State Education Leader (Winter 2001): Rural Education In north dakota, teaching credentials in special education can only be attached to ¦ ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural education and Small
Extractions: VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1 WINTER 2001 Education Commission of the States 700 Broadway, Suite 1200 Denver, CO 80203-3460 303-299-3600 fax 303-296-8332 RURAL EDUCATION The Rural Bellwether Community Colleges: Key to Rural Success Iowa Links Education and Economy Special Education: Tough Issue for Rural and Remote Areas ... Rural Statistics By Kathy Christie Reprinted with permission from Phi Delta Kappan , February 2001. Schools in rural America face an array of problems every bit as daunting and intractable as those confronting schools in urban communities. In rural communities, graduating students who see no future locally leave town, and a snowball effect begins. These young people are no longer there to start families, to send their children to school, to buy toothpaste from the local druggist or houses from the local realtor. A brain drain begins that leaves fewer high-quality workers to attract high-quality jobs. Fewer high-quality jobs means even fewer opportunities for the next generation of students, who will find themselves forced by economic necessity to leave the community. In fact, in 22 states, more than half of all rural schools lost students between the 1994-95 and 1997-98 school years, according to the newsletter Rural Policy Matters. Those states with the highest percentages of enrollment loss were Louisiana, Idaho, North Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming. States with large rural populations have begun to face these and other problems of rural schooling directly.
HECUA Higher Education Consortium For Urban Affairs Is located in Minnesota, north dakota or the following counties in northwestern Email Telephone 651/287-3318 (800/554-1089)
Extractions: //Document Level Menu Settings cddcodebase = "" cddcodebase120054 = "" cddactivate_onclick = false cddshowhide_delay = 100 cddurl_target = "_self" cddurl_features = "resizable=1, scrollbars=1, titlebar=1, menubar=1, toolbar=1, location=1, status=1, directories=1, channelmode=0, fullscreen=0" cdddisplay_urls_in_status_bar = true cdddefault_cursor = "hand" Partners Internship Program FOR STUDENTS FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Requirements for Participation The Partners Internship Program (PIP) provides paid summer internships for undergraduate students in Minnesota, Wisconsin or North Dakota. Each year, twenty nonprofit organizations in Minnesota, northwestern Wisconsin and North Dakota are selected to be internship sites based on a mission-driven mission project the organization designs that the student intern implements during the summer. HECUA provides two internship reflection seminars during the summer, connecting twenty students for orientation and reflection on their experiences. The seminar in late July provides the opportunity to present internship projects to fellow interns and internship supervisors.
Consumer World: Consumer Agencies Gov info from federal agencies for senior citizens north Carolina AttorneyGeneral Consumer Protection north dakota Attorney General
North Dakota Housing Finance Agency The north dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) is here to help north dakotansachieve successful homeownership through homebuyer education, downpayment and
North Dakota Housing Finance Agency HomeSmart Homebuyer education Incentive Program. To encourage first-time homebuyers Go to Discover north dakota. north dakota Housing Finance Agency
2000 Arts Education Policies In The States - Search Engine north Carolina (as of July 2004), north dakota (as of July 2004), Ohio (as ofJuly 2004) Questions/Comments/Feedback to AEP staff at
Extractions: 2004-2005 State Arts Education Policy Database This searchable database contains information on state arts education policy gathered in Fall 2004. It updates information that was provided on the website of the National Conference of State Legislatures ( It also includes new information that was not previously provided in the NCSL database. The database contains information collected primarily from state departments of education. The source of the information was principally the arts education consultant within the department of education. In some cases, responses came from other state department of education representatives, state arts council representatives and other state arts education sources. The database contains summaries of state policy on the following topics: General authority for arts education State standards for the arts State assessment measures in the arts Arts requirements for high school graduation Arts requirements for college entrance Licensure/certification requirements for arts teachers Licensure/certification requirements for general (elementary) classroom teachers Arts requirements for pre-service teachers Professional development requirements for arts teachers Current or recent state-appointed task forces or commissions relevant to arts education Chief State School Officer statement supportive of arts education State Education Department's website
NECTAC: State Section 619 Coordinators north dakota. Nancy Skorheim, 619 Coordinator. Office of Special education Texas education Agency 1701 north Congress Avenue Austin, TX 787011494
U.S. Education Spending: 1999-2000 to a low of about $750 million in north dakota, which serves about 1 out of Current expenditures for public education in 19992000 totaled about
Extractions: Home Policy Archive Search Sponsored Listings Questia : Search over 400,000 books and journals at Questia online. FastWeb Free Scholarship Search : Find free money for college or an advanced degree. var site="sm3pwl1776" Adapted from "Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 19992000" May 16, 2002 Nearly $373 billion of revenues were raised to fund public education for grades prekindergarten through 12 in school year 19992000. Current expenditures (those excluding construction, equipment, and debt financing) came to almost $324 billion. Three out of every five current expenditure dollars were spent on teachers, textbooks, and other instructional services and supplies. An average of $6,911 was spent on each studentan increase of 6.2 percent from $6,508 in school year 199899 (in unadjusted dollars). Total expenditures for public education, including school construction, debt financing, community services, and adult education programs, came to nearly $382 billion. These and other financial data on public elementary and secondary education are collected and reported each year by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), U.S. Department of Education. The data are part of the "National Public Education Financial Survey" (NPEFS), one of the components of the Common Core of Data (CCD) collection of surveys.
State Resources For Gifted Education north Carolina; north dakota; northern Mariana Islands South dakota Departmentof education Cultural Affairs 700 Governors Dr. Pierre, SD 575012291
Extractions: This list includes State Department of Education offices responsible for gifted education and state-wide advocacy groups. For technical assistance, contact the individual listed for your state. State of the States, a book that provides state-by-state statistics and information, is available from Kristy Ehlers, listed under Oklahoma. State advocacy groups offer members a variety of services, including newsletters, conferences, and local resources. For current and detailed information on US State mandates governing gifted education, please visit Tennessee Initiative for Gifted Education Reform (TIGER) , and review their National Survey on the State governance of K-12 Gifted and Talented Education Reform ( (70+ pages in .pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) Alabama
NCATE - Institutions - Program Review Process Kansas State Department of education Kentucky. MS Word DocumentState Protocol north dakota education Standards
Good Links To Disability Related Sites Main Web Site for the State of north dakota with Links to Many agencies into the market place. http//; The Academy for Educational
Extractions: Home page of Jamal Mazrui! This site offers information, ideas, and software related to my interests and the theme of empowerment helping individuals and communities achieve self actualization and full citizenship. Jamal Mazrui Home Page The Disability Rights Activist Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD) WebABLE! is the authoritative Web site for disability-related internet resources. Large collection of useful disability graphics AbilityHub is an Assistive Technology related web site for people with a disability who find operating a computer difficult, maybe even impossible. AbilityHub is a firm starting point for finding information concerning Assistive Technology. AbilityHub MossRehab Resources links to many sites. It is fairly complete in links to: Assistive Technology, ADA, education, recreation, travel, rehab., etc. Adaptivation designs, manufactures and distributes assistive technology to persons with disabilities throughout the world.
Action Planning Session Barbara Norby, north dakota School Board; Issue There is a need to bring agencies Jackie Schoening, Cooperative Educational Services Agency 6
Extractions: Previous section Next section Contents Pathways ... home page Each state participating in the "Safe Schools Within Safe Communities" regional seminar brought a team, if possible, so that they could take the first step towards developing a violence prevention action plan for their state. While the time available for the development of the plans was brief, states were able to identify some of their key issues, goals, and objectives. The outcomes are summarized in the following section. Action Plan Teams: David Wright, Iowa Department of Education Mary Sloan, Northwest Iowa Alcoholism and Drug Treatment Unit The representatives of the Prevention and Education Committee will develop an action plan for positive human relations. This committee will then present an action plan to the Governor's appointed Prevention and Education Council. Plans will be implemented in each department for compiling and listing resources, and for developing materials and providing technical assistance, as well as developing measurable outcomes. Each state department will then have an action plan that is a collaborative effort with all other departments. north dakota, OHIO. Address education Standards and Practices Board Texas education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701
Education Programs In State Archives: State Government Employees Continuing education and training for state government officials provided tailored to the needs of the agency and held at the agency site. north dakota
Extractions: Last updated September 5, 2002 Intro State Agencies Local Govts Professional Archivists K-12 Teachers/Students Grassroots ... Web-based In early 2001, we asked the State Archivists to tell us what educational programs their agencies and state historical records advisory boards (SHRABs) had in place for a variety of audiences. Please note: The information in the table below was gathered through the broad question "What is your state archives/SHRAB doing in the following education areas?" Accordingly, this is not intended as an all-encompassing summary of what the respondent states are doing, but rather, a sampling of the types of educational activities being undertaken at this time. Educational Programs for State Government Employees Summary: Of the thirty-three states included in this category, twenty-nine responded that they provide regular workshops and/or daily training for state records managers (six provide both). Only nine of the states indicated that they have manuals or retention schedules (CT, ME, MO, MI, OR, PA, SC, TX, WY), six of them are available on-line. Michigan and South Carolina have outside funding for state records education (NHPRC). Oregon is the only state providing Web-based training for state government at this time. States and Territories
Extractions: It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses that school nurses should be designated and recognized as first responders to mass casualty emergencies, including those resulting from bioterrorist events. School nurses should be trained in protection, detection, and treatment of victims of such events and in the command and control management techniques of the logistics of such a situation. The strategic position of well-prepared nurses within the school environment has significant potential for minimizing the effects of a bioterrorist attack in school settings and, subsequently, in the community at large 3p.
STAPPA/ALAPCO Explore this web site to locate state and local air agencies across the nation, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, north Carolina, north dakota, Ohio
Extractions: @import url(styles.css); Agriculture Air Pollutants Enforcement and Compliance Funding ... Translator document.write(randomBanner); HOME US AGENCY CONTACTS AIR POLLUTION TOPICS OUR INNOVATIONS ... CLEAN AIR WORLD @import url(styles.css); The State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (STAPPA/ALAPCO) the two national associations of air pollution control agencies throughout the United States welcome you to this web site. Explore this web site to locate state and local air agencies across the nation, access the latest information on important air pollution topics, learn about the associations positions and initiatives and find links to other related web sites. Please also visit STAPPA/ALAPCOs international web site, Clean Air World Select State: Select one Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Extractions: NAEPDC Executive Committee The Executive Committee serves as the Board of Directors for the National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium. NAEPDC Committees National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium committee lists (standing and ad hoc), special interest groups and state leadership collaboratives. General Membership List, by Region
State Approving Agencies State Approving Agency for Veterans Training education 2020 W. Third Street north dakota State Approving Agency Kirkwood Office Tower Suite 603
North Dakota Resource Guides, National Mental Health Information Center north dakota Resources. State Mental Health Agency For example, the educationoffice might have information about help for children, and the agency for
Extractions: Each State has a protection and advocacy agency that receives funding from the Federal Center for Mental Health Services. Agencies are mandated to protect and advocate for the rights of people with mental illnesses and to investigate reports of abuse and neglect in facilities that care for or treat individuals with mental illnesses. These facilities, which may be public or private, include hospitals, nursing homes, community facilities, board and care homes, homeless shelters, jails, and prisons. Agencies provide advocacy services or conduct investigations to address issues that arise during transportation or admission to such facilities, during residency in them, or within 90 days after discharge from them. Contact: