Democratic Republic Of Congo: Children At War - Amnesty International He told Amnesty International that young people were joining the RCDGoma The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which entered into
Democratic Republic Of Congo: Children At War - Amnesty International The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which entered The vast majority of Congolese people have never wanted this war and have only
Extractions: Retour BIBLIOGRAPHIE BIBLIOGRAPHIE THEMATIQUE Tréponématoses endémiques La santé des Pygmées Santé-développement Histoire, économie et politique Ethnologie Démocratie, droits de l'homme, des minorités, des peuples autochtones. La France et l'Afrique Développement Alternatives TREPONEMATOSES ENDEMIQUES ARSNALAGIC N, BOKONJIC M, MACANOVIC C., Eradication of endemic syphyllis in Bosnia. Genitourin Med BACKHOUSE J.L., HUDSON B.J., HAMMILTON P.A., NESTOROFF S.I., Failure of penicilline treatment of yaw on Karkar Island, Papua New Guinea , Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.,1998, BROWNE SG. Yaws. , Int. J Dermatol CAUSSE G, MEHEUS A., La lutte contre les maladies sexuellement transmissibles (MST) et les tréponématoses endémiques . Rapp Trimest Statis. Sanit Mond DE SCHRYVER A, MEHEUS A, 1989, Les tréponématoses endémiques ne sont pas toujours éradiquées. Méd Trop., 1989, DE SIVA PA ; GOMEZ MG.,The history of veneral diseases and yaws (parangi) in Sri Lanka Genitourin Med (England),70(5), 1994, 349-54