Links State agencies. These are the websites of each states education and health departments. Minnesota Schools mississippi Department of education
Extractions: EDC Projects National Non-Governmental Organizations Federal Agencies State Agencies ... Funding Opportunities EDC Projects National Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Hundreds of national organizations place the welfare of children at the heart of their missions. Nonprofit trade associations, coalitions, service delivery networks, and other NGOs are valuable sources of information on school health. Nearly 70 national NGOs collaborated with EDC on the book Health is Academic: A Guide to Coordinated School Health Programs . They appear with an asterisk (*) next to their names. Federal Agencies Listed here are the major federal agencies that address different aspects of school health in its broadest definition and in specific or targeted initiatives. State Agencies Technical Assistance Centers and Research Institutions We have culled a sample list of centers that collect information and provide technical assistance to individuals, agencies, and institutions that are implementing school health programs. Youth Data Sources To assist you in compiling data to make your case for the need for a school health program, this list provides a sample of relevant sources.
Mississippi Biomass Council The mississippi Biomass Council (MBC), Inc. offers a forum to share information for the and local government agencies, higher education, research,
Extractions: The Mississippi Biomass Council (MBC), Inc. offers a forum to share information for the purpose of Council membership includes representatives from agriculture, forestry, recycling, power generation, state and local government agencies, higher education, research, and manufacturing and individuals interested in reducing the biomass waste stream or increasing economic opportunities for biomass. MBC was created in 1998 and incorporated in 2000 as a nonprofit corporation.
RRFC Network state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, mississippi, Oklahoma,
Extractions: The six Regional Resource Centers (RRCs) are specifically funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices, and policies that affect children and youth with disabilities. The RRCs help states and U.S. jurisdictions find integrated solutions for systemic reform, offering consultation, information services, technical assistance, training, and product development. The beneficiaries of the RRCs' work are children and youth with disabilities, and the families and professionals associated with them.
Take Action State and local education agencies are deeply concerned about a lack of funding like those outlined in the Virginia Military Institute and mississippi
Extractions: AAUW Action Network Action Network Home Join the Network Recent Network Activations Grassroots Resources 2-Minute Activist Action Alert monthly newsletter Grassroots Tools ... Issues Pages Issue Resources AAUW on Issues Congressional Voting Record History of AAUW Activism Priority Issues (2005-2007) ... Washington Update Lobby Corps AAUW Lobby Corps Voter Education Campaign Voter Education Campaign Register to Vote Election Day Toolkit AAUW Newsroom Recent News PSA Campaign Problems viewing the top navigation? Get the free flash plugin now! Take Action on Issues Important to You Issue Advocacy isn't just about AAUW lending its name to an issue, or speaking up on Capitol Hill. Issue Advocacy is about AAUW members and all citizens concerned with equality and being knowledgable and aware of the current status of important issues. Below are issues that may be important to you. AAUW compiles current information and resources for as many issues as possible to provide central issue pages that offer the freshest information and most effective avenues for action on issues important to you. If you would like further information on how you can influence the debate, visit
Extractions: Aviation offices and officers at the State level are often an excellent source of both contacts and resources when planning aviation education programs and events. Alabama Department of Aeronautics Montgomery, AL 36130 334-240-3274 FAX Contact : Mr. John Eagerton, Director Alaska Statewide Aviation P.O. Box 196900 Anchorage, AK 196900 907-243-1512 FAX Contact : Mr. Roger Maggard Airport Development Manager Arizona Division of Aeronautics P.O. Box 13588, MD426M Phoenix, AZ 85002-3588 602-407-3007 FAX Contact : Ms. Doris Mecham Program Administrator Arkansas Dept of Aeronautics 1 Airport Drive Little Rock, AK 72202 501-378-0820 FAX Contact : Mr. Fred Dodd Airport Inspector California Aeronautics Progrm MS-40 P.O. Box 942874 Sacramento, CA 94273-0001 916-327-9093 FAX Contact : Ms. Teresa Ishikawa Aviation Education
Mississippi State Resources State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Gary Neely, Director mississippi Office of mississippi Department of education PO Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205
Extractions: The offices listed on this state sheet are primarily state-level offices. Even if an office is not close to your home, they can usually put you in touch with resources in your community, as well as provide you with information and assistance about disability issues in your state. If you find that an address or number has changed or is incorrect, please e-mail us at and let us know. Each state sets eligibility ages for services to children and youth with disabilities. For current information concerning this state, please contact the office listed under Department of Education: Special Education United States Senators
FinAid | Other Types Of Aid | US State Government Aid mississippi Postsecondary education Financial Assistance Board 3825 Ridgewood Road Pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency
Extractions: US State Government Aid The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to apply for most state loan, grant and scholarship programs, in addition to the federal loans and grants. When you submit the FAFSA to the US Department of Education, they forward the information on the form to the state student assistance agency. Each state has a different FAFSA submission deadline. If you submit your FAFSA by March 1, you will be in time for all state deadlines, other than Michigan. If you miss the deadline, you will be ineligible to receive state aid for the entire academic year. Procedures for applying for state prepaid tuition programs and the national guard differ from state to state. The amount of information provided on the state web sites varies from state to states. Some states provide comprehensive information about residency requirements , loan, grant, scholarship and prepaid tuition programs and other state aid programs. Others provide minimal information. We recommend visiting the sites for both your state of residence and for the states of the colleges to which you are applying. A B C D ...
Extractions: HOME ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WASHINGTON DC WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING PRACTICE TESTS Sponsored By Recommended Parent Taught Driver Education Program: The Mississippi Department of Motor Vehicles offers training and testing materials on its site. In order to be better prepared to pass the actual test for a drivers license, it provides Mississippi DMV practice tests online. Additional information related to MS practice tests include: MS DMV practice driving tests Mississippi DMV handbooks and manuals Mississippi DMV locations and hours (appointments) MS driving knowledge tutorial Mississippi drivers education information Other Mississippi publications Click HERE to proceed to the Mississippi DMV >>
Extractions: HOME ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WASHINGTON DC WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING DRIVER EDUCATION MISSISSIPPI DRIVER EDUCATION Recommended Parent Taught Driver Education Program: Completion of a Mississippi driver education program is recommended for any new teen driver. Every year, thousands of teens are involved in accidents that could have been prevented if they had more knowledge prior to getting behind the wheel. We recommend Driver Ed in a Box® as the best driver education Visit Driver Ed in a Box® today and find out about their program as well as exactly what new teen drivers need to know about getting a Mississippi license.
RNT - Department Of Education mississippi Department of education, Educator Licensure PO Box 771, Jackson, (614) 4667420; http//
Extractions: @import url(/css/core.css); State and Federal Requirements Search through our directory of State Departments of Education , which offers contact information and Web links to help you find information about licensure, alternative routes to teacher certification, and financial aid. State Department of Education Requirements Although all states must comply with the federal provision of No Child Left Behind, many states have programs for mid-career changers individuals who already have a bachelor's degreethat are alternatives to the traditional route to teacher certification. Just as teacher certification requirements differ from state to state, so do alternative certification program offerings. In the State Departments of Education directory, RNT provides resources developed by the National Center for Alternative Certification: a coded list of alternative certification programs offered in each state, and an alternative licensure key that describes details about the types of programs offered by each state.
SHEEO Agencies State Higher education Agency Contact Information Return to top Delaware Delaware Higher education Commission (C) Maureen Laffey, Director
Extractions: (G) = governing board Jump to: AK - Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education AK - University of Alaska System AL - Alabama Commission on Higher Education AR - Arkansas Department of Higher Education AZ - Arizona Board of Regents CA - California Postsecondary Education Commission CO - Colorado Commission on Higher Education CT - Connecticut Department of Higher Education DC - D.C. Office of Postsecondary Education DE - Delaware Higher Education Commission FL - Florida Department of Education GA - Georgia Board of Regents HI - Hawaii Board of Regents IA - Board of Regents, State of Iowa ID - Idaho Office of the State Board of Education IL - Illinois Board of Higher Education IN - Indiana Commission for Higher Education KS - Kansas Board of Regents KY - Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education LA - Louisiana Board of Regents MA - Massachusetts Board of Higher Education MD - Maryland Higher Education Commission ME - University of Maine System MI - State of Michigan: Dept. of Career Development (not a SHEEO member)
Mississippi State Resources State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Gary Neely, Director mississippi Office of Vocational State education Agency Rural Representative Walter H. Moore State Resources.htm
Extractions: Partial update · 8/14/2003 The offices listed on this state sheet are primarily state-level offices. Even if an office is not close to your home, they can usually put you in touch with resources in your community, as well as provide you with information and assistance about disability issues in your state. If you find that a contact has changed please email us with the new information at Each state sets eligibility ages for services to children and youth with disabilities. For current information concerning this state, please contact the office listed under Department of Education: Special Education United States Senators
NAMI Mississippi education NAMI mississippi works to foster greater public awareness of serious mental or in Jackson 981-4491, Fax 601-981-4910, Email
Extractions: Home What's New! Affiliates Awards ... NAMI NAMI Mississippi You are not alone! If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness or exhibits symptoms and behaviors that suggest a possible diagnosis, let NAMI Mississippi assist. NAMI Mississippi was founded in 1989 by family members of people with serious mental illness. We are a non-profit, grassroots organization dedicated to providing support, education, and advocacy for consumers of mental health services and their family members. SERVICES Support - There are many affiliates and support groups state-wide where you can meet with others to share information and learn to cope. People who participate in our organization learn that they do not have to struggle alone, and that they are not to blame for their illnesses or that of a loved one. They find emotional support to share their experiences with others and to gain an understanding of mental illness and the services available. Education - NAMI Mississippi works to foster greater public awareness of serious mental illness and to overcome stigma and misconceptions that are associated with mental illness. We work to educate families, professionals and the general public. Our educational efforts include: our annual state conference, quarterly state newsletters, public speaking engagements, presentations at conferences, science and treatment presentations, Family to Family Education classes, and
Welcome To Civic Center Education Home Page The John C. Stennis Institute at mississippi State University has over 1000 The Federal Judicial Center is the research and education agency of the
Extractions: Friday - September 23, 2005 Internet Resources CCE International Partner Websites Civics and Government Educational Resources United States Government and Law ... Back to Main Menu Internet Resources This page is produced and maintained by the Center for Civic Education. Links to other internet sites are provided for informational purposes only. The Center for Civic Education is in no way responsible for the contents of these sites and their presence on this page should not be construed as an endorsement. CCE international partner websites CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE
Extractions: To find other help resources select a topic from the list and click GO Select a Topic US - National Organizations US - Federal Agencies US - State By State Resource Guides Canadian Resources Information By Phone International Links LD Schools On-line Resources Parent Advocacy US State Departments of Education If you are a professional interested in listing your services, sign-up online now! Select a State Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Island Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Com. North. Mariana Island
Educational Technology Cooperative mississippi Online Learning Institute (MOLLI) is a Webbased educational service An overview of Web-based learning at Texas education Agency is found
Extractions: Since January 2000, the Alabama Online High School has offered Web-based courses that afford all public school students the opportunity to access courses required for both standard and advanced diplomas, as well as online tools to prepare students for the Alabama High School Graduation Exam. State Virtual School Report - AL Arkansas Arkansas Virtual School A nationally recognized e-Learning model, FLVS was initially funded by the Florida Legislature as a pilot project in 1997. In 2000, the Florida Legislature established FLVS in state law as an independent education entity with a gubernatorial-appointed governing board. Today, FLVS serves the state of Florida and beyond, offering virtual education options for grades seven through 12 as well as for adults seeking GED alternatives. State Virtual School Report - FL Georgia GA eLearning: Expanding Opportunities. Closing Gaps
Extractions: Programs Every four years, some 3,000 local elected officials are given responsibility by the electorate for the formulation, adoption, and implementation of public policy in Mississippi's 82 counties and 297 municipalities. Typically, from one-third to one-half of these officials will be newly-elected, having never held public office. In addition, some 2,000 major appointed county and municipal officials assist these elected officials in governing and providing services. These local government officials need orientation with respect to their duties and responsibilities when they are new to office. They also need continuing education throughout their term of office to help them stay current in the face of constant change. Local government law and practice change with each session of the Legislature. The better educated a local official, the better job he or she will do in meeting the needs of the citizens. Through a variety of workshops, seminars, and training programs ranging in length from two hours to two weeks, we help fulfill the educational needs of these officials. We serve as the "educational arm" of the following associations of local government officials and special-purpose state agencies, working with them to plan and implement a variety of educational programs and publications:
Contact Information Language, Speech and Hearing Contacts in State education Agency. Dr. Melody Bounds mississippi Department of education Office of Special education
Extractions: @import url( /styles/importmenuA.css ); Skip to: content navigation Our site's pages are optimized for Web browsing software that supports current Web standards, as established by the World Wide Web Consortium ( . Content is accessible from older or less standards-compliant technologies, but its presentation will not be identical to visitors with standards-compliant software. Read more on our site's changes and accessiblity. Find a Professional Shop My Account Guest Login Search for: Advanced Search Home Site Location: Home About ASHA ASHA State-by-State State Information ... Mississippi Mississippi Speech-Language-Hearing Association
State Government Education Resources - Careers.Org State Government education Resources. Directory of over 7000 links to jobs, State Board for Educator Certification Texas education agencies
Extractions: Quick Links Home Page Jobs Available Now Career Schools A to Z Jobs USA ... more Education, Learning Personal Business Personal Credit Career Services Career Reference Employer Resources After Hours Site Map Job Search by Occupational Field Jobs in USA / International Career Schools Directory Career Schools USA Job Search - 1900 links sorted onto 83 topic pages Job Search - Occupation Job Search - USA Job Search - Canada ... Job Search - Self-Employed Train for the Job Courses of Study Online Degrees Culinary Schools MBA Online Adult Eduation ... Criminal Justice Degrees Career Reference / Advice Company Research Job Descriptions Resume Preparation ... Salary Negotiation Work for Yourself Resources Employer Resources Education Resources Job-Seeker ... Personal Credit Resources JobsByState.Info
Mississippi's Career Resource Network human resource advisers at educational institutions, government agencies and corporate (601)3599278 FAX (601)359-9252
Extractions: The Mississippi State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (SOICC) is the state federal grant recipient for the US Department of Education's America's Career Resource Network (ACRN). The MS Career Resource Network: Is responsible for developing and delivering comprehensive career and labor market information. Provides career development activities, products, and services. Conducts training and gives assistance to school/agency counselors, teachers, and Career Center Directors in order to increase their knowledge and use of career and labor market information. Responds to inquiries related to labor market and career information needs/requests. Coordinates and supports the activities related to the statewide-adopted Career Information System, Mississippi Choices TM . This computerized system provides relevant information about occupations and training opportunities for career decision-making.