DRL - Atlases Ask A Librarina, Associations Societies, atlases, Awards Prizes, Bank Finance Provides links to maps, gazetteers, institutes, organizations, http://www.wits.ac.za/library/links/digital_reference_library/atlases.htm
Extractions: :: ATLASES Digital Reference Library Collection: Abbreviations Acronyms Almanacs Ask A Librarina Atlases Biographies Bookshops Book Reviews Business Directories Calendars Citation Guides Colleges Consumer Guides Employment Encyclopaedias Entertainment Facts Government Grants Health Industrial Awards Legislation Maps News Patents Public Opinion Polls Quotations Research Oppertunities Scholarships Sport Results Standards Statistics Student Support Translation Tools Universities Weather World Records All the world's maps Provides access to national maps and maps pinpointing major cities for countries ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Also includes links to worldwide directories providing embassy locations, consulate locations, dialing codes, telephone directories, visa requirements, voltage requirements, and telephone rates. Atlapedia online
LSU Department Of Geography & Anthropology and a collection of atlases, transparencies, gazetteers, and globes. The Southern Regional Climate Center (SRCC) is a federally funded facility (the http://www.ga.lsu.edu/research.htm
Extractions: The Archaeology Lab, located in E214 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex, is shared by two research programs in archaeology at LSU. These include Maya archaeology, under the guidance of Dr. Heather McKillop, and historical archaeology, under the guidance of Dr. Paul Farnsworth. Students and faculty work closely with the Southeastern Archaeology Program, under the guidance of Dr. Rebecca Saunders, in the Museum of Natural Sciences (16 Gym Armory Building). Graduate and undergraduate students work on faculty projects as well as their own projects. The Archaeology Lab, which consists of a complex of several rooms, offers an impressive array of opportunities for research and analysis. Artifactual material from Belize (Maya), California, Canada, Louisiana, and elsewhere is often under study by faculty and students. Facilities include a "wet-lab" for processing artifacts and laboratory equipment for study of artifacts (balances, microscopes, computers, microfilm and microfiche readers, and drafting tables, for example). Field equipment for faculty and graduate student use is available for surveying and excavation. Often, simultaneous field projects are carried out in Louisiana and beyond. The Quaternary Paleoecology Laboratory is equipped with four fume hoods for processing pollen and sediment samples. Other lab and field equipment includes an oven, furnace, a clinical centrifuge, an electronic balance, a refrigerator, an increment borer, a piston lake sediment corer and 30m of extension rods, an Acker diamond core drill for hard-rock drilling, a Russian peat corer, sonar, an Ekman's dredge, three rubber boats, and an outboard motor.
Extractions: [Printer Friendly] [Text Version] Where in the World Is....?: Genealogical Research with Maps and Atlases July-August 2001 Volume 3, Number 4 On This Page Finding Aids Genealogical and Historical Resources State and County Atlases Fire Insurance Maps Gazetteers and Place Name Dictionaries Internet Resouces Maps provide invaluable historical, physical and cultural information to researchers, as they help identify towns, property ownership, railroads, family farms, local cemeteries, and schoolhouses. The Library of Michigan maintains a large collection of maps and atlases that can be used for Michigan historical and genealogical research. Titles may be located by searching ANSWER , the Library's online catalog. The easiest way to locate map or atlas resources on ANSWER is to enter the place name or subject as a keyword, followed by the word maps. Here are some additional suggestions to help maximize your search results: michigan maps cemeteries michigan maps ingham county mich maps michigan atlases detroit mich maps geographical names michigan topographic maps michigan Adding a specific geographic location will also help refine your search. For example, michigan maps AND kalamazoo will retrieve materials that focus on the city or county of Kalamazoo. When searching by keyword, it is not necessary to capitalize proper nouns.
Biblioteca Pública Por Internet: Pathfinders atlases are books of printed maps pertaining to certain areas. gazetteers maybe found under G in the Library of Congress system and the 910s in the http://www.ipl.org/div/pf/entry/48497
Extractions: Education ... Pathfinders This collection All of the IPL Advanced This pathfinder is designed to act as a starting point for finding information about maps and actual copies of maps. There are many different uses for maps and, hence, there are many different types of maps. Internet resources for maps include details of the physical and political layout of almost every corner of the earth, as well as maps that show human characteristics of the land, such as agricultural, growth rate, and pollution maps. There are also Internet sources that use on-line maps to determine directions or exact locations for places based on user input. United Nations Environment Programme (http://www.grida.no/)
TUC Ready Reference atlases gazetteers, Dictionaries, Thesauri, Acronyms Translators You cansearch for maps by place name and state, setting the scale and generating http://www.tuc.edu/lrc/readyref.htm
Extractions: "This portion of the PoliSci.com web site is dedicated to preserving the information available in the print version of the The Political Reference Almanac's 2001-2002 edition for free on-line use. Although the information made available here is in most respects identical to that found in print, the manner in which it is presented and the final editing of the printed work ensures some discrepancies between the two." Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar
VII. Atlases, Maps And Place-Name Indexes atlases, Maps and PlaceName Indexes. Included here are sources for finding A number of Sung-period maps exist as engravings and in local gazetteers. http://sunsite.utk.edu/songtool/VII/VII.html
Extractions: previous chapter next chapter Included here are sources for finding the locations of places within the administrative hierarchy and their geographical locations, indexes to place names in Sung-period geographies and other works, and modern geographical studies. Indexes including but not exclusive to place names will be found in Section VI with other comprehensive indexes. The most authoritative maps of Sung China are in: This work includes 44 maps for Sung, Liao, and Chin at different periods. The introduction explains the choices made. Maps contain both present-day and Sung-period locations for urban centers, administrative boundaries, and geographical features. There is a place-name index. In accuracy, if not in scale, this work supersedes:
American Geographic Society Library atlases An Atlas of Cyberspace This is an atlas of maps and graphic This gazetteer is used to identify places to view with the Tiger Map Server and http://www.uwm.edu/Library/AGSL/linksA-G.html
Extractions: UWM Libraries Catalog Hours Forms ... Fellowships Geographic Links Categories Atlases Maps Socio-Economic Cartography Natural Disasters Statistics Environmental Organizations Tools ... World Note: The symbol indicates that a resource is restricted to UWM students, staff and faculty with valid ID numbers. Easy access from off campus.
Using Maps In Genealogy, Fact Sheet 099-02 gazetteers and Glossaries of Geographical Names of the Member Countries of theUnited Maps and atlases are not available for sale or free distribution. http://erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/factsheets/fs09902.html
Extractions: More Information Maps are one of the many sources you may need to complete a family tree. In genealogical research, maps can provide clues to where our ancestors may have lived and where to look for written records about them. Beginners should master basic genealogical research techniques before starting to use topographic maps. Introductory books on genealogy suggest timesaving ways to plan, gather, organize, and record findings. To learn basic genealogical research techniques, it's best to start with the most concise, easy-to-read books, gazetteers, articles, pamphlets, and other sources that apply directly to the kind of research you plan to do. Books on the shelves of your local library may not include those that will best serve your purpose. However, many libraries and bookstores have the latest edition of Books in Print. Its subject guide gives the titles, authors, publishers, and prices of hundreds of books on genealogy. Many libraries also have directories that give the names and addresses of local, State, regional, and national associations of genealogists, historians, and ethnic groups.
About The Map Library Collection Currently there are over 270000 maps, 2000 atlases, 350 gazetteers, 500 referencebooks, Large collection of Ohio maps (state, local, regional) http://www.library.kent.edu/page/10474
Extractions: Search Our Site Quick jump to... LMS Home Page My Library Account Contact Us Job Opportunities Collections/Requests: KentLINK OhioLINK Electronic Reserves (ERes) ILLiad Reserves Special Collections Services/Depts Administration Branch Libraries Circulation Copy Center Design Services ILL Media Services Periodical Services Reference Services Regional Campus Libraries Reserve Services Student Multimedia Studio Special Collections Teleproductions Home Home Page Map Resources Online Contact Information The Map Library is the University's chief cartographic resource center for maps, atlases, place name literature and cartographic reference materials in paper and electronic format. This predominantly contemporary collection for maps supports research and teaching and is international in scope. Currently there are over 270,000 maps, 2,000 atlases, 350 gazetteers, 500 reference books, and various CD-ROMs in the Map Library. The Map Library also features a GIS workstation and color printing. Access to other cartographic resources, including GIS data, can be obtained via the Internet and the World Wide Web. The Map Library is a designated Federal Depository Library and, as such, receives the most recently published maps of the United States Geological Survey and other United States government agencies.
Genealogy: German Migration To Argentina One popular region for German emigrants was the state of Chaco gazetteers,atlases and Maps. gazetteers; atlases; Maps. Top of document http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/WELT/argentina.html
Extractions: One popular region for German emigrants was the state of Chaco: The Chaco is a very uninviting region of South America, mostly in Paraguay and Argentina, but also partly in Bolivia. It is often referred to as the Green Hell on Earth. It is flat country in Paraguay and northeastern Argentina. The Rio Paraguay separates the two countries for a while, before the river turns north to Brazil. The border between the nations then follows the Rio Pilcomayo, which one can walk across. In the summertime, temperatures in the Chaco can reach 50C (about 125F). There is very little rain even less further north. In Paraguay, the lower Chaco adjacent to the Rio Paraguay is a series of floodplains, which floods every year to a depth of a foot or two but a hundred miles in extent. The region supports large populations of wildlife. Farther west, and north, the Chaco supports a pygmy forest, whose trees and plants are armed with razor-sharp needles. The area is uninhabitable. Two-thirds of Paraguay is Chaco, but it contains less than 2% of the population. Jaguars abound (
Librarians Internet Index Maps Http//lii2.wested.org/pub Searchable by place name, geographic region, time period, regional, historical,and interactive maps; atlases; gazetteers; and place name guides. http://lii2.wested.org/pub/subtopic/47468
New Zealand Resources Subject Guide, University Of Otago Library atlases, gazetteers etc. Atlas of New Zealand boundaries 1996 Search by placename, region, current or former use or dates of original construction. http://www.library.otago.ac.nz/subject_guides/nz-resources.html
Extractions: Catalogue Resources Catalogues Computing Resources ... Subject Guides Catalogue - use to find books and journals in the Library Library Catalogue Catalogue tutorial The Hocken Collections is a major resource for NZ and Pacific research. Its printed and audiovisual collections are in the Library catalogue. Archives and manuscripts are in a separate catalogue called Hakena Selected electronic resources and print indexes are listed below. Library databases search page Academic Search Premier via Ebsco Current Contents Connect via Web of Science Current 5 years Datex Factiva (Requires IE as browser) Index New Zealand JSTOR (fulltext - except last 3-5 yrs) Knowledge Basket NewzIndex (NZ) Project Muse (fulltext) ProQuest 5000 Social Sciences Citation Index via Web of Science
Collection Development Policy: Reference: Holland Library of regional and thematic (eg, historical, economic, linguistic) atlases. O. gazetteers and Place Name Sources The reference department collects http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/cdc/HumanitiesSocialSciences/refHoll.html
Extractions: Holland Library (Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and the Arts) I. INTRODUCTION Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the development and maintenance of the reference collection in Holland Library. It provides collection development guidelines in terms of subject scope, depth of coverage, and types of materials to be included. In recognition of the machine-readable formats available and the increasing importance of the internet in academic libraries, this policy characterizes and documents the integration of these alternative formats into the Holland reference collections. This policy also clarifies procedures for acquiring new resources and for weeding to ensure a useful, timely, and accessible reference collection. The central purposes of the reference collection are: 1) to provide reference resources in support of the university's academic programs, and 2) to enable professional librarians to provide quality reference services in support of the university's mission, including teaching, research and public service needs. Although Holland references purview has been the humanities and social sciences, business, and the arts, the WSU Libraries web presence (as well as the computer workstations now available in the reference area) are changing Holland references essential business. Although Holland traditionally has been considered the de facto undergraduate library as well as the humanities and social sciences library, the Libraries web presence has resulted in an increase of general questions overall and especially questions in other subjectsviz., the sciences, agricultural science, and health sciences. At the reference desk, Holland librarians are fielding more general research questions and doing more referrals.
MAPS AND ATLASES IN HOLLAND/NEW LIBRARY editions of world, US, and regional atlases are kept in the atlas case. Many other gazetteers are in Holland/New Library and Owen Library book and http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/holland/micro/micrmaps.htm
Extractions: Maps and atlas resources in Holland/New Library consist of atlases, map collections, miscellaneous maps in the vertical file, and gazetteers. Most but not all of the map/atlas resources in Holland/New Library are entered in Griffin , the WSU Libraries' catalog. Griffin links to Summit , a combined catalog of many of the higher education institution libraries in Oregon and Washington, and allows WSU users to request books through an online order and retrieval system. Questions about the Holland/New Library map/atlas collection should be directed to Marilyn Von Seggern Holland/New Library atlases are in several locations: library stacks, the reference collection, and the atlas case in the reference area. Some of the larger format atlases and current editions of world, U.S., and regional atlases are kept in the atlas case. Atlases in library stacks can be checked out while atlas case and reference collection atlases are for use in the library only. Link to the online National Atlas of the United States Map Collections Map collections are located in cabinets 22 and 23 at the north end of the Microforms Room, 1st floor of the old Holland library building. The following collections are there:
LII - Results For "atlases" A searchable directory of links to online resources for country, regional,historical, and interactive maps; atlases; gazetteers; and place name guides. http://www.lii.org/advanced?searchtype=subject;query=Atlases;subsearch=Atlases
New Papyrus Publishing Company's General Reference Guides A place name gazetteer identifies even the tiniest village and country crossroad Similar atlases/gazetteers are available for other states DeLorme Logo http://genealogyresources.org/genref.html
Extractions: Virginia / W.Va. Counties Accomack Albemarle Alexandria Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bedford Berkeley Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Cabell Campbell Caroline Charles City Charlotte Carroll Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dinwiddie Elizabeth City Essex Fairfax Fauquier Fayette Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Greenbrier Greene Greensville Halifax Hampshire Hanover Harrison Henrico Henry Isle of Wight James City King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mason Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Monongalia Montgomery Nansemond Nelson New Kent Norfolk Northampton Northumberland Orange Page Patrick The following is a list of our General Reference Guides: (Includes the counties of Albemarle, Amelia, Amherst, Buckingham, Charles City, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Fluvanna, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, independent city of Petersburg, independent city of Richmond, Louisa, Nelson, New Kent, Nottoway, Powhatan, and Prince George.) abstracted by Roger G. Ward. 1997, vi, 239 pages, indices, maps.
Map Collection At Ohio University Libraries About atlases and materials in the Reference Department, resources in the GovernmentDocuments Web gateways, gazetteers, guides, indexes, travel aids http://www.library.ohiou.edu/libinfo/depts/maps/mapdpt3.htm
E- Ref Bloomsburg University 3/23/05. This gazetteer may be searched by place name or feature type. Subject Heading/s Mediterranean Region; Great Britain, Ireland; France http://icrc.bloomu.edu/icrc/searchlc.php?top=G&bottom=G9999&name=Atlases & Maps,
2003 News Archive: UCSB Geography Department Jordan s research concerns digital gazetteers and the geospatial databases RIGS was sponsored by the Santa Barbara Region Economic Community project http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/events/news_2003.htm
Extractions: navHomeFlag=false; Academics Courses People About ... Index Thanks for Keith and Margot Clarke for the hospitality of their home, and to Connie Padilla, Nancy Ponce, and Michelle Keuper for the organizational work, the Geography Department again held the annual holiday party. For a few photos, please go to the 2003 Events Photos page Professor Mike Goodchild, who received the Royal Geographical Society's Founder's Medal , was celebrated just before Colloquium by the Geography Department and specially invited visiting dignitaries. Hennings Cake Boutique prepared a special cake that was iced with a photo reproduction of one side of the solid gold coin that is the actual medal. In the photo to the right are, left to right, Chancellor Henry Yang, Executive Vice Chancellor Gene Lucas, and Professor Mike Goodchild. November 13, 2003- Jordan Hastings Receives Dangermond Award
Japanese Maps, Place Names And Local History Bibliographies; Readings for Place Names; Dictionaries/gazetteers Arranged byregion and topic, it provides information on the phenomena and scholarship http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/eac/geography.html