Ancient Middle East: N ancient middle east N Nissen The Early History of the ancient Near east,90002000 BC Master Seafarers phoenicians and the Greeks. Hardback
Ancient Middle East: A Bienkowski British Museum Dictionary of the ancient Near east. Between theeighth and sixth centuries BC, the phoenicians established the first trading
Extractions: Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Introduction Evolution of Middle Eastern civilizations Mesopotamia and Egypt to c. 1600 New states and peoples ... Pre-Islamic Arabia. Elements of civilized culture Religion Science and law The alphabet Additional Reading Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Middle East, ancient Page 7 of 10 Middle Eastern religious thought had a strong influence on the ancient Greeks. The cosmogonies of Egypt, Babylonia, Phoenicia, and Anatolia were transmitted in part to the West and formed the basis of much of the cosmogonies of Hesiod and the Orphics before 600 BC , as well as the background for the cosmogonies of Thales and Anaximander in the 6th century BC
Phoenicia. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 (f n ´sh ) (KEY) , ancient territory occupied by phoenicians. At the dawn ofhistory in the middle east, a people speaking a Semitic language moved
Extractions: Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Phoenicia (f n KEY ) , ancient territory occupied by Phoenicians. The name Phoenicia also appears as Phenice and Phenicia. These people were Canaanites, and in the 9th cent.
Extractions: Middle Eastern Archaeology and Culture home topics news articles ... archaeology >> civilizations introduction : this civilizations and archaeology directory page is integrated thematically within this meta-resource for civilizations information .. the resource links on this page may have been reviewed by an editor for general as well as specific civilizations and archaeology links, reviews, images, books, articles, forums, and possibly even civilizations related jobs.
Canaanite & Phoenician History & Culture Cities founded by Canaanites/ phoenicians. Most of these ancient cities are still were the major traders in the Mediterranean and the middle east.
Chapter 2 Key Points South of the phoenicians lived the Hebrews whose religion, Judaism, The AssyrianEmpire was the first to unite almost all of the ancient middle east.
Extractions: Chapter 2 1 . Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia 2 . Egyptian Civilization: "The Gift of the N i l e " Along the fertile banks of the River Nilethe longest in the worldKing Menes united the villages of both southern and northern Egypt with a single kingdom around 3,100 B . C . The powerful rulers of Egypt, called pharaohs, built large pyramids to be used as tombs. Upon death, the bodies of pharaohs were mummified and buried inside the p y r a m i d s . The Egyptians developed a system of writing called hieroglyphics which at first were carved in stone and later written on papyrus.
Phoenicia: Definition And Much More From Phoenicia (fine sh?) , ancient territory occupied by phoenicians. At the dawnof history in the middle east, a people speaking a Semitic language moved
Extractions: An ancient maritime country of southwest Asia consisting of city-states along the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day Syria and Lebanon. Its people became the foremost navigators and traders of the Mediterranean by 1250 B.C. and established numerous colonies, including Carthage in northern Africa. The Phoenicians traveled to the edges of the known world at the time and introduced their alphabet, based on symbols for sounds rather than cuneiform or hieroglyphic representations, to the Greeks and other early peoples. Phoenicia's culture was gradually absorbed by Persian and later Hellenistic civilizations. var tcdacmd="cc=edu;dt"; Encyclopedia Phoenicia fÄnÄ shÉ ) , ancient territory occupied by Phoenicians. The name Phoenicia also appears as Phenice and Phenicia. These people were Canaanites, and in the 9th cent. B.C.
Arab Christians -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article Whether the Christians in the middle east are considered (A member of a Semitic people who dominated trade in the ancient world) phoenicians and to
Extractions: (A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior) Christianity in the Arab world has existed since the first century. Prior to the Muslim Arab conquest in the 7th century, much of the Middle East was part of the Christian (A continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395) Byzantine Empire . Even after the advent of Islam, some Christian populations did not become Muslim converts, thus by remaining Christians they maintained their religious identity through to the present day. Some Christian sects that were persecuted as heretical under the Byzantine rule enjoyed greater freedom under their Muslim rulers. Whether the Christians in the Middle East are considered (A member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa) Arab depends on what aspects of the word (A member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa) Arab one wishes to emphasize (political, linguistic, ethnic). (See
ASOR Outreach Links--ANE Archaeology Hittites phoenicians. Dead Sea Scrolls. Famous Archaeologists See especiallythe ancient and Medieval middle east section.
Middle East Civilizations middle east Civilizations. Sumerians Babylonians Hittites Assyrians Persians phoenicians Hebrews Mideast Review Back to ancient World
Extractions: While Egyptian civilization was developing in northeastern Africa, other civilizations were evolving in nearby southeastern Asia, chiefly in the Fertile Crescent . This region was named the Fertile Crescent because of its rich soil and half-moon shape. The Fertile Crescent was divided into 1) the eastern portion, consisting of the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys, called Mesopotamia (land between the the rivers), and 2) the western, or Mediterranean, portion Geographic Factors Influencing the Fertile Crescent
Extractions: Courtesy Embassy of Syria The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. Sumer, a kingdom of non-Semitic peoples that formed the southern boundary of ancient Babylonia, also sent expeditions in the third millennium, chiefly in pursuit of cedar from the Ammanus and gold and silver from Cilicia. The Sumerians most probably traded with the Syrian port city of Byblos, which was also negotiating with Egypt for exportation of timber and the resin necessary for mummification. An enormous commercial network linking Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Aegean, and the Syrian coast was developed. The network was perhaps under the aegis of the kingdom of Ebla ("city of the white stones"), the chief site of which was discovered in 1975 at Tall Mardikh, 64 kilometers south of Aleppo (see fig. 2
Extractions: Annals of the MBC - vol. 5 - n' 1 - March 1992 THE INFLUENCE OF THE ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN CIVILIZATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN CULTURES Poiycratis G.S. Athens University, Athens, Greece opening Lecture, Athens MBC Meeting, November 1991 SUMMARY. An account is given of the contributions made to Mediterranean culture by all the peoples that have populated the various countries, at different moments of history. Many favourable circumstances have contributed to this, especially the privileged geographical location of the Mediterranean area between 3 continents, the mild and healthful climate, the inheritance of important civilizations of Mesopotamia, India and China, the facile communication by maritime routes, as well as the invention of writing.
Extractions: Check the Civilization listings on eBay Links more links... Hosted By Name Description King David of Israel When David conquered Jerusalem around 1005 BC, he was a minor king subject to the Philistines. Israel`s first king Saul had been crushed at Gilboa by the Philistines, who resumed their customary dominance over the country. Instead of garrisoning the Hebrew towns they now preferred a policy of divide and rule. At Saul`s death Israel was split into tribal groups, Saul`s son Ish-Baal ruled most of the Eastern tribes and David in the hill country of the South. At this point David was still a retainer of the Philistines, he proved far to ambitious and capable to remain anyones vassal.
Extractions: OF AMERICA! A stone in a dry creek bed in New Mexico, discovered by early settlers in the region, is one of the most amazing archaeological discoveries in the Western Hemisphere. It contains engraved on its flank the entire Ten Commandments written in ancient Hebrew script! Hebrew scholars, such as Cyrus Gordon of Brandeis University near Boston, have vouched for its authenticity. I visited the site of the huge boulder, near Las Lunas, New Mexico, in 1973 and photographed the Hebrew inscriptions. A local newspaper reporter guided me to the mysterious site, located out in the middle of the New Mexico desert. We watched for rattlesnakes, as we hiked in to the spot where the boulder lies, unmoved and in situ for who knows how many mysterious centuries. Who put it there? Who wrote the incredible inscription of the TEN COMMANDMENTS in an ancient Hebrew dialect. In December, 1989, it was reported that an American explorer in Peru's highland jungles had found evidence that indicated king Solomon's legendary gold mines may have been in that region. The explorer, Gene Savoy, declared that he had found three stone tablets containing the first writing found from the ancient civilizations of the Andes. The inscriptions, he reported, are similar to Phoenician and Hebrew hieroglyphs!
Please Title This Page. (Page 1) The middle east region has one of the most ancient histories in the World famous civilizations as the ancient Jews, the Egyptians, and the phoenicians.
Ancient Persia - Persepolis Across the Hellespont he had the phoenicians and Egyptians place two bridges of A vast ancient silver treasure found in the middle east is stirring
Extractions: The early history of man in Iran goes back well beyond the Neolithic period, it begins to get more interesting around 6000 BC, when people began to domesticate animals and plant wheat and barley. The number of settled communities increased, particularly in the eastern Zagros mountains, and handmade painted pottery appears. Throughout the prehistoric period, from the middle of the sixth millennium BC to about 3000 BC, painted pottery is a characteristic feature of many sites in Iran. PERSIAN TIMELINE The Persian Empire dominated Mesopotamia from 612-330 BC. The Achaemenid Persians of central Iran ruled an empire which comprised Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, and parts of Asia Minor and India. Their ceremonial capital was Persepolis in southern Iran founded by King Darius the Great (522-486 B.C.). Persepolis was burned by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. Only the columns, stairways, and door jambs of its great palaces survived the fire. The stairways, adorned with reliefs representing the king, his court, and delegates of his empire bringing gifts, demonstrate the might of the Persian monarch. The Stone Tablets of Darius the Great The Persian Rosetta Stone THE PERSIAN WARS In the 5th century BC the vast Persian Empire attempted to conquer Greece. If the Persians had succeeded, they would have set up local tyrants, called satraps, to rule Greece and would have crushed the first stirrings of democracy in Europe. The survival of Greek culture and political ideals depended on the ability of the small, disunited Greek city-states to band together and defend themselves against Persia's overwhelming strength. The struggle, known in Western history as the Persian Wars, or Greco-Persian Wars, lasted 20 yearsfrom 499 to 479 BC.
History & Ancient Civilizations The Greeks referred to these Semitic people as phoenicians, after the Greek word died in 323 BC (only 10 years after his conquest of the middle east),
Extractions: A trip through Lebanon is a journey through the annals of some of the worlds greatest civilizations. With over 5,000 years of recorded history, the country is a treasure trove of archeological wonders, waiting to be discovered by visitors who want a glimpse into the ancient and modern past. Most of Lebanons historical sites have layers upon layers of ruins, with each layer uncovering the story of another civilization that inhabited this ancient land. Prehistoric Times (5,000-3,000 BC) A trip through Lebanons history begins in Byblos, where archaeologists have discovered the earliest known settlements in Lebanon.Today, remnants of prehistoric huts with crushed limestone floors, primitive weapons, and burial jars are evidence of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic fishing communities who lived on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea over 7,000 years ago.
Extractions: This timeline tries to compile dates of important historical events that happened in or that lead to the rise of the Middle East. The Middle East is the territory that comprises today's Egypt Palestine Jordan Lebanon ... Israel , the Gulf States Saudi Arabia Yemen , and Oman . The Middle East with its particular characteristics was not to emerge until late second millennium AD. To refer to a concept similar that of today's Middle East but earlier in time, the term Ancient Near East is used. This list is intended as a timeline of the history of the Middle East . For more detailed information, see articles on the histories of individual countries . See Ancient Near East for ancient history of the Middle East. This list is incomplete ; you can help by expanding it edit main article: Ancient Near East edit edit Circa 8000 BC âSettlements at Nevali Cori in present-day Turkey are established.