Units Of Measurement: Surfing The Net With Kids The best units of measurement sites for kids, teachers and families, In the Fun Stuff category, you ll find roman Numeral conversion, http://www.surfnetkids.com/measurement.htm
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HSI Math Review Skill 1 Write 76 as a roman numeral. Skill 2 Write 53 as a roman numeral. Activity 1 Most of the world uses metric measurement while the United http://homescholar.com/MathReview.html
Extractions: H S I Home Scholar, Inc. 2 Sycamore St., Brattleboro, VT 05301 - 802-254-7352; bstephen@sover.net Home Scholar Curriculum Order Form ... Email Pre-High School Mathematics Review Home Scholar's Mathematics Review will gauge the math knowledge a student possesses. It will allow a student to know what areas he or she is strong or weak in. In conjunction with the Math Review Progress Chart and Math Review Assessment Sheet , the Math Review will allow a student to determine if he or she has a firm mathematics background. Home Scholar makes this available to all parents and children free of charge. Please use it and learn. Return to Curriculum Samples Subject 1: Inequalities Activity 1: Skill 1: Skill 2: Activity 2: Skill 1: Skill 2: Activity 1: Skill 1: Skill 2: Activity 2: Skill 1: Skill 2: Activity 1: Skill 1: Skill 2: Activity 2: Skill 1: Skill 2: Subject 2: Addition Topic 1: Adding two digit numbers - Activity 1: Be able to add two digit numbers. Skill 1: Add: 37 Skill 2: Add: 26 Topic 2: Adding three digit numbers - Activity 1: Be able to add three digit numbers.