Al-Ahram Weekly | APEC Amok was being put down to an undefinable combination of geography and culture . Malaysia, Mexico, new Zealand, Philippines, papau new guinea, Singapore,
Extractions: Issue No.404 Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875 Current issue Previous issue Site map Demonstrators in the Philippines capital Manila protest the APEC summmit meeting in Malaysia (photo: AFP) By Gamal Nkrumah Whatever happened to Asian values? The word "sodomise" has recently become a staple of the Malaysian media vocabulary. It was not that long ago that the region's economic success was being put down to an undefinable combination of geography and culture. But then financial fire storms swept through the continent, wreaking havoc with economies left, right and centre. In the wake of the economic crisis, democracy activists have seen a big enough glint of light beyond the debilitating emerging-market tunnel to persuade them to accelerate the pace of political reform. Opposition politicians, like Indonesia's Megawati Soekarnoputri, had got used to the luxury of having no plausible chance of taking power. Now political outcasts and politicians behind bars are quickly becoming presidential hopefuls. Never before has the net of Asia's democratisation process been cast so wide. Those in authority are at last being held to certain standards, and people are demanding that politicians be made accountable. Western nations, spearheaded by America, have taken it upon themselves to accelerate the pace at which the reform movement advances.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Individual and Societies, History, geography, Economics, Philosophy, new guinea, new Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, papau new guinea, Peru,
Extractions: FAIRPORT HIGH SCHOOL ~ 1358 Ayrault Rd. Fairport, NY 14450 ~ (585) 421-2100 International Baccalaureate Diploma IB Curriculum IB Courses Offered at FHS International Baccalaureate Admissions ... Contact Patricia lmpson (IB Coordinator) International Baccalaureate Diploma Program The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program BACK The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a rigorous pre-university course of study, leading to examinations that meet the needs of the highly motivated secondary school student. Designed as a comprehensive curriculum that allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of the various national systems of education, the IB is based on the pattern of no single country. It provides students of different linguistic, cultural, and educational backgrounds with the intellectual, social and critical perspective necessary for the adult world that lies ahead of them. BACK IB curriculum consists of six subject groups: Language Al best language) including the study of selections from World Literature Language B (second language) or another Language Al Individual and Societies History, Geography, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Anthropology, Business and Organization
Extractions: General Description: Book from the Sierra Club of Western Canada presents the final report of the Vancouver Island Mapping Project, providing an up-to-date inventory of Vancouver Island's ancient forests. Includes statistics, diagrams, maps, report highlights, and background information. Also includes a fold-out map comparing the Island's forests in 1954 and 1990. Includes a large colour map. Audience: General Category: Student, Teacher Resource Curriculum Organizer(s): Forest Ecology Forests and Society Land-Use Planning Grade Level: Year Recommended: Also Recommended For: Supplier : Sierra Club of British Columbia Price: (not available) Order Number: (not available) Balancing Act: Environmental Issues in Forestry Author(s): Kimmins, Hamish General Description: University-level text takes an objective look at current forestry issues and the environment. It discusses the major issues facing forestry in the 1990s as well as the basic principles of forestry and ecology. Topics discussed include clearcutting, slash burning, management chemicals, old growth, biological diversity, and sustainability. Audience: General Category: Professional Reference Curriculum Organizer(s): Forest Ecology Forest Management Forests and Society Grade Level: Year Recommended: Also Recommended For: Resource Sciences 12 (Forests) Supplier : UBC Press
Extractions: in Asia and the Pacific 2. Status and trends of HIV/AIDS epidemics Epidemic patterns The spread of HIV in this region began in the early to mid-1980s. Early infections could be traced to sexual contacts with infected persons residing outside the region, as well as some apparent further spread within the region itself. By the late 1980s, however, it had become evident that the transmission of HIV was increasing among several populations, in some cases with great velocity, and that two sets of factors strongly influenced the course of the emerging epidemics: participation in sex work and patterns of injecting drug use (IDU). By early 1997, South and South East Asia accounted for an estimated 5.2 million (23 percent) of the 22.6 million adults and children living with HIV in the world. About one-third of adults living with HIV in the region are female. As the HIV epidemic is still relatively recent, HIV disease, including AIDS, is only beginning to emerge and the associated needs for care are rising steeply. The estimated HIV prevalence in 15 to 49 year-old populations varies from zero (DPR Korea) to one per several thousand in most countries in the region, up to 2 to 3 percent in Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. From a regional perspective, the magnitude and short-term trends of HIV epidemics are largely dependent on the extent of ongoing epidemics in a few countries: Cambodia, India, Thailand, Myanmar and, because of their population size, Indonesia and China. With a population close to 1 billion and multiple epidemic foci, India projects the image of a complex epidemic, involving focal outbreaks among injecting drug users and extensive HIV spread among female sex workers and their clients in several regions.
Hampton L. Carson Papers, American Philosophical Society Tryon, RM Jr., Plant geography (Botany 465) Lecture Notes, 19491950 Drosophilidae Associated with Flowers in papau new guinea.
Extractions: (32 linear feet) Ms. Coll. 83 American Philosophical Society 105 South Fifth Street * Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386 Table of contents Abstract The population geneticist Hampton L. Carson spent the major part of his career at Washington University (1949-1963) and the University of Hawaii (1963-1985) investigating the cytogenetics and evolution of Drosophila . As one of the major figures in the Hawaii Drosophila project, he made particularly important contributions to the study of speciation and selective and non-selective evolutionary mechanisms. The Carson Papers (1921-1993) contain correspondence, subject files, manuscripts of published and unpublished works by Carson, papers by colleagues and students, research notes, course material, and photographs, which document Carson's career in genetics. The collection is organized into seven series: I. Correspondence, 1944-1993 ; II. Subject Files, 1946-1989 ; III. Works by Carson, 1951-1985 ; IV. Works by Others, 1949-1987 ; V. Research Notes, 1921-1993 ; VI. Course Material, 1943-1986 ; VII. Photographs, 1948-1985. Background note Administrative information Restrictions Provenance ... Series I. Correspondence, 1944-1993
Syvum Kids Club Membership geography, Story Books. Music, Computer Games, Surfing the Net. Puzzles, Quizzes Panama, papau new guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Poland
Extractions: Trivia Contest! Hi! I am Webbie, and I will help you become a member of the Syvum Kids Club. Simply follow the following four steps, and you are on your way to the exclusive Syvum Kids Club, a fun place for kids to be in. If you are over 13 years of age, I recommend you check out our Syvum Teens Club or the Syvum Individual Club . The Individual Club offers magnificent student management and grade book creation features for teachers and parents. Step 1: Parental consent First thing you need to do is to ask your parent or guardian for permission to become a member of the Syvum Kids Club. You need to show them what information we are collecting from you on this page, and have them read our . As an assurance to them, we would like to say that we do not ask for any personal information from kids, but would still like your parent or guardian to supervise this registration process so that you don't accidentally reveal any identifiable information. Once you have done this, proceed to step 2, and remember to have your parent or guardian be present by your side when you register!
Solo Spirit Other islands in the Pacific include the independent countries of Kiribati, Narur,papau new guinea, Taiwan, Tuvalu, Western Samoa, Australia, Fiji, Japan,
Extractions: Edited by Stephanie Nelson The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet, covering one third of the entire surface of the Earth, or 165.384 million square kilometers. It is about 18 times the size of the United States of America. The accepted boundaries are the Bering Sea in the North, the Ross Sea in the South, the Strait of Magellan in the East and the Strait of Malacca in the West. The Pacific is often divided along the equator into the North and South Pacific, but the waters of these two halves circulate freely, as does the water in all of the world's oceans. The only real difference between these two halves is that the water circulates clockwise at the surface of the North Pacific and counter-clockwise in the South Pacific. The waters of the Pacific cover more area than all of the land mass of the world. Both the salinity (salt concentration) and the temperature of the water varies latitudinally. The waters around the equator are the warmest, reaching up to 29 degrees C (84 degrees F), and the least salty due to heavy precipitation. Near the polar regions the water can drop to temperatures near or even below freezing as the dissolved salt lowers the freezing point of the water. The Pacific creates five main climactic regions: the mid-latitude westerlies, the trades, the monsoon region, the typhoon region, and the doldrums. The mid-latitude westerlies occur in both hemispheres and bring marked changes in temperature with the seasons. The trade winds blow nearer the equator and account for the warm, constant temperatures year-round. The monsoon region is located in the far western region of the Pacific, between Australia and Japan, and is characterized by winds that change direction with the seasons. During the wet season the winds blow in large amounts of precipitation that cause flooding; during the dry, droughts are common. The typhoon region frequently exists in the shape of a large triangle from southern Japan to the central Philippines to eastern Micronesia. The typhoons generated here can have detrimental effect on a much larger area.
University Of Florida Template This course will cover the geography of international relations, He has donefield work in the Aleutian Islands, papaunew guinea, Hawaii, the Caribbean
Extractions: A new course, IDH3931 - Critical Thinking Skills - has been added. Updated:7/28/2004 IDH4905 - Rsearching Internships - has been added. Updated:7/20/2004 MAT4930: Financial Derivatives and Random Walks has been added. Updated:6/16/2004 Added course: IDH3931: Engineering and Astronomy in the Archaeology of the Ancients Updated:5/22004 Added course: IDH3931:Contemporary Issues in Technology and Society Updated:5/22004 ALS2931 Fred's Food Factory the Gordon Rule has increased from 2000 words to 6000 words Updated:4/12/2004 IDH2931 - Citizens as Leaders - has been changed to Norman Hall 278. Updated:3/29/2004 Added course IDH 3931 The Tao of Star Trek Updated:3/19/2004 Gordon Rule for ALS2931 Fred's Food Factory corrected from 2000 words to 6000 words. Updated:3/19/2004 Meeting time and location for CLA 3930 Olympic City changed. Updated:3/18/2004
Celebrations Of The Pacific Rim new York Kodansha International Ltd. 1975. Nicaragua. Visual geography Series . new ZEALAND NICARAGUA PHILIPPINES PERU PANAMA papau new guinea
Extractions: This unit of work has been developed under the cooperative learning and teaching mode. It reinforces the role of the Learning Resource Centre in helping meet the needs of the individual learner and in supporting the curriculum. Information retrieval, information processing,and information sharing goals are at the core of this unit. The resource based learning approach encourages students to be active learners and to become involved with various learning materials.
Papua New Guinea Risk Profile Is papau new guinea at risk due to close links with one of the 6 remainingpolioendemic Geographic proximity, or strong cultural or economic links,
Extractions: document.write(document.title); Is Papua New Guinea at risk due to close links with one of the 6 remaining polio-endemic countries? Yes! In a 'globalized' world of modern transport, all countries have regular contact with at least one of the 6 remaining polio-endemic countries: Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Niger, Afghanistan and Egypt. If Papua New Guinea borders one of the remaining endemic countries, it is at particular risk of polio re-infection. In 2003, a new outbreak originating in northern Nigeria spread across 8 previously polio-free neighbouring countries. Additionally, not just neighbouring countries are at risk. Earlier in 2004, Botswana was re-infected, due to the spreading outbreak from Nigeria. Geographic proximity, or strong cultural or economic links, to a polio-endemic country increases the risk of potential re-infection, as populations travel between countries and bring the poliovirus with them. Remember - polio does not need a passport to travel across borders! All countries will remain at risk of importations, regardless of their geographic proximity to polio-endemic countries. In January 2003, a child was paralyzed by polio in Lebanon - the first case seen in that country in nearly a decade. Genetic sequencing confirmed the case had been an importation all the way from India.
Papua New Guinea Risk Profile Based on the below indicators, papau new guinea could limit the risk of a Geographic proximity to an endemic country All countries are at risk due to
Extractions: document.write(document.title); All countries are at risk of being re-infected by polio! Click here to print Based on the below indicators, Papua New Guinea could limit the risk of a polio importation or outbreak due to importation, by addressing the identified gaps below. WHO can help in addressing these gaps, and we urge you to contact your WHO office (attention EPI/polio focal point) to discuss specific actions that could reduce the risk of Papua New Guinea to polio at this critical time in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Disease surveillance: Papua New Guinea 's AFP surveillance rate is per 100,000 children under the age of 15 years, and the adequate stool collection rate is Remember - AFP surveillance rates below 1.0, and adequate stool collection rates below 80%, means that Papua New Guinea would not be able to rapidly detect polio re-infection. Routine immunization: In Papua New Guinea , % of children under 1 year of age have been routine immunized with at least 3 doses of oral polio vaccine (OPV).
Papua New Guinea @ The Complete National Geographic on CDROM papau new guinea Excerptedfrom Face to Face in new guinea by Kenneth Brower. Read the complete article
50 Places @ National Geographic Traveler. SITE INDEX The Premier Papua new guinea Siteoffers a large quantity of tourist information, along with distinctive
Extractions: Photograph by David Doubilet My most emotional dive took place about ten years ago in Papua New Guinea. After a lifetime of diving with my father, Jacques, and learning about the underwater realms he knew so well...I had the chance to show him a place he had never seen and to share my pleasure in the diversity of corals and fish that live there. Oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau founded Ocean Futures to protect marine environments. In the October 1999 issue of TRAVELER, he shares his insights on the environment in Papua New Guinea. LEARN MORE Maps of Papua New Guinea
CIA - The World Factbook -- Papua New Guinea geography, Papua new guinea. Top of Page conventional long form IndependentState of Papua new guinea conventional short form Papua new guinea
Extractions: Select a Country or Location World Afghanistan Akrotiri Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Arctic Ocean Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dhekelia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gambia, The
Crows Better At Tool Building Than Chimps, Study Says Reference countries include Australia, papau new guinea, the Solomon Islands,and Vanuatu Go More than 60 new spring products from National Geographic
Extractions: April 23, 2003 Although there are many industrious tool-users in the natural world, the only animals with enough brainpower to develop and improve the tools they make have long been thought to be humans. Adding innovative new features, such as a wheel or an engine, to previous designs, was one of those traits some scientists believed made us unique. Now, according to researchers in New Zealand, a crafty species of crow found on the remote Pacific islands of New Caledonia may prove that this trait isn't so uniquely human after all. As the scientists detail in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B , New Caledonian crows ( Corvus moneduloides ) have been able to add useful new features to the insect-snagging tools they fashion from leathery pieces of torn leaf. What's more, they say, these innovations are faithfully passed on between individuals and across generations. "The ability to cumulatively improve tools is one of the features that define humanness. In fact this ability has been crucial for our technological progress," said co-author Gavin R. Hunt, at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. "Our findings therefore remove an important technological difference between humans and other animals," he said.
Papua New Guinea Travel, Guinea US Department of State Background Notes Papua new guinea, February 1996 Bureau State of Papua new guinea PROFILE geography Land area 461690 sq. km.;
Extractions: U.S. Department of State Background Notes: Papua New Guinea, February 1996 Bureau of Public Affairs February 1996 Official Name: Independent State of Papua New Guinea PROFILE Geography Land area: 461,690 sq. km.; about the size of California. Cities: CapitalPort Moresby (pop. 195,570). Other citiesLae (88,172), Mt. Hagen (70,850). Terrain: Mostly mountains with coastal lowlands and rolling foothills. Climate: Tropical. People Population: 4.3 million. Annual growth rate: 2.3%. Languages: English (official), Tok Pisin, Motu, and about 850 other languages. Education: Years compulsoryeight. Literacy52%. Health: Infant mortality rate 61/1,000. Life expectancymen 56 yrs.; women 58 yrs. Government Type: Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy. Constitution: September 16, 1975. Branches: ExecutiveBritish monarch (chief of state), represented by governor general; prime minister (head of government). Legislativeunicameral parliament. Judicia ... [
Papua New Guinea Food, Guinea Background Notes Papua new guinea, October 1998 Released by the Bureau of East State of Papua new guinea PROFILE geography Land area 461690 sq. km.;
Extractions: REGISTRATION / EMBASSY AND CONSULATE LOCATIONS: Americans living or traveling in Papua New Guinea are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department's travel registration website,, and to obtain updated information on travel and security within Papua New Guinea. Americans without Internet access may register directly at the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Port Moresby and obtain updated information on travel and security within Papua New Guinea. The U.S. Embassy is located on Douglas Street, adjacent to the Bank of Papua New Guinea, in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. That address should be used for courier deliveries. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1492, Port Moresby, NCD 121, Papua New Guinea. The Embassy ... [ Read More Background Notes: Papua New Guinea, October 1998 Released by the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific AffairsU.S. Department of StateOfficial Name: Independent State of Papua New GuineaPROFILEGeographyLand area: 452,860 sq. km.; about the size of California.Cities: Capital Port Moresby (pop. 300,000). Other cities Lae (88,172), Mt. Hagen (70,850).Terrain: Mostly mountains with coastal lowlands and rolling foothills.Climate: Tropical. NW Monsoon, Dec-Mar. SE Monsoon, May-Oct.PeoplePopulation: 4.5 million.Annual growth rate: 2.3%.Languages: English (official), Tok Pisin, Motu, and about 715 other languages.Education: Years compulsory 8. Literacy 72.2%.Health: Infant mortality rate 59/1,000. Life expectancy men 57 yrs.; women 58 yrs.GovernmentType: Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy.Constitution: September 16, 1975.Branches: Executive British monarch (chief of state), represented by governor general; prime minister (head of government). ... [
Papau New Guinea Scuba Diving And Travel Papua new guinea Land of adventure! As most of my friends out there know visit Papua new guinea, it s like participating in a National Geographic Movie
Extractions: Papua New Guinea Expeditions! Forget technology, fax machines, telephones, or laptop computers. Come experience the world of barefoot elegance, bamboo huts, beetle nut and fantastic boat diving! I have personally spent six months in the country researching the dive locations and cultural tours that are offered. PNG has been long regarded as one of the worlds best dive destinations by photographers, journalists and people like you and I, who want to experience that unique, unforgettable dive adventure. You will observe a true wilderness existence, a rarity left to be seen in only a few remote corners of todays world. Diving in PNG offers everything, from Pygmy Seahorses, sharks, and occasional Orcas. The rest of the country offers dense virgin rain forests along with exotic birds and plant life. Experience rich tribal culture as seen in the everyday lives of the Huli wigman at Tari or take a cruise along the Sepik River, and the list goes on.