Extractions: J. R. Hudson, S. L. Morgan, and A. Fox, Quantitative pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry of bacterial cell walls, Anal. Biochem. S. L. Morgan and A. Fox, Chemotaxonomic characterization of microorganisms and chemical detection of infectious diseases by capillary GC, Pyrolysis GC-MS, and Solid Phase RIA, in Proceedings of the Second Biodetection Workshop , Army Research Office, Raleigh, NC, July, 1982. A. Fox, S. L. Morgan, J. R. Hudson, Z. T. Zhu, and P. Y. Lau, Capillary gas chromatographic analysis of alditol acetates of neutral and amino sugars in bacterial cell walls, J. Chromatogr. J. F. Collawn, Jr., P. Y. Lau, S. L. Morgan, A. Fox, and W. W. Fish, A chemical and physical comparison of ferritin subunit species fractionated by HPLC, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics A. Fox, P. Y. Lau, A. Brown, S. L. Morgan, Z. T. Zhu, M. Lema, and M. D. Walla, Carbohydrate profiling of some Legionellaceae by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Legionella , American Society of Microbiology, Thornsberry, C., Ballows, A, Feeley, J. C., and Jakubowski, W., p. 71-73, 1984.
Extractions: Search: search the entire directory search this category only Top Science Biology Microbiology ... Journals See also: Science: Biology: Publications: Journals Science: Publications: Journals Anaerobe - This multi-disciplinary journal provides a unique forum for research on the biology of anaerobic microorganisms. It focuses on life processes in strict anaerobes and anaerobic activities of facultative or microaerophilic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.
University Of Port Elizabeth: Biochemistry & Microbiology Publications 8 Aug 2005. Biochemistry Microbiology Homepage Faculty of Science PEERREVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (1996-2004). Other publications. Topics. Personnel http://www.upe.ac.za/academic/departments/gentemp.asp?id=79&heading=Publications
Publications : Microbiology Today : Book Reviews attempt to explain a wide range of complex molecular themes that would enablestudents to better understand molecular microbiology publications. http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/pubs/micro_today/book_reviews/MTAUG03/MTA03_09
Extractions: Introduction History Headquarters Membership ... Educational resources for schools Molecular Infection Biology: Interactions Between Microorganisms and Cells I read Molecular Infection Biology with great interest and I found it enjoyable and extremely useful. Initially, having glanced at the title, I thought I would only have enough time to flick through it and read selected chapters. I later found myself reading it almost back to back! No kidding! The title of the book is different from the usual molecular or medical microbiology books, and so is the content. The book consists of 23 succinct, concept-driven and beautifully structured chapters. It covers a wide range of fundamental aspects of pathogenesis of microbial diseases, including the mechanisms of microbial survival and virulence, protein secretion, the host response to infection and state-of-the-art technologies employed in research. The authors have made a brave and successful attempt to explain a wide range of complex molecular themes that would enable students to better understand molecular microbiology publications. It should also help non-molecular biologists, such as clinical microbiologists or others outside the field but with interest in infection, to dig deep in host-pathogen interaction at the molecular level. There are chapters on the bacterial population genetics, evolution, antigenic variation, vaccines, immune responses
Microbiology Publications Ardelean II, Daniella Besozzi B. (2003) Mechanosensitive channels, a hot topicin microbiology any excitement for P systems ? In Report Brainstorming week http://www.ibiol.ro/microbiology_publications.htm
FRI KarRC RAS. Laboratory Of Forest Pedology And Microbiology Publications of the Laboratory of forest pedology and microbiology Back,Laboratory of forest pedology and microbiology. Last modified on April 12, 2005 http://www.krc.karelia.ru/structure/fri/labs/pedology/publ.en.html
Untitled 2002 microbiology publications. BOTTOMLEY, PETER J. Rockhold, ML, RR Yarwood, MRNiemet, PJ Bottomley, and JS Selker. 2002. http://science.orst.edu/02mbpubs.html
Extractions: BOTTOMLEY, PETER J. Rockhold, M. L., R. R. Yarwood, M. R. Niemet, P. J. Bottomley, and J. S. Selker. 2002. Considerations for modeling microbially induced changes in hydraulic properties of variably-saturated porous media. Advances in Water Research. 25: 477-495. Cliff, J. B., P. J. Bottomley, R. Haggerty, and D. D. Myrold. 2002. Modeling the effect of mass transfer limitations on 15N isotope dilution experiments in soil aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Vol. 66: 1868-1877. Cliff, J. B., D. Gaspar, D. D. Myrold, and P. J. Bottomley. 2002. Exploration of inorganic C and N assimilation by soil microbes with Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 4067-4073. Yarwood, R. R., M. L. Rockhold, M. R. Niemet, J. S. Selker, and P. J. Bottomley. 2002. Non-invasive quantitative measurement of bacterial growth in porous media under unsaturated-flow conditions. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 3597-3605. Duddleston, K. N., D. J. Arp, and P. J. Bottomley. 2002. Biodegradation of monohalogenated alkanes by soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 59: 535-539.
Untitled 2001 microbiology publications. Back to 2001 Faculty Publications College ofScience Home Page Oregon State University. http://science.orst.edu/01mbpubs.html
Extractions: Brockport Microbiology is an independent consulting firm providing a broad range of environmental and industrial microbiology services. Consulting services include but are not limited to method development and validation, wastewater treatment industrial contamination bioremediation indoor air quality ... technical training , and technology assessment . Our diversified customer base includes Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, environmental testing laboratories, environmental engineering and consulting firms, industrial manufacturers and litigation attorneys. If you have a problem that may involve microbiology, we are happy to discuss it with you and may be able to provide a solution. We pride ourselves on our reputation for integrity and client satisfaction.
NWFSC Publications - NWFSC microbiology publications. (For other documents, go to the advanced search.)Microbiology Home Publications Home. In press 2005 2004 2003 2002 http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/publications/displayinclude.cfm?incfile=proj21.inc
Publications Marine Microbiology Publications Marine Microbiology 2001 2005 (Last update July 7, 2005) Microbiology 149217-228 Article (at publisher s site) NIOO Publication number http://www.nioo.knaw.nl/SCIENCE/PUBFILES/mm.htm
Extractions: On the function of secretion of extracellular polymeric substances by benthic diatoms and their role in intertidal mudflats: A review of recent insights and views. in J. C. Kromkamp, J. F. C. De Brouwer, G. F. Blanchard, R. M. Forster, and V. Creach, editors. Functioning of Microphytobenthos in Estuaries Financed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences An Academy Colloqium, held at 21-23 August, Amsterdam. Estimating benthic primary production: scaling up from point measurements to the whole estuary. in J. C. Kromkamp, J. F. C. De Brouwer, G. F. Blanchard, R. M. Forster, and V. Creach, editors. Functioning of Microphytobenthos in Estuaries Financed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences An Academy Colloqium, held at 21-23 August, Amsterdam.
Bartel Lab Group: Bartel Publications (Washington, DC American Society of microbiology publications), pp. 636644.The tails of ubiquitin precursors are ribosomal proteins whose fusion to http://bioc.rice.edu/~bartel/publications.html
Extractions: research interests Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Rice University , Houston, TX, 2005-present Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Rice University Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Rice University American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research , Cambridge, MA, 1991-1993 Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA, 1990 (Biology) B.A., Bethel College , North Newton, KS, 1983 (Biology)
MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCES EAWAG microbiology publications Ebola Information Information on the Ebola virus.Ectomycorrhiza (lecture notes) Ectomycorrhizal Technology http://www.edae.gr/micro-miscellaneous.html
Extractions: HELLENIC ASSOCIATION DERMATOLOGY - VENEREOLOGY MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCES 11th International Conference on Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants (June 1998) 5th European Marine Microbiology Symposium - Abstracts (Bergen 1996) A huge collection of Biological sequence analysis links at The Danish Center for Biological Sequence analysis A well-stocked Biological Home Page (in Australia) ... Active Learning Centre - Microbiology - an online self-assessment test. ADE-4 Multivariate Analysis Software for Windows 95 Agricultural Biotechnology Bibliographies Agricultural Biotechnology Center AIDS resources ... All the virology servers in the world " is an excellent page with many virology related links. American Society for Microbiology Journals -Search All Available Issues American Type Culture Collection An Electronic Introduction to Moleular Virology An Explanation of Plant Hormones ... Analysis of Antibiotic Susceptibilities of Skin Wound Flora in Hospitalized Dermatology Patients The Crisis of Antibiotic Resistance Has Come to the Surface Arthur S. Colsky, PhD, MD; Robert S. Kirsner, MD; Francisco A. Kerdel, BSc, MBBS Arch Dermatol. 1998;134:1006-1009 Ancient Bacteria Ann Hirsch - Main Page Anthrax Antibiotic Resistance Genes ... Antibiotics; Are we winning the race against bacteria
Bioinformatics.html microbiology publications. Kelley, ST, UT Theisen, LT Angenent, A. St. Amand andNR Pace. (2004) Molecular Analysis of Shower Curtain Biofilm Microbes. http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/faculty/kelley/microbiology.htm
Extractions: M ICROBIOLOGY R ESEARCH More than 99% of existing microbes have yet to be cultured. I specialize in using culture-free molecular phylogenetic tools to determine the microbial constituents of different environments. I am currently studying public health related environments, hot spring ecosystems, and the microbiota associated with coral, bighorn sheep and bark beetles. Phylogenetic approaches are especially useful for studying the microbial world since this is often the only information we have concerning the biology of uncultured microbes. Microbiology Publications Kelley, S.T., U.T. Theisen, L.T. Angenent, A. St. Amand and N.R. Pace. (2004) Molecular Analysis of Shower Curtain Biofilm Microbes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70: 4187-4192. Breitbart, M., B. Felts, S. T. Kelley, J. M. Mahaffy, J. Nulton, P. Salamon, and F. Rohwer. (2004). Diversity and population structure of a near-shore marine-sediment viral community. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Science, 271:565-74. Harris, J. K.
Publications - MSH & TML: Department Of Microbiology Website Department of microbiology publications Section featuring newsletters, publications,fact sheets and patient information brochures. http://microbiology.mtsinai.on.ca/publications/index.shtml
ASM Publications publications. ASM journals are hosted at www.journals.asm.org. ASM s EducationBoard sponsors four publications for microbiology educators, available at http://www.asm.org/publications/index.asp
Página Nueva 1 Molecular biology of Pleurotus ostreatus and functional analysis of its genome. Features a genetic linkage map and publications. http://www.unavarra.es/genmic
Extractions: GENETICS AND MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH GROUP Department of Agrarian Production Public University of Navarre Pamplona, Spain GCBB-VI (Pamplona, June 2005): Scientific program pdf News - Blog Meeting webpage CONTENTS CONTACTS VISITAS Dr. Antonio G. Pisabarro Prof. of Microbiology Tel.: (+34) 948 169 107 Fax: (+34) 948 169 732 E-mail: gpisabarro@unavarra.es Dra. Lucía Ramírez Prof. of Genetics and Plant Breeding Tel.: (+34) 948 169 130 Fax: (+34) 948 169 732 E-mail: lramirez@unavarra.es