MAPLE Team Members My research activities are funded in these areas by competitivelyawarded Federal I also teach a class in ruminal and gastrointestinal microbiology.
Extractions: The MAPLE research initiative began in February 2000. Drs. Dehority, Firkins, Lilburn and Yu are located at The Ohio State University, and Drs. Cotta and Whitehead are adjunct associate professors, located at the USDA National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (USDA-NCAUR), at Peoria, IL. As we begin working together, the diversity of research projects, and opportunities to join MAPLE, are expected to increase. Mark Morrison Associate Professor, Departments of Animal Sciences and Microbiology, Columbus. PhD in Animal Sciences (Microbiology), University of Illinois. Postdoctoral Fellow in Bacterial Genetics, University of Michigan. My job duties are to provide leadership for the Department of Animal Sciences in research and education activities dealing with the roles of microorganisms in animal production systems. Although microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye they have a major impact on the production efficiency, economic viability and environmental compatibility of all animal production systems. For these reasons, our Department has a social responsibility to conduct high quality research that provides new, unbiased, and useful information about the microbiology of food animal production systems. My research activities are funded in these areas by competitively-awarded Federal grants, and I will teach microbiology classes in the Departments of Animal Sciences and Microbiology.
LLU: Medicine Department Of Microbiology - Faculty: Sandra Hilliker Dr. Hansel Fletcher and I teach a series of scientific communication BIG members not only share information and participate in activities on this campus
Extractions: Email: Current research interests My own research interests began with basic research at federal and academic research institutions (1969-1982). This led to my becoming an NIH-funded principal investigator and establishing my own laboratory at a university. My research team studied the mechanisms of gene regulation in related temperate bacteriophages of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium . With the emergence of biotechnology as an industry, my interests evolved into doing applied research at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies (1982-1988). I designed strategies for producing large amounts of mammalian proteins in recombinant yeast and bacteria some of which were patented.
Extractions: BS in Microbiology from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Microbiology Yes Microbiology is the branch of biology dealing with the smallest of living entities: bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses. Also included is immunology, the study of the response of higher organisms to foreign substances.
TEACHING ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Teaching activities of the Department of microbiology. I. General, CompulsoryCourses. General microbiology Lecture 6th semester biology students,
Extractions: Programme: The coevolution of the procaryotes in the biosphere; The organisation of the procaryotic cell; The basic metabolism in procaryotes; The basics of general ecology of microorganisms; The bio-geochemical cycles of biogenic elements; Water and air microbiology; Animal - microbe and plant - microbe interactions.
TEACHING ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY I. The analysis of microbial communities of natural ecosystems. The microbiologyof water and wetland habitats. ยท the extremofil bacterial communities of
Teaching Resources On Microbiology And Immunology A collection of microbiology and immunology related teaching resources. Activity, classroom activities, computer activities and real experiments
Extractions: Browse by: TOPIC MATERIAL TYPE MEDIA Applications ... General Science Microbiology and Immunology: classroom activities, computer activities and real experiments GENERAL Presentation on the flu virus. get it see details Adventures of Bacteria in a Petrie Dish of Agar (cartoon). get it see details Story of a flu virus infecting a person. get it see details Course notes on the immune system. get it see details Picture of Epithelial Barbie. get it see details Pathogenic E. coli Infection Mechanism Movie
Resources For Life Science Teachers Be sure to check out MicrobeWorld activities, a collection of 17 handson One of the best ways to bring microbiology to life for students is to give
APS Curricular Materials And Teaching Resources activities and labs from APS publications are available here as well. Nunez,Carmen J. microbiology, MS, The Extract of Some Plants Can Kill Mosquito
Extractions: Welcome to the American Physiological Society's Online K-12 Curricular Materials and Teaching Resources website. The science activities and laboratories included here are written for elementary, middle, high school, and junior college/college level and are organized in the following ways: by author/project name (teacher/developer's last name or publication name or project name); by scientific subject; and by grade level. Most curricular materials were developed and field-tested by teachers and participants of APS programs. Activities and labs from APS publications are available here as well. K-12 Curricular Materials and Teaching Resources by author name... AUTHOR NAME SUBJECT GRADE LEVEL TITLE Arrowtop, Barbara Biochemistry ES Painting with Natural Dyes Baker, Carol Exercise Physiology, Musculoskeletal System MS-HS Move Chicken Move Beck, Larry
APS Curricular Materials And Teaching Resources The science activities and laboratories included here are written for elementary, Nunez, Carmen J. microbiology, MS, The Extract of Some Plants Can Kill
Extractions: Welcome to the American Physiological Society's Online K-12 Curricular Materials and Teaching Resources website. The science activities and laboratories included here are written for elementary, middle, high school, and junior college/college level and are organized in the following ways: by author/project name (teacher/developer's last name or publication name or project name); by scientific subject; and by grade level. Most curricular materials were developed and field-tested by teachers and participants of APS programs. Activities and labs from APS publications are available here as well. K-12 Curricular Materials and Teaching Resources by subject... AUTHOR NAME SUBJECT GRADE LEVEL TITLE Doyle, Shane Animal Behavior MS Test Your Pets! Kritzberger, Trisha Animal Behavior HS Prairie Dog and Habitat Activity Madsen, Bob Animal Behavior ES-MS Bee Cool Schempp, Sally
Online Resources For Microbiology Instructors and still images of microbes; and innovative laboratory and lecture activities . A wonderful resource for those teaching medical microbiology.
Extractions: Case Studies in Science . State University of New York, Buffalo. "Although the case method has been used for years to teach law, business, and medicine, it is not common in science. Yet the use of case studies holds great promise as a pedagogical technique for teaching science, particularly to undergraduates, because it humanizes science and well illustrates scientific methodology and values. It develops students' skills in group learning, speaking, and critical thinking, and since many of the best cases are based on contemporaryand often contentiousscience problems that students encounter in the news (such as human cloning), the use of cases in the classroom makes science relevant."
SGM : Publications : Microbiology Today : Previous Issues Going Public Acrobat PDF covers a range of successful activities to teachchildren about microbiology. Other items include
Extractions: Introduction History Headquarters Membership ... Educational resources for schools Microbiology Today February 2000 This issue is the first to be published in the new millennium. We have indulged in a little crystal-ball-gazing to mark the occasion, but also focus on some innovations in microbiology and consider the professional development of microbiologists. To make progress in microbiology - such as combating the effects of harmful micro-organisms or harnessing microbial activities to solve problems - money is required. SGM President Howard Dalton explains how effective communication of our science to the public and policy makers is crucial if future research is to be funded properly. One of the major challenges facing microbiologists is to develop new strategies against microbial infections . Petra Oyston covers the wide-ranging topics addressed by speakers in the SGM/SfAM symposium at the SGM meeting at the University of Warwick (10-11 April 2000). The widespread emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance means that there is no longer a pill for every ill. Ian Chopra, Professor of Medical Microbiology at Leeds University, describes the rise of the
Extractions: TEACHING ACTIVITIES MICR 3033.03B: Microbial Genetics. Heredity in bacteria and their viruses, with principal emphasis on mutation, gene transfer, and genetic mapping; DNA repair, recombination, and restriction; molecular approaches to genetic analysis and gene expression on microorganisms (e.g., gene cloning, DNA sequencing). BIOC 4603.03A: Advanced Laboratory in Biochemical Techniques. A series of lab modules each of 4 weeks' duration, 1 day/week. Several modules will be offered in 3 sections covering techniques used in the study of molecular biology, protein structure-function, and specific metabolic processes. Page last modified:
Extractions: Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home ENC Features Science Topics Search the Site More Options Don't lose access to ENC's web site! Beginning in August, will showcase the best of ENC Online combined with useful new tools to save you time. Take action todaypurchase a school subscription through Classroom Calendar Digital Dozen ENC Focus ... Ask ENC Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. Create your learning plan, read the standards, and find tips for getting grants. Use science topic words to find web sites with lesson plans and activities. The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science case collection This Internet site, maintained for high school biology students by Access Excellence, offers interactive, online scientific mysteries designed to encourage student problem-solving and inquiry. In addition to forensic science, topics include oxygen consumption during a space mission and a series of strange illnesses that affect the crew of a racing ship.
ENC Online: Web Links: Science Topics: Microbiology The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science case collection by the American Society of Microbiologists, provides interactive activities and,1578,1-Microbiology,00.shtm
Extractions: Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home Web Links Science Topics Search the Site More Options Don't lose access to ENC's web site! Beginning in August, will showcase the best of ENC Online combined with useful new tools to save you time. Take action todaypurchase a school subscription through Classroom Calendar Digital Dozen ENC Focus ... Frequently Asked Questions Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. Create your learning plan, read the standards, and find tips for getting grants. Lists of web sites categorized by subject areas within science. MadSci network
ICSU-IAP Members Activities About Science Teaching The purpose of Teaching Science is to link education decision makers and scientists IUMS takes its role in helping to develop microbiology in developing
Teaching Activities Teaching activities. Pfad zur Seite News Teaching activities Geo Sciences International Max Planck Research School for Marine microbiology (MarMic)
ASMcue Final Report 4th Undergraduate microbiology Education Conference investigative,and cooperative lab activities; and (iii) teaching ideas to share.
ASMcue Final Report 5th Undergraduate microbiology Education Conference Two laboratoryand six classroom activities were awarded candidate status.
Teaching Activities Teaching activities. Jack Meeks microbiology 120L is a 3 unit laboratory/discussioncourse on microbial ecology. The objectives of the course are to
Extractions: Microbiology 120L is a 3 unit laboratory/discussion course on microbial ecology. The objectives of the course are to: (1) introduce the basic concepts of ecology, especially microbial ecology, and the role of microorganisms in maintaining steady state conditions in natural ecosystems; (2) examine in detail abiotic and biotic interactions within microbial populations in macro- and microhabitats; and (3) examine some aspects of environmental or applied microbial ecology. class in microbial ecology.
SWBIC - Classroom & Lab Activities Some of the sections presented are teaching activities, American Societyfor microbiology A guide into the invisible world of microbes,