Bamako Initiative In Action, The Borom Street Botswana - Planning the Future Can the Elephant Be Saved? Crossroads The Cutting Edge of Progress Desert and the Deep Blue Sea, The The Drilling Fields The Earth that Feeds Us Edge of the Abyss Everyones Child Exodus The Faces of AIDS Forsaken Cries: The Story of Rwanda Fragile Riches Global Links: Curse of the Tropics Global Links: Women in the Third World Guardian of Africa: The Tsetse Fly Guelwaar Guerra Da Agua (A Water War) Hands Up for the Environment and the Market Harvest: 3000 Years Healers of Ghana Hungry for Profit Living with Drought Losing the Land Nigeria: A Squandering of Riches Once There Was a Forest Parks or People Physical Geography of the Continents: Africa Plague Upon the Land Politics Do Not a Banquet Make The Poverty Complex Previnoba and Partipative Approach to Rural Forestry Praying for Rain Quand les etoiles rencontrent la Mer Rabi
Kenya - Country Profile Language Official languages are English and Swahili, but most people speak a While during this period Kenya became one of africa s most stable and
Extractions: POKATUSA: Pkiror Lochai (10) has returned to Kanyeros with his family and wants to be a teacher, not a warrior. 'Raids are bad because they kill people. One time when I was looking after my family's goats, the Karamajong warriors came on us. I ran and hid behind a rock the moment I saw the warriors coming. I was so scared. My uncle didn't see them until it was too late and he was killed. I could see it all happen from where I was hiding. We lost all our goats. I want peace with the Karamajong.'
VIDEO FILMS IN THE AFRICAN STUDIES LIBRARY Examines the way in which African peoples mastered the problems of Features thePokot, cattle herders of Northern Kenya, and the Dogon of Mali, farmers.
Extractions: (Ina de la Rey, Afrikanervolkswag (SA): 1988) A film of the 1938 centenary celebrations of the Great Trek. It is made up entirely from archival film and include commentary by Totius. The celebrations started with a commemorative trek in which ten ox wagons travelled from Cape Town via Stellenbosch, Riversdale, Slagtersnek, Bloemfontein, the Drakensberg, Pietermaritzburg, Potchefstroom and the Witwatersrand to Pretoria. In Pretoria the cornerstone of the Voortrekker monument was laid and the film ends with the inauguration of the monument eleven years later. 1973 STRIKES : THE REBIRTH OF THE AFRICAN TRADE UNION Policy statements by Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Cyril Ramaphosa made on the occasion of the 81st anniversary of the African National Congress (ANC) on 8th January, 1993. Most of them pertain to the need for a democratic election before the end of the year, with Mr Mandela's address occasionally intercut with documentary footage. The video is designed to stimulate discussion within the ranks of the ANC and the community at large.