Extractions: . Our values, beliefs and wants must become attuned to the totality of life so that enlightened self-interest is in concert with the greater good. This new world embracing ethic includes a universal reverence for all life including animal life. It is urgently needed... wisdom of the body Our bodies are not machines, nor are animals Holistic living is living in harmony with ourselves, each other and with nature as a whole: it is knowing that the quality of relationships influences our state of health as much as our temperament, perceptions, genetic constitution and such. The same holds true for the health of our pets. And, the more removed we and they are from nature, the more disharmony and suffering there will be in the world. Dr. Michael W. Fox, D. Sc. Ph.D. The products marketed by Nature's Pet Marketplace are not intended to be the sole source of treatment or to take the place of expert veterinarian care. Please consult with your veterinarian and ask about using a natural and alternative approach for the treatment of your pet. We encourage your comments and questions.
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Pro Plan Producing dry and canned food for dogs and cats, with product details andinformation on pet care. http://www.proplan.com/