The Enid News & Eagle Progress Edition PO BOX 1192, Enid, OK 73702 1800-299-6397 oklahoma Fax 580 548-8147 As enrollment declined for parochial schools in the 1960s, Memorial High School
ROBERT S. KERR COLLECTION DEPARTMENTAL SERIES Box And Folder Applications of various oklahoma school districts for federal financial Opposition to federal aid for parochial schools; cancellation of speech
Extractions: Box 7 Go to Box 6 Box 7: Health, Education, and Welfare: Federal Aid to School Districts (1957) Interior: Indian Affairs, Creek (1949). F 1-4: Health, Education, and Welfare: Federal Aid to School Districts (1957). Applications of various Oklahoma school districts for federal financial assistance. F 5: Health, Education, and Welfare: General (1957). F 6-9: Health, Education, and Welfare: Federal Aid to School Districts (1958). Applications of various Oklahoma school districts for federal financial assistance. F 10: Health, Education, and Welfare: General (1958). F 11: Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education (1958). Scholarship and loan inquiries; Information on Science Scholarships (pamphlet); comparative study of the school systems of France and the Netherlands; statement by Oscar Rose before the Senate Education Subcommittee on P.L. 815 and P.L. 874 (81st Congress). F 12: Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service (1958). Additives and contaminants in food; multiple sclerosis; Indian health programs; alcoholism treatment; employment; cancellation of contract for Rose-Carmack Clinic in Okemah.
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College; Vaccines Students who have attended a public, private, or parochial school in oklahoma and have complied with the immunization requirements at those schools.
Untitled The oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission assists the oklahoma Private and parochial schools may be accredited and classified in like manner
Extractions: Oklahoma Private School Accreditation The Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission assists the Oklahoma State Board of Education by monitoring and approving organizations that accredit nonpublic (private) elementary and secondary schools in Oklahoma. In May 1995 the Oklahoma State Legislature passed, and the Governor signed, Senate Bill 479 which says in part, Private and parochial schools may be accredited and classified in like manner as public schools, or, if an accrediting association is approved by the State Board of Education, by procedures established by the State Board of Education to accept accreditation by such accrediting association, if application is made to the State Board of Education for such accreditation. In October 1995 the Oklahoma State Board of Education approved the application of the Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission to oversee the work of individual private school accrediting agencies. Subsequently, several accrediting agencies petitioned OPSAC for approval. The relationship of OPSAC with the Oklahoma State Department of Education provides the following activities related to accredited nonpublic schools: transference of student credits earned in accredited nonpublic schools to Oklahoma public schools the listing of all accredited nonpublic schools with the Oklahoma State Department of Education OPSAC meetings held biannually with an Oklahoma State Department of Education liaison to ensure the ongoing integrity and quality of the process.
Edmond Area Chamber Of Commerce :: Edmond, Oklahoma choices include numerous private, parochial and Christian schools in the area, St. Marys Episcopal School, oklahoma Christian schools, oklahoma
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article oklahoma City also has public votech schools, such as (Click link for more well developed private and parochial schools, including Casady School in,_oklahoma.htm
Extractions: Oklahoma City is the capital and largest city of the (The way something is with respect to its main attributes) state of (A state in south central United States) Oklahoma in the (North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776) United States of America . It is the (The town or city that is the seat of government for a county) county seat of (Click link for more info and facts about Oklahoma County) Oklahoma County . . The city's name is sometimes abbreviated to 'OKC.' Non-residents often refer to Oklahoma City as 'Oke City,' but residents never use this name. Residents of rural Oklahoma often refer to Oklahoma City as "The City." Oklahoma City is a large, diverse and growing city, and is the civic and commercial center of the state. It is one of the largest cities in the (A vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas; formerly inhabited by Native Americans)
Second Baptist School Athletics Willie Bedford 02 played baseball at oklahoma Baptist University and which made him the alltime rushing leader in private and parochial schools.
Eufaula Public Schools No minor child shall be admitted to any public, private, or parochial school operating in oklahoma unless the parent or guardian can present to the & IMMUNIZATION FILES/ENROLLMENT AND IMMU
Extractions: "No minor child shall be admitted to any public, private, or parochial school operating in Oklahoma unless the parent or guardian can present to the appropriate school authorities certification from a licensed physician or the appropriate public health authorities that such child has received or is in the process of receiving immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio-myelitis, measles, and rubella, or is likely to be immune as a result of the disease," Oklahoma State Department of Health. Reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the Eufaula Public Schools web site and its internal links are accurate and current. Eufaula Public Schools shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or out-of-date information contained herein. If any part of this web site is used for research or otherwise, verify your results with the actual printed materials available at Eufaula Public Schools Eufaula Public Schools District No.49-I001 is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital or veteran status or disability.
TSD Boys' Basketball Previous Seasons Kansas School for the Deaf. 79 24. W 6-8. oklahoma School for the Deaf He was named to the Texas Association of Private and parochial schools (TAPPS)
Extractions: Back 1998-1999 Varsity Boys Basketball Opponent Result Record Navarro L 0-1 Lifegate L 0-2 TSD Tournament Cornerstone W 1-2 W. C. C. L 1-3 Prairie Lea W 2-3 3rd Place Prairie Lea L 2-4 Oklahoma Classic Oklahoma School for the Deaf W 3-4 Arkansas School for the Deaf W 4-4 Louisiana School for the Deaf W 5-4 Champions Lometa L 5-5 S.M.A. L 5-6 Brentwood L 5-7 Keystone L 5-8 Kansas School for the Deaf W 6-8 Oklahoma School for the Deaf W 7-8 T.M.I. L 7-9 Sacred Heart L 7-10 Cedar Park L 7-11 St. Stephen's L 7-12 C.S.S.D. Tournament
Extractions: The D.A.R.E., or Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, was started in the Los Angeles Unified School District by Chief Daryl Gates of the Los Angeles Police Department in 1983. Gates recognized that police were unable to cure the drug problem that was sweeping America by arresting pushers and users, so he set out to educated students in Los Angeles schools. Gates received the full cooperation of the Los Angeles school district, and the program began with the 1983-84 school term. During the first year, ten officers taught the new curriculum to more than 8,000 students in 50 Los Angeles elementary schools. By 1986, the program had grown to reach all 345 elementary and 58 junior high schools in the city. Based on his success, Gates invited other jurisdictions to send officers to Los Angeles for 80 hours of intensive DARE training. This training is now used by police departments in all 50 states. There are now at least 3,000 instructors in the United States, 150 of whom are with law enforcement agencies in the state of Oklahoma. Officers who teach in the DARE program must volunteer for the job on the basis of a solid commitment to preventing substance abuse among young people, and must have a clean record, a minimum of two years street experience, maturity and good communication and organization skills.
Chronicles Of Oklahoma Since all the Catholic Indian schools in oklahoma and Indian Territory were Contains an article announcing the opening of Saint Mary s parochial School.
Extractions: Sister M. Ursula. Page 346 Introduction Since the passing of the American Frontier, Catholic Church historians have begun to study and evaluate the social, religious, and intellectual part played by the Catholic Church in the development of the Far West in the nineteenth century. One region worthy of special study is the territory now embraced within the present state of Oklahoma, which has not been given adequate historical treatment. It is the purpose of this bibliography to reveal the extensive and hitherto unexplored and unused sources for the study of this significant chapter in the history of the Catholic Church on the American Frontier. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Proceedings Of The Oklahoma Academy Of Science oklahoma schools have been the biggest user of these films. have been shown in all 776 public and parochial secondary schools in oklahoma at least once.
Extractions: OKLAHOMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Top of Page Table of Contents Home The Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, was presented this award of merit at the November 1985 technical meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science in Shawnee. The award recognizes Phillips for establishing a tradition of active concern for the quality of science education, other education, and science, not only in Oklahoma, but throughout this region of the nation. The following is a partial listing of recent contributions by Phillips Petroleum Company to science and science education in Oklahoma. Scientists from Phillips Research Center frequently lecture in classrooms of elementary schools and at colleges and universities on a variety of science topics. Lectures to elementary and secondary classes are usually in the Bartlesville vicinity, but those at colleges and universities may be anywhere in or outside of Oklahoma. The Robotics group of Research and Development last year developed a program on robotics for elementary schools. This program, which featured a "Hero" robot and video slide presentations, was presented in dozens of schools from Tulsa to the Kansas border and beyond. Other researchers addressed classes in chemistry, engineering, geology, physics, microbiology, and other areas of science. Such visits to Oklahoma public schools in the 1984-85 school year numbered approximately 100.
Voucher Battle The Newsletter of the oklahoma Chapter of Americans United specific in prohibiting funding to parochial schools than the US Constitution, Hollman said.
Extractions: First Amendment Advocate , Vol. 3, No. 2, August 2002 The Newsletter of the Oklahoma Chapter of Americans United Voucher battle moves to congress, states By Rob Marus WASHINGTON (ABP) Proponents of school "vouchers" where governments give scholarship grants to students in low-performing public schools that can be redeemed at private schools, including religious ones won a philosophical battle last month when the Supreme Court said such programs don't necessarily violate the separation of church and state. Now the debate is expected to move to the voting booth, where voucher proponents might face an even tougher battle. Voucher plans haven't fared well when removed from the realm of constitutional theory and put before the public in the form of ballot referenda. Since 1972, voters in seven states have been presented with voucher ballot initiatives on eight different occasions. On all eight occasions, vouchers have lost, by wide majorities. In Michigan, they lost twice. The two most recent statewide voucher referenda took place in 2000. California voters defeated a voucher program by a 71 percent-to-29 percent margin. Michigan voted down its voucher proposal by a more than 2-1 margin.
History Of The Whiting Schools Whiting Educational History Began In 1889 a two story school was built in the area known as oklahoma. The following is a brief history of the parochial schools that educated and enriched of the Whiting Schools.htm
Extractions: There was a time when a child could get a Catholic education at 1 of 4 Parochial Schools in Whiting's city limits. A boy or girl could attend classes at Sacred Heart, Immaculate Conception, St. Adalbert's or St. Mary Byzantine. Today there is not one school in Whiting that provides a religious education. The following is a brief history of the parochial schools that educated and enriched the lives of many of Whiting's citizens. Sacred Heart School was opened in 1895, at this time it was called St. Michael's School, located on Center Street. The school consisted of 2 classrooms in "Orient Hall," where the Sisters of Providence instructed 150 students. When a fire destroyed "Orient Hall" in 1897, a new building was erected. This building still serves as Saints Peter and Paul's parish hall. Thirteen years later a new school was opened on La Porte Ave, at a cost of $40,000. The class of 99 was the 104th class to graduate from Sacred Heart, it also was the last. In 1926 the doors opened up for the first time at Immaculate Conception School, and it served as an educational institution for 58 years. The doors closed permanently in 1985 due to financial problems. Immaculate Conception was known for keeping tuition costs $75 less than the other neighboring parochial schools. But, in 1984 parish officials decided to bring tuition costs up to the Region's average. This increase proved to be too much of a burden for the school's patrons and enrollment began to decline, until the school finally closed a year later.
Public Failure, Private Response The Big Shoulders Fund works with innercity parochial schools and awards Little Rock, Midland (Texas), Milwaukee, Newark, Oakland, oklahoma City,
Extractions: Books Magazines Music Maps Out of Print Books British Books British Magazines British Music Keywords: President Bill Clinton has called for a "national crusade" on education. Naturally, that means spending more money: he would have Washington hire teachers and build schools. Many states, flush with cash, also plan to spend more. But the problem of education is monopoly, not money. Average SAT scores dropped from 980 to 899 between 1963 and 1992, while real per-pupil spending rose 160 percent. In fact, real spending per pupil has risen 40 percent a decade since World War II. The past decade of "reforms" has changed nothing. The 1994 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) test found that 36 percent of fourth graders, 39 percent of eighth graders, and 57 percent of 12th graders failed to meet basic history standards. In most other subjects students perform poorly, and, incredibly, do worse the longer they stay in school. Last year the journal Education Week called America's public schools "rife with mediocrity," reporting that "there is no state in which at least half the students perform at the 'proficient' level or above." It refused to give the states grades based on their NAEP results, since "all would have failed." International comparisons tell an equally dismal story, with American students scoring below foreign kids in almost every subject. The latest survey, the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, ranked America 19th out of 21 countries in math, surpassing only Cyprus and South Africa. (No Asian nations, whose students typically do well, participated.)
Extractions: More Lifestyles: Recipe Index Community Calendar Community Links Note: this page is dedicated to our community. If you have a link you'd like us to add, please e-mail us by clicking on the mail link below, or address it to: . Click on the topic to see a list of links, or click on the links below to go directly to the pages. Arts, Humanities Churches, Religions Community Organizations Government, Law Public Schools Universities Miscellaneous The Arts and Humanities Amadeus Piano Festival Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa The Barthalmes Conservatory Clark Theatre ... Tulsa Philharmonic Top Churches, Religions Asbury United Methodist Church Boston Avenue Methodist Church Carbondale Assembly of God Believers Church ... Victory Christian Center Top Community Organizations A.B.A.T.E. of Oklahoma, Muskogee Chapter"
Southwest Conference -- Encyclopædia Britannica Later Southwestern University (1916), oklahoma (1920), and oklahoma A M (1925) left by Swedish immigrants to train people to teach in parochial schools.
Extractions: Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Southwest Conference Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Southwest Conference Southwest Conference... (75 of 238 words) var mm = [["Jan.","January"],["Feb.","February"],["Mar.","March"],["Apr.","April"],["May","May"],["June","June"],["July","July"],["Aug.","August"],["Sept.","September"],["Oct.","October"],["Nov.","November"],["Dec.","December"]]; To cite this page: MLA style: "Southwest Conference."
Extractions: K12 education loans College savings funds College education loans Teacher job openings National Parochial School Directory Parents - for K12 Grant and Scholarship info, click here website questions ? Locate a Parochial School in your area select the state of your choice in the left hand column There are over 7250 Parochial Schools throughout the United States. For further information, contact our administrations department here var sc_project=708706; var sc_partition=5; var sc_security="0c29bb21";
Parochial Elementary & Secondary Schools, SuperPages, Yellow Pages Find parochial Elementary Secondary schools for all your parochial Elementary Secondary schools needs. We have comprehensive yellow pages listings for Elementary & Secondary Schools
Extractions: City: State: Choose a State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming