- Climate monitoring and diagnostics laboratory, no. 19: Summary report 1990 by Eldon E Ferguson, 1991
- Remote sensing techniques of the Wave Propagation Laboratory for the measurement of supercooled liquid water applications to aircraft icing (SuDoc C 55.13/2:ERL WPL-163) by Ed R. Westwater, 1989
- Whistler mode: Ionized stream interactions (U.S. research report) by O. E. H Rydbeck, 1963
- Neutral atmospheric models compatible with satellite orbital decay and incohernet scatter measurements (Ionospheric research scientific report) by James Lee Rohrbaugh, 1972
- Retention and release of chemical species by a northern Michigan snowpack (Research publication) by Steven H Cadle, 1984
- Final report on "Research for examining characteristics of convective systems of the atmosphere, primarily over oceans, as deduced from clouds photographed by satellites" by Yoshikazu Sasaki, 1964
- Laboratory methods for soil and foliar analysis in long-term environmental monitoring programs (SuDoc EP 1.23/6:600/R-95/077) by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995
- Description of the Savannah River Laboratory meteorological data base for 1975 to 1979 by John S Irwin, 1986
- Analysis in transfers of energy, momentum and moisture near the ground: Final report (Research and development technical report) by F. A Brooks, 1968
- Design of physical cloud seeding experiments for the Arizona Atmospheric Modification Research Program : final report (SuDoc I 27.79:91-02) by A. B. Super, 1991
- A general summary of Sacramento Peak weather, August 1954 through December 1961 (GRD research notes) by Howard L DeMastus, 1962
- Doppler radar investigation of flow patterns within thunderstorms (Environmental research papers) by Michael J Kraus, 1974
- Precipitation frequency and intensity at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (SuDoc C 55.13/2:ERL ARL-215) by J. F. Sagendorf, 1996
- An empirical study of HF air to ground communications at the research facilities center based on radio logs: 1973-1982 (NOAA technical memorandum ERL RFC) by Francis J Merceret, 1983