Missouri School District Directory: Louisiana R-II Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary education Enrollment 239,Certificated staff 28. Phone 573754-6181 Fax 573-754-5964 http://www.dese.state.mo.us/directory/082108.html
Pearson Learning - Meet The National Consultants Ann earned her BS degree from louisiana State University, and a M.Ed. in Melissa hopes to share experiences from the classroom, her education, http://dev.pearsonlearning.com/staffdev_team.cfm
Extractions: Joan.Carrafiello@pearsonlearning.com Joan Carrafiello has more than 25 years of experience in teaching, training teachers and developing educational materials for the middle school, high school, adult education, community college and university levels. Her focus is making content standards from across the curriculum accessible to all students. To this end, Joan works with educators to design and implement techniques and programs for struggling students, those in need of intervention, special needs students, ESL/ELL students and students in alternative education settings. She provides teacher training and staff development and is a frequent speaker at professional conferences. Joan's undergraduate and graduate studies in mathematics were complemented by additional graduate studies in instructional design, learning theory, curriculum development and curriculum evaluation.Joan looks forward to working with teachers in having all students achieve success in education!
Michael Johnson Books - Keynotes And Engagements October 13th, Professional staff dev. Notre Dame High School Curriculum Meeting,Crowley, louisiana. October 1618, Keynote Address Family Connection http://www.michaeljohnsonbooks.com/engagements.html
Extractions: Keynotes and Engagements To book Michael, call 580-286-7784. Performances and presentations may be adapted to host requirements with coordination through Michael Johnson production staff. Keynote/Banquet address time is typically scheduled for 90 minutes, actual stage time 55 to 60 minutes leaving 20 to 30 minutes for book signings, autographing and conversation. To assist you in providing the best possible presentation for your attendees, a tech-rider is furnished well in advance of the scheduled appearance. We understand that your facility may or may not be equipped with all requirements so don't stress...adapting is our strong suit. In most cases, an adequately sized stage area, a lapel microphone, two tables, good lighting and conventional electrical outlets will be sufficient. It would be most helpful to have access to the performing area the evening before for equipment/lighting/sound check. You will find the folks at Michael Johnson Books easy to deal with, and we take that aspect of our work seriously. Michael is happy to personalize books and we all enjoy assisting callers. We are cowboys and horse people, and we treat people like neighbors. We do need to mention however that Michael chooses not to work with telemarketing firms, or multi-level marketing groups, and prefers not to judge any contest. (He wouldn't make a very good judge anyway, he wants everybody to win.) Call the number listed below if you have any questions and we will be glad to visit.
Global Education Motivators She is currently a parttime staff member of GEM (Global education Motivators) . Sabrina is a political science major from louisiana State University, http://www.gem-ngo.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=71&Itemid=87
The Mentoring Leadership And Resource Network Home Page Renae Rebechini, UniServ Directory, Illinois education Association NEA, Violet Mitchell, staff dev. Resource Teacher, 925 Arlington Ave-North Bldg, http://www.mentors.net/03memberdir.html
College Of Education & Human Development The College of education and Human Development honored faculty and staff Click for Hammond, louisiana Forecast. Accreditations. Teacher education http://www.selu.edu/Academics/Education/
Extractions: SELU Home Blackboard Webmail Leonet ... Print this page Departments Teaching and Learning Educational Leadership and Technology Office of Student Teaching ... Laboratory School Programs Sponsored Alternative Certification LAAC Teacher Scholars Program CEDSAR Job Fair Undergraduate Research COEHD Dean's Office COEHD Faculty Handbook Strategic Plan for COEHD Southeastern's Title 2 Institutional Report Card ... PK-16 Council NCATE Information NCATE Electronic Exhibit Room 2002 NCATE Electronic Exhibit Room 2008 NCATE Organization Directory SELU Directory TEC Computer Lab Employee Directory Department Directory ... Driving Direction to Campus Information Resources Add-On-Certification Praxis Examination FREE Practice Praxis Out of State Certification Application ... Louisiana Board of Regents Message from the Dean "Welcome to the College of Education and Human Development at Southeastern Louisiana University! Our mission is to promote educational excellence by maximizing the development of our student leadership roles in education and human service professions and society in general." Please click here for additional comments NOTICE!
Student Retention Project Within Napier University Educational development (Ed dev), hold staff conferencesand provide a range of July 1417, 2004, in New Orleans, louisiana http://www.napier.ac.uk/qes/studentretentionproject/Staffeventsandconf2.asp
CLE International - Always Time Well Spent louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge CLE INTERNATIONAL, aleading provider of continuing education, has been presenting highquality http://www.cle.com/dev/product_info.php?products_id=615
HERITAGE HEALTH SERVICES 4201 FM 1960 Suite 160 HOUSTON The Registered Nurse will provide patient education and leadpatient Job Description - staff dev, training chart auditing of severalJob http://www.heritagehealthservices.com/career_opportunities.htm
Extractions: Last Updated: 9/16/05 our company is growing . . . come grow with us NEW UNIT OPENING SOON IN JONESBORO, ARKANSAS AND STAMFORD, TX! MANY others pending in new MEXICO, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, KANSAS, NEBRASKA AND LOUISIANA. watch this site for more information coming soon ! Please submit your resume via fax to 281-397-6482 or e-mail as an OPEN document to recruiter@heritagehealthservices.com for consideration (no attachments please). NOW HIRING PRN (as needed basis) LMSW's and LPC's for ALL locations. submit resume for IMMEDIATE consideration to 281-397-6482. MENTAL HEALTH TECHNICIAN - UNIT SECRETARY / VAN DRIVER POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN: REQUIREMENTS - High School Diploma/GED- Must be at least 25 with an excellent driving record. Good people skills reqd. Must love working with elderly. Minimum lift requirements. CNA is a PLUS but not required! Job Description - Position consists of Vehicle Driver AND Unit Secretary duties. As the
Staff Profiles James Cooke, MA in TEFL, BA, Dip Env dev, RSA Dip TEFLA, has taught English George Woodington has a BA in English education from Montclair University in http://www.asianust.ac.th/idcs/staff_profs.html
Extractions: Home Admissions Business Engineering ... Search Staff Profiles Dr. Michael Catalanello Michael Catalanello is a U.S. licensed psychologist. He holds a MS degree in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D. in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine from the University of North Texas. Before coming to Thailand, Dr. Catalanello was working in clinical practice in health psychology in New Orleans, Louisiana. His interests include cognitive behavioral psychology, mind/body approaches to health, assessment of mood states, and the philosophy of science. Mr. Robert Berkelman Robert Berkelman holds BA and MA degrees in mathematics from San Francisco State University. He has been teaching mathematics for over ten years, first in the United States at Golden Gate University and other institutions, and for the last five years in Thailand. Robert specializes in helping students overcome their fear of mathematics. Mr. Tim Johnson
Mentoring & Induction Programs By Each Of The United States The Illinois State Board of education (See Final Report for Initial Year of Teaching Yes, Yes, $33M staff dev/MT. Hawaii, N,, $?, BT mentor pilots http://www.teachermentors.com/MCenter Site/StateList.html
Extractions: Return to Mentoring Information Categories List The author of this web site has been keeping track of state-level mentoring programs for years. During that time I have seen that it's: 1. Difficult to draw conclusions about the sum of state-level novice teacher programming, because it is in constant flux 2. Possible to look at state level activity from several different perspectives, because of the various and complex themes that weave through beginning teacher support systems. This report takes one view point in presenting and analyzing the patterns in state-wide mentoring and induction programming. That approach views mentoring on a continuum in which assistance of novice teachers is at one end of the continuum and assessment of novice teachers is on the other end. Necessarily, that perspective "colors" how this information is presented and analyzed. What is presented here is: A chart summarizing some of the studies and illustrating the changing picture described above, plus references to all the studies I found.
Louisiana Serials List OF ECONOMIC dev.) (C1.7/11) louisiana Disrict Attorney s Assoc.SEE-MINI-BRIEF louisiana education BULLETIN NEWS ABOUT education IN louisiana http://nutrias.org/~nopl/info/louinfo/serials.htm
ADA Code Of Ethics For Further Reading List Sobal J. Research ethics in nutrition education. J Nutr Educ. 1992;24234238.Teaching Ethics J Nurses staff dev. 2003 Jan-Feb;19(1);9-15. Young EWD. http://www.eatright.org/Member/index_adacodelist.cfm
Extractions: ADA Code of Ethics "For Further Reading" List The purpose of the list is to provide members and credentialed practitioners with basic information on how the ADA/CDR Code of Ethics relates to the daily practice of dietetics. This list was prepared by the ADA Ethics Committee will be updated and expanded twice per year (January and August). Date of Issue: August 2003 ADA Code of Ethics: Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics. J Am Diet Assoc. 1999;99:109-113. Available on ADA Website: http://www.eatright.org/adacode.html Bulk orders are available through the ADA Catalogue of Products and Services. Orders by be placed by contacting ADA Customer Services Team: 800/877-1600, ext. 5000 (cat. #6100, package of 10 is $10.00 for members plus shipping) General Articles and Books Related to Ethics Fornari, A. Ethics in Action: Professional boundary issues in practice. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003;103:380. Holler H. Ethics in Action: Resources for ethical dilemma in dietetics. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102:1817-1818. Fornari A. Ethics in Action: Is you ADA member number confidential? J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102:1501-1502.
Page Redirection louisiana Board of Regents 1201 N Third Street, Suite 6200 PO Box 3677 staff Associate Southern Regional education Board 592 Tenth St., NW http://acm.ua.edu/
Resources The education Commission of the States works with states to develop effectiveeducation louisiana staff Development Council Report on HighPerforming, http://www.bestpracticescenter.org/publ/wte2-4-res.html
Extractions: This "citizen-friendly" site explains the No Child Left Behind Act to parents and the public in straightforward, mostly jargon-free language. Educators who are exploring NCLB for the first time may also appreciate features like Frequently Asked Questions, fact sheets on various aspects of the law, a free newsletter, key dates, and more. How Does NCLB Change the ESEA? The No Child Left Behind Act represents a major revision of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was first enacted in 1965. Educators are familiar with ESEA's various "titles" - especially Title I (Part A) which provides local educational agencies (school districts) with extra resources to help improve instruction in high-poverty schools. The resources below can help school leaders sort out the "sweeping reforms" in ESEA brought about by the passage of NCLB, which dramatically redefines the federal role in K-12 education.
UMUC-Europe :: Staff :: Faculty :: Faculty Dev : Home staff Faculty Faculty dev Contact Us Site Map Search mentored peers in the area of distance education, taken part in pilot projects in http://www.ed.umuc.edu/staff/faculty/faculty_dev/winners.html
Extractions: Undergraduate Graduate Distance Education General Info ... Search UMUC-Europe Stanley J. Drazek Teaching Excellence Award Recipients M. Jean Mandola Aside from teaching theoretical courses in art history and studio courses in painting, drawing, and design for UMUC since 1976, Collegiate Associate Professor M. Jean Mandola has been active in developing and organizing study tour courses for UMUC-Europe. Held in a combination of venues, these courses incorporate visits to major museums throughout Europe such as the Picasso Museum in Paris, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Matisse Museum in Nice, or the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen. Thus, Mandola combines solid theoretical foundations with the exciting experience of viewing world masterpieces in international settings, making full use of UMUC's European location to make art courses a life as well as an academic experience for her students. In recent years, she has added UMUC's virtual classroom to her list of venues, thus integrating a wealth of electronic resources to her palette of teaching tools and contexts. In addition to her work with UMUC, Mandola has taught courses for the Institute for American Universities within the framework of the junior year abroad program in Aix-en-Provence, France. Before joining UMUC, she also held the position of assistant professor in art history at Northern State University and was already active in teaching as a graduate student at Michigan State University. Prior to this award, Mandola was named an Artist-in-Residence at the Michael Karolyi Foundation in Vence, France, and has also received a National Defense Language Fellowship for the study of Asian art and culture.
Learning Alliances Professional dev.Use free teaching modules created by professional Child StudyCenter staff social worker, psychologist, special education teacher http://www.edutopia.org/php/article.php?id=Art_521&key=189
LVD State Contact List Program and staff dev. Specialist 203 Scovell Hall University of Kentucky louisiana Ernie T. Hughes Southern Univ. Coop. Ext. Program PO Box 10010 http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm
Primary Care - Resource Links Emergency Medicine HomePage Medical education, Teaching Images, Faculty dev UNCChapel Hill School of Medicine - Neurosurgical education; louisiana http://medicine.ucsf.edu/resources/guidelines/links.html
Extractions: The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Home Edition 1997 and Merck Manual of Geriatrics Second Edition 1990 are also available. Harrison's Online subscription Scientific American Medicine Online subscription - ( monthly Bulletin eMedicine Online Text Books Dermatology Emergency Medicine WEB DXplain ... DynaMed - (Dynamic Medical Information System) is an interactive, real-time medical information system designed for use at the point of care. It consists mainly of a vast clinically-organized reference covering basic information and is updated daily from developments in the literature. (FREE registration) Outlines in Clinical Medicine® by OutlineMed, Inc