Biosafety Resources - TSE Agents online Safety courses and Teaching Materials microbiology courses. Biocomputing.General Biology. Medicine and medical related.
Extractions: at the University of Oklahoma The Department of Botany and Microbiology at the University of Oklahoma has a vigorous teaching and research program that is summarized on this Web site. To guide yourself around the site, use the menu below. There is a lot of information at this site, so we hope that you have some time to spend here and that you have an interesting and informative visit. Particular sites of interest include information about the department, our courses, our faculty, our students, our degrees, and other links. The Department sponsors a number of unique and interesting sites, including Cal's Plant of the Week Links to Botanical Electronic Journals and Links to Microbiological Electronic Journals Now open: Botany-Micro Departmental Stockroom Order Form - order supplies from the stockroom online! Special Announcements/New Features: If you are seeing this page, you do not have a frames capable browser. To upgrade to more modern browsers for free, follow this link: or enclose your soul along with a stamped self-addressed envelope to: OU's Directory Search OU's server Our map coordinates To contact us: Department of Botany and Microbiology
Microbiology Homepage Jerome Knutson, University of Minnisota Crookston, has created a good introductory microbiology course.
Extractions: Selected Web pages will be used as reading assignments for the course and laboratory handouts will be provided. All students will purchase Microbiology Perspectives (Prentice Hall - 1999). This course will discuss microbe morphology (structure), growth requirements, transmission of microbes, and control of microbes. Basic lab techniques related to asepsis, culturing and identification of microbes, economically important microbes, body defenses, diseases, and food/water/agricultural microbiology will be emphasized. The instructor integrating these pages into a semester syllabus intends to: 1. Present a course that contains current, accurate, and stimulating reading for microbiology students; 2. Provide a new technological approach to replace the traditional textbook; 3. Encourage student involvement with the Internet sources related to microbiology and;
Course BS109 Microbiology Course 109 Introduction to microbiology. Welcome to Course 109 ! will enjoythis course that the information provided online will help you understand
Redirect Page University of Hawaii Kapiolani Community College - JOHN M. BERESTECKY, Ph.D.
Department Of Biology Offers majors in biology, botany, microbiology and zoology. Faculty, research, graduate and undergraduate programs, courses, calendar, history and seminars.
Extractions: 979-845-2891 (fax) The mission of the Department of Biology is to provide high quality education in biological sciences to our students, to advance the body of scientific knowledge through scholarly research, and to provide technical and educational expertise locally, nationally and internationally. This mission can only be achieved through the recruitment, retention and support of the highest quality faculty, staff and students. The Department of Biology plays a central role in the university by providing fundamental lecture and laboratory courses introducing biological principles to students majoring in agriculture, architecture, business, engineering, geosciences, liberal arts, science and veterinary medicine. We also provide modern and comprehensive B.S. and B.A. curricula in Biology, Botany, Cell and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Zoology for more than 1300 undergraduate majors. Our graduate programs prepare scientists for careers in academia, industry and government and play an essential role in enhancing an understanding of the central role of biological systems in the global environment. Our faculty also provide expertise outside the university in service on scientific advisory and editorial boards, in evaluation of scientific innovations and the importance of biological systems to society, and in helping Texas and the United States meet the challenges of the future.
Textbook Of Bacteriology This textbook has evolved from online and livein-person lectures presented A new course in microbiology, The Microbial World, for liberal arts students
Extractions: Welcome to Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology . This textbook has evolved from online and live lectures presented in my bacteriology courses at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Its contents are suitable for reading or presentation in courses or course modules concerning general microbiology and medical bacteriology at the college and advanced high school levels of education. As an electronic text, new material is constantly being added, and current material is constantly being revised and updated. This is an inherent advantage of the web-based text over the tree-burner. The textbook will never be complete, as the rate of production of new information in microbiology far outruns the author's ability to acquire and properly present it. If you have suggestions, comments or criticisms regarding the textbook or its contents, or the idea of this type of textbook, please send email to me at the address below. Kenneth Todar
Otago School Of Medical Sciences, University Of Otago, New Zealand One of the seven Schools within the Division of Health Sciences. The OSMS is responsible for the teaching of the basic biomedical sciences at the University and consists of the Departments of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Biochemistry, microbiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Department of Physiology. Administration, contacts, courses, subjects, departments, units, High Schools, news, events, research, resources, services and facilities information.
Hilltopics E-Zine - Barton County Community College EduKan Enters Frontier With online microbiology Course Offering This Fall The online microbiology course was Simmons brainchild, but it was his
Extractions: Microbiology, the branch of biology that studies microorganisms and their effects on humans, is considered the next frontier in the virtual realm. At least it is for biologists like Barton County Community College Science Instructor Dr. John Simmons. Before now, he and others in the field believed the five-credit-hour course too complex to lend itself to the virtual world of online education. After all, how could distance-education instructors replicate the multitude of detailed and sometimes complicated experiments that microbiology instructors carefully monitor and observe in the classroom nearly every day throughout a typical semester? The opening Web page of VirtualUnknown Microbiology appears above. According to the VUMicro 3.0 basic training manual on the Intuitive Systems Inc. Web site, VirtualUnknown Microbiology is a lab simulation that assigns an unknown microbe at the beginning of each session. Then, the student must perform tests in order to identify the mystery microbe. The package includes more than 50 familiar and common tests and 124 bacterial species are included.
Food Microbiology Laboratory Studies pre and post-harvest food safety with an emphasis on beef and pork. Researchers, pictures, current projects and courses.
Micr425 microbiology 425. BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS Relatedmicrobiology courses. Introduction to Molecular Biology, Micr 302
Extractions: David Clark's Research Department of Microbiology MICROBIOLOGY 425 Class Notes - approximately $25 from The PRINTING PLANT, 606 S. Illinois. The class notes are available on the web (click links below under "Topics Covered"). Note that Greek symbols etc are not always shown correctly and that some diagrams are missing in the web version of the notes. Cell Envelope - Peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Proteins, Lipids Osmoregulation Sugar Transport, Glycolysis, Fermentation FIRST EXAM View exams from previous years 1 hr Monday, September 23 Krebs Cycle, Anaplerotic Pathways Energetics, High Energy Compounds Photosynthesis Halobacteria SECOND EXAM View exams from previous years 1 hr Monday, October 28 Nitrogen Fixation The Origin of Life FINAL EXAM View exams from previous years 2 hr Wednesday December 11th, 7:50 am
AL AMEEN EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY This society today has courses ranging from engineering, law, medicine, arts, science, commerce, microbiology, management, computers, in a number of institutions.
Extractions: The Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology at the University of Victoria offers a unique program that combines the two disciplines central to the modern sciences of molecular biology and biotechnology. The faculty and staff of the Department are committed to providing students with a world-class learning experience in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Western College Of Veterinary Medicine Site features information for and about Faculty, Research Interests, Post Doctoral Fellows, Graduate Students, Graduate courses, Undergraduate courses, and Seminars.
Microbiology And Immunology - Cornell Veterinary Medicine Disciplinary avocations in immunology and virology, as well as parasitology, bacteriology, and environmental toxicology. Site lists personnel and courses, describes current research, and links to special programs.
This Page Has Moved To: Content includes directories of faculty, graduate students, and staff, the graduate program, and a list of courses.
Microbiology At UMass Amherst Information on the department, advisory board, FAQs, faculty listing, seminars, and courses.
Extractions: :: Microbiology Department News :: Fall 2005 Microbiology Course Schedule Fall 2005 Seminar Schedule September 2005: Two Microbiology faculty members, Elizabeth Stuart , Associate Professor of Microbiology, and Wilmore Webley , Assistant Professor of Microbiology, are currently part of a research team geared at developing a vaccine for Chlamydia, the most frequently reported sexually transmitted disease in the United States. BioVeris Corporation has pledged up to $600,000 to UMass to assist in the development of the vaccine. UMass and BioVeris have entered into an agreement giving the compamy exclusive patent rights to the chlamydia vaccine. Read more... September 2005: In a Faculty Convocation held on Friday, September 16, Chancellor John V. Lombardi presented Derek Lovley , Distinguished University Professor, with the newly created Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity. Dr. Lovley received this award along with 11 other University of Massachusetts faculty members. Read more...