Extractions: They conquer who believe they can. He has not learned the first lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Ha Ha Ha What is an atomic scientist's favorite snack? Fission chips! Welcome! We are glad you came. Classroomgoodies is intended to be an informative and useful site for teachers, parents, and homeschoolers. At Classroomgoodies.com you can: Math on Target
Extractions: To find other help resources select a topic from the list and click GO Select a Topic US - National Organizations US - Federal Agencies US - State By State Resource Guides Canadian Resources Information By Phone International Links LD Schools On-line Resources Parent Advocacy US State Departments of Education If you are a professional interested in listing your services, sign-up online now! Public Agencies One of the best resources for finding help for your child with a disability is your local school district (sometimes called Local Education Agency). If your child has already begun school and you think your child needs special services, we suggest that you begin by discussing your concerns with your child's teacher or school principal. If your child is an infant, we suggest that you refer to your State Resource Guide and contact the office listed for Programs for Children with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2 Years. If your child is of preschool age, we suggest that you contact the office listed on the State Resource Sheet for Programs for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 Through 5 Years. Ask for the Child Find Coordinator in your community. State Education Department The State Department staff can answer questions about special education and related services in your state. Many states have special manuals explaining the steps to take. Check to see if one is available. State Department officials are responsible for special education and related services programs in their state for preschool, elementary, and secondary age children.
AIE: State Education Resources Texas Guaranteed s educational web site for parents, students, Guide to highereducation in Missouri, providing resources for students, parents, http://www.adventuresineducation.org/Portal/index.cfm?page=_st_midwest.cfm
Northern Ohio SERRC The Northern ohio Special education Regional Resource Center. 1230 BeechviewDrive, Suite 100. Vermilion, ohio 440891604 http://www.leeca.org/northernohioserrc/
Extractions: The Northern Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center is an educational agency serving school districts, parents, and the entire community as they live and work with children. Services are provided through networking, collaborative efforts, professional development, technical assistance, assessment and dissemination of information to promote quality education. Modelo de los Procedimientos para la Educación de Niños con Incapacidades: Formas 2005-06 SERRC Services New! Fall 2005 Newsletter Popular Links ODE Mapquest Thank you for visiting our Website! The Northern Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center 1230 Beechview Drive, Suite 100 Vermilion, Ohio 44089-1604 Phone: 440-967.8355 Fax: 440-967.8349 Problems or questions concerning this Website? Contact the Web Master.
Parent Resources & FAQ - Notre Dame College parent resources FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) What educational travelopportunities does Notre Dame College provide? http://www.notredamecollege.edu/undergraduate/parent.html
Extractions: Search: Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Resources How to triumph in your Freshman Year! Links for more information are provided in the "Answers" below. If you have a question that is not answered, fill out a form on the Website Director web page suggesting a question to be added to this web page. See Undergraduate Students Resources web page for more helpful information. Both first year students and returning students will find valuable suggestions on the "How to triumph in your Freshman Year!" web page Useful PDF Files from the Director of Residence Life Download Adobe Acrobat Reader - A free software for viewing and printing Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Residence Hall Move-In Information Fall 2005 (23KB)
Assessment Reform Network - Homepage These resources were created by ARN state coordinators to support their Parents United for Responsible education (PURE) http//www.pureparents.org http://www.fairtest.org/arn/parents.html
Urban Parent Involvement: Ohio It also supports adults in meeting their educational goals and developinginterpersonal skills. parent Information and Resource Center for ohio http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/timely/upioh.htm
Extractions: The Even Start program in the Cincinnati Public Schools helps parents understand and function as their child's primary teacher. It also supports adults in meeting their educational goals and developing interpersonal skills. Services provided include school-based parent centers at four sites, three day sites and one night site offering Adult Basic Education/General Educational Development preparation, child care during all program hours, parent education through parent support groups and developmental toys project time, and home visiting. For additional information, contact: Even Start Program
Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region - Parents Planned Parenthood offers resources for parents on reproductive health issues . Planned Parenthood has a variety of educational materials to help parents http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2/cinti/educationoutreach/resourcesparents/
Extractions: parents Parents are the primary and most important sexuality educators of thier children. Planned Parenthood has a variety of educational materials to help parents learn more about growth and development, human sexuality and reproductive health topics. How To Be A Good Parent How to Talk To Your Child About Sexuality The Facts of Life: A Guide For Teens and Their Families Having Your Period ... Facts of Life Line
Ohio Family Care Association - Programs parent Advocacy Connection Four parent based advocate groups (ohio Federation Educational Programming. ohios Resource Family Conference An event by http://www.ofcaonline.org/programs.htm
Extractions: "Voice of Adoptive, Foster, Kinship Children and Families" Programs Local Association Development: Parent Advocacy Connection: Four parent based advocate groups (Ohio Federation for Childrens Mental Health, Ohio Citizen Advocates for chemical dependency prevention and treatment, Nami Ohio, and OFCA) are working to recruit and train parents in each county who will act as Parent Advocates/Mentors. These advocates support families needing services within the Behavioral Health System for their children. Families ROCK Ohio: Intersystem Connection: OFCA participates in state-wide cross system coalition efforts to keep accurate information flowing to its members. OFCA Committees: Groups of OFCA members focus on adoptive, foster, kinship, respite, and former kids/kids in the system. Groups suggest and help execute programming for the OFCA. Focus issues this year include: post-adoption services, media image of foster care and allegations. Educational Programming Ohios Resource Family Conference: An event by families for families. June, 2005
Asperger: Educational Implications US Department of education This is a wonderful resource for information. IEP Individual education Program State of ohio guide to the IEP Process. http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/education.html
Extractions: Education and Disability Law Sample IEP/ARD and Documents ... Educational Sites of Interest www.ed.gov/PressReleases/07-2000/PolicyDisabilityharrassment.doc This is a link to a 2000 press release on from the US Department of Education regarding harrassment of individuals with disabilities. This link will take you to a downloadable file. It includes information regarding specific laws that can help if your child is being bullied or harrassed. Preparing to be Nerdy Where Nerdy Can Be Cool: College Planning for The High Functioning Student with Autism by Lars Perner, Ph.D. Ten Tips for Helping Your Child with Asperger Syndrome Get Ready to Return to School by Diane Adreon, M.A. This paper by the Associate Director of University of Miami Center for Autism and Related Disorders is a wonderful resource for information on helping AS children prepare for the new school year. Diane is also the co-author of the excellent, Asperger syndrome and adolescence: Practical solutions for school success Five Survival Strategies To Help Children With Asperger's Syndrome Overcome Inertia by George T. Lynn, M.A., C.M.H.C.
Special Education Reg. Resource Centers SPECIAL education RESOURCE CENTERS. The ohio Department of education maintainsa network of 16 SERRC s which are designed to initiate, expand, http://www.alliancelink.com/users/autism/special_education_reg__resource_centers
Extractions: Services provided may include a lending library of parent and professional materials such as books and tapes; professional development and parent workshops, technology issues, and the loan of assistant communication devices and toys. School personnel may access independent educational evaluations as well as specialized assessments to help develop IEP's and provide appropriate services.
Extractions: For National and Other State Government Resources, click here NOTE: Many Government Documents require the Acrobat Reader, free software to view PDF files available on the Internet. To download a copy of the software, follow this link. Internet Searches: Ohio Sites SITE: Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council
SWO SERRC Southwestern ohio Special education Regional Resource Center (SWO SERRC) is oneof 16 Informing Non English Speaking Parents about Special education http://www.hccanet.org/swoserrc/
Extractions: Topic Areas Ohio Integrated Systems Model for Academic and Behavior Supports Federal/State/Laws Alternate Assessment Innovations in Education ... Related Websites Southwestern Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center (SWO SERRC) is one of 16 regional centers serving the state of Ohio. The SWO SERRC serves the southwestern corner of the state, which includes Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties, and the City of Cincinnati. SWO SERRC is part of a federally funded project under the Ohio Department of Education Office for Exceptional Children. Services provided by SERRC are free of charge to districts, agencies and families in our region. Services
Parenting Resources Links to parenting groups, child care resources, and more throughout Central The online version of Central ohio s parenting magazine, featuring news and http://columbusoh.about.com/od/parenting/
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Columbus, OH Family, Children, Lifestyle Parenting Columbus, OH Essentials Columbus and Central Ohio Photo Album Columbus Today: News, Weather, and More ... Help w(' ');zau(256,140,140,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/C.htm','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','http://z.about.com/0/ip/496/7.htm','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the Columbus, OH newsletter! See Online Courses Search Columbus, OH If you're a parent, you need a lot of help! Check out these links to groups and people that can help. Alphabetical Recent Up a category Action for Children Need help finding reliable child care in Central Ohio? This referral agency can help. Adopt Ohio Ohio adoption guidelines, events, photographs of children, and more from the state of Ohio Office for Children and Families. Central Ohio Adoption Resources A look at some adoption support groups in Central Ohio. Central Ohio Moms Central Ohio Moms (COM) is for mothers in the Central Ohio to share. An area listing of fun things to do with your kids is included along with pet pages and a message board with a variety of topics. Children's Hospital Services Locator Searching for a doctor or other medical care for your child? Here Children's Hospital of Columbus gets you started with physician listings and more.
Ohio Links At the Human Development Family Life education Resource Center, Provided bythe ohio education Association, this Professional Development HomePage http://www.seisummit.org/ohiolinks.htm
FC-Cleveland - Spotlight On Spotlight on Health Grantmaking in ohio. Cleveland Library education and Events The ohio Literacy Resource Center organizes events for adult literacy http://fdncenter.org/cleveland/spotlight/cl_spotlight_080102.html
Extractions: The three elements of the Ohio Literacy Resource Center's mission are: to stimulate joint planning and coordination of literacy services at the state, regional, and local levels; to enhance the capacity of state and local organizations and service delivery systems to provide adult literacy services; and to serve as a reciprocal link between state and national agencies and service providers for the purpose of sharing information, data, research, expertise, and literacy resources. Background: The Ohio Literacy Resource Center (OLRC) at Kent State University (KSU) originated as a result of the federally-funded National Literacy Act of 1991 and is now primarily funded through the Ohio Department of Education, U.S Department of Education, and the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL). As the OLRC approaches its 10th anniversary, it continues to expand services and develop resources for adult education and family literacy programs. These projects assist practitioners as they prepare their students to become productive workers, active citizens, and involved family members in the 21st century.
Family Literacy ohio Department of education Family Literacy Information Links to resourceson parenting and early education in both English and Spanish. http://winslo.state.oh.us/services/LPD/tk_famlit.html
Extractions: Parenting Programs Libraries adapt the concept of Family Literacy to their services in very unique and different ways. The question is, what exactly is Family Literacy and how is it applied in the local public library? The State Library does not offer direct Family Literacy services. However, we do assist librarians in defining and implementing Family Literacy concepts upon request. Below you will find information on the programs we offer that are related to Family Literacy, as well as resources that may assist you in offering Family Literacy programming. For more information on Family Literacy and the programs listed below, contact
NCEF Resource List: School Size/Small Schools NCEF s resource list of links, books, and journal articles examining researchand changing standards for K12 ohio s education Matters 2002-2003 Poll. http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/size.cfm
Extractions: Presents results of studies in Maine indicating that a consolidated school can serve the same student population and offer the same curriculum with less square footage and thus at a reduced cost than two or more smaller schools. Operating and personnel costs are also lower in the consolidated school option, with savings approaching $3,500 per student over 40 years in Maine. As a school's enrollment decreases, the square footage and subsequent cost per student increases. Interpretation of the data by the Maine Department of Education is included. 19p.
Ohio Education/Other State Teachers Retirement System of ohio Akron/Summit County Educationalresources for teachers and parents who want to help kids. http://dir.ohiobiz.com/Education/Other/more4.html
Extractions: Site Archives http://www.oldmanlinc.com/ Brrookville/Montgomery County - This site provides rare glimpses of President Lincoln as seen through the eyes of his third cousin. A fairly complete site on the 16th President. Review It Rate It Bookmark It http://www.projectlove.org/ Beachwood/Cuyahoga County - Project Love is a non-profit organizations whose mission is to promote kindness, caring and mutual respect. Leadership training for teens, and national television program. Review It Rate It Bookmark It http://www.noacsc.org/putnam/pm/default.html Ottawa/Putnam County Review It Rate It Bookmark It http://www.richpalmer.com/ Centerville/Montgomery County - Rich Palmer s Safety Songs are designed for safety educators, police school resource officers, preschool and daycare teachers, Sunday school teachers and others to use for their safety education programs. Use music to reinforce your educational themes and messages! Review It Rate It Bookmark It http://www.sandusky.k12.oh.us/