Ancient Civilizations Hotlist Middle East Civilizations An overview of the different societies in Ancient Phoenicians of Lebanon History of Mauritius - The Phoenicians
HIST 105 World Civ I EURASIA ** Week 5 (2/142/16) Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Persians Objective 9 The Ancient Middle East and Religious Tradition
Dr. J's On-Line Survey Of Audio-Visual Resources For Classics General Ancient World Civilizations Middle and Near East Civilizations Archaeology Databases Carthage and the Phoenicians, Minoans, Ancient
WHO ARE THE EAST ASIANS, POLYNESIANS AND AMERICAN INDIANS? Lost Races of the Ancient World See my publication The Nations of Central Asia and the Middle East. The Phoenicians named them Kt or Kty.
NM's Creative Impulse..Mesopotamia to Western and Middle Eastern culture of an ancient Canaanite people of the Middle East called the Phoenicians. from Providence College Civ
New Page 1 The Nok, The Phoenicians and the ancient Middle East. Illustrations some Reading Level 7+ Subject Ancient
Angel Art By Eve The Phoenicians , Alphabet from Providence College Civ Resources for the Ancient Middle East one page of links to sites of interest.
Back People in River Valley Civ people can fish for It was based on the Nile. Ancient Middle East Home. Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia. Phoenicians
Ancient Civilizations Learning Center Ancient Civilizations Islam and Islamic History in Arabia and the Middle East Educational Phoenicians A Bequest
Ancient Middle East / Persia The ancient phoenicians History and economics of the ancient phoenicians. of an ancient Canaanite people of the middle east called the phoenicians.
Extractions: Ancient Middle East / Persia - Home Anatolia Assyria General Resources ... Ancient Persia - Iran has been moved to its own page ) Ancient Civilizations Ancient Africa Aztec ByzantineEmpire Cambodia ... Ancient Civilizations Lesson Plans Anatolia Asia Minor "Asia Minor, region of the ancient world, roughly corresponding to present Asian Turkey, or the peninsula of Anatolia. Some of the earliest Neolithic settlements in the Middle East have been found in Asia Minor. One of the most important, at Çatal Hüyük, near present Konya, dates from as early as 9000 bc." This is a brief summary of the region's history - Discover Turkey: Anatolia Ancient Anatolia is now the heartland of Turkey - photos , history - Explore Turkey Explore the entire history of Anatolian civilizations from prehistory to the fall of the Ottomans. - From - Focus on Civilizations...Anatolia Throughout the Ages Series of introductory essays about Anatolian history. Time period begins 9000 BCE - illustrated - From Focul Online Magazine -
Ancient Middleast middle east Civilizations Introduction to most of the ancient middle east The phoenicians Introduction to the civilization of ancient Phoenecia.
Extractions: Middle East - Home Return to Topics Page Anatolia Assyria ... Sumeria Anatolia Ancient Cities (Index) A small gallery of classical remains from the ancient cities of Turkey - By Ersin Alok, Photographer - Asia Minor "Asia Minor, region of the ancient world, roughly corresponding to present Asian Turkey, or the peninsula of Anatolia. Some of the earliest Neolithic settlements in the Middle East have been found in Asia Minor. One of the most important, at Çatal Hüyük, near present Konya, dates from as early as 9000 bc." This is a brief summary of the region's history - Discover Turkey: Anatolia Ancient Anatolia is now the heartland of Turkey - photos , history - Explore Turkey Explore the entire history of Anatolian civilizations from prehistory to the fall of the Ottomans. - From - Focus on Civilizations...Anatolia Throughout the Ages Series of introductory essays about Anatolian history. Time period begins 9000 BCE - illustrated - From Focul Online Magazine -
The Ancient Phoenicians The ancient phoenicians {~Back to the Previous Page~ Cedar was very importantin the ancient middle east, which had little wood.
Extractions: The Lebanese-American Association. The Ancient Phoenicians The Phoenicians : W e go back to the long and often turbulent history of Lebanon 3,500 years ago, back to the dawn of civilisation. Its earliest settlers were the Phoenicians who came from the Arabian Peninsula around 1,200 BC. They established great cities at Beirut, Byblos, Tyre, Sidon, and Baalbek and spread their 22-letter Phoenician alphabet throughout the eastern of the mediterranean sea . C anaanites settled the coast of what is now called Lebanon and established independent trading cities around 3,000 B.C. Phoenicia is a Greek term applied to the coast of Lebanon. Because the location at the intersection of land and sea routes linking the ancient world, Phoenicia became famous as a commercial center. Phoenicians discovered and used the North Star (Polaris) to keep their bearings at sea. They were the first ones to sail around Africa. They colonized parts of Cyprus and Rhodes and crossed the Black Sea. They founded Tarshish on the coast of Spain and Carthage in North Africa. A mong the items they exported were cedar, pine, fine linen, embroideries, metalwork, glass, wine, salt and dried fish. The country imported papyrus for paper, ivory, ebony, silk, amber, ostrich eggs, spices, incense, horses, gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and jewels. Cedar was very important in the ancient Middle East, which had little wood. The fragrant cedar was much prized. The Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamen had furniture in his tomb made of Phoenician cedar. Ancient Phoenicia also produced the rare purple dye that came from a special snail. Purple became the color or royalty. Needing some way to keep track of their commerce, the Phoenicians developed an alphabet, which the Greeks later adapted for their language and which in some ways shaped the English alphabet.
Extractions: An Introduction to the Ancient Middle East Part 3: Phoenicians and Hebrews About 1200 B.C. a seafaring civilization arose along the Mediterranean Sea . These were the Phoenicians , and their boats carried traders and explorers alike. They carried customs and goods from one ancient civilizations to another. They are known for their alphabet, their papermaking, and their glassmaking. The Phoenicians founded cities (among them Byblos Sidon , and Tyre ) but were more interested in trade than empire. They also founded the city of Carthage , in northern Africa, in 814 B.C. This city would become the capital of a very powerful civilization that would rival Rome for control of the Mediterranean world. To the south of Phoenician territory was Canaan , a mountain-and-desert land that was home to the Hebrews Abraham led his people from the city of Ur to Canaan about 1900 B.C. The Hebrews, who had started out as traders, became growers of wheat, fig, and olives and tenders of sheep. They stayed in Canaan for about 100 years, during which time they organized themselves into the famous 12 Tribes. About 1800 B.C., a drought began, forcing the Hebrews to move to Egypt.
An Introduction To The Ancient Middle East Part 1: The Sumerians Part 3 phoenicians and Hebrews Part 4 Assyrians and Chaldeans Part 5 Persians ancient middle east Glossary ancient middle east Links
Phoenicia, Phoenicians In Brazil of Egypt and many other nations of the region known today as the middle east . Its ancient inhabitants were proud of belonging to the Phoenician
Extractions: Phoenician Colonization About 11,000 years ago (9500 B. C.) our planet was hit by a huge cataclysm when a good part of the Andes Cordillera was raised. The big lake where today the Sahara desert is dried out, the limits of the Mediterranean sea were altered, and the very large continent- island that existed in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, known as Atlantis, sank. The causes of the catastrophe are not completely known yet but it is believed that one of its probable causes was the arrival of a huge mass of a celestial body that might have passed near Earth provoking tremendous tensions in the internal magma of the planet. Those real magma "tides" have submitted the thin solid crust of the planet into stronger pressures than it could support. In many points the soil became distended and in others it wrinkled. There were furthermore sinking and rises in some other parts of soil. Atlantis was the main victim of those cataclysms that caused the fall of its powerful civilization. It is enough to say that various ancient texts state that after the continent- island's sinking, its survivors went on to Africa.
Extractions: Expressing your opinion e-mail me. Letters are selectively in " Letters What's New in Phoenicia? Phenicians of Malta and their Language. A genetic study of modern Maltese poves that half of them carry Phoenician genetic identifiers. ( Malta link) The Amorites and the Canaanite Phoenicians were not the same people. Their origin and language are unknown. ( Amorites link) The concept of time was Phoenician from whom it spread east and west. Secret Works of the Phoenicians Time link) The Controversy: Who invented the alphabet, the Phoenicians or the Greeks?
History Of The World - Ancient Middle East Previous Prehistory Back to Main Index, ancient middle east 7000 to 600 -800, phoenicians establish colony at Carthage, North Africa
Extractions: Jericho - world's earliest known city Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia Sumerian cuneiform (picture-writing) developed Sumerians invent wheel Early Hebrew civilization in Israel area Babylon established by the Chaldeans Abraham migrates from Ur to Canaan Hittite empire established in Asia Minor Gilgamesh Epic (heroic poem) written in cuneiform Phoenicians trading in Eastern Mediterranean Chaldean king Hammurabi codifies laws Phoenicians develop phonetic alphabet Hebrews invade Canaan (Joshua) Hebrew Exodus from Egypt under Moses Israelites invade Palestine Hittites overthrown by Assyrians Saul becomes King of Israel David becomes King of Israel - Philistines defeated Solomon becomes King of Israel Death of King Solomon - kingdom split into two Phoenicians establish colony at Carthage, North Africa Assyrians invade Palestine Ninevah sacked by Medes - end of Assyrian empire Hanging Gardens of Babylon built by Nebuchadnezar Nebuchadnezar takes Hebrews into captivity in Babylon Medes and Persians under Cyrus control most of Asia Minor Jews freed after Cyrus the Persian conquers Babylon Persians expand into Egypt, Asia Minor and towards India
Ancient Civilizations Mayan Geography The ancient Maya civilization occupied the eastern third of phoenicians history lebanon middle east Phoenicia Arabic arabs.
Extractions: Celts Celtic civilization - The Celt, also spelled KELT, Latin CELTA, plural Celtae.. Celts, another overview - (several sources) Druids - Who were the Druids ? (from "Celtic Heart") Barbarians - The term "Barbarian" is Greek in origin..(from Ellie Crystal) Runes, Celtic runes - Runes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century c.e. until well into the Middle Ages.. Celtic Calendar - There are three primary schools of thought regarding Celtic calendrical practice.. (from "Celtic Heart") The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal - The story of Bran. Celtic Knotwork: celtic knots - J. Romilly Allen has identified eight basic knots from which most Celtic knotwork patterns were derived.. Wicca - Paganism - Wicca is a religion that has roots going back to the dawn of man. Easter Island Easter Island: stones, history
Babylonians Influenced The Phoenicians 9, Small Kingdoms and Mighty Empires in the Near east phoenicians also 18, ancient middle east / persia Learn how they influenced the spread .