Meningitis -- Topic Overview What is meningitis? meningitis is an infection of the tissues (meninges) and sometimes the fluid (cerebral
Extractions: Topic Overview Meningitis is an infection of the tissues (meninges) and sometimes the fluid (cerebral spinal fluid, or CSF) that surround the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis results in swelling of the brain tissue and in some cases the spinal tissue ( spinal meningitis ). When brain tissue swells, less blood and oxygen reach brain cells. If not treated, this can cause brain damage in some cases. The infection occurs most often in infants, young adults between the ages of 15 and 24, older adults, and people who have a long-standing health condition, such as a weakened immune system Meningitis can range from mild to life-threatening. The severity usually depends on the organism causing the infection and a person's age and overall health.
Extractions: Anzeige Suche: NetDoktor Medikamente Startseite Aktuell Nachrichten Features Newsletter Lexikon Krankheiten Symptome Untersuchungen Eingriffe ... Medikamente Themen ADHS Asthma Erektile Dysfunktion Haare ... Alle Themen Service Teste Dich Selbst Quiz Diskussion Selbsthilfe Information Kontakt Impressum Manfred Schneider , Arzt
Cryptococcal Meningitis | The New Mexico Aids Info Net A description of the opportunistic infection cryptococcal meningitis, including symptoms, prevention and treatment.
BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Meningitis And Septicaemia meningitis is an inflammation of the brain lining and is mostly found in bacteria and viruses the bacterial form is the more life-threatening.
Extractions: Meningitis is an inflammation of the brain lining, or meninges, which can cause serious disability or death. Septicaemia is the blood poisoning form of the disease. Are there different types of meningitis? Meningitis produces a characteristic rash Yes. Meningitis is usually caused by either bacteria or a virus. A small number of cases can be caused by fungal infection. Viral meningitis is more common than bacterial but is rarely life-threatening. It is usually caught through poor hygiene, coughing and sneezing. It cannot be treated with antibiotics but most people who have it make a full recovery. What about bacterial forms of the disease? Signs of meningitis in babies: Tense or bulging soft spot on front of the head Vomiting/refusing to feed Irritable Breathing rapid or laboured Extreme shivering Purple bruising or pin prick marks Cold hands or feet Blotchy or blue skin Floppy, or stiff, jerky body
Extractions: International Edition MEMBER SERVICES The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Autos SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters Your E-mail Alerts RSS ... Contact Us SEARCH Web Story Tools HEALTH LIBRARY Health Library Meningitis YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Miami (Florida) Florida or Create your own Manage alerts What is this? MIAMI, Florida (AP) A volunteer medic who treated injured demonstrators at a free trade meeting last week died Wednesday of bacterial meningitis, sparking a health investigation to determine whether others were exposed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that no other cases had been confirmed. About 40 to 45 people who had close contact with the victim were given antibiotics, said CDC spokesman Llelwyn Grant. "We just don't know at this time how far-reaching this will be," Grant said. Neisseria meningitis, spread through respiratory droplets, can be fatal in up to 20 percent of all untreated cases, but the CDC spokesman said it probably would not be spread in a crowd simply through breathing. The meningitis victim, a 23-year-old New Jersey man, was not identified by authorities, but protest organizers said it was Jordan Feder. Feder treated protesters who had been sprayed with tear gas and pepper spray, his friend Patrick McKale said.
Questions And Answers About Meningitis Viral meningitis is rarely fatal and usually does not require antibiotics. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumococcal meningitis and is the leading
Extractions: Q. How is bacterial meningitis different from other kinds of meningitis? A. Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining around the brain, caused by an infection. It can be caused by viruses and bacteria of various kinds. Viral meningitis is rarely fatal and usually does not require antibiotics. It is also more easily transmitted. Many different viruses may cause viral meningitis. Bacterial meningitis can be caused by many different organisms. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumococcal meningitis and is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. Pneumococcal meningitis has a high fatality rate and occurs sporadically in infants, the elderly, and people with immunological disorders. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) causes a type of bacterial meningitis that is prevented by the Hib vaccination required for all children over 2 months of age. Widespread vaccinations have made Hib disease rare in children under 5. (In spite of the name, this disease is not related to "flu.")
Meningitis - Nervous System Diseases What is meningitis? An overview of meningitis, inclding symptoms and treatments.
Extractions: There are two distinct types of meningitis, each with different causes: viral - caused by a virus Viral meningitis is more common than bacterial meningitis, although rarely life threatening. Viral meningitis can be caused by different viruses, and is spread between people by coughing or sneezing, or through poor hygiene. Other germs can be found in sewage polluted water.
Meningitis Viral Informaci³n para el pºblico en forma de preguntas y respuestas.
Meningitis meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges (the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal However, bacterial meningitis may lead to brain damage,
Extractions: Home Medical Reference Alternative / Complementary Medicine ... Conditions Meningitis Also Listed As: Signs and Symptoms What Causes It? Who's Most At Risk? What to Expect at Your Provider's Office ... Supporting Research Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges (the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord). It is most often caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Distinguishing between a viral and a bacterial cause is difficult; however, in the case of meningitis it is extremely important. Viral meningitis usually clears up on its own and does not cause any permanent harm. However, bacterial meningitis may lead to brain damage, learning disabilities, hearing loss, or death without treatment for the specific type of bacteria. There are approximately 12,500 cases of viral meningitis and 25,000 cases of bacterial meningitis reported annually in the United States, resulting in 2,200 deaths. Meningitis can also be caused by fungal infections (cryptococcus), tuberculosis, or chemicals. Signs and Symptoms Signs and symptoms of meningitis may differ by age and may differ somewhat by the cause or type of organism that causes it.
Hospital De Nens De Barcelona Facilitada per l'Hospital de Nens de Barcelona.
Meningitis C : The Department Of Health - P&G: Health Topics: Meningitis C 1999, the MenC vaccine has been part of the routine childhood immunisation programme and uptake levels have been close to 90%. The programme, targeted at
Extractions: @import "/pages/css-p/layout_101.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_standard.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_modules.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_links.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_buttons.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_forms.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_tables.css"; @import "/pages/css/core_corners.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_buttons.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_forms.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_links.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_modules.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_standard.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_tables.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/brnd_corners.css"; @import "/pages/default/css/bspk_standard.css"; @import("/pages/css/standard_fix_ie51mac.css"); Skip Navigation You are here: DH home Policy and guidance Health and social care topics Meningitis C The UK was the first country to introduce the meningitis C conjugate (MenC) vaccine. Since 1999, the MenC vaccine has been part of the routine childhood immunisation programme and uptake levels have been close to 90%. The programme, targeted at under-20 year olds, has been a huge success, with a 90% reduction in cases in that age group. However, young adults between 20 and 24 years of age and all first year college and university students are still at risk and should be vaccinated. For further information, follow the link on the right.
Gehirnhautentzündung - Onmeda: Medizin Und Gesundheit Umfangreiche Informationen zur bakteriellen meningitis mit Hinweisen auf Behandlung und Vorbeugung.
Extractions: Gehirnhautentzündung Definition Anatomie Erreger Ursache ... Krankheiten A-Z Meningokokken FSME ) ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. In den westlichen Industrienationen sind bestimmte Bakterien, die so genannten Meningokokken (Neisseria meningitidis), die häufigsten Auslöser dieser lebensbedrohlichen Infektionskrankheit. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland werden jedes Jahr zwischen 700 und 800 Fälle von Meningokokken-Erkrankungen registriert, wobei besonders Kinder und Jugendliche vor dem zwanzigsten Lebensjahr betroffen sind. Weitere häufige Erreger der "klassischen", bakteriellen Meningitis sind Pneumokokken (Streptokokkus pneumoniae) und Haemophilus influenzae. Ihre Häufigkeit ist jedoch durch spezifische Impfprogramme in vielen Ländern deutlich zurückgegangen. Definition Anatomie Erreger Ursache ... Ratgeber Partnerangebote: MS-Life - Mehr als Rat und Tat
Extractions: Symptoms of encephalitis include sudden fever, headache , vomiting, abnormal visual sensitivity to light, stiff neck and back, confusion, drowsiness, clumsiness, unsteady gait, and irritability. Symptoms that require emergency treatment include loss of consciousness, poor responsiveness, seizures, muscle weakness, sudden severe dementia , memory loss, withdrawal from social interaction, and impaired judgement. Anyone experiencing symptoms of encephalitis should see a doctor immediately. What is meningitis?
Best Practice Medicine- Professional Reference - Acute Bacterial Infectious Diseases, Acute Bacterial meningitis in Adults. However, do not diagnose viral meningitis unless the CSF findings essentially exclude ABM
Extractions: Web posted at: 12:34 p.m. EDT (1634 GMT) From Medical Correspondent Rhonda Rowland PHILADELPHIA (CNN) College freshmen living in dormitories have a more than six times greater risk of bacterial meningitis than other college students, according to a new national study released Tuesday. The findings were reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at the annual meeting of the American College Health Association (ACHA). Bacterial meningitis inflames the tissue and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal canal and causes flu-like symptoms headache, stiff neck and fever.
Aseptic Meningitis Has Been Defined As Aseptic meningitis has been defined as. meningitis with normal CSF glucose, normal to elevated protein and elevated cell count with a lymphocyte
Extractions: September 24, 1999 Signs and Symptoms that may be present: Fever Headache, typically frontal or retro-orbital Malaise Myalgias Anorexia Nausea and/or vomiting Abdominal pain Diarrhea Mild degree of lethargy or drowsiness Photophobia Pain on eye movement Nuchal rigidity Kernigs and Brudzinskis signs are generally absent
Health Topic: Meningitis meningitis Information page. (Spanish PDF); What do I need to know about meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis? (PDF) MS Word What do college
Extractions: Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Tel. Fax Search the DPH Website Health Topic: Meningitis Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Advisory - September 7, 2005 (RTF) Meningococcal Disease and Vaccine Supply - August 2005 (RTF) Meningococcal Disease and Camp Attendees: Commonly Asked Questions (RTF) Meningococcal Disease and College Students: Commonly Asked Questions (RTF) Meningococcal Disease and Daycare Attendees: Commonly Asked Questions PDF 80k What is Meningitis? MS Word ... PDF Meningococcal Memo - March 2005 105 CMR 220.000: Immunization of Students before Admission to School
Extractions: Meningitis Angels Founded In Loving Memory of Ryan Wayne Milley (Bear) Meningitis Angels Heaven and Earth Bound, Inc. is a nonprofit organization of survivors and families of meningitis victims. We educate the public, schools, daycares, colleges, government and media on bacterial meningitis and the preventions including immunizations. We invite survivors, their families and those who have lost loved ones, to join our international support groups and message boards. We offer some hands on services to those children who meet the criteria of our organization as f unding and resources are available. We are a family supporting, praying for and loving each other. This is a great place to share your angel with others and realize, You Are Not Alone G uestbook Support Chats Chat Times Contact Us Enter Here Teen Angels Please scroll all the way down before you enter. Join us for the 2005 Walk-A-Thon to Help Meningitis Angels Angels and families join to raise money for Meningitis Angels in memory of Baby Alexa Senyk. Can't Walk but want to help!