Extractions: HOME ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WASHINGTON DC WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING Your Personal Guide to the North Dakota DMV Where do you want to go? Auto Insurance Quotes Check a Vehicle's History DMV Forms Driver's Education Driver's License/Permit Info Extended Auto Warranties Traffic Schools North Dakota Drivers License North Dakota Traffic Schools Auto Insurance Quotes North Dakota Drivers Ed ... BOOKMARK DMV.ORG's NORTH DAKOTA DMV GUIDE In the recent years, the North Dakota Department of Motor Vehicles (NDDMV) has been making use of the vast technological improvements that have occurred automating many of the burdensome tasks that were once dread. People don't have to stand in long lines at the North Dakota DMV and fight the crowds anymore - now they can access most North Dakota Department of Motor Vehicles services online from the comfort of their home. DMV.ORG is the site that will bring the most up-to-date information and services from the North Dakota DMV as they come available. We will also keep this site up to date with industry news, latest motor vehicle information such as tire or vehicle recalls, special offers from North Dakota auto insurance companies and other information valuable to residents or those planning on moving to North Dakota. No need to stand IN-Line, your North Dakota Department of Motor Vehicles Guide is now ON-Line!
North Dakota Farm Bureau Entrants in north dakota Farm Bureau s Young Farmer and Rancher competitive eventscould win great Send comments regarding this site to dfifer@ndfb.org. http://www.ndfb.org/
Extractions: H.R. 3824, the Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act, passed the House Resources Committee on Thursday, September 22, by a vote of 26 to 12. The bill now goes to the full House where it is scheduled for a vote on Thursday, September 28. Use Action Alert at left to send a message to Rep. Pomeroy. Bedgar joins NDFB staff Sarah Bedgar of Jamestown has joined North Dakota Farm Bureau as a Leadership Development Assistant, providing support and leadership development opportunities for 13 county Farm Bureaus in southeast North Dakota. In addition, Bedgar will assist with the activities of the NDFB Young Farmer and Rancher Committee. (more) Who is this man, and what does he want? The Senate passed its version of H.R. 2744, the FY06 agriculture spending bill. The bill provides $100.2 billion for USDA and ag-related programs, of which just $17.4 billion is for discretionary programs (programs that must be funded annually). The conference that will work out the difference between this bill and the already-passed House bill is expected to start shortly as Congress works to complete action on spending bills before September 30, the end of the fiscal year.
North Dakota north dakota agencies and Organizations. Geographic Alliance Network; NASA EducationResources; north dakota State Climatologist; State Geological Survey http://teachearth.com/states/North_Dakota.htm
Extractions: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/education/index.html The National Geographic Society's Geography Education Program has established a network of state geographic alliancesógrassroots organizations composed mainly of K-12 teachers and university geographersódedicated to improving and promoting geography education. These alliances support professional development for teachers, development of classroom materials, and efforts to make geography a part of state and local curricula. NASA's State-Based Electronic Notebook is the source for NASA and aerospace education in your state. Includes links to K-university level education contacts, resources, and information. NASA Educator Resource Centers (ERCs) and Space Grant Colleges offer teacher workshops and other education programs in their state. North Dakota State Climatologist State climatologists are individuals who have been identified by a state entity as the state's climatologist and who are also recognized by the Director of the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as the state climatologist of a particular state.
GAAP Listings Department of education Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation New Mexico, north dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin, http://www.degree.net/guides/gaap_listings.html
Extractions: ACCREDITATION: The Approved Accrediting Agencies Each of the six regional associations has responsibility for schools in one region of the United States and its territories. Each one has the authority to accredit an entire college or university. And there are also about 80 professional associations, each with authority to accredit either specialized schools or specific departments or programs within a school. Thus, it may be the case, for instance, that the North Central Association (one of the six regional associations) will accredit Dolas University. When this happens, the entire school is accredited, and all its degrees may be called accredited degrees, or more accurately, degrees from an accredited institution. Or it may be the case that just the art department of Dolas University has been accredited by the relevant professional association, in this case the National Association of Schools of Art. If this happens, then only the art majors at Dolas can claim to have accredited degrees. So if an accredited degree is important for your needs, the first question to ask is, "Has the school been accredited by one of the six regional associations?" If the answer is no, then the next question is, "Has the department in which I am interested been accredited by its relevant professional association?"
Extractions: read more The guaranty agencies below financially support the Clearinghouse and receive enrollment information directly from us. Their financial support allows us to provide service without charge to schools and students. California Student Aid Commission Colorado Student Loan Program Connecticut Student Loan Foundation Direct Loan Program (William D. Ford) Education Assistance Corporation Educational Credit Management Corporation Finance Authority of Maine Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation Illinois Student Assistance Commission Iowa College Student Aid Commission Kentucky Higher Education Asst. Authority Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority MOSTARS - Missouri Student Loan Program Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program National Student Loan Program, Inc.
Teacher Prep Directory State Contacts State education agencies. Alabama Alabama Department of education South DakotaDepartment of education and Cultural Affairs Tennessee http://www.crede.org/tools/directory2-1/contacts.html
North Country Trail Association Home Page Home page of the north Country Trail Association, a grassroots organizationbuilding a 4600 mile long hiking trail from New York to north dakota. http://www.northcountrytrail.org/
Extractions: Current known long-distance hikers on the NCT July 28- Andy Skurka's End-of-Hike Report! July 14- Waiting to Hear of Andy's Completed C2C Hike June 21- WA- Andy in Washington State April 28- MT- Skurka at Augusta, Montana April 28- ND- ... Skurka Completes North Country Trail Sept 22- PA- Danger to Diminish on the Mid State Trail Sept 22- AL- Waste Company Scraps Landfill Plan along Voting Rights Trail Sept 19- MI- Hiawatha Water Trail Aug 3- MI- Blueberry Ridge Trail Agreement Reached Aug 3- NY- Adirondack Mountain Club Publishes New Edition of Catskill Trails
North Dakota Depository Libraries Directory Subject Strengths north dakota Great Plains History, Census, Archaeology,Military, Agency Strengths Census Bureau, Congress, education Department http://www.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu/govdocs/nddepdir.php
American Association Of School Administrators - State Associations South dakota Department of education Cultural Affairs Tennessee Departmentof education Texas education Agency Utah State Office of education http://www.aasa.org/state_associations/education_departments.htm
ND State Board Of Optometry - Home Page The north dakota State Board of Optometry is the state agency responsible for It also serves to maintain the educational standards of the profession by http://www.ndsbopt.org/
Extractions: The North Dakota State Board of Optometry is the state agency responsible for the licensure of doctors of optometry and enforcement of statutes governing the practice of optometry. The Board licenses all new optometrists,and renews licenses for established optometrists. It maintains high standards in the profession and protects consumers by investigating and settling complaints against optometrists. It also serves to maintain the educational standards of the profession by reviewing and either approving or rejecting continuing education and postgraduate courses for North Dakota licensees. The Board also proposes and reviews legislation, as well as new rules and regulations regarding the profession. Meeting Dates: Any questions regarding the North Dakota State Board of Optometry or this page may be addressed to ndsbopt@ndsupernet.com or by clicking on the menu options Contact Board or Consumer Complaints 341 1st Street East, Dickinson, ND 58601 (701)483-9141 Fax:(701)483-9501
North Dakota New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, north Carolina, north dakota, Ohio In this Backgrounder, Stateline.org outlines the law and explains states http://www.stateline.org/live/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=111&languageId=1&conten
Extractions: Alabama Alaska Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington DC West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming School Name or District Nan is the Director of Finance and Operations for the Time Warner Office of Corporate Responsibility, the umbrella department that defines and implements the philanthropic giving strategy for Time Warner. Previously, Nan spent 10 years at Time Inc., with positions at Life, Time, Money and Entertainment Weekly magazines. Most notably, Nan spent six years at Time for Kids, heading up the marketing and finance departments. In 2000, she led the team that developed and launched timeforkids.com, a news Web site that provides daily content for elementary teachers and students. Nan holds an M.B.A. from New York University and a B.A. from Harvard University.
Extractions: In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act and strengthened provisions covering access to information in the Federal sector for people with disabilities. As amended, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires access to the Federal government's electronic and information technology. The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Federal agencies must ensure that this technology is accessible to employees and the public. The law directs the Access Board to develop access standards that will become part of the Federal procurement regulations. The scope of Section 508 is limited to the federal sector. It does not apply to the private sector, nor does Section 508 impose requirements on the recipients of federal funds. However, the Department of Education interprets the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act), to require states receiving assistance under the AT Act State Grant program to comply with Section 508, including the Access Board's standards. The Department of Education, the agency responsible for administering the AT Act, plans to issue guidance to explain specifically how the proposed standards would apply to the states for purposes of the AT Act. Thus, while Section 508, on its face, is "limited to the federal sector," recipients of federal funds under the AT Act must also comply with Section 508.
American Indian Science And Engineering Society - AISES Montana, New Mexico, north dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South dakota, and Washington . Administered for the US Environmental Protection Agency, http://www.aises.org/highered/scholarships/
Extractions: Application Deadline : passed Established in 2002, in partnership with General Motors. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are American Indian/Alaskan Native undergraduate or graduate students pursuing degrees in engineering. GM gives preference to electrical, industrial or mechanical engineering majors. Applicants who are not selected as recipients will be given consideration in the A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship program, if all criteria is met. Bureau of Reclamation Scholarship and Internship Application Deadline : passed Established in 2001, in partnership with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The scholarship is available to American Indian/Alaska Native undergraduate students seeking a Bachelors degree in engineering or science, relating to water resources or an environmentally-related field. Applicants who are not selected as recipients will be given consideration in the A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship program, if all criteria is met. This scholarship is jointly funded by the Bureau of Reclamation and the National Water Resources Institute.
About NCR-SARE A 1994 NCRSARE Research and education study found that a six-acre CSA farm The USDAs north Central Region (NCR) Sustainable Agriculture Research and http://www.sare.org/ncrsare/about.htm
Extractions: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Wisconsin. A 1994 NCR-SARE Research and Education study found that a six-acre CSA farm raising about 16 tons of produce for 150 shareholders has an economic impact of $270,000 annually. Click to see larger image. T more than $30 million worth of competitive grants to farmers and ranchers, researchers, educators, public and private institutions, nonprofit groups, and others exploring sustainable agriculture in 12 states. Project abstracts can be found by searching the national SARE database NCR-SARE Goals Foster site-specific
Ndakota STATE education AGENCY RURAL REPRESENTATIVE. Patricia A. Laubach north DakotaInteragency Project for Assistive Technology PO Box 743 Cavalier, ND 58220 http://www.autism-pdd.net/links/ndakota.html
RSA A state government rehabilitation agency that offers assistance to persons north dakota Vocational Rehabilitation 117 1st Street East http://www.jan.wvu.edu/SBSES/VOCREHAB.HTM
Extractions: STATE OFFICES By contacting your local vocational rehabilitation office, you will tap into a wealth of resources related to employment options for people with disabilities. Vocational Rehabilitation, a state-supported division of services, assists individuals with disabilities who are pursuing meaningful careers. VR assists those individuals to secure gainful employment commensurate with their abilities and capabilities through local job searches and awareness of self-employment and telecommuting opportunities. Listed in Alphabetical Order by State ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS ... Rehabilitation Services Administration Technical Assistance Circular: TAC-00-02