Search Below is a list of all the online courses available on this site. It includesdiscussion of the various hazard levels microbes present,
Extractions: Online Courses Below is a list of all the online courses available on this site. If you are already enrolled on any of the courses follow the link below. View My Courses >> If you are not already enrolled and you wish to access the courses, follow the instructions below to buy online. Introduction to Statistics This course covers the basic principles of statistics, allowing you to fully appreciate the nature and application of statistics in biotechnology.
Clackamas Community College Distance Learning Course Packet. Instructions for Getting Started in Your Course. online BlackboardCourse BI234-30, Introductory microbiology
Extractions: Course fee includes a $75 lab kit deposit. Lab kits will be available from the Science Department (503) 657-6958, ext. 2207) the third week of the term. The lab fee includes a non-refundable handling fee of $15 for issued kits. No lab kit refunds (maximum $100 less postage if mailed) if the complete, clean kit is not returned within 2 weeks of either completing or withdrawing from the course. Students will also need "Microbiology: An Acrive Learning Guide" by Strickland, 2004, ISBN 0-536-81456-2, along with the textbook available at the college bookstore
Clackamas Community College Distance Learning Course Packet. Instructions for Getting Started in Your Course. online BlackboardCourse BI234-31, Introductory microbiology
Extractions: (Fee includes a $75 lab kit deposit. This fee includes a non-refundable handling fee of $25. The remaining $50 will be refunded if a complete, clean lab kit is returned within 2 weeks of either completing or withdrawing from the course.) You should order your lab kit from the Biology department. To order, call (503) 657-6958, ext. 2029 or e-mail Course Start Date: Distance Learning classes begin on the first day of term. Course Description: This is an Online Distance Learning Course using Blackboard course delivery software. Students are not required to come to campus to participate in this class. This is a laboratory course required for nursing and dental hygiene majors (medical emphasis). Includes characteristics, physiology and growth requirements for microorganisms, interactions between humans and microorganisms, immunology, infection, and principles of microbial control. Students complete labs at home using specially designed kits and materials found in the home.
ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Biology/Microbiology/Education This is an excellent online microbiology course. The laboratory manual is Food microbiology online course based on The microbiology of Food book.
Extractions: Text Size A A A Front Page ... Microbiology : Education Preschool Children Display Innate Skill With Numbers, Addition (September 20, 2005) full story Drug-eluting Stents Succeed After Bare Metal Stents Fail (September 19, 2005) full story Mental Declines Can Be Reversed, Report Shows (September 16, 2005) full story Obese Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Can Consider Bariatric Surgery (September 13, 2005) full story New Support For Disabled Research Students (September 11, 2005) full story Number Of Babies Born Prematurely Nears Historic Half Million Mark In U.S. (September 9, 2005) full story Electronic Lab Notebooks Useful For Teaching, But Not Ready To Replace Paper (September 7, 2005) full story Stroke Sufferers At Increased Risk Of Developing Epilepsy (September 6, 2005) full story [ More news about Education
Community Nursing Center This online course focuses on principles of general microbiology and healthcareapplications for students pursuing careers in nursing and other allied
Extractions: CRN# 95007 This online course focuses on principles of general microbiology and health-care applications for students pursuing careers in nursing and other allied health fields. Emphasis is on microbiological fundamentals and control of microorganisms pertinent to the health-care arena. Considerable attention is devoted to microorganisms and human disease, specifically principles of diseases and epidemiology, pathogenicity, and immunology. Various diseases are presented according to the host organ system most affected. Contact the instructor or program director for any questions or discussion regarding class withdrawal. Once a student obtains access to the online class material the school is unable to refund course tuition due to the full access students have to the online course.
Bacteriology Of Juntendo University - Links University has created a wonderful introductory microbiology course online . Biology 141 (G.Kaiser) A good microbiology course and lab book from
Extractions: Sites with loads of good information in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Great Sites for Links to other Microbiology and Infectious Disease Sites. Societies and Governmental Agencies concerned with Microbiology and/or Infectious Diseases. Medical Student Sites. ... Miscellaneous Sites Baron's Medical Microbiology Textbook. YES the entire textbook, images and all!! The URL has changed (12/2/97). MIT Biology Hypertextbook: A basic textbook in biology. A very good source for those wanting basic information on chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. Microbiology 101: Dr. R.E. Hurlbert at Washington State University has created a wonderful introductory microbiology course online. A great resource for those interested in learning microbiology or those teaching an introductory microbiology course. Truely, a great resource. Everything Microbiology created by Dr. J. DiRienzo contains his lecture notes, research projects, history of microbiology at Univ. of Pennsylvania Dental School.
My Favorite Links! An excellent microbiology website. Dr. Kaiser s microbiology course and microbiology and Immunology online Dr. Hunt and his colleagues at the
Extractions: TO GO BACK TO MY Please note this is not an exhaustive listing. These are the places I go to the most. Sites lots of good content in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Great Sites for Links to other Microbiology and Infectious Disease Sites. Societies and Governmental Agencies concerned with Microbiology and/or Infectious Diseases. Medical Student Sites. ... Miscellaneous Sites Baron's Medical Microbiology Textbook. YES the entire textbook, images and all!! The URL has changed (12/2/97). Grapes of Staph: Doc Kaiser's Microbiology Website An excellent microbiology website. Dr. Kaiser's microbiology course and laboratory manual are fantastic for anyone wanting to know more about microbes. A must see site. Gary Laboratory Homepage: Need information about Viruses or are you a card-carrying Virologist and want good information from the web? Then go to this site. The links are FANTASTIC and very comprehensive. A virologist's dream! It is also a great place for people wanting to know more about viruses. Microbiology and Immunology Online Dr. Hunt and his colleagues at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine have put together a wonderful Medical Microbiology and Immunology website.
FSU CLLS Courses OnLine Clinical Laboratory Sciences courses CLLS230 Hematology I CLLS235DiagnosticMicrobiology I CLLS240 Medical Mycology, Virology, Parasitology
Trends5 for which some of the lab work is done online for one microbiology course (6).Using case studies in the microbiology course, Lehman describes a case
Extractions: Issue 5 Home Up MI in Distance Ed Language Course What I Learned Teaching Hybrids ... Favorite Webs 5 - Litonline Trends Teaching "Hybrid Courses" by Eric Hibbison, Connecting Editor It's 10:44 a.m. on the first Tuesday of your hybrid course, so you remind your students not to come to the classroom on Thursday because they have work to do online. Configurations of Hybrid Sections Like hybrid flowers, hybrid sections of courses fill a particular niche and may take advantage of strengths of the forms from which they are derived. The best hybrid section would include the convenience of online sections, plus the social dimension of on-campus sections. Passiflora Crimson Tears by Dr. Roland Fischer With the added on-campus class sessions, I can more easily train students and give demonstrationsmine and those recorded and permissioned from previous studentsduring the classroom meetings. Even better, the time to do presentations is already reserved, so groups don't have to come out on a Saturday and most students are not forced into individually recorded presentations emailed to me or sent on CD-ROMs. In their 2003 book
Online Course Catalogue | Victoria University Of Wellington online Course Catalogue for Victoria University. This course charts thedevelopment of the microbiology field up to the present day.
Online Learning CCD online Learning Dates online courses Available online Degrees Available CCC online Flex Learning Resources Contact Us
PATH 417 Course Outline This course is an upper level Infectious Diseases/Medical microbiology course An online discussion takes place during which points raised by the
Extractions: Bacterial Infection in Humans Course Outline Course Description The course explores human bacterial infections focussing on both the virulence factors of the microorganism and the pathophysiology of the host response. The learning occurs using a Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach in which the students, working in groups, are directed to acquire information by working through case scenarios. The course is delivered over the World Wide Web, using the WebCT platform, with students and instructors all communicating online. Intended Audience This course is an upper level Infectious Diseases/Medical Microbiology course suitable for 3rd or 4th year University or College students in the sciences or health sciences or as a refresher course for practitioners in the health sciences.
OWU Online | Botany/Microbiology at Ohio Wesleyan University online Delaware, Ohio OWU Botany/MicrobiologyCourse List ยป course offerings and descriptions (in PDF)
Extractions: Botany , the study of plant biology, has taken on a new look. The study of plant molecular biology has showed new ways to improve crop plants and combat plant diseases. Ohio Wesleyan offers you the opportunity to collaborate with faculty in their research on plant biodiversity, molecular biology, and ecology that address these concerns. At Ohio Wesleyan you can explore the biology of plants at an in-depth level not possible at most liberal arts institutions. Ohio Wesleyan offers a major sequence in botany that can stand on its own, or can complement a second major, such as environmental studies or genetics. All students in the biological sciences, including botany majors, begin with a core of three courses, and then take upper-level courses to gain depth in a particular area. Within the botany major you may specialize by choosing from a wide range of upper-level courses. Microbiology is the study of small forms of life, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. With the development of recombinant DNA technology in the 1970s, bacteria became an important research tool used to understand how DNA expression was controlled on the molecular level. Most major research universities have biologists whose work involves advanced genetic techniques, but very few undergraduate colleges can boast, like Ohio Wesleyan University can, of faculty in microbiology, zoology, and botany who use these techniques routinely in classroom laboratory experiments and research.
LTU: Microbiology: Undergraduate: Course For contacts to obtain further information about the microbiology course or the Technology and Engineering course information is also available online.
Extractions: Undergraduate study in Microbiology The Department of Microbiology offers subjects at second and third year levels of La Trobe University's Bachelor of Science degree. Subjects in Microbiology may be taken as part of the core requirements for the following degree courses: Microbiology can also be taken as an elective for Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) and Bachelor of Viticultural Science , as well as many other courses. Please refer to the Undergraduate Handbook for more information about La Trobe University's undergraduate courses. Students satisfactorily completing the Bachelor of Science course may be offered placement in the fourth-year level Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Microbiology . The Honours course consists of a one year research project under the supervision of a senior academic, as well as some course work.
SWBIC - Courses & Tutorials Univ. of Minnesota An online course that will teach students microbial catabolicmetabolism, how to use the University of Minnesota
Extractions: [Penn State] (University Park, PA) A newly designed and expanded course to emphasize more laboratory work and include modern techniques used with mammalian cell cultures from frozen stocks to bioreactor design. Lectures provide the background to understand the principles and techniques of animal cells in culture.
ECampusAlberta - Course Catalog Course Title, Medical microbiology and Infectious Diseases microbiologyAn Introduction ISBN 0805376143. Teaching Methods, online Materials,
View Projects The program for current students can be managed online. microbiology Immunology Course (5645020 Dr. Luc Vankaer), Develop course online for 564-5020
Extractions: Projects Project Description School of Medicine Website Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum (for Residency) This web page is an interdisciplinary course for House Staff at Vanderbilt including access to each post course exam. Also, residents, residency directors, department chairs and administrators can see the performance report as appropriate. Online Grading System This project serves for faculty and house staff assessments of students. Determination of grades is evaluations by course directors. Ecology of Medicine Course This web page was created for faculty to review web cases, student answers and for peer evaluation. Additionally, this web site provides information of reference books to read. Vanderbilt Physician Scientist Development Program (VPSD) This web page provides details of the program for patient- oriented researchers, faculty mentors, candidate profiles, application materials and program director. Faculty Database We created and maintain the faculty database that BRET faculty can edit, update, search their profile. In the future, VUMC faculty will also be added to our database. Students or applicants can review faculty profiles, but not the full information for any individual.
Subject Area Guides - Microbiology Subject Guide Course Resources online. Databases for finding journal articles. Referencing A directory created to provide access to online microbiology resources.
Extractions: M icrobiology subject guide Starting your research Information on the World Wide Web Where do I start? Library Catalogue ... Referencing Starting your research When starting your research, it is a good idea to begin by gaining an understanding of the topic area by locating some background information, definitions or explanations of words and concepts. Dictionaries and encyclopedias commonly provide such information. Print publications can be found in the Reference Collection at your campus library. Below is a list of useful dictionaries and encyclopedias for clarifying definitions and providing introductory information for microbiology. More Help? Thinking about your topic Thinking of synonyms and related words Useful microbiology reference sources Print resources CRC Handbook of microbiology [check catalogue for location and call number] Dictionary of microbial taxonomy [check catalogue for location and call number] Encyclopedia of immunology [check catalogue for location and call number] Encyclopedia of microbiology [check catalogue for location and call number] Stedman Bergey's bacteria words [check catalogue for location and call number]
ASMcue Several years ago I converted my microbiology course into a series of online nested a new collection for the online microbiology education resource.
DerKeiler Directory - /Science/Biology/Microbiology/Education Food microbiology, online course based on The microbiology of Food book. This is an excellent online microbiology course. The laboratory manual is
Extractions: Home UNIX Linux Coding ... Education Education Sub-categories See also: Links Baron's Medical Microbiology Textbook. Fourth Edition The entire Medical Microbiology Textbook online. Truly a wonderful resource. American Society for Microbiology Education Includes video references, curriculum resources, conference lists, grants, publications, and mentor networks. Biology 199 - Plagues University of Oregon - Dan Udovic Course BS109:Microbiology Leicester University - Bill Grant - Spring 97 Course BS210: Microbiology Leicester University - Peter Andrew - Spring 97 Course BS224: Microbiology II Leicester University - Shaun Heaphy - Spring 97 Course BS335: Virology University of Leicester - Alan Cann and Shaun Heaphy: Elite MicroSource Corporation Elite MicroSource Corporation you resource for educational seminars on Pharmaceutical and biotechnology microbiology. Environmental Microbiology Course Environmental Microbiology - An on-line and distance learning course (Biology 447) from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada with an emphasis on water microbiology issues.