The Biology Project Microbiology Immunology Activities. AIDS Lab (under revision) Use this laboratory simulation in your classroom to teach about the spread of a hypothetical disease causing
Sackler School Of Medicine - Department Of Human Microbiology Department of Human Microbiology engaged in research activities and teach medical students, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. The research activities
Floyd College - Dr. Joeseph McDade/Biographical Sketch M.A., Ph.D., University of Delaware (Microbiology). Educational Activities Teach Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at Shorter and Floyd
Microbiology Faculty I currently coteach two courses the General Microbiology Lecture (290) and Teaching basic concepts of microbiology, to interactive activities
ENC Online ENC Features Lessons Activities Science Topics provides a number of teacher guides with handson activities that teach students in grades K by the American Society for Microbiology
UPenn - SAS - Biology - Courses - Spring 2001 Then we begin a series of weekly handson activities which teach fundamental aspects of cell biology, microbiology, genetics, plant biology
Microsoft Word - K12-ref.doc This lesson plan consists of several activities to teach students in grades 6 through 12 about environmental toxicology, lead, and lead
Higher EducationLaboratory Exercises In Microbiology, 2nd Edition The manual contains a variety of interactive activities and experiments that teach students the basic concepts of microbiology. It also
ISSN 1052-536X high school students to help teach biotechnical Science Activities; Science Education; Descriptors MicrobiologyStudy-and-teaching;
WWNFF Teacher Outreach It also touches on some of the many ways we can learn and teach about evolution . microbiology activities that can be used in a variety of settings and
Extractions: Levels of organization is a key concept in the study of biology. Some biologists take complex systems apart to understand their simpler components more fully. Others are interested in how simpler components interact to produce new properties at more complex levels of organization. The content of this workshop focuses on these levels of organization by examining animal behavior, the nervous system, neurotransmitters, hormones and genes and their regulators. Reproduction and Development: This hands-on workshop explores the topics of reproduction and development across kingdoms and integrates various technologies and teaching strategies with National Science Education Standards. Some of the laboratory activities include: colony transformation of E. coli with Bio-Rad pGLO plasmid and purification of green fluorescent protein; isolation of sporozoans in earthworms; embryological development of zebrafish; and clay modeling of developmental patterns. Participants will also explore bioethics, identify difficult concepts, and develop ways to make learning easier with the technologies present. Innovative teaching methods will make learning biology more fun and understandable for students.
Microbiology Faculty basic concepts of microbiology, to interactive activities presented on the of teaching. We teach microbiology labs to these undergraduate students,
Extractions: E-Mail: I currently co-teach two courses: the General Microbiology Lecture (290) and Teaching Contemporary Biology (BioG410). The General Microbiology course is a lecture-style course with an enrollment of 150 to 200 students each semester. To help the students to better understand the complex, dynamic (and fascinating!) interactions within the realm of microbiology, we have developed a series of computer-based teaching tools, from stand alone, animated modules that illustrate basic concepts of microbiology, to interactive activities presented on the blackboard course site. This interest in developing and using computer-based teaching tools has led me into the realm of educational evaluation. Having developed these tools, we are studying ways to make them more effective. This is not an easy question to ask, and we continue to struggle, along with many others, to develop ways to assess the effectiveness of this new technology. Teaching Contemporary Biology (BioG410) is a unique experiential course that allows a small group of undergraduate students to experience, first-hand, the joys (and challenges!) of teaching. We teach microbiology labs to these undergraduate students, then help them develop teaching plans for a high school biology class. They then spend one week over Winter break in a class room in Rochester, NY, teaching their labs to high school biology students. The Cornell undergraduate students end up learning more about science and themselves than the high school students!
CURRICULUM VITAE TEACHING INTERESTS AND activities. In 1996, the eight edition of The Biology The Department of microbiology had an interest in developing its distance
Extractions: TEACHING INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES In 1996, the eight edition of The Biology of Microorganisms went to press. I was asked to prepare the ancillary materials, including the instructors guide, the test item book, and the student study guide. In addition, I prepared an interactive web site to go with the course. In 1999, with the ninth edition, again, I prepared the web site. The Department of Microbiology had an interest in developing its distance education abilities. To meet this objective, I developed our introductory microbiology course (MIPM 302: Introduction to Basic Microbiology) as a totally electronic course. This course, which was taught to 10 students in the Fall of 1996 and 40 students during the spring of 2000, uses the World-Wide Web (WWW). The methodology uses a web-browser presentation that provides students with the lecture materials. Lectures are provided by use of RealAudio® technology. Thus, students at remote locations are able to view the lecture materials as they would in a typical lecture setting while listening to the audio portion of the lecture. The Department of Microbiology, as with most Microbiology graduate programs, recognized a fundamental problem with our graduate students.
Microbiology Related Resources For School Teachers Computers in teaching microbiology http// (excellent handson laboratory activities using microorganisms to teach all
Intimate Strangers - Classroom Activities and informative dramatization to teach younger students about microbes. Web site with an extensive index of information about microbiology topics.
Sackler School Of Medicine - Department Of Human Microbiology The homepage of Department of Human microbiology, Sackler School of Medicine, Faculty members are engaged in research activities and teach medical
Extractions: Human Microbiology The Department of Human Microbiology holds the disciplines of Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Virology and Immunology. Faculty members are engaged in research activities and teach medical students, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. The research activities of the department focus on the cellular and molecular biology of infectious diseases and immunology. In Bacteriology, scientists conduct experiments to elucidate host-pathogen interactions, and the molecular and genetic basis of bacterial pathogenesis. Research in Virology is devoted to resolve the molecular biology of oncogenic DNA and RNA viruses, and the role of oncogenes in malignant processes. In Parasitology, studies are carried out in schistosomiasis and malaria. In Mycology, research concentrates primarily on the pathogenesis of Candida infections. Immunological research is conducted on the biochemical and molecular events in lymphocytes and monocyte differentiation and function, macrophage oxidative burst and anticancer immunological reactivity. Faculty members of the Department of Human Microbiology are involved in the teaching of both undergraduate and post graduate students. Courses in Microbiology and Immunology are given to students of medicine, dentistry and nursing. These courses in Microbiology give students knowledge in molecular biology, pathogenic mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
I Definitely Recommend This Program To Any ASU Student. It Has handson activities designed to teach the children basic microbiology concepts.For example, one of the activities involves solving a murder mystery
Extractions: I definitely recommend this program to any ASU student. It has been a priceless experience for me . . . GPH 484 intern This is a great program and I wish more students at ASU would participate in it, especially if they're considering working with children in any way in the future. The service we provide to the community through this program is only surpassed by what we as interns gain in knowledge and experience . . . PLB 484 intern Service learning is a one of a kind learning experience. . . . It made me a more responsible person. . . . Its not just good for people who want to be teachers; its an enriching experience for everyone participating. We learn leadership and teamwork skills through actual training in a classroom environment. . . . PHS 484 intern Service Learning Program Internship Descriptions All internships are 3-credits each and count toward: a General Studies "C" requirement (Cultural Diversity in the USA) a non-lab science requirement for Liberal Arts (CLAS) majors a general upper-division credit for all undergrads a may count as upper-division credit hours within a science major Pre/corequisite lab science courses count towards General Studies: SG/SQ requirements PHS 402 Physical Science Internship
Healthy School Meals Resource System- Food Safety For Children Interactive and educational games teach children about food safety, in microbiology, teacher resources, and hands on activities adaptable for all ages
Extractions: Accessibility Info Awards View another food safety topic...: *** Food Safety Topics *** Food and Nutrition Services Resources Food Security and Emergency Preparedness Fruit and Vegetable Safety General Food Safety Information Online Videos and Slides Posters and Images Handwashing Online Slides and Videos Resources for Children Signs and Posters Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Irradiation Packing Food Safely Reports and Studies Sites for Children Food Safety Resources for Children To view or print a PDF File , download and install the free Bugs in the News
MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY RESEARCH ASSISTANT Assist respective instructors in organizing materials needed to teach 5560 and annual reports of diagnostic microbiology laboratory activities
Engineering Students In The Classroom Needed to teach AfterSchool Science Classes for Grades 1-8 Students Ø Microscopic Exploration (for grades 4-6) microbiology activities.