MSs State Veteranss Homes mississippis State Veterans Homes An Analysis of Increasing Reliance on State which can be paid through secondary insurance or family resources.
Extractions: Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review Executive Summary Staffing Costs for the Homes Have Doubled Since FY 1995 Recurring Items: Estimated Cost Savings or Additional Revenues Reduce non-nursing staff to average number of staff for comparably sized nursing homes in Mississippi File all eligible Medicare Part B expenses* One-Time Items: Reduce requests for general funds by the amount by which actual special funds exceed budget projections for FY 2000 Recover funds from Diversified Health Services for payment of services not rendered TOTAL * Annualized savings PEER also determined that the option of the homes becoming federally certified to receive Medicare Part A reimbursement would result in increased revenues to VAB, but that these revenues would be used to provide a higher level of post-hospitalization care, and would therefore not be available to offset state general fund expenditures for the homes. During the course of this review, PEER also identified the following specific problems related to management and operation of the homes: From July 1, 1999, through February 29, 2000, Diversified Health Services provided an average of 3.33 direct care nursing hours per resident per day in the four VAB homes instead of the 3.74 hours per resident per day specified in the management contract. VAB paid Diversified Health Services at least $477,000 for 59,000 direct care nursing hours not rendered during this period.
Kaiser Mississippi Distribution Of State The Kaiser family Foundation presents, an innovative resource mississippi Distribution of State general Fund Expenditures (dollar
Work/Life Organizations/general resources Recreation, Arts and Entertainment RelocationServices The Learning Network s Parent Channel; family resources, 7848125
Extractions: and F AMILY Welcome to our Website. The recommendations of the Chancellor's Ad Hoc Committee on Work/Life Policies was approved by former Chancellor Kuipers in July 1998. This website is an outcome of those recommendations and is dedicated to promoting a healthy work life/family life balance at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. We have included links we feel are helpful to employees and their families. We have no input on the sites not related to UW-L, and may have missed other good sites within each category. Feel free to provide us with other links as you see fit. Chancellor's Ad-hoc Committee on Work/Life Policies Policies, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Job Accommodation Network Hearing Impaired, general resources for the Hearing Impaired Schools for theDeaf, Support Board for MS patients, family members, friends and those
Extractions: INFORMATION RESOURCES BY SPECIFIC DISABILITIES Addictions: Alcoholism Drug Addiction Eating Disorder Cardiovascular and Pulmonary: Asthma Heart Conditions Respiratory Cognitive and Developmental: Attention Deficit Disorder Autism Learning Disability Mental Retardation ... Phenylketonuria Pediatric and Genetic: Cerebral Palsy Down Syndrome Marfan Syndrome Polio Endocrine: Diabetes Hematology and Oncology: Cancer Immunology and Allergic: AIDS/HIV Allergies Asthma Ataxia ... Other Immune Deficiencies Liver, Kidney, and Intestinal: Biliary Atresia Intestinal Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome Kidney ... Liver Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Arthritis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Pain Cumulative Trauma Disorders ... Spina Bifida Neurological: Alzheimer's Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Charcot-Marie-Tooth Epilepsy ... Traumatic Brain Injury Psychiatric: BiPolar Depression Mental Illness Obsessive Compulsive Disorders ... Schizophrenia Sensory: Hearing Vision Other: Burns Neurofibromatosis Migraine Headaches East Harlem HIV Care Network: The HIV CARE Network is a non-profit community based organization providing treatment counseling and referrals.
Mississippi County Health Department Inspecions Provide educational programs and resources from the University of Missouri and Food Bank mississippi County, 573-683-3593, First general Baptist Church
Extractions: Home Resource Directory Assistance Programs Health Care Education Home Health Services ... Drug and Alchol Rehabilitation Education Charleston R-1 School District Grades K-12, Early Childhood Special Education Services ages 3-5 East Prairie R-2 School District Grades K-12, Early Childhood Special Education Services ages 3-5 St. Henry's Catholic School Grades K-8 Wyatt Headstart East Prairie Headstart Susanna Wesley Family Learning Center Parents As Teachers Provides lessons with parents on parenting skills and child development. during in home visits. Newsletter and group meetings are also available Prenatal Care Mississippi County Health Dept. Pregnancy testing, case management services, tiny touch program, WIC, Temporary Medicaid, Prenatal Clinics Dr. Douglas Gotlin OB/GYN with Ferguson Medical Group Dr. Jennifer Nickells OB/GYN with Missouri Delta Medical Dr. Anthony Poole OB/GYN with Missouri Delta Medical Dr. David Stroud OB/GYN with Missouri Delta Medical Dr. Paul Clark OB/GYN Cape Girardeau Dr. Michael Jessup OB/GYN Cape Girardeau Dr. Eric Morton
Beauregard Parish Library Genealogical Resources HowTo Books on Doing family Research Available From the Beauregard Parish general Records Information. Authentic List of All Land Lottery Grants Made
MDHS Division Of Management Information Services In the Spring of 2001, an automated system for the Division of family and The mississippi Automated Child Welfare Information System (MACWIS) is the
Extractions: MIS Home Feedback? Division of Management Information Services General Information Aggressively responding to the nationwide mandate for reducing government bureaucracy while enhancing supportive services to our clients, the Mississippi Department of Human Services' (MDHS), Division of Management Information Systems (MIS) is expanding its support structures into the mainstream applications in production throughout the Agency. MIS supports the various Divisions which, in turn, provides cost effective services to needy individuals and strives to educate its clients to reduce their dependency on social and financial support programs. MIS supports MDHS's varied computerized applications systems with a staff of programmer analysts, business analysts, database administrators, operators and other technical personnel. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF), previously known as AFDC, and the Food Stamp programs, as well as the determination of eligibility for the State's Medicaid program, are supported by the Mississippi Applications Verification Eligibility Reporting Information and Control System (MAVERICS). MAVERICS supports interfaces and exchanges data with private, State and Federal agencies daily, providing real time information. The latest policies are implemented into MAVERICS and deployed statewide, ensuring case workers are kept abreast of the most current policies. - Internet Adoption Resources We provide one on one assistance to all our adoptive families. general AdoptionInformation, Support and resources Here you will find links to support
Extractions: Email: BHAS -non-profit licensed in Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi. Both domestic and international programs; Russia, Guatemala, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Newest addition: Adopt from China with BHAS! Re-accredited in Russia May 16, 2005. Independent Adoption Center URL:
VIII. Service Array - Mississippi Child And Family Services Review mississippi did not achieve substantial conformity with the systemic factor of The Families First Resource Centers (FFRC) provide information and
Extractions: Questions? Privacy Site Index Contact Us ... Search Rating of Review Team Regarding Substantial Conformity Rating Not in Substantial Conformity Substantial Conformity 1 X D Mississippi did not achieve substantial conformity with the systemic factor of Service Array. Information on the items assessed for this factor during the CFSR is presented below. Item 35. The State has in place an array of services that assess the strengths and needs of children and families and determine other service needs, address the needs of families in addition to individual children in order to create a safe home environment, enable children to remain safely with their parents when reasonable, and help children in foster and adoptive placements achieve permanency. _ Strength X Area Needing Improvement This item is rated as an Area Needing Improvement because the state does not have in place a sufficient array of services to asses the strengths and needs of children and families and determine other service needs, address the needs of families in addition to individual children in order to create a safe home environment, enable children to remain safely with their parents when reasonable, and help children in foster and adoptive placements achieve permanency. According to the Statewide Assessment, the services designed to prevent removal and assist children in out-of-home care to achieve permanency are:
ACF - Programs general information about Federal programs serving children and families? resources for States and Tribes on child support enforcement automation or
Extractions: Are you looking for information on how to get assistance for yourself, your family, or a friend? If so, you may find our Contacts page helpful in finding assistance near you. Are you looking for general information about Federal programs serving children and families? On this page you will find links to information on the programs overseen by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). ACF oversees about 60 programs that provide funds to state, local, and tribal organizations, both public and private. ACF also has several partnership projects, Federal Committees, and clearinghouses that provide the public with a variety of resources. This page links to programs, regional offices , clearinghouses, committees, and special projects.
Extension Service Parent Cooperative Extension Service of mississippi State University Jackson County family Resource Management (financial planning, remedial, preventatives and
Extractions: Connecting You - Public Participation Individuals Community Groups Technical Advisory Committee There are many agencies, organization, community groups and individuals involved in the Community Official Plan Project. Every participant in the project has role in developing Mississippi Mills new Community Official Plan. Individuals Role and Responsibilities You are invited to get your name on the e-mail list and receive information regarding the Community Official Plan project. You will be kept informed and invited to participate throughout the process. Your input is critical to ensure the success of the Community Official Plan and you will be given the opportunity to provide information, identify issues and provide feedback. top Community Groups Role and Responsibilities Community Groups will often have a special interest in specific aspects of the Official Plan. A letter has been sent to each community group by the Steering Committee inviting them to participate in the preparation of the Community Official Plan. Staff will be available to meet with any of the groups upon their request. Representatives of the community groups will provide information, identify issues and provide feedback on issues. If your community group is not listed, please contact Forbes Symon at 256-2064 x 259 or at
Human Resources The Human resources Department is responsible for administration of the City s Salary Range $18775.20 $27741.48 Detention officer performs general
Untitled Document peer review process was completed as part of mississippi s family preservationefforts funded by the CommunityBased Famiy Resource and Support Grant.
P1976 Educating Today For A Better Tomorrow It combines the expertise and resources of federal, state, The CooperativeExtension System in mississippi is supported through the US Department of
Extractions: The Cooperative Extension System is a nationwide educational network, dedicated to helping people improve their lives through education. It combines the expertise and resources of federal, state, and local governments. The Cooperative Extension System in Mississippi is supported through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Mississippi State University, Alcorn State University, four research and Extension centers, and 82 county administrative units. The mission is to provide research-based information and educational programs that focus on issues and needs of the people, enabling them to make informed decisions about their economic, social, and cultural well-being. The Extension System in Mississippi is, and will continue to be, a leader for positive change for individuals, families, and communities. In providing educational programs that promote positive change, Extension uses the latest technology and teaching techniques. We also depend on volunteers to help disseminate information and provide leadership; and we work with other groups and agencies who have similar goals and objectives. A culturally diverse staff is responsive to the needs of various audiences at all socioeconomic levels. Extension bases many of its efforts on the knowledge that agriculture and its related enterprises are of major economic importance in Mississippi. We also recognize that quality of life is affected by the reciprocal relationship between people and the environment, and we will continue to address environmental issues. There is also a critical need in our state for human resource development. Extension programs are directed toward developing the full potential of young people and adults, helping them cope with an ever-changing society.
Reservist Resource Center - Global Resources And Library Global resources and Library We have provided a list a websites GeneralDeployment Information Military family Resource Center, 1-703-602-4964
Welcome To Community Connection "Go Local" The Center for family Resource, Inc. offers a wide array of servicesrelated to Description COUNTY HOSPITAL, general MEDICALSURGICAL
Mississippi National Guard Harold A. Cross Major general, MS National Guard The Adjutant general State ofMississippi Disclaimer External Links Disclaimer Privacy Security
Extractions: The Adjutant General KATRINA PHONE DIRECTORY KATRINA FAMILY ASSISTANCE HOME (Army) ... MSARNG NET Directorate Pages DOD Website Policies Warrant Officer Management Military Personnel Directorate Education Services Office Human Resource Office Logistics Directorate Environmental Directorate Facilities Management Directorate Aviation Division State Resources Division Inspector General Office Public Affairs Office Recruiting Division Information Management Directorate USPFO-MS Contracting USPFO-MS Home Camp McCain Camp Shelby MS Air National Guard Get Your DA Photo Made Here!