Biblioteca Pública Por Internet: Law biweekly newsletter, y2k Reference Center for law firms, etc. NVRA furtherstrives to educate the public and the legal community toward a better
Extractions: Education ... Law This collection All of the IPL Advanced The body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority. You can also view Subject Collections Magazines under this heading. The American Association of Nurse Attorneys "TAANA is the only professional association that meets the unique needs of nurse attorneys , nurses in law school and lawyers in nursing school. Other interested professionals including non-nurse lawyers, expert nurse witnesses, legal nurse consultants, forensic nurses and nurse attorney suppliers ". It provides resources, profesional network and support group and educational materials to its members . The American Bar Association (ABA) is the national organization of the legal profession. It represents approximately 370,000 members and is the world's largest voluntary professional association. This site provides general information about the ABA, its entities, and membership benefits and applications. It also includes recent ABA press releases, presidential statements, highlights from its quarterly newsletter, and factbooks (available via ftp). Information about upcoming ABA events and educational programs and the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center as well as legal information for the public and links to other legal-related sites are provided.
Legal, Regulatory And Market Practice Update, March 16, 1999 Government legal Advisory Committee /Conference Call A dialin conference y2k Contingency Recommendations Members of the MBS y2k Contingency Planning
Extractions: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 Vol. 4 No. 11 Indicates a new item. Items that are solely informational will be removed after one week. New items, referenced in this issue as available on the Association's website ( ), normally will be posted to the website each Friday. Government and Federal Agency Securities Division n GSCC/Y2K Readiness: GSCC has posted on its website ( ) a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement to provide interested parties with information on GSCC's Y2K efforts. For further information, contact Rich Sabel (212.412.8410) or Nikki Poulos (212.412.8407) at GSCC. n Mark-Up Discussion with Treasury Department: The Association has scheduled a conference call with representatives of the Treasury Deparment on Wednesday, March 24 th at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the potential impact of the NASD's mark-up interpretation on the government and federal agency securities markets. Association staff is in the process of assembling a representative group of business and legal professionals to participate in this call; interested members are encouraged to contact either Patricia Brigantic or George Miller at 212.440.9403. Government Legal Advisory Committee /Conference Call: A dial-in conference call of the Government Legal Advisory Committee has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 17
OCC: Publications publications. OCC publications Available To The Public With Associated Price Significant legal, Licensing, and Community Development Precedents
Extractions: Note: Banking laws and banking regulations are not available in hard copy from the OCC. As electronic files, banking laws and regulations are available on the OCC's e files CD. To access these laws and regulations off the OCC's Web site, select Related Sites in the navigation panel to your left and scroll down to Laws and Regulations.
RMO: Current Awareness Resources It combines news and information from BNA publications as well as web stories on all LLRX A web journal, current awareness service, and legal resources
Extractions: Raquel M. Ortiz Current Awareness Resources For Law Librarians For All Librarians About Search Engines and Discussion Lists Law Contents Pages from Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals Findlaw Newsletters InSITE JURIST ... BNA's Internet Law News : Provided by Bureau of National Affairs, this newsletter is free for registered users. It combines news and information from BNA publications as well as web stories on all aspects of internet law. You must be a subscriber of the BNA products in order to link to the stories therein. Contents Pages from Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals : This resource, created by the Tarlton Law Library of the University of Texas at Austin, allows you to view or search the contents pages of over 750 law journals. Contents are provided in HTML format. Current Cites : "A team of librarians and library staff monitors information technology literature in both print and digital forms, each month selecting only the best items to annotate for a free publication." The site includes the individual issues, a search engine for individual articles, and the ability to create on demand bibliographies. At the site, one can also
MITRE - Y2K - Other Links For The Year 2000 Problem y2ktoday is a public awareness site providing a single source for y2k Culpepper OnLine y2k legal Update has the latest news and analysis of litigation
Extractions: If you are looking for sites where PC BIOS testing and compliance information has been collected, please see our Year 2000 Compliant PC Internal Clock and BIOS page. From there, go to the Testing Utilities and Patches and PC Suppliers Compliance Statements/Lists page, as appropriate. If you need to determine if your PC is Year 2000 compliant, please see Desktop PC Resolution . For commonly asked questions about PC BIOS, please see Question #8 of our Compliance FAQ . Other sites with BIOS information include:
ComLinks Y2K Archives - For Risk Managers Y2K Is Now earthani.gif (10689 bytes) clrb1s.gif (1980 bytes). y2k Archives Other publicationsinclude Year 2000 Problem Strategies and Solutions from the
Extractions: Risk Managers must become fluent in information systems, and fast There is a significant new risk all companies face, to varying degrees, which every risk manager must prepare. I am referring to the year 2000 problem, sometimes called the millennium bug. Failure to understand and prepare for it will assuredly cost risk managers their job, and more importantly cost companies in ways never imagined just a short while ago. Since the first generation back in the late 1950's and early 1960's, computers have been programmed with a two digit date field to represent the year. For example, the current year is "96" according to nearly all mainframes, networks, and personal computers. This choice of design was made because of the high price and limited amount of memory in early computer architecture. When 12:00 am Jan. 1, 2000 arrives, most computers will roll over to "00" and will be treated as 1900 for arithmetic purposes. An example of the problem: a mortgage company automatically sends out foreclosure notices to mortgagors who are 180 days overdue. Its computers are programmed to subtract the date due from today's date, and if the result is 180 days or more, it sends a form letter. Suppose further that the last payment by a mortgagor was on June 15, 1999. On Jan. 1, 2000, the computer will subtract "061599" from "010100" and arrive at a negative number. According to the computer, the delinquent mortgagor still has almost 100 years to make the next payment.
ComLinks Y2K Archives - Ten Litigation Battlegrounds Dan is counsel to a number of organizations on Year 2000 legal issues and speakson this topic to both public and private sector audiences.
Extractions: Y2K Archives Hosted by Alan Simpson since 1996 Back to Main Menu Contact Us 10 Litigation Battlegrounds by Dan Steinberg and Andrew M. Pegalis, Esq There is a great deal of interest in the potential for Year 2000 litigation. One of the reasons for the interest is uncertainty. No one knows how much Y2K litigation is going to cost. There have been numerous figures in the trillions of dollars quoted, but in truth nobody really knows: Y2K litigation costs are even harder to estimate than 'fixing' costs. You cannot count your lines of code or number of workstations and multiply by some factor to get an estimated cost. The cost of Year 2000 litigation, both in fees and settlements, is not necessarily related to the cost of repair or the cost of the 'broken' component. But sooner or later, firms have to be able to estimate the litigation costs if they want to make informed decisions on where to spend their limited resources and how much to put in their contingency funds for litigation. To promote discussion and understanding, the authors have prepared a brief list outlining the possible avenues of litigation. No classification system is perfect, and it is possible that some situations may not fit nicely into any of the categories outlined in this paper.
Extractions: "No advertiser can buy our recommendation; however, they are encouraged to try." Destinations: [Accountants - Misc resources related to] [Accountants - Lists] [Accounting Profession] [Accounting Software - Dealers] ... [XML] AHP 2K is a launching point for CPAs or other accountants searching for Internet resources. It is not a list of CPA firms or an advertising vehicle. However, if your firm provides (or has links to) resources of interest to the accounting profession, please let us know. A service of:
FEMA: FEMA Information FEMA publications Catalog MS Word Icon Word Version 807 KB or Adobe PDF IconPDF Version - 474 KB y2k Information and News
Extractions: FEMA Information Some of the files are provided in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format. All PDF documents on the FEMA Web site are characterized by the following or similar graphic icon ( ). This icon is usually placed next to the document link. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader . If you have accessibility problems viewing any PDF document on these pages, go to Adobe's Online Converter to obtain the document in text format. Directives Doing Business with FEMA Facts about FEMA FEMA Employee Resources ... Archives Directives The FEMA Directives Management System includes Director's Policy Statements, Instructions, Manuals, Guides, Circulars, and Temporary Directive Transmittals which are intended to direct, guide, inform, and instruct employees in the performance of their jobs, and enable them to work effectively within FEMA and with other agencies, and the public. Some directives may also provide information and guidance to other agencies and the public. Director's Policy Statements
Are You Ready For Y2K Public Technology Inc. (http// Va., and Washington, DC,this site provides legal resources for avoiding Year 2000 disruptions and for
Extractions: Home PLEASE NOTE: Some of the information and links in this article may now be somewhat dated. With the passing of Y2K, some web sites and Y2K programs cited herein may have been dismantled. (updated August, 2000) Public Roads (September/October 1999) discussed some of the efforts underway to assist transportation operators to identify and resolve potential Year 2000 (Y2K) problems. The article stressed the need for contingency plans in the event that Y2K repair efforts fail or that failures are beyond the control of transportation operators, and it emphasized that it is critical that state and local governments build public confidence about Y2K preparedness within their communities. Much of the information in the article came from a working session of 20 state and local government officials on May 12, 1999. The session was conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and its partner Public Technology Inc. (PTI). The purpose of the session was to draw on the expertise of the participants to develop material that would guide local and state transportation agencies in managing the Y2K transition weekend (Dec. 28 through Jan. 3). Now, a full report of this session is available on the Internet at
Extractions: Home by Pamela Crenshaw At the annual meeting of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America on May 5, 1998, Deputy Secretary of Transportation Mortimer L. Downey sounded a call to action, announcing a national summit of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) community to address Year 2000 (Y2K) computer problems in ITS. "The problem has its origins in computer systems that store only the last two numbers of years in dates (such as 98 for 1998; the 19 is assumed). This requires less disk storage space, but poses a major problem as we head into the year 2000. Computer systems could interpret 00 as 1900, rather than 2000. This could cause computers to crash, generate bad data, or otherwise malfunction. Transportation systems that depend on computers or vehicles using embedded computer chips could shut down," Downey said. The national summit was hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) in partnership with 22 transportation associations and professional groups on July 27. This one-day summit entitled "Partners for ITS Y2K Awareness to Action" served as the kick-off for a 500-day campaign to resolve the Y2K problems in ITS, and a product of the summit is "Steps for Action," a compilation of information for addressing Y2K problems from the educational, management, technical, and
The Heartland Institute Published by Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council on 12/01/1998 To protectagainst legal liabilities, the y2k problem demands vigorous response from
Cem Kaner - Publications publications. PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5. Cem Kaner, Legalissues in y2k support. SLIDES Proceedings of the Support Services
Extractions: Cem Kaner J.D., Ph.D. Home Publications Courses Bookstore ... About Me Publications PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5. Download from Adobe's web site if you don't already have the Reader. BOOKS Testing Computer Software Lessons Learned in Software Testing Bad Software: What To Do When Software Fails Testing Computer Software (2nd Ed.), International Thomson Computer Press, 1993. (This is the best selling book on software testing in the history of the field. Received the Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication, Northern California Technical Publications Competition.) Cem Kaner, Testing Computer Software Cem Kaner, " The Ongoing Revolution in Software Testing " [ SLIDES , Baltimore, MD, December 7-9, 2004. Cem Kaner, "Legal Issues Included in the Outsourcing of Testing" [ SLIDES Quality Assurance Institute 25th Annual Software Testing Conference, Orlando, FL, October 18-22, 2004. Cem Kaner, " Liability for defective content " ACM SIGDOCâ04 , Memphis, TN, October 10â13, 2004.
MMM - Published Articles Global legal Update. Morris, Manning Martin, LLP In recognition of the Y2Kproblem, the Georgia Legislature has limited the potential liability of
Extractions: AI Magazine Advanced Battery Technology America's Network BT Catalyst ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Paper-Trail Priorities - Y2K testing - Industry Trend or Event Software Magazine Oct 15, 1998 by Scott J. Nathan Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. As you fix and then test, don't underestimate the importance of careful documentation. The development and execution of testing plans have considerable impact on a company's vulnerability to claims by shareholders and business partners. The issues include what information to retain and for how long; access to and protection of the testing results and related data; appropriate test methodology; and the role of legal counsel. Because the project depends so heavily on testing, third parties who have been injured by a Year 2000 system failure will certainly focus on the adequacy of the test plan and its implementation. Management should analyze and periodically review several aspects of this part of the project. First, is the test plan adequate and reasonable under the circumstances? Every injured party who suffers a Y2K-related loss will assert that the test plan should have included the best methodology, the right number of people (usually an infinite number), and all of the money necessary to successfully locate and fix every problem. While this may be desirable, it will not be the legal standard by which the plan is measured. Rather, the legal test will more likely be whether the plan was reasonable under all of the circumstances. Bear in mind that the outcome of applying this legal standard will depend on several factors, including the timeliness of the project as a whole and the testing phase in particular.
The Law Foundation Of BC - Annual Report - Prog & Proj Support for public legal education materials and workshops on wills and estates Support for legal Services Society through a grant of $200000 for a y2k
Family & Consumer Sciences publications Nutrition Resource list for Older Americans Other Related Links CYFERNET y2k (Acrobat Reader required)
Links Of The Week Archive This y2k legal information website is sponsored by Hancock Rothert Bunshoft LLP, The website focuses on three key areas healthcare, public and
Extractions: This site from the State of California has a lot of Y2K information useful to Californians and others. Here Californians can find out how the Y2K issue may affect them and how to prepare. There is a detailed checklist of preparations for individuals, with additional information for government offices and business owners. There are links to government, private business, and nonprofit sites, and answers to frequently asked questions about Y2K. Consumers will find links to manufacturers where they can get information about the Y2K status of various products. Californians will find information about their state's overall readiness; links to city and county Y2K websites provide detailed local information.
Risk Y2K On-Line Resources These web sites contain information on y2k risks, corporate disclosure ICC will provide regularly updated information to the public covering vital
Extractions: Departments RiskWorld Homepage Search Jobs Books ... News Groups Internal Web Sites Federal Risk Commission Law Group Y2K On-Line Resources RiskWorld has compiled the following on-line resources regarding the Year 2000 computer problem, in which computer software programs that record dates using only the last two digits of the year potentially could fail if "00" were read as "1900" in the new millenium. These web sites contain information on Y2K risks, corporate disclosure requirements, reprogramming efforts, legal issues, and solutions. (Editor's note: To submit a web site to this listing for consideration, contact Amy Reed, e-mail