Ohio ohio State resources. Each state sets eligibility ages for services to children and Dena Hook, parent Assistance ohio Coalition for the education of http://www.autism-pdd.net/links/ohio.html
State Resources For Gifted Education ohio Department of education, Office for Exceptional Children 25 South FrontStreet, Mailstop 205 parent Advocates for Gifted education http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html
Extractions: This list includes State Department of Education offices responsible for gifted education and state-wide advocacy groups. For technical assistance, contact the individual listed for your state. State of the States, a book that provides state-by-state statistics and information, is available from Kristy Ehlers, listed under Oklahoma. State advocacy groups offer members a variety of services, including newsletters, conferences, and local resources. For current and detailed information on US State mandates governing gifted education, please visit Tennessee Initiative for Gifted Education Reform (TIGER) , and review their National Survey on the State governance of K-12 Gifted and Talented Education Reform (http://giftedtn.org/tiger/releases.htm). (70+ pages in .pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) Alabama
Links Additional resources. AUCD Logo Graphic Link ohio Sibs Website Graphic Link The site contains information on inclusion and education, parent support http://nisonger.osu.edu/Links.htm
Extractions: Through a combination of subsidizing rents in privately-owned apartments and company-owned properties, Creative Housing provides housing to individuals with disabilities in over 450 locations in the Columbus metropolitan area. The agency has also renovated over 200 homes for accessibility in a seven county area in Central Ohio. Pedel with Pete
Sexual Assault Response Network Of Central Ohio - OhioHealth SARNCOohio State Campus Advocacy - SARNCO works with the Rape education andPrevention Date rape prevention and safety tips; parent and teen resources http://www.ohiohealth.com/services/emergencyguide/details/sarnco.htm
Extractions: Cancer ... Emergency Guide Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio "You talk, we listen." The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) is the local sexual assalut intervention and prevention program. SARNCO works with local law enforcement and social services agencies to provide medical and social support services to victims of sexual assault. Services include evaluation and treatment in local emergency departments, emotional support from volunteer advocates, a 24-hour rape helpline, referrals to aftercare counseling and community outreach and prevention education. 24-hour rape Helpline number
West Clermont Local School District parent resources A list of links for parents http//www.ode.state.oh.us/proficiency/ohio Department of education, Proficiency http://www.westcler.k12.oh.us/public_html/index.php/html/parents/parents_resourc
OCECD Introduction resources TA Alliance for parent Projects. Welcome to our web site. ocecd.org.The Mission of the OCECD is to ensure that every ohio child with special http://www.ocecd.org/
Extractions: of Children with Disabilities Home Who We Are What We Offer Publications ... Resources The Mission of the OCECD is to ensure that every Ohio child with special needs receives a free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment to enable that child to reach his/her highest potential. 3rd Annual
Extractions: Resources Links outside Washington State University provide an option for finding further information on a variety of Parent Education Resources Resources. No endorsement of products or information is implied. Family Development Information from the National Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service. Cooperative Extension System's National Network for Child Care is your link to an array of resources to support child care professionals, parents and guardians do the best job possible of caring for children. The site has newsletters, resources ona variety of topics and ways for you to engage with colleagues and specialists in the child care arena.
Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) parent Resource Center Regional Educational Laboratory Regional Resource Center ohio parent Information and Resource Center http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list_by_territory.cfm?territory_cd=oh
Ohio - Jon's Homeschool Resources ohio homeschool support groups. Part of Jon s Homeschool resources neutral,non-commercial PEACE - Parents Encouraging Alternative Christian education http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/Ohio.html
Extractions: Welcome Files Talk Web Pages ... This page has two parts: Support Groups Neighbors to meet Web Pages Ohio-specific web pages Support Groups top Neighbors to meet Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings. The seeds of the collection came from Ruthann Biel, Growing Without Schooling, and Home Education Press. ARCHE - Akron Roman Catholic Home Educators Beth-Yada Home School Group Meets the second Monday of each month at the YMCA in Middletown c/o Dave DuVal ebanderson@1st.net Christian Home Educators of Ohio CHESCA - Christian Home Educators Stark County Association CPEF - Christian Parents' Educational Fellowship A "support ministry dedicated to meeting the needs of home educating families through encouragement, counsel, and group activities." Growing Together c/o Nancy McKibben
Extractions: Community Parent Resource Centers Each state is home to at least one parent center. Parent centers serve families of children and young adults from birth to age 22 with all disabilities: physical, cognitive, emotional, and learning. They help families obtain appropriate education and services for their children with disabilities; work to improve education results for all children; train and inform parents and professionals on a variety of topics; resolve problems between families and schools or other agencies; and connect children with disabilities to community resources that address their needs. Select your region for more information Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 (you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program from Adobe Parent centers in each state provide training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, school-aged children, and young adults with disabilities and the professionals who work with their families. This assistance helps parents participate more effectively with professionals in meeting the educational needs of children and youth with disabilities. To reach the parent center in your state, you can contact the Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers (the Alliance), which coordinates the delivery of technical assistance to the Parent Training and Information Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers through six regional centers located in New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Colorado and California.
Technical Assistance Alliance For Parent Centers The regional centers are a parent center s first resource for technical ohio Coalition for the education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) http://www.taalliance.org/
Extractions: The Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers is an innovative project that supports a unified technical assistance system for the purpose of developing, assisting and coordinating Parent Training and Information Projects and Community Parent Resource Centers under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and consists of 1 national center and 6 regional centers . The project is funded to strengthen the connections to the larger technical assistance network and fortify partnerships between parent centers and state education systems at regional and national levels. Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) in each state provide training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and to professionals who work with children. This assistance helps parents to participate more effectively with professionals in meeting the educational needs of children and youth with disabilities. The Parent Centers work to improve educational outcomes for children and youth with all disabilities (emotional, learning, mental, and physical). The Alliance offers a variety of resources to further strengthen the Parent Centers' abilities to effectively serve the families in their communities whose children have disabilities. There are approximately 100 parent centers in the United States. Staff members in these centers, as well as at the Alliance office, are likely to be parents of children with disabilities or have disabilities themselves. The
Extractions: Arkansas ... Additional Educational Resources (*Please note that PTO Central is not affiliated with the Ohio PTA) Welcome to the Ohio educational resource page. The goal of this page is to provide a central informational source for parents, educators and school officials on an array of issues facing Ohio schools. From school fundraising to regional Parent Teacher Association contacts to classroom initiatives, the online resources below provide additional insight into these issues, as well as many other important concerns facing Ohio schools, PTA and PTO groups, and other parent organizations. Ohio PTA Ohio Department of Education Ohio Fundraising Tax Laws Ohio Education Association ... Additional Ohio Educational Resources School-Fundraisers.com - School Fundraising Programs that Work
Parent Resources ACT Information For Parents resources Educational planning and career Reading to Children is Essential - Fact sheet from the ohio State University http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/parents/
Extractions: Curriculum Lesson Plans Organizers Rubrics ... ACT : Information For Parents : Resources - Educational planning and career development assistance for parents. Ages and Grades - Your child's development through the years. The Alternative Education Resource Organization - A listing of alternative schools, including charter, independent, Montessori, and other "unusual" schooling options. Awesome Library - K-12 Education Directory for Parents - The Awesome Library organizes 10,000 carefully reviewed K-12 education resources for parents. It contains a directory, an index, and a search engine. A Boost To Your Child's Standardized Test Scores - Experts lead you through step-by-step activities at home that will increase your child's test scores. For K-6 national standardized tests - IQ's, and IOWA's. CGI Parent Newsletters - these provided to classroom teachers to be sent home with children during the schoolyear. They were timed to coincide with lessons going on in the classrooms, and are available here for parents Chart Jungle - Printable charts, for baby, preschool, kindergarten, and other children. Charts include chores, awards, education, potty training, behavior.
Parent Information Southeastern ohio Special education Regional Resource Center SEOSERRC Most parents are concerned about their child s education, but parents of children http://www.seo-serrc.org/parent.html
Extractions: SEO-SERRC Most parents are concerned about their child's education, but parents of children with disabilities are often faced with very complex issues. Understanding the special education process can be confusing and finding the help and support you need for your child can seem overwhelming. If you would like to talk to another parent, someone who knows firsthand what it means to be the parent of a child with a disability and understands your unique concerns, the Parent Mentor Program may be able to help you. The Parent Mentor Program is a free service available to parents. The parent mentor Understands the special education process and the law, and can help you problem-solve concerns about your child; Attends school meetings at your request Maintains a resource library of books and materials about disability related topics that are available for you to borrow; Is familiar with the system of services in our school districts and our community; and Can help you advocate for your child.
OMD Library: Parenting Resources A participatory adult religious education program to help parents enhance the The resources are meant to help parents simplify and enhance the winter http://omd.uua.org/library/parenting.html
Extractions: Ohio-Meadville District Library Parenting Resources District Executive RE Consultant Youth Programs Cons. Cong. Consultants Administrative Staff Board Members Comm. Lay Leader Lifespan Faith Dev. Social Justice Youth Adult Comm. Young Adults LREDA Congregations District Map Ohio Congregations New York Cong. Pennsylvania Cong. West Virginia Cong. Welcoming Cong. Congregation Events General Information Calendar of Events Contact Us Directions OMD Forms OMD By-laws OMD Policies Programs Annual Meeting Summer Institute Conferences Retreats Trainings Guest In Your Pulpit Publications Monthly Packet District Doings Resources OMD LIbrary Guest In Your Pulpit Cong. Consultants Social Justice Chalice Lighters Friends of the OMD Support the OMD Related links: Lifespan Faith Development Committee RE Consultant Youth Programs Consultant New Additions ... Library Policies The following titles are Parenting Resources. Makanah Elizabeth Morriss and David Hicks MacPherson, UUA
Families Home Page Special education News Lakewood SchoolsOhio Coalition for the education of Children with Disabilities parent resources.Special Children First special needs child care center http://www.ode.state.oh.us/families/
Extractions: Use this feature to search for Web site content. Keyword search will enable you to find ODE contacts (e-mail and phone numbers) associated by keyword. The people search will allow you to search the ODE employee directory. Click on this to see more search options available on this site. Click on this tab to return to the ODE home page. This tab will take you to ODE news, calendar and other information on current events. We've improved our site navigation for better customer service. Choose the visitor description that matches your area of interest. The data tab is where ODE stores many reports like proficiency test scores, school district and building report cards, financial data and much more. Click on the Topic tab to access more information regarding a specific area of interest. Click on this feature to see a printer friendly version of this page. This format is recommended for printing. Click on this to magnify the content of this page. Click on this feature to transform this page into an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Home families
Extractions: Today is HELPING YOUR YOUNG CHILD HELPING YOUR SCHOOL - AGE CHILD TRANSITIONS: BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL RESOURCES ... PAC The Northwest Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center offers links to internet sites to support parents, educators, administrators, and related professionals working with children who have disabilities. The site sare listed purely for information and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Educators should preview any site intended for classroom use to determine if it violates school district policies. Because these sites are developed and managed by other agencies, organizations, or companies, we cannot control the information, endorse any views, or advertise any services or products on these sites. If you find a bad link, please contact Shirley Lauria to update the link.
Extractions: If you have any problems viewing this site or wish assistance, please e-mail Shirley Lauria: sLauria@nwoserrc.org d This webpage includes links to plug ins, graphics, animations, and other items used on this site. Information on the specific sources is available below. Because of its compatibility to all systems, the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (pdf) is one of the most common ways to record documents on the web, so downloading the software from the Adobe site is worth your patience and time. For your convenience, especially if you are a novice to downloading information from the web, please use the following link to instructions for seamless downloading: pdf.htm#Pagetop
Ohio's OLRS - Site Map FSC Home Page (Information and resources for Children with Disabilities) Interagency Agreement Between the ohio Department of education and the ohio http://olrs.ohio.gov/ASP/SiteMapAndLinksTXT.asp