Education And Learning: By Education and learning microbiology by a microbiology informationresources Resources for people teaching and learning about microbiology.
Microbial Genomics Educational Materials Educational Materials Teaching Tools Related to Microbial Genomics MicrobeWorld activities. Seventeen handson activities that correlate with and
Extractions: The DNA Files " Pass the Genes, Please: Gene swapping muddles the history of microbes " Science News Online , July 22, 2000 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) sites: MicrobeLibrary : An educational program of ASM MicrobeWorld : The Microbial Literacy Collaborative. Explore bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. Microbial facts and trivia. Vivid images of microbes like bacteria and algae.
Teaching And Scholarsly Activities Teaching and Scholarly activities I initially taught a fourthyear SoilMicrobiology course (SOILS 430) but switched to a third-year course in Soil
Teacher Homepage As a microbiologist, I focus on activities using microbes to demonstrate basicscientific EXCITE (Excellence in Curriculum Integration through Teaching
Extractions: Teacher Workshop Page Welcome! This page is a work in progress devoted to material for teachers. It has links to sites containing experiments or demonstrations that I have used in workshops, classroom demonstrations or as presentations to visiting students of any age. As a microbiologist, I focus on activities using microbes to demonstrate basic scientific principles. If you are a teacher within a reasonable driving distance from Rolla I would be happy to visit your classroom to demonstrate some of these activities or to talk to your students about Microbiology. I welcome any suggestions to improve this page and would love to hear about links that I may have missed. Links for Teachers Biotechnology Activities from the University of Wisconsin DNA Dance EXCITE (Excellence in Curriculum Integration through Teaching Epidemiology) from the CDC FDA Food Safety activities The 12 "Most Unwanted" Bacteria Presentation. Powerpoint
Carolina Biological: Halobacteria: A Model Teaching Microbe teach your students how to grow microbes on an agar plate using the safe, visuallystimulating microbe, Halobacterium sp. NRC1. Students learn the sterile
Extractions: Sign up for our email newsletters and receive classroom activities and news about science supplies. Halobacterium sp. NRC-1: The NEW Model Microbe Halobacterium DasSarma Laboratory for nearly 20 years and have been found to be an ideal microbe for teaching. Take a look at our Halobacteria kits and see for yourself how effective they could be in helping you teach microbiology. Halobacteria kits Basic Microbiology Skills Part 1
Education Resources Classroom and educator resources for learning about microbes and microbial genomics . Seventeen handson activities that correlate with and build on the
Extractions: (Choose PDF file: screen resolution or print quality U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science The following links may be useful to educators searching for suitable classroom material on genomics, systems biology, and microbes. These materials provide resources for educators to enhance existing curriculae. Primer on Microbial Genomics covers the basic science of microbial genetics research U.S. Department of Energy, Microbial Genome Program Report , February 2000. History and importance of the study of microbes to the Department of Energy Micro*scope , tool for exploring microbes presented by Marine Biological Laboratory Bugs in the News!
Index.html Dr. Bumgarner is well known for his teaching efforts both locally and internationally . Yu Li microbiology, 2002 - 2003; Jiangning Li - Pathology,
Untitled Document TEACHING activities involve various classes being able to use current analytical PUBLIC SERVICE activities often involve the identification of microbial
Extractions: This Multi-User Analytical Laboratory was set up in 1990 to provide students, faculty and staff throughout Clemson University and especially in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences with access to equipment which may not be available in individual laboratories and may only be needed periodically and not be practical for individual laboratories to obtain and maintain. Chemical analysis is important to many areas of research within Clemson University. For examples you only have to look at any newspaper or popular magazine. Articles are present everyday concerning the active ingredients of drugs and herbal products, problems of soil, water and air pollution, identification of microbial contaminants or disease causing agents, analysis of food products and safety of those products. All of these articles have been based on some type of chemical analysis. These types of chemical analysis as well as many other are the types of analysis which can be conducted utilizing the facilities associated with the Multi-User Analytical Laboratory. (See examples of current and previous research below.)
Department Of Medical Microbiology Homepage of the Department of Medical microbiology, University Zurich. The tasks of the Institute include teaching, research and laboratory diagnosis of
Extractions: Proper cellular growth and differentiation is determined by the regulated expression of the genetic material within the cell. Recently, it has become clear that the decay rates of mRNAs are regulated and play an important role in controlling gene expression. It has been my goal to define both cis- and trans-acting factors which regulate mRNA stability and I have chosen to do this in a system capable of high resolution biochemical and genetic analysis, i.e., the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recently, it has become clear that the processes of translation and mRNA decay are intimately linked. Results suggesting this relationship include; a) inhibition of translational elongation can reduce mRNA decay rates; b) ribosome translocation up to or through the a previously identified instability element in the MAT[alpha]1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for its rapid decay; c) instability elements involved in the rapid decay of a variety of yeast and mammalian mRNAs have been localized to the coding regions of the respective mRNAs; d) instability elements may be rich in rare codons; e) experiments with mammalian cell-free systems indicate that a nuclease activity capable of degrading mammalian mRNAs is associated with polysomes; and e) premature translational termination can enhance mRNA decay rates.
Teaching Materials Its activities include research, education, information dissemination and advisory Curriculum materials such as teaching guides are also included.
Extractions: low graphics broader: equipment Swine production homepage The swine production homepage is published on the Web by the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, as part of their Computer Aided Learning Web site. The site provides information on pig production in the US, pig biology, glossary of pig-related terms and housing facilities for commercial pigs. A set of lecture slides relating to the course Physical Exam and Animal Management is available. A collection of online quizzes on pig biology and pig farm facilities is also provided and answers are available in a separate section online. There are links to related Web resources and references to published material. The website is dated 1997 and does not appear to have been updated since so the statistics are rather out of date but the information on pig biology and breeding is still relevant. teaching materials pigs pig farming Poisonous plants Poisonous plants is published on the Web by the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, as part of their Computer Aided Learning Web site. The site contains an introduction to poisonous plants of veterinary importance, a plant glossary and a list of poisonous plants organised by common name and latin name. Full colour photographs are provided for each poisonous plant listed. toxicology teaching materials poisonous plants Food law Information on food law affecting the UK, designed for students on relevant courses at the University of Reading, but suitable for other interested parties. Content includes news on UK and EU food law, lecture material, information on UK regulations and standards (subject and chronological listings), example court cases, and information on EU legislation and international food law. The site is maintained by David J Jukes, lecturer at the University of Reading and author of the book, "Food legislation of the UK".
BaMBI - ANU Teaching activitiesMedical School, microbiology. E Gwen. Teaching activitiesBIOL1007, BIOL2152, BIOL3144, Convenor of Graduate Studies in
Oklahoma State University System This is the Biochemistry microbiology Strategic Plan. Equalize teachingloads of faculty to be comparable with peer medical institutions.
Extractions: The Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology will: Be recognized locally, regionally, and nationally for excellence in research and scholarly activity; Conduct research in basic and health sciences; Prepare and deliver innovative educational programs; Produce graduate and medical students prepared for scholarly endeavors in scientific and medical communities; and Provide service to local, regional, and national science and health related organizations. Core Values Excellence We seek excellence in all our endeavors and we are committed to continuous improvement. Intellectual Freedom We believe in ethical and scholarly questioning in an environment that respects the rights of all to freely pursue knowledge. Integrity We are committed to the principles of truth and honesty and we will be equitable, ethical, and professional.
Web-Based Resources, Teaching Today, Glencoe Online Teaching Today compliments the subject areas Web sites of the Glencoe Division It contains an exceptionally rich collection of lesson plans, activities,
Extractions: Teaching Today publishes innovative teaching tips on a weekly basis. Written with the busy teacher in mind, each tip is concise, practical and easy to implement in the classroom right away. Topics covered in Teaching Today are classroom management, career development, high stakes testing, instruction and planning, parental involvement, reading in the content areas, using technology in the classroom, and portfolio development. Teaching Today also offers free weekly downloads that correspond to the tips. Our free downloads make implementing the teaching tips even easier. Teaching Today provides educational resources for teachers looking for everyday solutions to the challenges of the classroom.
Advanced Studies Master Of Science In Molecular Biology Teaching activities, Microbial Genetics and Genetics of higher Eukaryotes Teaching activities, Advanced Microbial Genetics and Virology, 13,0 h. J. Anné
Extractions: You must have a four-year University degree or a three-year University degree on condition that you have relevant research experience equivalent to a fourth year. Priority will be given to candidates holding the degree of Medical Doctor, Veterinary Doctor or Agricultural Engineer. Candidates holding degrees in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry and other scientific disciplines are also eligible. A good knowledge of the English language, both written en spoken, is essential; additional language courses can be followed at the University or at language institutes. The services of the VUB administer the entire IPMB programme. For more details on the admission procedure as well as on the content of the courses, please contact the: IPMB Secretariat Instituut voor Moleculaire Biologie en Biotechnologie, Paardenstraat 65, B-1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode. Belgium Tel.: + 32 2 359 02 77. Fax.: + 32 2 358 43 53. E-mail:
Activities And Achievements - September 11, 2000 September 11, 2000. activities Achievements Curriculum Instruction,Teaching with the Internet Lessons from the Classroom (Norwood, Mass.
Extractions: Lawrence Armstrong Douglas Bolster, Kinesiology, "Exercise, Thermoregulation and Precooling," American Journal of Medicine and Sports (June 2000). Scott Brown , Educational Psychology, with E.P. Roetert & T.S. Ellenbecker, "Shoulder Internal and External Rotation Range of Motion in Nationally Ranked Junior Tennis Players: A Longitudinal Analysis," Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , 14.2 (2000), pp. 140-3. Francoise Dussart, Anthropology, "The Warlpiri," Foraging Peoples: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Hunters and Gatherers (1999), pp. 363-6, and "What an Acrylic Can Mean: The Meta-Ritualistic Resonances of a Central Desert Painting," Art from the Land (1999), pp. 193-218.
Melissa B. Riley Teaching ActivitiesTeach PL PA 809 analytical techniques in agricultural and Microbial biohydrogenation of oleic acid to trans isomers in vitro.
Extractions: QUALIFICATIONS: B.S., M.S., Microbiology and Ph.D., 1990, Plant Physiology, Clemson University. Director Multi-User Analytical Laboratory 1) Organization, maintenance and operation of analytical instrumentation associated with Multi-User Analytical laboratory, 2) Develop procedures for sample analysis from various research projects throughout the university, 3) Teach technicians graduate and undergraduate students use and operation of analytical equipment, 4) Develop research projects dealing with use of analytical equipment. Research Interest: Detection and analysis of pesticide residues in water and investigation of ways to reduce the movement of pesticides into water sources. Chemical characterization, isolation, and analysis of various compounds produced in plants and microorganisms including alkaloids, plant growth regulators, and toxins especially related to plant pathogen:plant interactions. Teaching Activities: Teach PL PA 809 analytical techniques in agricultural and biological sciences to non-chemistry majors and PLPA 310 an undergraduate/graduate Introductory Plant Pathology course.