Roundtable II: Internet Guide To Maine Content Directs maine s Historical Records Advisory Board, Northeast Historic Film board Previously, Principal at Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham, maine,
Extractions: Contacts: Jessica Kelly Frank Callanan, Intent: Audience: Students/teachers involved in Maine studies. Examples: Reviewers: Review requires a password. Email to get password and to check out site. Future: Developing DiscoverME after Christmas, Discover Diversity in March 2004. Contact Nathan Michaud, Intent Place-based education, to connect island communities to the world at large. Tagging lobsters caught by eight lobstermen, asking for response from people who buy the lobsters and find the tags. Show students how their experiences are connected to the world. Audience Students and remote communities (islands).
The UMM Campus Originally an American Indian boarding school, it was operated for 22 years, first by the Sisters of Mercy and then by the federal government.
Extractions: The UMM Campus Conceived at the outset as a four-year liberal arts college, UMM was to serve not only the population of west central Minnesota, but also was to provide an educational opportunity for students throughout the state who sought a University of Minnesota undergraduate liberal education in a small college setting. The guiding principles of selective admission, controlled growth, and academic excellence in a residential campus atmosphere have not changed for three and a half decades. In 1994, with 1924 students and 120 teaching faculty, UMM combines the living-learning environment of the small liberal arts college with the advantages of being a college of the University of Minnesota. The UMM baccalaureate program is structured but flexible, requiring students to take responsibility for their own learning. The focus is on developing one's intellectual abilities while expanding the horizons of one's knowledge. The members of the faculty, representing over 25 academic fields, are organized into four divisions: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Mathematics, and Education. A 16-to- 1 student-faculty ratio and a strong institutional commitment to individual attention bring UMM students into frequent contact with faculty; undergraduates often assist faculty in research and professional activities. The UMM student body is made up of a diverse and talented group of men and women. The campus attracts students from throughout Minnesota and more than 20 other states and foreign countries. Over 50 percent of entering freshmen rank in the top 10 percent of their high school class; over 70 percent in the top 20 percent. The majority of students live in on-campus housing, creating a strong sense of community at UMM.
New Novel Highlighting Prep-school Pressures Finds Following of the same reason I decided to attend boarding school in Dallas, Texas. This fictional school that Lee attends, however, is called the Ault School,§ion=4&id=8
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