Ada Evening News Cosponsored by East Central University, the oklahoma State Department of Among those attending the Institute are elementary, middle school and high
Extractions: Updated at 10:47 AM Have a Good Story idea? We Want To Hear From You! Click here HOME News - Top Story ... Obituaries INTERNET FEATURES Real Estate Guide Calendar of Events Political Representatives Military Briefs ... About Our Schools ABOUT OUR NEWSPAPER Single Copy Location s About Us Contact Us Great Story Idea Subscribe Online ... Classified Online OTHER LINKS Homeland Security About Ada Sex Offender Registry TV Listings ... Municipal Code Were you featured in the newspaper lately? Order your print online Click below ! Education Posted 07/31/2005 ADA Nearly 20 teachers, some from as far away as Kansas, are attending a Geography Basics Institute in Ada this week. Co-sponsored by East Central University, the Oklahoma State Department of Education, and the Oklahoma Alliance for Geographic Education (OKAGE), the Institute is taught by Glenda Sullivan, a retired teacher and OKAGE consultant, and Dr. Marco Micozzi, ECU professor of cartography and geography. Among those attending the Institute are elementary, middle school and high school teachers of social studies, mathematics, science, music, humanities, and language arts in both public and parochial schools. These nineteen teachers are spending a week of their summer vacations learning more about geography and how to infuse geography into all academic disciplines across the curriculum. In addition to the traditional college classroom setting, several unique historic and geographic places in Ada will serve as teaching and learning sites for the Institute, including the one room schoolhouse in Wintersmith Park. The teachers will also take a field trip to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge and Mount Scott near Lawton to do human and physical geography by studying the interaction among soils, vegetation, climate, geology and the human imprint on the landscape. They will also visit a wind farm which generates electricity, abandoned gold mining sites in the Wichita Mountains, and the earthquake sensing station in historic Meers, Oklahoma.
USCCB - National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) The educational program for parochial school children is Second Step and Safe Children Coalition and the educational program for parents, ministers,
Extractions: The diocese has a policy on the prevention of sexual abuse of minors by clergy. The diocese provides outreach designed to offer pastoral care to victims/survivors and their families. The bishop or his representative has met with, or offered to meet with all victims/survivors who have reported allegations of abuse since the last compliance audit. In the past, the bishop or his delegate has directed outreach to all faith communities in which any sexual abuse allegedly occurred. The diocese has a mechanism in place to respond promptly to any allegation where there is reason to believe that sexual abuse of a minor occurred. The diocese has a victim assistance coordinator, Quentin Henley, who is a licensed clinical social worker assigned to Catholic Charities. The diocese established in 2002 a Review Board which consists of eight members. The members include a senior vice-president and general counsel of a corporation, businessman and former Mayor of Tulsa, school teacher, child psychotherapist, child psychologist, FBI Agent, general counsel of a corporation and ordained deacon and a parish priest.. The Board serves as a confidential consultative body to the bishop.
Extractions: Education : The ruling will impact the discussion of funding for public schools, which was a contentious issue during the 2000 campaign. Proponents of vouchers argue that the government should spend its money in the most productive educational environments regardless of religious affiliation; opponents argue that government funds should remain in public, secular school settings. Church-State Separation : Strict church-state separationists oppose all school voucher programs because they feel that such programs give students incentives to attend religious schools, in violation of the establishment clause of the Constitution. Supporters of vouchers counter that the programs provide students with a wider range of choicesincluding both religious and secular schoolsso that they can receive the best education possible. Faith-Based Initiative : The Court's ruling will likely impact the larger debate about President Bush's faith-based initiative , in that whether government money is allowed to fund religious education may fuel the arguments of either those who do not want government grants to fund faith-based organizations, or those who do.
State Laws And Regulations - Colorado Local school district of residence shall require the child s parents to place a public or independent or parochial school until the next testing period.
Extractions: State Information Files - Laws and Regulations Support groups can offer additional help in dealing with your state laws and regulations. A listing of homeschooling support groups, organizations, listservs, websites and helpful individuals can be found in our Support Groups area. For unschooling support groups visit Unschooling Support Groups (1) Every child who has attained the age of seven years and is under the age of sixteen years, except as provided by this section, shall attend public school for at least one thousand fifty-six hours if a secondary school pupil or nine hundred sixty-eight hours if an elementary school pupil during each school year; except that in no case shall a school or schools be in session for fewer than one hundred sixty days without the specific prior approval of the commissioner of education.
Oklahoma School - 1895 oklahoma School 1895. provided by Glenn Thoming. This photo of the oklahoma School was taken on October 11, 1895. Mrs. Sarah Love loaned it to the St.
Extractions: Genealogy Help National Registry - Historic Places in Franklin Co. Newspaper Articles Franklin County Veterans Biographies ... Contact County Coordinator Oklahoma School - 1895 provided by Glenn Thoming This photo of the Oklahoma School was taken on October 11, 1895. Mrs. Sarah Love loaned it to the St. Clair Chronicle, date of publication not known. This picture was digitized from that newspaper picture and is of very poor quality. It is one more example of an institution that is rapidly fading from our memory. Perhaps some chance viewer may have a better picture they would share. (He was almost ashamed to send such a poor picture but the identification of the students needs to be preserved in case someone finds the actual photograph). Front Row