Extractions: University of Wales - Bangor School of Biological Sciences Teaching Degrees Modules Handbook Undergraduate Projects Resources Note: This page in the Teaching section shows information relating to the current academic year. See the Admissions section for information about degrees and modules in the next academic year. Convenor: Mr Arfon Jones Assessment Code Name Credits Due date Practical Report 09-Dec-2005 Exam Recommended reading
Biozentrum Biennial Report 2002-2003 - Teaching Activities Genetics, Immunology, Infection Biology, microbiology, Neurobiology, Pharmacology, The Biozentrum also offers a Graduate Teaching Program. http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/report0203/teaching.html
Extractions: Teaching Activities The Biozentrum educates scientists at the bachelor, master, doctoral and postdoctoral level. The particular advantage of the education at the Biozentrum is its direct integration into research. All lecturers are active, grant-holding scientists. The ratio of lecturers to students is also ideal and ensures optimal support for every student. In 2003 the current biology curriculum introduced in 2000 was adjusted to the Bachelor/Master system according to the Bologna convention. The Bachelor curriculum takes three years to complete and is taught by lecturers of the Biozentrum and the Department of Integrative Biology. During the first two years of basic studies, the students receive the essential grounding in mathematics/statistics, physics, and chemistry, as well as introductory courses in biology. In addition, they are trained in ethics and attend optional courses in biology and non-biological subjects. After having completed the basic studies, the students must choose either molecular biology or organismic biology to be the main focus of their further studies, because the content of the third year, which consists of block courses lasting several weeks each, determines the Major of the Biology Bachelor. The block courses provide theoretical information which the students then turn into practice in the laboratory or in the field. Master in Molecular Biology Students with a Bachelor in Biology, Major Molecular Biology, are admitted to the fast track Master program that takes 1 year. The students work on their Master thesis and take additional courses in the field of molecular biology. The Master thesis will replace the current Diploma thesis as of 2004 and is the studentsâ real introduction to research. At the Biozentrum, the students can specialize in Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Infection Biology, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Pharmacology, and Structural Biology. A complete list of the diploma theses completed during the report period can be found on pp 7-9.
Teaching Activities TEACHING activities. The faculty of the Biozentrum participates in teaching at all biochemistry, microbiology and molecular genetics, and cell biology. http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/report9697/teaching.html
Extractions: TEACHING ACTIVITIES The faculty of the Biozentrum participates in teaching at all levels, offering introductory courses as well as courses related to their scientific specialities. An important contribution to teaching is made by lecturers from other institutions in the Basel region, mainly the Basel Institute for Immunology, the Friedrich Miescher Institute and the research divisions of the Basel pharmaceutical industry. The Diploma in Biology II Sixty to 80 students currently enter the program each year. We are faced with the problem that the lecture halls are too small for some of the courses. A larger lecture hall is planned in a projected new building adjacent to the Biozentrum. However, this will not be available before the end of 1999, and no interim solution is in sight. The PhD program The Biozentrum offers graduate programs leading to the PhD degree in biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, genetics, and microbiology. The degree requires participation in advanced courses, submission of a dissertation to the Faculty of Sciences, and terminates with a comprehensive oral examination. The program typically takes 3 years to complete. Most graduate teaching is done in the framework of a series of 3 year, theme-oriented cycles of courses. There are at present 9 of these cycles with a total of 43 independent courses. A list of the dissertations submitted during the period covered by this report is on pages Seminars in the Biozentrum The Biozentrum has a formal seminar series, the "Biozentrumsseminare", planned several months in advance and generally given by more senior scientists. Many other seminars are also given that cannot be fitted into this formal series either because they are arranged at short notice or because of scheduling conflicts. We call these "Informelle Seminare". They are, however, just as widely announced as the formal ones and many speakers are surprised to find themselves giving their "informal" seminar to a packed auditorium. These seminars play an important role in the life of the Biozentrum. The are perhaps the most important post-graduate educational activity that we offer, and many graduate student has secured his first post-doctoral position while sharing a post-seminar drink with the speaker.
Extractions: Neuroscience Selected Biology Laboratory Exercises from Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Contains 74 online laboratory exercises or activities grouped under a number of categories: General; Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Development; Physiology and Plant Biology; Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour. http://www.zoo.utoronto.ca/able/proc/subject.htm (no registration required) Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), Hosted by University of Toronto, Canada. Biolab Clearing House This site contains a collection of descriptions (pdf and/or rtf versions) of laboratory-based practicals from academics across the United States on a range of subjects: biochemistry, cells, genetics, evolution, microbes, plants and animals. http://blc.biolab.udel.edu/
EAWAG:Environmental Microbiology Environmental microbiology. Based on cellular and ecosystembased research, evaluate the effect of activities of aquatic micro-organisms on the quality http://www.eawag.ch/research_e/umik/e_index.html
Extractions: The following main research topics are addressed in interdisciplinary teams: Drinking Water Microbiology and Ecophysiology Current research in drinking water focuses on the efficiency and mechanims of disinfection processes and on the survival and growth of heterotrophic microorganisms. An important aim is the development of a low-cost UV-tube for drinking water disinfection.
Extractions: B.S., University of Texas at Austin Academic Rank: Professor and Chief Research Interests: *Infectious Diseases *Prevention of maternal-fetal HIV vertical transmission *International HIV Prevention *Pediatric HIV pathogenesis *Herpes Simplex Infections *Perinatal infections *Reduction of maternal infant mortality Current Grant Support: *3/1/02-2/28/07 SSS
EStore Quick Links Search ASM EStore Search ASMPress Search MicrobeLibrary includes microbiology Education journal Access Period 365 days Curriculum Collection Classroom and Laboratory activities http://estore.asm.org/viewItemDetails.asp?ItemID=418
"EMPA - Teaching Activities Wood Laboratory" Wood Science Wood Technology Wood Protection / microbiology Timber Engineering Teaching activities of Members of Wood Laboratory http://www.empa.ch/plugin/template/empa/*/38276/---/l=2
Extractions: You are here: www.empa.ch Departmen. Materials. Wood. www.empa.ch Empa in profile Departments and Labs Research programs Publications ... Year of technology Departments and Labs Advanced Materials and Surfaces Materials and Systems for Civil Engineering Mobility and Environment Logistics, Controlling, Marketing ... Board of Directors Materials and Systems for Civil Engineering BuildingTechnologies Concrete / Construction Chemistry Wood Materials and Engineering ... Structural Engineering Wood Wood Science Wood Technology Wood Protection / Microbiology Timber Engineering ... Timber Engineering
National Association Of Biology Teachers Our members teach more than one million students each year! Education onTrial; Meet the Microbes Through Microbe World activities; and Shoestring http://www.nabt.org/sup/news/newmediainfo.asp
Extractions: Publications Biology Today Professional Development NABT's 2005 National Convention will be held October 5-8 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Midwest Airlines Center will be the convention headquarters. For information on exhibiting, presenting a session, or attending, call (703) 264-9696 or (800) 406-0775, or e-mail: convention@nabt.org In addition, throughout the year NABT offers professional development opportunities to its members. NABT seminars and workshops are designed to update and improve teachers' knowledge on content and introduce them to innovative teaching techniques. Further, NABT has directed numerous educational projects funded through outside grants. One such program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and conducted in partnership with the University of Georgia, was a three-year project to train middle school teachers in life science. Another NSF-funded program provided biotechnology equipment to secondary schools through a national loan program. A third involved the development and dissemination of guidelines for the safe conduct of DNA and bacterial manipulation experiments in high school biology classrooms. This project was funded by Pfizer, Inc., SmithKline Beecham, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Hybritech, Inc. NABT Grants Update Furthering Science With the release of the National Science Education Standards, NABT is posed to bring the best in biology education into the 21st century. We will develop three projects to help teachers at all levels incorporate the National Standards in their classrooms. NABT's Standards Task Force already had produced a draft Evaluation Instrument for Curriculum that measures how well teaching materials mesh with the standards. We will also develop Operation Biology, to bring together the best standards-based elementary teaching materials, and will develop a process-oriented authentic assessment for high school biology that emphasizes the elements of the National Standards.
The Science House - What's New? A stipend, teaching materials and lunch for each day will be offered. You lllearn basic microbiology, practical inquiry based activities that emphasize the http://www.science-house.org/whatsnew/archives/whatsnew03082004.html
Extractions: This hands-on workshop is for North Carolina middle and elementary school science teachers. Teachers will participate in learning activities that have been correlated with the North Carolina Science Standard Course of Study for middle and elementary grades. Staff from The Science House, NCSU, will lead this workshop, as well as a trainer from Lab-Aids, Inc. Everyone completing the workshop will receive a FREE copy of The NSF STC/Science House's publication
RCM - Department Of Microbiology And Medical Zoology The Department offers a broad range of research and teaching activities in thearea of medical microbiology and zoology. In addition to our graduate school http://medweb.rcm.upr.edu/micro/
Extractions: The Department offers a broad range of research and teaching activities in the area of medical microbiology and zoology. In addition to our graduate school courses, our faculty members are directly responsible for the teaching of microbiology to medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy and medical technology students. Our Master in Science (M.S.) and Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs have been the backbone of our research activities. Areas of active basic research include: molecular and classical parasitology, immunology, virology, AIDS related research, vaccine development, mycology, microbial genetics and physiology.
Cardiff University - Medical Microbiology, UWCM, Home Page The Department provides the Medical microbiology teaching for undergraduatecourses in Postgraduate activities include PhD and MPhil programmes UWIC, http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/medicine/medical_microbiology/
Extractions: @import url(ploneColumns.css); @import url(plone.css); @import url(ploneCustom.css); @import url(jscalendar/calendar-system.css); Search: Contact Us A-Z Index Cymraeg Home About the University Research Medicine ... Registry School of Medicine (Acting Departmental Head: Dr Rosemary Barnes) The work of the department is concerned with infectious processes, the host response to infection and the manner in which the laboratory can assist in clinical diagnosis. The academic department has close affiliations with the routine clinical department which became integrated with the Public Health Laboratory Service in 1992. Current Research Interests include.
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory 1985 Ph.D. The University of Georgia, Athens, GA microbiology PublicationsProfessional ExperiencesTeaching activitiesResearch Projects http://www.cbl.umces.edu/Faculty/index.php?name=harvey&what=activities
Department Of Microbiology Microbial disease has been recognized as the major threat to human health throughoutthe Teaching activities Undergraduate Course, Faculty of Medicine http://www.m.u-tokyo.ac.jp/html/english/AnnualReports/2004/Microbiology.html
Extractions: Microbial disease has been recognized as the major threat to human health throughout the history. Despite the development of preventive and therapeutic interventions against some pathogenic microbes, infectious disease is still one of the most significant medical problems. On the other hand, microbial organisms have served as a useful model as well for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of a variety of biological events, providing useful insights into life science. Recently, efforts have also been initiated by a number of research groups to utilize animal viruses as a tool for human gene therapy. In order to familiarize students with these issues, importance of microbiology in medical education is increasing more rapidly than ever. To fulfill this requirement, our department, as the only basic microbiology unit in the Faculty, currently assumes a responsibility for teaching bacteriology, mycology, and virology to medical undergraduates.
Institute For Microbiology The research activities of the Institute for microbiology focus on Teaching activities Scientists of the Institute participate in lectures for students http://www.bafm.de/Forschungsschwerpunkte/MID/MIE/body_mie.html
Serendip Search Handson activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students Serendip is pleased to make these activities available to a wider http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/sci_edu/waldron/
Extractions: to High School or Middle School Students Ingrid Waldron is a member of the Biology Department at the University of Pennsylvania, who developed hands on biology activities for grades 6-12 in collaboration with colleagues at Penn and K-12 teachers. Serendip is pleased to make these activities available to a wider audience. These hands-on activities cover a broad range of biological topics, including genetics, natural selection, microorganisms, and human physiology. These activities are designed to: Supplies: Most of these activities can be carried out with minimum equipment and expense for supplies. Sources for needed equipment and supplies are indicated in the Teacher Preparation Notes. Printing the Labs and Teacher Preparation Notes: Each lab is available as a web page, as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file (a more printer-friendly format), and as a Word file (which you are welcome to edit as appropriate for use in your classroom). You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read the PDF files. You can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software here Is Yeast Alive?
MicrobeLibrary Classroom and Laboratory activities Reviews of Educational Materials Theme 5 Microbial evolution and diversity Theme 6. Teaching and learning http://www.microbelibrary.org/
Extractions: Welcome Guest ! A permanent collection of over 1000 original, peer-reviewed resources for teaching undergraduate microbiology! About the MicrobeLibrary Collections: Articles Visual Curriculum Reviews Microbiology Education Journal Focus on Microbiology Education ASM News ... Reviews of Educational Materials Accessing Resources in MicrobeLibrary Article, Review and Curriculum Collections - Subscription Required Annual rates are $25.00 US for ASM Members and $50.00 US for non-members
MicrobeLibrary Publishing peerreviewed teaching resources about the microbial world for All activities advance the ASM curriculum guidelines, include instructor notes http://www.microbelibrary.org/about/index.asp?bid=126
Microbial Life - Educational Resources Teaching and learning about the diversity, ecology and evolution of the as well as links to online resources, teaching and learning activities. http://serc.carleton.edu/microbelife/
Extractions: @import "/styles/base.css"; @import "/styles/layout.css"; @import "/styles/microbelife_look.css"; Microbial Life - Educational Resources Teaching and learning about the diversity, ecology and evolution of the microbial world; discover the connections between microbial life, the history of the earth and our dependence on micro-organisms. Sunset Lake, Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Brett Leigh Dicks. This site contains a variety of educational and supporting materials for students and teachers of microbiology. You will find information about microorganisms, extremophiles and extreme habitats, as well as links to online resources, teaching and learning activities. Phase I of MLER is focused on Microbial Life in Extreme Environments Phase II of this project will explore Microbial Life in Marine Environments (coming fall 2005). Show credits Hide Photo courtesy of the National Park Service
Living In The Microbial World The workshop emphasizes activities and experimental systems that can be used Living in the Microbial World LIMW Readings LIMW Teaching Resources http://serc.carleton.edu/microbelife/k12/LIMW/
Extractions: Living in the Microbial World is a summer workshop for middle and high school educators, hosted by the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. This on-line collection represents resources and activities developed for, and as a result of, the collaboration between teacher participants and Woods Hole scientists. Show credits Hide Eel Pond is located behind the Marine Biological Laboratory, home of the Living in the Microbial World . Image taken by Lorraine Olendzenski. The diversity of bacteria, fungi, and protists and the roles of these micro-organisms in shaping our environment are given only cursory mention in elementary and secondary classrooms. Often bacteria are presented only as "germs" or disease agents. The evolutionary, ecological, and economic importance of these microbes is not well known among the general public. Each summer, the MBL offers a hands-on workshop for middle and high school teachers (grades 6-12) focusing on activities that can be incorporated into existing classroom curricula. Resident and visiting scientists from the Woods Hole community present teachers with background information and information about current research developments on a variety of topics related to the importance of microbes and microbial processes in the biosphere. Participating teachers will spend time in the laboratory engaging in hands-on activities and will also tour MBL facilities.