:: NASA Quest > Archives :: A collaborative Activity. Overview. The goal of this activity is for students to What are some of the differences they know microgravity makes for the http://quest.nasa.gov/neuron/events/habitat/intro.html
Extractions: Overview The goal of this activity is for students to have a classroom experience that parallels the process used by US and International life scientists and engineers as they discuss, plan, and conduct joint science on the Neurolab Mission. Through this collaborative activity we hope to: Encourage use of science skills (observation, data collection, comparing and contrasting, communication, reasoning and use of evidence, design of experiments).
FASEB FY 1997 Report: NASA Ongoing NASA life science projects include the Life and microgravity Spacelab NASA has been in the forefront in sponsoring collaboration with other http://www.faseb.org/opa/consensus97/nasa97.html
Extractions: Biomedical and Related Life Sciences Research, FY 1997 ". . . . A stronger Life Sciences program is an imperative if the the U.S. space policy is to construct a permanently manned Space Station and achieve its stated goal of expanding the human presence beyond Earth orbit into the solar system." Frederick C. Robbins, MD Nobel Laureate (1988) Personal communication to Daniel Fink, Chairman. NASA Advisory Council. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the only Federal Agency that can explore the role of gravity in living systems. Although hypergravity can be studied on Earth's surface with centrifuges, only by escaping Earth's gravitational force can the influence of gravity on morphology, function, reproduction, and development be determined. Ongoing NASA life science projects include the Life and Microgravity Spacelab Mission (LMS), the U.S. Microgravity Payload Mission (USMP-3), the Neurolab Mission, and a series of missions during which the American Space Shuttle will dock with the Russian Space Station. In recent years, NASA has strengthened the quality of its external merit review of research proposals, has developed strong collaborative research efforts with many individual Institutes within NIH, and has increased its role in educating American students in biomedical issues and challenges surrounding life in space.
Howard University Physics And Astronomy Research His research and research training activities are in the areas of theoretical The research team, a collaboration of Howard University, the University of http://www.physics1.howard.edu/Research.html
Extractions: Howard University Research Activities A listing of research activity by program and a brief description by individual faculty is given below; titles, publication information and abstracts of our recent research publications are also posted on-line. For HU research administrators: a growing number of forms are now available for downloading. Research Activity by Program Center for the Study of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Atmospheres (CSTEA) Howard University Atmospheric Observatory (HUAO) Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory Minority Science Improvement Project (MSIP) ... Superstrings and Quantum Superfields Research Activity by Faculty Dr. Anand Batra is a professor of physics. He has studied the diffusion processes in alkali halides and silver halides. He has also studied the defects, impurity effects and light sensitivities in these ionic solids. (Silver halides are widely used in photography). He is also collaborating with Dr. C. Kumar of our department on the measurement of NO in atmosphere. Dr. Robert Catchings
RIACS Research Activities Areas of collaboration between RIACS and NASA scientists include This activitycomplements and supports research and technology development in the http://riacs2.riacs.edu:85/research/projects.html
Extractions: NASA Ames has identified four cornerstones of information technology research necessary to meet the future challenges of NASA missions: Autonomous Systems Human-Centered Computing High Performance Computing and Networking Applications of Information Technology RIACS research focuses on all of these areas, as well as collaborating with NASA scientists to apply information technology research to a variety of NASA application domains . RIACS also sponsors a prestigious and competitive Summer Student Research Program , to encourage collaboration between student researchers from universities across the country and NASA-Ames scientists. Research projects are regularly reviewed by an eminent Science Council Deep space exploration requires significant advances in artificial intelligence to support the needed capabilities for autonomous systems. RIACS scientists and visitors have been collaborating with NASA researchers in a number of areas:
Main. Appendix E contains an overview of the ESS Round3 activities of which this CAN is a The ESMF effort will be a collaboration among the winning Round-3 http://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_y/nra/current/CAN-00-OES-01/main.html
Extractions: CAN Overview Back to top This NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) is a solicitation by the Office of Earth Science and the Office of Space Science requesting proposals for scientific Grand Challenge Investigations. Technical coordination of this solicitation is provided by the High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) Project, a cross-cutting information technology activity striving to enable the NASA science enterprises to prepare their scientific communities to meet increasing mission requirements more effectively and efficiently. Guided by the strategic plans of three NASA Enterprises (see URLs for strategic plans in Appendix F), ESS research increases the scientific community. s capability to produce, analyze, and understand its science and mission data while reducing the investment in money and time required to do so. The goal for selecting Investigations is to enable the science community to make production-ready high-performance computational applications that model, analyze, or interpret Earth, space, life, and microgravity science observational data. Successful Investigations are expected to develop a significant high-end computing application using accepted software engineering practices that:
Alabama Supercomputer Authority Description TEACHER COLLABORATION A KEY TO INSTRUCTIONAL REFORM Teacher Dropping in aMicrogravity Environment is a competition for teams of students to propose, http://www.asc.edu/news/e-resource1103.shtml
Extractions: A LABAMA SUPERCOMPUTER AUTHORITY ASA is honored to be a part of the 30th Anniversary celebration of Skylab Skylab was the first American space program wholly dedicated to scientific research. Accomplishments during the program included a host of ultraviolet astronomy experiments, as well as detailed X-ray studies of the Sun. On Monday, November 10th at 9:00 AM (Central Time), three Skylab Astronauts will have an interactive Webcast discussion with selected high school students in Alabama. Questions and comments will be solicited both before and during the Webcast. Following the live interactive Webcast, the recorded material will be available at http://media.eb.uah.edu/Skylab . The University of Alabama in Huntsville is hosting and archiving these historic events as a community service for all. ASA's network, the Alabama Research and Education Network (AREN), is the "highway" the Astronauts' Webcast will travel on to get from UAH to both the Internet and Internet2. ASA engineers will manage the conference bridge that connects a local educational television studio in the Huntsville area and selected schools in Huntsville, Madison, and Lee County; and, provide the technical services required for Quality of Service for this video broadcast.