The Washington Post: NIE Lesson Plan: Media In The Time Of Tragedy This lesson plan is a downloadable PDF file, so you ll need the free Adobe Discipline History, Current Events, Language Arts, Journalism, media Studies
The Washington Post: NIE Lesson Plan: Media In The Time Of Tragedy Discipline History, Current Events, Language Arts, Journalism, media Studies Sorry, the academic content standard feature of the NIE lesson Plan web
COURT TV ONLINE - CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES Browse each lesson plan and preview clips of the Mind Over media video. Part One Getting the Message Part Two Seeing Ourselves
Extractions: Court TV, Cable in the Classroom and the National Education Association combine forces to explore the connection between the media's influence on youth behavior, and how communities have a role in the discussion. This one-hour special helps young adolescents watch and listen more carefully while encouraging strong parental involvement. Mind Over Media consists of a Resource Guide (in print and online) and a nationally televised program. Used separately or together, these educational tools offer young people the opportunity to investigate their own reactions to the media in the company of adults they trust. Recommended Grade Levels : The Mind Over Media discussion guide contains sections appropriate for the elementary, middle, and high school students. Standards : The show and resource guide can be integrated into the existing curriculum, strengthening students; skills in writing, analysis, and critical thinking in every subject area.
A Lesson Plan From Many of these students plan on attending community college after graduation. Terry Gillis Sugrue s lesson plan, How Do the media Measure Up?
A Lesson Plan From Many of these students plan on attending community college after graduation. What influence does the media have on our society?
Sexuality Education Lesson Plans - Background lesson plans and learning activities in sexuality and other subjects should Communicate the goal of the lesson. 4. Model the skills to be learned.
Extractions: Sexuality Education - Background Information Background Information on Sexuality Education Effective sexuality education is based on sound behaviour theory that has been developed over several years. Fisher (1997) has discussed those theories and shown how they can help to frame and develop sexuality education programs. Education about Sexuality: Different Approaches There are several approaches that educators and others have used to educate young people about sexuality ( Birdwhistle and Vince-Whitman, 1997 The selection of which approach to use in schools is usually a difficult one because there are inherent values and significant choices to be made in determining a basic approach to instructing young people about sexuality. Sometimes, authorities avoid making a clear decision from among these choices, thereby leaving the classroom teacher in somewhat of a vacuum, having to respond to the direct questions of their students without a clear mandate from policy-makers.
What Is ECOgraphy? - An Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plan Cameras provide an alternative medium of communication for artistic creativity media Literacy (1992) contains lessons and reproducible handouts for
Extractions: Date: February 27, 2001 Grade Level: Subject(s): Duration: Five 50-90 minute sessions Description: Members of the ECOnauts Club are engaged in the interdisciplinary study of natural ecosystems and built (human-made) environments. In this activity, students use graphic media devices to record field-based data. Cameras provide an alternative medium of communication for artistic creativity and visual "self-expression" across the curriculum. Goals: Students will understand how graphic media devices (i.e., motion picture cameras, still photography cameras, digital cameras, camcorders) work. Students will understand ways in which these mechanical devices can be used to create artistic expression, convey information, and collect data. Objectives: After investigating the construction and mechanisms of several types of graphic media devices, students will discuss the technical aspects of photography with experts from the community.
National Media Forum On Highway Safety Building and executing a knowledgebased communications plan affords traffic effective community partnerships that generate proactive media coverage and
St Ann's Academy | Teacher's Corner | Grade 10 Lesson Plan Grade 10 lesson plans Learning Outcomes Application of Social Studies · planand conduct library and community research using primary and secondary print
Extractions: Lesson 1 Current Issues There are always issues in society, which raise controversy, debate and discussion. At St. Ann's, the implementation of Vatican II raised many issues around which practices should be followed by Roman Catholic practitioners. Several changes were introduced as an outcome of Vatican II , which directly affected the life of Sisters at St. Ann's Academy. For example, they were no longer required to wear the Holy Habit - some were happy with this decision, while others found it difficult to adjust. More recently, the decision to restore the St. Ann's Academy building raised a number of concerns in the community. For one thing, the restoration would be an extremely expensive endeavor. Other considerations include how the building should be used. At St. Ann's Academy, for example, some sections have been restored and are open to visitors, while other sections are used as government offices. The St. Ann's chapel is open to the public, and many people go to St. Ann's Academy for their weddings.
Educators' Hot List Global Schoolhouse Collaborative projects, communication tools, professionaldevelopment Resources for Teachers Projects, lesson plans, WebGuides
Lesson Plan Resources on major American conflicts available at your media Center and the Invite members of veterans organizations in your community to speak to
Lesson Plans Rocks And Soil 3.3 (The student uses combinations of art forms to communicate in multimediaformats. Return to the top Return to lesson Plan Choices
Extractions: Rock and Soil Lesson Plans School Links Rocks and Soil Other Lesson Plans Events Staff PTA Classroom Projects ... Themes Technology Integrated Miscellaneous Types of Rocks KID PIX Materials: Objectives: Academic Essential Learnings: Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (The student uses listening and observation skills to gain understanding.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 (The student communicates ideas clearly and effectively.) 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 (The student uses communication strategies and skills to work effectively with others.) 4.1, 4.2 (The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of formal and informal communication.) Reading 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 (The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.) 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (The student understands the meaning of what is read.) 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 (The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.)
RichlandOne Interactive - Grade 3 Units/Lesson Plans Grade Three Units/lesson plans Click a link below to jump to a subject area Describe some ways ones community has changed over time.
Sanford & A Lifetime Of Color's Art Education Resources lesson Plan Proportional Portraits Creating Realistic Faces characteristics ofart media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their
Extractions: Many artists make realistic portraits to show a likeness of their subject. To create realistic faces, artists study live models, use mathematics to understand correct proportion, and practice by making sketches. Students will explore these ideas by studying their classmates' faces, developing a proportion reference sketch, and creating a final portrait of a classmate or a self-portrait. Online Activities If you have a computer with Internet access in your classroom, you can introduce your students to portraiture online. A Lifetime of Color TM web site ( ) offers interactive ArtEdventures, hands-on activities, and teachers resources about portraits. These include: Technique Demos: Portrait Proportions Drawing Face Shapes , an interactive " What's Wrong with this Portrait? " and a Practicing Portraits drag and drop activity Try This! Hands-on Activities Using Color Symbols: A Self-Portrait Portraits Make a Statement Abstract Symbolic Portrait ArtEdventures: Carmine's Introduction to Color and "
Social Studies Lesson Plans Social Studies lesson plans. Social STUDIES Elementary (K-5) Communityawareness (3-4) sst61.txt Importance of Mississippi River (3-6) sst63.txt
Extractions: sst03.txt mini-lesson on Amer. History (gr. 4-8) sst06.txt mini-lesson on classroom courtroom (5-12) sst10.txt mini-lesson on justice/resolving conflict sst14.txt mini-lesson, "My State," on U.S. states sst16.txt mini-lesson on applications of rule/law in our daily lives (gr. 7-10) sst17.txt mini-less on pioneers and Oregon Trail (5-11) sst20.txt mini-lesson on role play Civil War (5-8) sst21.txt mini lesson on making a paper on issues (5-12) sst22.txt mini lesson on a game for social studies review (5-12) sst23.txt mini lesson on writing fables (elem) sst24.txt mini lesson on decision making in bomb shelter sst25.txt mini lesson-researching local/family history sst36.txt mini lesson-political candidate debate (3-8) sst37.txt mini lesson-critical thinking skills (K-12) sst39.txt mini lesson-famous people in history (4-9) sst41.txt mini lesson: The World on a String sst48.txt
Language Arts Lesson Plans Archive includes dozens of reading, grammar, and writing lesson plans gearedtoward young learners.
Extractions: lang01.txt Successful Paragraphs (4-6) lang03.txt Creative writing; multi-author story writing (1-12) lang05.txt 'School News' using writing, speaking and/or questioning skills (3-12) lang07.txt Whole language experience using "Casey at the Bat" (3-5) lang08.txt lang11.txt Descriptive/Persuasive writing 'My Pyramid - Preparing for a Journey" (4-6) lang13.txt Increasing vocabulary for primary students (1-3) lang14.txt Sounding-out CVC words, 'The Blending Slide' (K-1) lang15.txt Using popcorn to create a reading book (K-3) lang16.txt Creative Writing; turn on inventiveness with 'Potato Possibilities' (4-6) lang18.txt Color Code Writing; forming letters and numbers with colors (K-3) lang19.txt Integrated vocabulary, listening and creative writing exercise (K-12) lang20.txt Writing - a photo essay (2-4) lang22.txt Whole language story for developmental activities (K) lang24.txt Writing 'Auto-Bio' poems (4-12) lang28.txt
ARTSEDGE: Lessons Students will use movement skills and dance to learn and communicate Students discuss the differences between literary and media versions of folktales.
Extractions: document.pageDescription='ARTSEDGE is the National Arts and Education Information Network, operating under a cooperative agreement between the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the US Department of Education. The mission of ARTSEDGE is to help artists, teachers, and students gain access to and/or share information, resources, and ideas that support the arts as a core subject area in the K-12 curriculum.'; About Us Feedback Search A RTS ... Teach Use the pull-down menus below to filter the Lessons listed on the right. All Arts Subjects Dance Music Theater Visual Arts All Other Subjects Foreign Language Language Arts Math Physical Education Science Social Studies Technology All Grade Bands K-4 Enter keywords to search all Lessons. Adjective Monster Systems of the Body: Movement and Choreography Social Witness During World War II Share your arts-integrated lessons with educators worldwide! Visit the Writers' Center for information on publishing lessons through A RTS E DGE = part of the current spotlight = opens in a new window = kid-friendly = printable = interactive = audio = video = images Viewing items. Use the options on the left to narrow / broaden your results. You can also click the column headers below to re-sort items.
EDSITEment - Lesson Plan Open Printable lesson Plan What are the president s roles and responsibilities?How do the president and the public communicate with each other?