Extractions: Middle School Expressways to Reading With rare exceptions, all LPA middle school students currently attend reading classes five days a week for three years. The reading class is titled Expressways to Reading. This reading class is entirely individualized and utilizes a neurologically based reading program. Expressways to Reading utilizes all learning modalities. The Expressways classes include a teaching assistant in order to provide the recommended 6:1 student teacher ratio. Expressways to Reading is an interactive program involving multimedia computer technology with visual and audio components as well as printed materials. Auditory and visual activities are paired in most of the lessons, and both activities require a motor-kinesthetic response. Through this auditory and visual pairing, the students receive thousands of correct visual, auditory, and motor-kinesthetic stimuli, which develop neural processing. The students work with non-threatening short tasks and are given immediate positive feedback for the correct responses. Teacher guidance, monitoring, and participation are included in each lesson. The Expressways program is designed to meet the individual students needs in word recognition, word attack, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Each students reading profile is developed through individualized diagnostic testing. The testing is done before beginning the Expressways to Reading program, and the students proficiency is re-evaluated at the end of each school year. The students progress is tracked from year to year.
Mathematics [ Rating Guide ] Primary Awesome Library Mathematics fractions, games, geometry, money, measurement, multiplication and division, roman numerals 101. Details the meaning of each of the roman numerals. http://members.tripod.com/66inc/IEAMembershipGateway/math.html
Math Scavhunt Click on roman numerals. Click on roman Numeral Information and Games. measurement, money Time, Geometry, Graphing, Place Value, roman numerals, http://www.thecoo.edu/~apeter/math_scavhunt.htm
EVisum.com Your Portal For Everything Educational roman Numeral Conversion Enter any number smaller than 4000, click, solving activities on topics like elapsed time, capacity, measurement, money and http://www.evisum.com/math.htm
Extractions: Math Teacher Link Organized by math topic this site has great tutorials and activities for high school level teachers who want to expand their math teaching skills. The One Hundredth Day of School Celebration Internet activities, web resources, and email exchanges related to the Math Their Way initiative are found here. Mathstories.com Organized by difficulty and grade level, over 2000 math word problems and math-magic are designed for elementary students. Smard Here are detailed math-teaching strategies, submitted by teachers, that promise to improve your teaching skills. Mathematics with Alice Integrate math with the book "Alice in Wonderland" and find a different way to teach mathematics. Math Goodies Designed for middle school students, here are at least 30 math lessons related to integers, percent, number theory, circumference, and other concepts. Math WWW Education This is a great collection of Math sites related to K-12 math activities. Similar collections can be found at
Student Games Math Number Basics Addition Subtraction Division; Fractions; measurement; Time; Geometry; money; roman numerals RANGER RICK ONLINE find an Activity of the Month ( learn how to be a tree http://www.okaloosa.k12.fl.us/south/shared_pages/ss_studentgames.htm
Extractions: Student Games Math Number Basics Addition Subtraction Multiplication ... Problem Solving Jan 10 Pre-Algebra Tangrams Data Analysis 3rd Grade FCAT Math Vocabulary Practice ... 5th Grade FCAT Math Vocabulary Practice Language Arts Alphabet Phonics/Phonemes Sight Words Reading ... Writing Jan 10 Online Stories and Magazines Dolch Words Science Apr 17 Social Studies Jan 16 Technology/Internet Games just for fun Research and Homework Resources Search Engines ... Preschool Games Grade Level Skills Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade ... TeachRKids Number Basics such as counting, place value, greater than/less than, odd and even numbers, and next and previous numbers. One False Move from FunBrain. In order to locate the hidden door and escape from the haunted house, students must first arrange numbers in a table from lowest to highest (or reverse). Bewarethe easy level is misleading; negative numbers are introduced in the next level up, and it gets progressively more difficult with negative decimals as well. BBC Number Time Dartboard reinforces doubling and adding doubles Mend the number square reinforces the ordering of numbers from 10 to 100 and the patterns found on a 100 square.
Just Curious - General Math money and numbers, including prime numbers and roman numerals (grades 312). Math Advantage - This great site has interactive math activities and http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcmgeneral.html
Extractions: General Math AAA Math - This site provides a virtual math class and games, puzzles and riddles designed to show how well you've grasped the material in each lesson. (grades K-9). BBC MegaMaths - Visit the World of Shapes and learn about transformations, mirror lines and shape properties or check out the World of Tables to enter a multiplication table tournament. Fact Monster: Math - This site focuses on the practical side of basic math and explores such subjects as measurement, money and numbers, including prime numbers and Roman numerals (grades 3-12). KidsWeb - Math - Large math site with many links. Math Advantage - This great site has interactive math activities and games for kindergarten through 8th grade. The Math Forum Student Center Math League Help Topics - This site covers a number of mathematical topics, including numbers, decimals, exponents, statistics, fractions, geometry, ratio, proportion, percents and probability, integers, metric units, measurement, and beginning algebra. It mostly provides basic help for students in fourth through eighth grades.
IRAN BB PERSIAN & WORLD DIR SCHOOL TIME MATH Graphing (8); measurement@ (23); roman numerals (25); Statistics (8); Trigonometry (11) Math Help Exercises and activities Kids/Teens/Mature Teens http://www.iranbb.com/world/index.php/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Math/
Extractions: Search: search the entire directory search this category only Top Math See also: This category in other languages: Czech Dutch French German ... A+ Math [ Kids ] - Helps students improve their math skills interactively with flashcards and games. Also provides worksheets and homework help. The Abacus: The Art of Calculating with Beads [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Introduces the abacus, relates its history, and shows how to perform basic mathematical operations on it. Also answers questions about the ancient tool and shows how to build one with Legos. All Elementary Mathematics [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - An online mathematical high school. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, analysis. Theory and solving problems. Also has practice exams and math jokes. Allmath.com
Math - School Time - Kids And Teens - Math Help Exercises and activities Kids/Teens/Mature Teens Graphing (8); measurement @ (23); roman numerals (25); Statistics (8); Trigonometry (11) http://www.myonlinecolleges.com/school/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Math/
Extractions: Top Math Usenet sci.math - news: Google Groups Usenet k12.ed.math - news: Google Groups A+ Math [ Kids ] - Helps students improve their math skills interactively with flashcards and games. Also provides worksheets and homework help. The Abacus: The Art of Calculating with Beads [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Introduces the abacus, relates its history, and shows how to perform basic mathematical operations on it. Also answers questions about the ancient tool and shows how to build one with Legos. All Elementary Mathematics [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - An online mathematical high school. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, analysis. Theory and solving problems. Also has practice exams and math jokes. Allmath.com [ Kids/Teens ] - Features free flashcards, a magic square game, biographies of mathematicians, and other resources. Apples4theteacher.com [ Kids/Teens ] - Offers games on counting, telling time, making change, measurement, and shapes. Convertalot [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - A collection of free Java-based measurements converters, calculators, and unit translators.
Italian Language Activities At EnchantedLearning.com Label the roman numerals, including I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), Label the measurement terms in Italian, including yard, foot, inch, http://www.allaboutspace.com/themes/italian.shtml
Extractions: A short, printable book about the circus in Italian - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Italian words in, and color. The pages are: cavallo (horse), pagliaccio (clown), giocoliere (juggler), tigre (tiger), elefante (elephant), foca (seal), saltimbanco (acrobat), leone (lion), and funanbolo (tightrope walker).
Ideas And Activities money Talk. money Talk contains money activities and games for elementary roman numerals 101. Oliver Lawrence s roman numerals 101 explains how the http://www.sitesforteachers.com/resources_sharp/math/math_activities.html
Extractions: About.com's Homework Help. About.com provides a searchable collection of articles that can help students with their math homework as figuring out the angles of a right triangle . The site, suitable for grades 3-12, also includes a library of useful Netlinks as well as Cathy Spalding's email service for your perplexing math questions. About Today's Date. About Today's Date, based on Richard Phillips' book Numbers: Facts, Figures , and Fiction , provides each day the history and trivia about the numbers in today's date. The site is suitable for grades 5-12. Academic Assistance Access. Academic Assistance Access offers free a tutoring service for high school students. The site, staffed by professionals in various fields, answers questions in calculus as well as in American history and the sciences. Academic Assistance Center Home Page. The Teachers and staff of AOL's Academic Assistance Center provide link access to their favorite or best information sites for grades K-12. To visit the math room, click here a teacher and a student guide to mathematics to mathematics for grades K-12.
Math Geometry roman numerals Graphing Subtraction measurement Time money Flashcards, use for money recognition, vocabluary, games http://www.abcteach.com/directory/basics/math/
Extractions: Popular: Month to Month ABC Activities Rain Forest Teaching Extras ... Portfolios A math worksheet is a set of related math problems. Solving the math problems may require simple arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, or statistical calculation, but one worksheet will typically present multiple variations of a single type of problem, so that students get practice with one particular mathematical operation or principle. The math worksheets at abcteach are organized into age-appropriate levels, covering topics from basic math concepts through geometry. A solution page is provided with every worksheet, no matter how simple or hard it is. Here is a list of samples: In the directory below, you will find many free math worksheets you can print and use however you like! Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print our math worksheets.
Math Formulas Geometry Graphing measurement roman numerals Statistics Trigonometry Learn about numbers, measurement, money, tables and formulas. http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/dir/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Math/
This Site Contains as measurement; money; and numbers, including prime numbers and roman numerals. Family Fun presents a different math learning activity every week http://www.marlborough.k12.ct.us/linksforkids/Math Links.htm
Extractions: Brain Bowl Suitable for Grades K to 6 Cool Math for Kids A+ Math An amusement park of math and more especially designed for FUN, FUN, FUN! Features include Brain Benders, Math Games, Cool Things, Jigsaw Puzzles, Online Calculators, Game Zone, and Coloring Book. A special section focuses on children ages three to five years , and the site's lessons teach math concepts through illustrations and fun text Suitable for grades 2 to 12 This web site was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively. Visit our
Center For Essential Education It also includes chapters on time, money, measurement, roman numerals, fractions and decimals. Arithmetic Four teaches place value to the millions and to http://www.cfeeschool.com/arithmetic.html
Extractions: Homestead Heritage ... Homestead Heritage Arithmetic One The Arithmetic One Arithmetic One is designed to provide parents with simple guidelines for introducing arithmetic during the first grade when their child is concentrating on learning to read. Arithmetic Two, Three and Four Popsicle Stick Math Arithmetic Two teaches addition and subtraction, including the memorization of all the basic facts. Place value through the hundreds is stressed, and the book includes chapters on time, money, measurement and fractions. Arithmetic Three Arithmetic Four teaches place value to the millions and to the hundredths; carrying in multiplication; long division; fractions, mixed numbers, decimals and percents; area, perimeter, measurements and conversions. It reviews and expands addition and subtraction procedures taught in earlier grades. Popsicle Stick Math Hearthstone Arithmetic Curriculum (see above) but can supplement any math curriculum, grades 1-4 or above.
Lavinya.Net Web Directory » Kids And Teens » School Time » Math Graphing (8); measurement@ (23); roman numerals (25); Statistics (8) Fact Monster Math Kids/Teens - Learn about numbers, measurement, money, http://www.lavinya.net/ara/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Math/
Mathematics - 4th Math 1st Six Weeks Strand, Bloom s, Scope, Hours, Source, activities. money, Knowledge The learner will be able to recognize roman numerals up to one thousand (C,D,M). http://aep.latech.edu/curriculum/CR15547.HTM
SchoolExpress.com | Free Worksheets | E-Workbooks measurement, Feet and Inches 25 pages plus answers. money, Addition 2 Digits, roman numerals - 75 pages plus answers. Rounding -58 pages plus answers http://www.schoolexpress.com/semember03.php
Extractions: Activities - 2355 Worksheets Activity Fun - Click here to locate Activity Fun eWorkbook titles. Calendar Fun - 29 pages CrissCross -134 pages plus answers Draw and Design - 108 pages Miscellaneous Activities - 11 pages My Book of Word Finds - 48 pages plus answers Patterns - 7 pages Spatial Relations - 11 pages Word Find Fun - 25 pages plus answers Word Fun - 18 pages Word Unscramble - 15 pages Writing Activities - 69 pages Ages 3 - 6 - 756 Worksheets ABC Learning Hats - 26 pages ABC Learning Letters - 169 pages ABC Mazes - 26 pages Am I Responsible - 30 pages Being Me - 30 pages Classifying - 5 pages Color Fun - 90 pages Color Words - 45 pages Easy Mazes - 42 pages Following Directions - 15 pages Learning About Sizes - 11 pages Learning About Positions - 16 pages Matching - 40 pages Miscellaneous -11 pages My Book of Counting - 45 pages My Book of Numbers - 49 pages Puzzle Fun - 13 pages Shapes - 36 pages Stranger Awareness - 57 pages Geography - 169 Worksheets Geography Research - 169 pages
Scope 60 and the Parent s Manual suggestions on counting, money, time, and measurement). roman numerals. Decimals to the thousandths place; addition, http://masterypublications.com/Scope.htm
Extractions: minimum a child should cover according to the California Achievement Test (ex: Grade 1 - Addition - student should cover pgs. 1-43; 55-56; 60 and the Parent's Manual suggestions on counting, money, time, and measurement). Here is the chart in words, with approximate grade level equivalents, according to the C.A.T.: Grade 1 Many children are finished with this work by February and begin their 2nd grade work early. Counting - sequencing; ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.); by 2s, 5s, and 10s Number recognition - using Number Cubes through 999 Addition/ Subtraction - memorization of all addition and subtraction facts 0-9s; computation up to 6 places, with regrouping (carrying) in addition, but no regrouping (borrowing) in subtraction; Counting Strips manipulative and Number Cubes for fact practice Pictographs Money counting change, at least to 25 cents; coin recognition; reading/writing amounts with both cents and dollar signs Time - days, months, seasons; clocks (digital and analog); "telling time" at least learning hours and half hours; counting by 5s; simple calendars Measurement - inches on rulers; linear equivalents through Equivalents games (ex: 3 feet = yard = yd. = 36 inches)