Learn & Serve America Below is a directory of State education agencies (SEAs). north dakota,north dakota Department of Public Instruction Bismarck, ND http://www.learnandserve.org/about/contact/sea.asp
Extractions: FONT SIZE: Default Large About Learn and Serve America What Is Learn and Serve America? What Is Service-Learning? Impact of Learn and Serve America Learn and Serve America Programs ... National Service Catalog Select a State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other National Service Programs NationalService.gov Senior Corps AmeriCorps Hurricane Katrina Volunteer Support Fund In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Corporation is coordinating volunteers to assist with repair and relief efforts in areas affected by this devastating storm. Your donation will support volunteers in providing food and shelter, managing donations, helping victims get necessary assistance, and long-term rebuilding efforts. Donate Now to our Below is a directory of State Education Agencies (SEAs). SEAs receive Formula-based funds from Learn and Serve America. Most of the funds are distributed by subgrant to schools and school districts who work with one or more community partner organization to create service-learning projects that simultaneously meet community needs and support the development of students academic, civic, and service skills.
Extractions: PBS TeacherLine is pioneering an innovative model for on-demand, high quality and standards-based teacher development focusing first in the areas of mathematics and technology, then expanding to all curriculum areas. The courses are designed to be adapted to local and state professional teaching standards and integrated into current professional development efforts through local partnerships between public television, state departments of education, local education agencies and school districts. The six-week PBS TeacherLine courses are skill building, standards-based opportunities. Courses may be customized to meet the needs of individual school buildings, districts or consortium.(Group discounts are available.) Couses are intended to encourage each teacher to structure the learning experience.
Prairie Public.Org: Prairie School Television Home: About is a membership based program service brought to prairie education agencies Your school s membership in Prairie School Television (all north dakota http://www.prairiepublic.org/education/pstv/member.html
Extractions: Prairie School Television Home Prairie School Television Educational Resources Overview Prairie School Television provides supplementary classroom video and other educational resources to encourage the use of technology as a teaching tool in the classrooms. Prairie School Television is a membership based program service brought to prairie education agencies through a partnership between public television and the North Central Council for School Television. Your school's membership in Prairie School Television (all North Dakota schools are members) entitles you to: Recording rights on both daytime and block feed broadcasts, use of the lending library, and rights to request programs to be dubbed. Area teachers help choose programming which fit local school curriculum.
NEA: NEA Study Reveals Teacher Salaries Stagnant For Last Decade The largest decreases occurred in the District of Columbia, north dakota, Using information provided by state education agencies and analyzed by NEA http://www.nea.org/newsreleases/2005/nr050623.html
Extractions: Salaries Stagnant for Last Decade The report, Research shows that the quality of a child's teacher is a key factor in closing the achievement gaps that exist today and ensuring that all students are prepared for success in work and life. Yet according to NEA's study, the average salary of a public school teacher for the 2003-2004 school year increased only slightly over the previous year. C-11 C-14 Speaking on behalf of NEA's 2.7 million educators, President Reg Weaver emphasized that inadequate state and local funding of public schools and the strict, costly regulations of the so-called "No Child Left Behind" law are making it more difficult for schools to retain quality employees. "A career in teaching offers many intrinsic rewards. But teachers should never have to choose between doing what they love and supporting their families," Weaver said. "We can't continue to ask them to fulfill such an important mission without providing the support they deserve and need to remain in the profession." Nationwide, at least 2 million teachers will be needed over the next decade because of teacher attrition and retirement and increased student enrollment. Research shows that more than one third of all new teachers leave the profession within three years and almost one half leave within five years due to poor working conditions and low salaries. The percentages are even higher for minority teachers, male teachers, and teachers under 30.
State Government Education Resources - Careers.Org north dakota education Resources. Department of Career and Technical education State Board for Educator Certification Texas education agencies http://www.careers.org/topic/06-65-state-government-education-resources.html
Extractions: Quick Links Home Page Jobs Available Now Career Schools A to Z Jobs USA ... more Education, Learning Personal Business Personal Credit Career Services Career Reference Employer Resources After Hours Site Map Job Search by Occupational Field Jobs in USA / International Career Schools Directory Career Schools USA Job Search - 1900 links sorted onto 83 topic pages Job Search - Occupation Job Search - USA Job Search - Canada ... Job Search - Self-Employed Train for the Job Courses of Study Online Degrees Culinary Schools MBA Online Adult Eduation ... Criminal Justice Degrees Career Reference / Advice Company Research Job Descriptions Resume Preparation ... Salary Negotiation Work for Yourself Resources Employer Resources Education Resources Job-Seeker ... Personal Credit Resources JobsByState.Info
Language, Speech And Hearing Contacts In State Education Agencies education Building 116 West Edenton Raleigh, NC 276031712. north dakota Mary S. Cole Texas education Agency 1701 north Congress Austin, TX 78701 http://www.asha.org/about/legislation-advocacy/state/education_agencies.htm
Extractions: @import url( /styles/importmenuA.css ); Skip to: content navigation Our site's pages are optimized for Web browsing software that supports current Web standards, as established by the World Wide Web Consortium (http://www.w3c.org/) . Content is accessible from older or less standards-compliant technologies, but its presentation will not be identical to visitors with standards-compliant software. Read more on our site's changes and accessiblity. Find a Professional Shop My Account Guest Login Search for: Advanced Search Home Site Location: Home About ASHA ASHA State-by-State Language, Speech and Hearing Contacts in State Education Agencies Alaska
CC-VI Collaborators URL http//www.meac.org REGION VIII (Colorado, Montana, north dakota, Southdakota, Utah, Wyoming) State education agencies (SEAs) http://ccvi.wceruw.org/ccvi/collaborator/
Extractions: Text only Home About CCâVI Staff ... Internal Text only Home > Collaborators Comprehensive Centers Network The Comprehensive Regional Assistance Centers program is a network of 15 regional centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB). The purpose of the centers is to help implement NCLB in ways that support Federal, State, and local efforts to improve teaching and learning and to increase the academic achievement of all children. Activities include professional development/capacity building at the State, district, and school levels; customized consultation; and other technical assistance services to improve the quality of instruction, curricula, assessments, policymaking, and other aspects of school reform supported with funds under NCLB. In particular, high poverty, low-performing schools, BIA schools, and districts with high-risk populations are targeted for Comprehensive Center services. URL: http://www.ccnetwork.org/where.html
Extractions: C anada Federal and nationwide sources Council of Ministers of Education , Canada (CMEC) A section includes links to Provincial and Territorial Departments and Ministries responsible for education (In English and French) This page, hosted by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, contains a useful and comprehensive list of links to Canadian sites relating to education (In English) Province/Territory sources Alberta Alberta Learning (In English) British Columbia Ministry of Education (In English) Ministry of Advanced Education (In English) Manitoba Departments of Education and Youth, and Advanced Education and Training
FRAC - Summer Food Service Program USDA provides funding through state agencies (generally state education New Hampshire, north dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, and Puerto Rico. http://www.frac.org/html/federal_food_programs/programs/sfsp.html
Extractions: WIC ... CFNP Summer Food Service Program for Children (SFSP) When school lets out, millions of low-income children lose access to the school breakfasts, lunches and afterschool snacks they receive during the regular school year. The Summer Food Service Program for Children is a key to filling this gap. The Summer Food Service Program provides meals and snacks to children who might otherwise go hungry and is often provided in conjunction with educational, developmental, and recreational activities. With more parents working outside the home, organizations are serving school-age children afterschool as well as during the summer. History The Summer Food Service Program for Children (SFSP) was created by Congress in 1968. It is an entitlement program designed to provide funds for eligible sponsoring organizations to serve nutritious meals to low-income children when school is not in session. Benefits The SFSP feeds hungry children in the summer, gives a boost to public and private non-profit summer programs, and helps give low-income children the best start on the new school year. Many of the children served are at nutritional risk when they do not have access to school meals.
AIHEC.org BA Indian Studies, University of north dakota . She also networks with variousstate education agencies and national organizations. http://www.aihec.org/AIHEC Documents/Kellogg Leadership Fellows/2004-2005 AIHEC
Extractions: M.Ed., Lesley College , Cambridge , MA Experience: Computer Instructor, Fort Peck Community College and Gear-Up Coordinator, Brockton Public Schools Ms Bighorn is responsible for advising all of the education students at Fort Peck Community College . She also administers the Career Ladder Teacher Training Program in addition to teaching computer application and other technology courses on an as needed basis. College: Fort Peck Community College Poplar , MT 59255 Ms Teresa Dorsett Title: Student Support Services Coordinator Experience: United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) consultant, Adjunct Professor, Redlands Community College , Education Director, Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma. Administration of the SIPI Student Support Services Program is Ms Dorsett's primary responsibility. This program supports low income, first generation, and disabled students in their academic and personal endeavors while attending SIPI. She is also involved in SIPI's initiatives on the assessment of retention and graduation rates and the implementation of the students' first year experience program.
Links State agencies. These are the websites of each states education and health north Carolina Department of Health and Human Services north dakota http://www2.edc.org/MakingHealthAcademic/links.asp
Extractions: EDC Projects National Non-Governmental Organizations Federal Agencies State Agencies ... Funding Opportunities EDC Projects National Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Hundreds of national organizations place the welfare of children at the heart of their missions. Nonprofit trade associations, coalitions, service delivery networks, and other NGOs are valuable sources of information on school health. Nearly 70 national NGOs collaborated with EDC on the book Health is Academic: A Guide to Coordinated School Health Programs . They appear with an asterisk (*) next to their names. Federal Agencies Listed here are the major federal agencies that address different aspects of school health in its broadest definition and in specific or targeted initiatives. State Agencies Technical Assistance Centers and Research Institutions We have culled a sample list of centers that collect information and provide technical assistance to individuals, agencies, and institutions that are implementing school health programs. Youth Data Sources To assist you in compiling data to make your case for the need for a school health program, this list provides a sample of relevant sources.
Extractions: The National RSN is designed to improve student reading achievement by developing a network of schools that provide effective, assessment-driven literacy instruction that leads every child to become a reader by grade three. The New England Comprehensive Center, in partnership with New England State Departments of Education , will provide professional development and ongoing support for school-based coaches, district-level staff developers, principals and other administrators who participate in the RSN.
NorthDakotaSIGsummary Enable north dakota education and related services personnel to use Parent information agencies and other organizations and other agencies working with http://www.signetwork.org/New_SigNet/Docs/ND/NorthDakota.htm
Extractions: State Improvement Grant Applications Funded in 2000 North Dakota Abstract Basic Information Improvement Strategies Return to Main Page North Dakota Abstract or Conceptual Framework for State Systemic Change Through the systematic analysis of a wide range of needs assessment data, the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and its State Improvement Grant (SIG) Partners have established three goals to improve the results for children and youth with disabilities. Goal 1: North Dakota will have the necessary personnel to ensure effective services for children and youth with disabilities. Goal 2: Preservice and professional development systems will build capacity of general education, special education, educational administration, and related services personnel and families to ensure quality education for all students in the least restrictive environment. Goal 3: Youth with disabilities will attain positive post-school results through consistent statewide transition planning and implementation. Goal 1 focuses on recruitment and retention of qualified special education and related services personnel in North Dakota, which ranks 49
Welcome To The Midwestern Higher Education Commission : MHEC with other educational organizations, including public education agencies, north dakota institutions will begin admitting students in two phases. http://www.mhec.org/publications/pub_elecnltr_070901.html
Extractions: MHEC Launches New Technology Resources Program to Benefit Midwestern Colleges and Universities MHEC is pleased to announce a new web-based, one-stop computing hardware and software purchasing center. This new initiative called "MHEC-TECH" was developed by a thirty five member Computing Resources Taskforce comprised of college and university technology administrators as a service to higher education in MHEC member states. All public and private non-profit campuses and their faculty, staff and students are eligible to take advantage of the price savings negotiated through this program. Direct links on how to make purchases are accessed via the MHEC-TECH web site at www.mhectech.org. "The Committee paid a lot of attention to negotiating desktop and laptop computer packages especially configured for use in the college and university setting. These packages include value-added discount pricing as well," said Dennis Linster, Chief Information Officer of Wayne State College, Nebraska, and MHEC’s Computing Resources Taskforce Chair. Gateway is the first of the major computing hardware companies to join in the MHEC-TECH Initiative. Gateway has agreed to offer MHEC campuses all of the purchasing discounts provided through the WSCA pricing schedule as well as additionally discounted computers configured specifically for higher education institutions and special discounts on training. In addition, Gateway will offer the desktop and notebook computers pre-configured for educational use at substantially higher discounts.
North Dakota State Resources Office of Special education north dakota Department of Public Instruction Web www.ndcd.org/ndcpd/uapdis Protection and Advocacy Agency http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/nd.htm
Extractions: The offices listed on this state sheet are primarily state-level offices. Even if an office is not close to your home, they can usually put you in touch with resources in your community, as well as provide you with information and assistance about disability issues in your state. If you find that an address or number has changed or is incorrect, please e-mail us at nichcy@aed.org and let us know. Each state sets eligibility ages for services to children and youth with disabilities. For current information concerning this state, please contact the office listed under Department of Education: Special Education United States Senators
Extractions: HOME ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WASHINGTON DC WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING DRIVER EDUCATION NORTH DAKOTA DRIVER EDUCATION Recommended Parent Taught Driver Education Program: Completion of a North Dakota driver education program is recommended for any new teen driver. Every year, thousands of teens are involved in accidents that could have been prevented if they had more knowledge prior to getting behind the wheel. We recommend Driver Ed in a Box® as the best driver education Visit Driver Ed in a Box® today and find out about their program as well as exactly what new teen drivers need to know about getting a North Dakota license.
FinAid | Other Types Of Aid | US State Government Aid north dakota Student Financial Assistance Program 600 East Boulevard Avenue Pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency 1200 north Seventh Street http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/state.phtml
Extractions: US State Government Aid The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to apply for most state loan, grant and scholarship programs, in addition to the federal loans and grants. When you submit the FAFSA to the US Department of Education, they forward the information on the form to the state student assistance agency. Each state has a different FAFSA submission deadline. If you submit your FAFSA by March 1, you will be in time for all state deadlines, other than Michigan. If you miss the deadline, you will be ineligible to receive state aid for the entire academic year. Procedures for applying for state prepaid tuition programs and the national guard differ from state to state. The amount of information provided on the state web sites varies from state to states. Some states provide comprehensive information about residency requirements , loan, grant, scholarship and prepaid tuition programs and other state aid programs. Others provide minimal information. We recommend visiting the sites for both your state of residence and for the states of the colleges to which you are applying. A B C D ...
RNT - Department Of Education north dakota educational Standards and Practices Board, Contact the PennsylvaniaHigher education Assistance Agency, 1200 north 7th Street, Harrisburg, http://www.rnt.org/channels/clearinghouse/deptedu.asp
Extractions: @import url(/css/core.css); State and Federal Requirements Search through our directory of State Departments of Education , which offers contact information and Web links to help you find information about licensure, alternative routes to teacher certification, and financial aid. State Department of Education Requirements Although all states must comply with the federal provision of No Child Left Behind, many states have programs for mid-career changers individuals who already have a bachelor's degreethat are alternatives to the traditional route to teacher certification. Just as teacher certification requirements differ from state to state, so do alternative certification program offerings. In the State Departments of Education directory, RNT provides resources developed by the National Center for Alternative Certification: a coded list of alternative certification programs offered in each state, and an alternative licensure key that describes details about the types of programs offered by each state.
Extractions: @import url(/css/default.css); Home Job Seekers The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a special program for unemployed low income persons age 55 or older who have poor employment prospects. The purposes of the program are to foster and promote useful part-time opportunities in community service activities for eligible persons; to foster individual economic self-sufficiency; and to increase the number of older persons who may enjoy the benefits of unsubsidized employment in both the public and private sectors. In North Dakota SCSEP is provided through two different agencies, with Job Service North Dakota being the statewide administrative agency: To find which agency provides SCSEP services for your county, click on its name in the list below: