- Administration of the Teacher in the Parochial Elementary Schools of Ohio. Abstract of a Dissertation .... (The Catholic University of America)
- A struggle to be separate: A history of the Ohio Amish parochial school movement by Noah Hershberger, 1985
- Administration of the Teacher in the Parochial Elementary Schools of Ohio by James W. Malone, 1957
- A study of leisure-time activities of seventh and eighth grade students of three east side parochial schools of Youngstown (Ohio. State University, Kent. ... Masters Theses. Department of Education) by Mary Esther Stoltz, 1944
- Wheeling Rediscovered by Private and Parochial Schools Ohio County's Public, 1976
- Ohio Educational Directory 2005-2006 School Year (Ohio Educational Directory)
- Islamic School Scandal Sparks Voucher Review In Ohio Legislature.: An article from: Church & State
- Supreme test: supreme court agrees to hear landmark Ohio case challenging voucher subsidies for religious schools. (Cover Story).: An article from: Church & State by Rob Boston, 2001-11-01
- Bush administration, pro-voucher groups Bombard High Court with briefs in Ohio case. (People & Events).(Brief Article): An article from: Church & State
- Exhibit of parochial schools in connection with the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904 by F Lindemann, 1904
- Parochial education and public aid: Today's Catholic schools by Christopher Connell, 2000