Extractions: The 1998 Special Session of the State Legislature is over. In just a little over threeweeks, lawmakers tackled over 370 bills in connection with over a hundred different itemsoutlined by Governor Foster in his call for the session. The governor called the SpecialSession to deal with a number of important issues that could not be addressed at theRegular Session. The State Constitution limits regular sessions in even numbered years toconsideration of state spending and specific tax matters. The special session focused on education matters, public safety, our children's healthand well-being and government efficiency. Lawmakers took bold steps to give thousands ofyoung people a chance for meaningful job training; fine-tuned the state's new scholarshipprogram; moved to give teachers help in the classroom; adopted a whole series of laws totry to save lives at railroad crossings in Louisiana; set up programs to better protectthe health and welfare of our children; addressed gambling issues as to the legal age togamble and enforcement matters; re-vamped the state employee health insurance programserving hundreds of thousands of people; re-focused the work of the state transportationdepartment and more. After decades of study and talk, state lawmakers approved a series of bills toestablish a new coordinated job training and education system for thousands of Louisianacitizens who do not pursue a traditional four year college degree. If voters approve achange in the State Constitution in a statewide election this fall, the state willestablish the
Extractions: Tackling over 400 bills, lawmakersworked down to the wire to reach agreement onhow to best spend taxpayer dollars at the 1998Regular Session of the State Legislature. As youmay remember this session was limited by theState Constitution to consideration of statespending and specific tax matters. However, thefiscal session debate involved more than justdollars and cents. Indeed, the dollars and cents news wasgood this session. For the fourth year in a row,the state had a budget surplus to help pay offstate construction debt and free up money forother important needs. Additionally, increasedincome tax and sales tax collections this fiscalyear along with efficiencies in state agencies,freed up more tax dollars to pay off even morestate debt. And with continuing good economictimes and a commitment to preserving ourexisting tax base, the states financial situation islooking fairly stable in the coming fiscal year. The challenge facing lawmakers at thefiscal session was deciding how much money thestate needed to provide services to citizens; howbest to collect those revenues and how best tofocus the available dollars on Louisiana'simmediate and long-term needs.
Extractions: home search schools school agency rankings town / county rankings ... Louisiana > East Baton Rouge County East Baton Rouge County Public Schools Quick Links: Tools: Search schools by zip Compare schools side-by-side Find: Information about this county View: Map of East Baton Rouge County and surrounding area Find More Schools: Private Schools View this county's: High Schools Middle Schools Elementary Schools East Baton Rouge County High Schools - Louisiana $ H.V. = Median Housing Value, T:S = Teacher:Student Ratio Town $ H.V. High School # Students ... T:S 1. Angola Louisiana State Penitentiary 2. Baker Baker High School 3. Baton Rouge Arlington Preparatory Academy Baton Rouge Baton Rouge High School Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Marine Institute, n/a Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Preparatory Baton Rouge Belaire High School Baton Rouge Broadmoor Senior High School Baton Rouge Capitol Senior High School Baton Rouge Central High School Baton Rouge East Baton Rouge Arts And Technology Baton Rouge Glen Oaks Senior High School Baton Rouge Istrouma Senior High School Baton Rouge Louisiana School For The Deaf Baton Rouge Louisiana School For The Visually Baton Rouge Lsu University Laboratory Baton Rouge Mckinley Senior High School Baton Rouge Mohican Center Baton Rouge Northdale Alternative Magnet Baton Rouge Robert E. Lee High School
Extractions: home search schools school agency rankings town / county rankings ... Louisiana > Franklin County Franklin County Public Schools Quick Links: Tools: Search schools by zip Compare schools side-by-side Find: Information about this county View: Map of Franklin County and surrounding area Find More Schools: Private Schools View this county's: High Schools Middle Schools Elementary Schools
Legislative Action - Past Years louisiana s law allows up to eight school districts to participate in a Texas education reform requires districts to create alternative schools, http://www.sreb.org/main/LegAction/legactions/95LegBriefing.asp
Extractions: It was also a belt-tightening year across the region. In most states, education budgets grew less than they did one year ago. Increases to elementary and secondary education budgets for 1995-96 are lower in nearly every SREB state, while higher education budget increases are lower in two-thirds of the states. Pay raises for school teachers and college faculty are also generally lower. Three SREB states passed charter school bills designed to encourage more educational innovation. Most other states considered such bills or agreed to study the concept further. Higher education budget increases in the SREB states ranged from about 1 percent to 9 percent. Increases of less than 4 percent were approved in Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Virginia. Four-year colleges in North Carolina and Tennessee institutions will operate at about last year's funding level. Colleges in Georgia will see the greatest boost at 9 percent. Budgets in Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and West Virginia are up 6 to 8 percent. Funding in Alabama will decline 7.6 percent.
Education University of louisiana at Monroe Pharmacy School. Ruston louisiana Tech University 7 Junior High schools 5 Senior High schools 1 alternative School http://www.monroe.org/relocation/education.asp
Extractions: University Shreveport www.lsus.edu Source: University of Louisiana System, 2000 Two-Year College (within 100 miles) Delta Community Monroe www.ladelta.cc.la.us Southern University Shreveport www.susla.edu Source: University of Louisiana System, 2000 Technical Colleges College Parish Ruston Campus Lincoln Delta-Ouachita Campus Ouachita North Central Campus Union Bastrop Campus Morehouse Tallulah Campus Madison Margaret Surles Campus Lake Providence Research Base
Louisiana Public Square Are louisianas high schools teaching our children what they need to know? one of louisianas first alternative high schools for atrisk youth. http://www.lpb.org/programs/LApublicsquare/topic011.html
Extractions: Re-Designing Louisiana's High Schools Background Biographies Louisiana Public Square called "Redesigning Louisiana's High Schools." The hour-long program aired Wednesday, April 20th at 7PM on LPB and Sunday, April 24 at 4PM. It aired on WLAE-TV in New Orleans on Tuesday, April 26 at 8:30PM and Friday, April 29 at midnight. Panelists included Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco , Board of Elementary and Secondary Education member Linda Johnson , Louisiana Association of Business and Industry President Dan Juneau and Commissioner of Higher Education Dr. E. Joseph Savoie . State Deputy Superintendent of Education Carole Wallin and Mark Musick , the president of the Southern Regional Education Board, participated in the discussion. The audience included students, parents and teachers in an open dialogue about the urgent need to improve high schools in our state. Virginia Governor Mark Warner spoke via video.
Massage Therapy Schools And Massage Schools In Louisiana Massage Therapy schools and Massage schools in louisiana. Use our Find a School feature to find all kinds of alternative medicine schools. http://www.naturalhealers.com/search/Louisiana/massage/
Extractions: Quick Jump to State Profile Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming DOD Dependents' Schools American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Select a Section Agency/School Information Fiscal Information General Characteristics Staff Information Student Information Louisiana
Extractions: site index ED.gov Overview Publications ... Download Page 8 of 11 Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Availabality and enrollment in public alternative schools and programs for student at risk of education failure Alternative schools and programs for students at risk fo education failure. Entrance and exit criteria ... References Sample Selection Information from the pilot study helped guide the allocation of the total sample to the two major categories of districts: districts that reported alternative schools in the CCD and those that did not report alternative schools in the CCD. Within each category, the samples were further allocated to district size strata (less than 2,500, 2,500 to 9,999, 10,000 or more) in rough proportion to the aggregate square root of the enrollment in the stratum. The sampling frame was also ordered by metropolitan status (urban, suburban, rural) and region (Northeast, Southeast, Central, West) to induce additional implicit stratification. Within each primary stratum, districts were selected systematically and with equal probabilities. The sampling frame constructed consisted of 14,619 regular public school districts during the 199899 school year. After the stratum sample sizes were determined, a final sample of 1,609 districts was systematically selected from the sorted file using independent random starts. The 50 states and the District of Columbia were included in the sample, while school districts in the outlying U.S. territories were excluded. Districts are of three types: unified, secondary, and elementary. Unified districts serve students across all grade levels and comprised 83 percent of the total sample (table A-1). Secondary districts comprised 2 percent, and elementary districts (i.e., serving grades no higher than grade 8) comprised 15 percent of the sample.
Louisiana (LA) High Schools Baton Rouge louisiana New School Academy Baton Rouge louisiana School For The Deaf High School Deridder Beauregard alternative School http://static.namesdatabase.com/LA.html
Extractions: The Names Database at NamesDatabase.com lists over one hundred and twenty thousand (120,000) distinct high schools in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. High schools from other countries are in the process of being listed. Members can register their high school information to reconnect and reunite with old friends and high school classmates. Members can also use other secure and private people search tools unrelated to high school classmates. This static content lets you preview which high schools are currently listed. To become a member, simply click on The Names Database link at the top of this page, and begin by entering your information on the sign up page. Your use of this Web site is subject to these
Schools In Unknown Parish, Louisiana/LA - School Tree schools in Unknown Parish, louisiana/LA. Terrebonne Parish alternative School. N/A No Enrollment Data Terrebonne Parish School Board http://louisiana.schooltree.org/Unknown-Parish-Schools.html
Schools In Jefferson Parish, Louisiana/LA - School Tree schools in Jefferson Parish, louisiana/LA. Westbank alternative School. 6th Grade to 8th Grade 8 Students Jefferson Parish School Board http://louisiana.schooltree.org/Jefferson-Parish-Schools.html
Extractions: Your source for reliable school information. This page is a textual content summary of the SchoolMatch.com website. To search our national database of public school system information, please go to our home page - SchoolMatch.com - and click on School Ratings. ASCENSION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD DONALDSONVILLE, LA
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News Release alternative schools for basic skills and credit recovery, and middle and high The St. Martin Parish schools in St. Martinville, louisiana will use http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=96398&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=538221&h