Extractions: The goal of The Comic Book Project is to help children forge an alternative pathway to literacy through the visual arts. By employing a platform that links creativity to learning, The Comic Book Project has supported children who are struggling with their reading and writing skills, including children with limited English proficiency. A directory of websites that contain credible research-based information about child development. The sites have been evaluated by experts from Tufts University. Topics include family/parenting, health/mental health, education/learning, typical development, childcare/daycare, and activities by region.
Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Ohio State Resources Central ohio Special education Regional Resource Center (COSERRC) Serving parentsand educators in the Central ohio Region Director Vern Simpson http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/ohio.html
Extractions: To find other help resources select a topic from the list and click GO Select a Topic US - National Organizations US - Federal Agencies US - State By State Resource Guides Canadian Resources Information By Phone International Links LD Schools On-line Resources Parent Advocacy US State Departments of Education If you are a professional interested in listing your services, sign-up online now! Select a State Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Island Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Com. North. Mariana Island
Teacher/Parent Resources On Energy And Science Teacher/parent resources on Energy and Science Educational materials,information about the ohio oil and gas industry, classroom speakers, http://www.spe.org/spe/jsp/basic/0,,1104_1724,00.html
Extractions: Drilling and Completions Projects, Facilities and Construction Health, Safety and Environment Management and Information Production and Operations Reservoir Description and Dynamics Meetings and Conferences Technical Resources Career Development Young Members Sections About Oil and Natural Gas About SPE Products and Services Search For Meeting ATCE OTC IPTC ... Meetings Policy Oil and Gas Basics Glossary of Industry Terms Industry Statistics Energy Education Petroleum Careers Unit Conversions Links to Other Resources Site Links Join SPE Pay Dues Online Membership Directory Update Information About Oil and Natural Gas Energy Education Teaching Materials
Parent Resources parent resources. Go to a Lakota School Site, High Schools- The OhioDepartment of education has taken the kindergarten through eighth-grade http://www.lakotaonline.com/district/parent/parentindex.html
Family Help In Ohio resources in ohio to help families with troubled teens. Negotiation SkillsFor Parents How To Get The Special education Your Child With Disabilities http://www.focusas.com/Ohio.html
Extractions: Focus Adolescent Services Need help for your teen? Call FocusAS M-F 9 am-5 pm ET Family Help in OHIO Ohio Information Organizations Programs Support ... Books Click here to find out if your child is at-risk, displaying self-destructive behaviors, and needs your help and intervention. Home Resources State Directory Schools ... Contact HOTLINES AND HELPLINES Child Pornography Tipline ChildhelpUSA Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center Cleveland Crisis Hotline Family Link Line 513-946-LINK First Call for Help - Northwest Ohio National Domestic Violence/Abuse Hotline National Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE Ohio AIDS Hotline Ohio Suicide and Crisis Hotlines Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE Stark County Crisis Intervention Teen Line Toll-Free Numbers for Health Information NATIONAL ALERT REGISTRY Find out when a sexual predator moves into your neighborhood AS SEEN ON DISCOVERY HEALTH CHANNEL Promising new research shows an 80% reduction in symptoms of bipolar and other emotional disorders Click here to learn how TRUEHOPE can help.
Ohio Homeschooling Laws - A To Z Home's Cool ohio education Code for Homeschooling Act 169 of 1988 (A) A parent who electsto provide home education shall supply the following information to the http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/laws/blOH.htm
Extractions: Homeschooling books and supplies at discount, no sales tax, and now free shipping! A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling I am Ann Zeise , your guide to the best and most interesting and useful sites and articles about home education on the web. Search All of A to Z Articles Calendar Curriculum Explorations 4 Kids Field Trips Jokes Laws Links Methods Older Kids Regional Religion/Cultural The Web Home Recent Articles Events Join Email List ... Curriculum Shopping
Educational Services - Teaching Resources - Page Links The educational resources Index provides links to a large number of Great sourcefor Inclusive education, parent Information and Support, http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/k_12/teaching_resources/Page_Links.asp
Extractions: The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered internet resources of interest to researchers and educators. Librarians and educators do the filtering for you, reading hundreds of announcements each week looking for the online resources most valuable to the education community.
WVIZ/PBS Educational Services - Computer Connections Database Videos What is Educational Services (PowerPoint) Index parent resources 4300 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, ohio 441341191 http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/newsletter/archdb2.asp?general=Parent Resources
OMSC Web Links Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) www.basaohio.org resources for Parents. Bigchalk The education Network www.bigchalk.com http://www.oai.org/OMSC/Weblinks.html
Extractions: Kids Corner American Mathematical Organization of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) www.amatyc.org Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO) www.eeco-online.org Mathematical Association of America (MAA) www.maa.org www.nassmc.org National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) www.nctm.org National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) www.nestanet.org National Science Foundation (NSF) www.nsf.gov National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) www.nsta.org Ohio Academy of Science (OAS) www.ohiosci.org Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) ohioctm.org Ohio Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (OhioMATYC) www.terra.cc.oh.us/ohiomatyc Ohio Mathematics Educational Leadership Council (OMELC) omelc.educ.kent.edu Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) www.maa.org/Ohio
OH!Kids : Information For Grownups The OPLIN website offers a wealth of resources of interest to parents, teachers, ohio education This area includes links to information about ohio http://www.oplin.org/ohkids/grownups.htm
Extractions: Does OH! Kids have information for parents, teachers, and librarians? Yes! The OPLIN website contains a wealth of background information and useful resources both in the OH! Kids area itself and in other topic areas. Awards and Recognition Web Safety Ratings for OH! Kids OPLIN links of interest to parents, teachers, and librarians Awards and Recognition Included in ALA's "700+ Great Sites: Amazing, Spectacular, Mysterious, Colorful websites for Kids and the Adults that Care for Them." Included in Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators "Kids Stuff" page Included in Berkeley Public Library's "Librarians Index to the Internet." Web Safety Ratings for OH! Kids There are a number of ways to deal with kids getting access to Internet content that is not designed for them. One of the most effective ways is to encourage websites to self-rate their content for the presence of adult materials, violence, etc. and add HTML codes to their Web pages so that parents who wish to can screen out any such content on their computers. In support of this effort, we have registered OH! Kids with both of the major rating systems, RSACi and Safesurf. We are pleased that OH! Kids has been rated a "kid-safe" site. OPLIN Links of Interest to Parents, Teachers, and Librarians
Ohio State Resources ohio Coalition for the education of Children with Disabilities Bank One Building ohio Congress of Parents and Teachers 40 Northwoods Boulevard, Suite A http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/oh.htm
Extractions: The offices listed on this state sheet are primarily state-level offices. Even if an office is not close to your home, they can usually put you in touch with resources in your community, as well as provide you with information and assistance about disability issues in your state. If you find that an address or number has changed or is incorrect, please e-mail us at nichcy@aed.org and let us know. Each state sets eligibility ages for services to children and youth with disabilities. For current information concerning this state, please contact the office listed under Department of Education: Special Education United States Senators
Energy_Ed_Resource_List education Programs, Massachusetts Division of Energy resources ohio Oil andGas Energy education Program Oklahoma Energy resources Board http://www.iogcc.oklaosf.state.ok.us/COMMPGS/Energy_Ed_Resources.htm
Extractions: ENERGY EDUCATION CLEARINGHOUSE Educational Materials for Sale Museums Dedicated to the History of Oil and Gas Professional Development Resources for Teachers, Students and Parents Special Projects and Other Internet Resources University Programs in Engineering and Geoscience Return to the IOGCC Home Page L inked below are Web sites that provide general education and energy-related resources to teachers, students and parents. Careers A American Petroleum Institute C Careers in the Geosciences , from the American Geological Institute N Natural Resources Career Pathway Up Education A American Association for the Advancement of Science Ask-An-Earth-Scientist , University of Hawaii Ask the Experts , from Scientific American Association for Science Education , based in the United Kingdom B
Ohio School Climate Guidelines A space or place for parents (eg, a lounge, a parentfamily resource center) icon PDF Icon ohio School Climate Guidelines, ohio Department of education http://www.helpforschools.com/shared_docs/guidelines/Ohio_ClimateGuidelines/guid
Extractions: Guideline 7 GUIDELINE 7 Engagement of Parents and Families in School-Home Learning Partnerships Maximizes the Potential for Effective Instruction and Student Learning Parents and families are genuine partners in their childrens education and home environments support and reinforce school-related learning, healthy development, and appropriate behavior. Parents and families are the most important teachers of children, and children spend much of their out-of-school time with them. Thus, partnerships with parents and families are a practical necessity. In fact, parent and home supports for learning, healthy development, and success in school are essential to academic learning, healthy development, and success in school. Shared expectations for learning and behavior between educators and parents help students, at the same time benefiting both educators and parents. Furthermore, parents are able to provide information that helps teachers better understand and teach their children. Successful districts reach the following benchmarks Benchmark A Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.
Resources/Links ohio education Association, Leading the Way for Children and Public education Special education Links. Federal Resource Center for Special education http://www.ohea.org/resourcesLinks/resourcesLinks.aspx
Extractions: Art Links Children's Links Departments of Education Education Terminology Educators' Links - K-12 Educator Exchange Programs Government Links History Links Math Links Media Links Parents' Links America Reads Publications Battelle for Kids Children's Partnership Learning Network ... A Lexicon of Learning: What Educators Mean When They Say. . .
Education, General And Special General and Special education resources for Teachers and Parents as Teachers . IRSC , located in North Bend, ohio USA, is dedicated to communicating http://disability-resource.com/education.html
Extractions: AE , a non-profit organization, was founded in 1978 to address the environmental issues that confront people with disabilities and elderly people. Adaptive Environments promotes accessibility as well as universal design through education programs, technical assistance publications and design advocacy. The nation's umbrella higher education association, is dedicated to the belief that equal educational opportunity and a strong higher education system are essential cornerstones of a democratic society. ACE is a forum for the discussion of major issues related to higher education and its potential to contribute to the quality of American life.
Individual Education Plans / Family Village School This booklet is published by the State of ohio Department of education Covers the must haves for an IEP meeting From the parent educational Advocacy http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/education/iep.html
Extractions: This publication provides substantial guidance regarding the legal requirements for developing a student's IEP. It is a verbatim reprinting of (a) federal regulations about IEPs, and (b) Appendix A (formerly Appendix C) to the IDEA 97, which is a series of questions and answers about federal regulations on the IEP. Transition Services in the IEP
Family Village -- Parent Training & Information Centers Matrix parent Network and Resource Center parents Helping parents ohio Coalition for the education of Children with Disabilities. Oklahoma http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/education/pti.html