VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - LYME DISEASE FACT SHEET (EPI) lyme disease is a bacterial disease that some people get after being bitten People of any age can get lyme disease. It usually occurs during the summer
Extractions: The bacteria that cause Lyme disease are spread by ticks. The most likely tick vector is Ixodes scapularis (dammini) , the deer tick. Transfer of the Lyme disease bacteria from the infected tick to a person probably does not occur unless the tick has been attached to the body for 36 hours. You cannot get Lyme disease from animals or other people. What are the symptoms of Lyme disease? In most people, the first symptom of Lyme disease is a skin lesion called erythema migrans (EM) that forms at the site of the tick bite. This lesion is red and slowly gets bigger, usually with a clearing in the center. People might also have flu-like symptoms, such as fatigue, fever, headache, stiff neck, muscle or joint pain, possibly lasting several weeks. In some cases, these first symptoms don't occur. If this happens, or if the early disease is not treated, weeks to months after the tick bite other problems may develop such as nervous disorders, heart problems, or joint swelling and pain.
United States Police Canine Association, Lyme Disease What causes lyme disease? lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a corkscrewshaped lyme disease remains to a large extent a regional problem.
Extractions: We have learned since then that clinical disease also occurs in dogs and, to a lesser extent, in horses, cattle, and cats, while many wildlife mammals and birds become subclinically infected and serve as reservoirs for tick infection. During the 1980s the disease incidence in both dogs and humans increased dramatically; Lyme disease is now the most common arthropod-borne disease of humans in the United States, and one of the most common in dogs. What causes Lyme disease? Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a corkscrew-shaped bacterium of the spirochete group. Among the spirochetes, it is most closely related to B. hermsii, which causes tick-borne relapsing fever in the southwestern United States. Better known but more distantly related spirochetes cause such diseases as leptospirosis and syphilis.
Lyme Disease Survey lyme disease Project Department of Entomology 440 Science II Iowa State University Ames IA See also What Should Iowans Know About lyme disease?
Extractions: can transmit Lyme Disease, a debilitating disease. Entomologists at Iowa State University want to determine where these ticks occur in Iowa. You can help! This survey is coordinated by Dr. Wayne A. Rowley If you find any ticks on yourself while in Iowa: Send to: Lyme Disease Project Department of Entomology 440 Science II Iowa State University Ames IA 50011-3222. Please include the following information: It does not matter if the tick is already dead. We want it anyway! You will be sent a postcard telling you species of tick you have found. See also What Should Iowans Know About Lyme Disease? Pictures and movies of deer ticks can be found on Iowa State's Deer Tick Home Page This shows the sequence of events in dissecting the midgut from a partially engorged adult female deer tick to be tested for Borrelia burgdorferi (the Lyme Disease spirochete) by the IFA technique.
The National Capital Lyme Disease Association Support group for the greater Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia area providing support, education and advocacy for sufferers of lyme disease, their families and friends.
News Of The Tampa Bay Area lyme disease is rare, although not unknown, in Florida. Doctors think that, like lyme disease, STARI is caused by a bacterium spread by tick bites.
Extractions: TAMPA - Dr. John Sinnott, an infectious disease expert from Tampa, was vacationing in Key West when a man asked him to take a look at a strange rash. The man's rash looked like the red "bull's eye" rash found in Lyme disease. But why would a disease most common in the Northeast turn up in a man who hadn't left Key West in months and couldn't remember getting bitten by a tick? Lyme disease is rare, although not unknown, in Florida. But Sinnott decided the man probably had another disease, one doctors know less about: Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness, or STARI. Doctors think that, like Lyme disease, STARI is caused by a bacterium spread by tick bites. It causes a rash and is treated with antibiotics.
Lyme Disease Association, Inc. - LDA Offers information about this nonprofit corporation whose goals are education, prevention, and research funding. Includes articles on ticks, vaccines and contact details.
Extractions: HOME ABOUT US AFFILIATES CONTACT US ... ORDER BROCHURES Lyme Disease Association, Inc. LDA MAIN MENU About LDA Achievements Archives Board Members ... Speeches INFORMATION MENU ABCs of Lyme Disease Conflicts of Interest Doctor Referrals Educational Videos ... Lyme Support Group s LymeAid 4 Kids Fund LymeR Primer Brochure Order LDA Brochures Prevention Protect Yourself Protejase Usted Mismo ... Tickmarks (Bookmark) Vaccine SUPPORT LDA MENU Online Donations Drulle Fund LDA REMEMBERS For More Lyme Disease Information, visit our affiliate
American Red Cross--May Health And Safety Tips lyme disease, a disease transmitted from the bite of an infected tick. The third week of July is designated lyme disease Awareness Week but it s always
Extractions: Before venturing out and enjoying the great outdoors, make sure you take some precautions against becoming infected with Lyme disease, a disease transmitted from the bite of an infected tick. The third week of July is designated Lyme Disease Awareness Week but it's always good to take precautions to prevent Lyme Disease. The following are some tips that can protect you from tick bites: Wear light-colored clothing. This allows you to see a tick more easily. Wear a hat and long-sleeved shirt. Tuck your clothes in, shirts into pants and pants into socks. Use a rubber band or tape the area where the socks and pants meet to prevent ticks from getting under clothing. Use an insect repellant with DEET on exposed skin and clothes. Read the label instructions and cautions about use on young children. When hiking, stay in the middle of trails, and avoid underbrush, fallen tress, and tall grass. After being outdoors or if you are outdoors for a long period, perform a tick check. Shower immediately after coming indoors. If you find a tick on your body, remove it by doing the following; Using a pair of fine-tipped tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull slowly, steadily, and firmly. Avoid crushing the ticks body.
CALDA Welcome to the Home Page of the California lyme disease Association (CALDA). The Lyme Times is the premier publication of the lyme disease community.
Extractions: Welcome to the Home Page of the California Lyme Disease Association (CALDA). The purpose of this website is to share with the larger internet community some of the information and support services the California Lyme Disease Association has been offering the Lyme disease community for the past several years. The Lyme Times is the premier publication of the Lyme disease community. The online version contains many of the articles which make the printed version an increasingly popular source of information for both patients and physicians. Check it out at: Use the interactive menu at the left to access other pages of interest to you. Some are for beginners; others for hardcore consumers. Please let us know what you like. Your feedback will enable us to tailor new features to your specific interests and needs. The California Lyme Disease Association is an affiliate of the Lyme Disease Association, Inc. Contact Information Administrative Office: P.O. Box 707, Weaverville CA 96093
Lyme Disease In Pennsylvania - Index Provides information about this disorder and its prevention. Included is a general discussion area and information about Guinea Hens.
Extractions: The information in this site is for general informational purposes only. You need to see a physician if you suspect that you have Lyme disease. URGENT - ACTION REQUIRED!! Pennsylvania House Bill 1534 will help Lyme Disease sufferers receive the care that they need. The Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pa has a page with l etters that you can send to your Pennsylvania Senators to ask their support for this extremely important bill. This bill will protect your physician from prosecution for treating Lyme disease. HB 1977 which would have protected physicians who treated Lyme patients and would have required the insurance companies to cover treatment for Lyme died in committee November0f 2004. Advocates are trying to get the bill introduced in January 2005. Please see our news discussion for more information about how you can help make this bill a reality. Lyme disease is becoming more prevalent in our area. Quite often, people ignore the
The Lyme Disease Quilt Page Submit your personal story of this disease and read others.
Extractions: setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Angelfire 40 Yr Old Virgin Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next To send us your Lyme related story, simply click on the icon below, type your story, and E-mail it to us. If your story's at another location, copy and paste it into this E-mail. Thank you : ) Lyme Disease related links The Lyme Disease Quilt Page
Luther Out Loud! The personal story of a Quaker who is dying of ALS or lyme disease.
Home Page For Explores alternative treatments of lyme disease, including hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment, and intracellular hyperthermia (ICHT) treatment.
Wendy Fox Lyme Disease Fund An appeal for help for Wendy Fox, a critically ill UK lyme disease sufferer. Read updates and news articles.
Extractions: Message From Wendy Fox, 10th November 2004 Dear All, I wish to thank everyone who has sent messages, letters and cards of concern and well wishes. I thank everyone who has sent donations to aid my treatment and appreciate every single donation, no matter how large or small. I am especially appreciative because I know that, for many of you, it has been while funding your own treatment, so your generosity and kindness has been overwhelming. It is with all this in mind that I give you the great news that I have won my battle with the Health Authority that funds treatments in the UK. It was because of my dear friends and all the wonderful people that were kind enough to respond to their plea for help that I have been able to import the desperately needed medication from Canada to the UK while I battled with my health authority for treatment. I fear that this fight may have been won but there may still be more to come. Although I have been granted this treatment the Health Authority have not stated how long they are prepared to fund the treatment. As my treatment plan is over a very long duration, owing to the severity of my condition, I fear that changes or extensions of treatment may be denied to me in the future. The best way in which I could help all present sufferers, and future ones, is to raise awareness of Lyme disease and to educate doctors about the correct methods of diagnosis and treatment. GPs (primary care Doctors), in the UK have mostly no idea of what Lyme disease is - let alone how to treat it and so the creation of a leaflet educating them would benefit not only myself but all connected with this insidious disease.