IMSI -legal THE y2k BUG STATEMENT ), ARE PROVIDED AS A YEAR 2000 READINESS DISCLOSURE (AS At the end of the entire publication, include ONE trademark paragraph
Extractions: End User License Agreement Trademarks and Registered Trademarks Usage Guidelines The statements contained herein refer to the IMSI products as delivered by IMSI. The compliance statements do not apply to user customizable features or third party add-on features or products, including items such as macros and custom programming and formatting features. The statements regarding Y2K compatibility does not constitute a warranty or extend the terms of any existing warranty. The warranties provided for IMSI products, if any, are set forth in the end user license agreements that accompany the products or the terms of the license agreement under which you make use of a IMSI product. The Y2K information available from IMSI is provided for the sole purpose of assisting our customers in their planning for the transition to the next century. ANY IMSI Y2K BUG STATEMENTS MADE TO YOU IN THE COURSE OF PROVIDING Y2K RELATED UPDATES, YEAR 2000 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS, OR REMEDIATION SERVICES (IF ANY) ARE SUBJECT TO THE YEAR 2000 INFORMATION AND READINESS DISCLOSURE ACT (112 STAT. 2386). IN CASE OF A DISPUTE, THIS ACT MAY REDUCE YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS REGARDING THE USE OF ANY SUCH STATEMENTS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY YOUR CONTRACT OR TARIFF.
Search Results (1-100: Computers - Y2K) The Year 2000 legal Site ( 357). y2k site maintained by Alan Gahtan Disclosure ofYear 2000 Issues and Consequences by Public Companies,
Y2K: The Legal Liability Millennium? Promoting an American public policy based on individual liberty, limited government,free markets y2k The legal Liability Millennium? by Doug Bandow
Extractions: Archives Hurricane Katrina Archives Jerry Taylor will discuss gasoline prices and price "gouging" on CNBC on Friday at 10:20 a.m. ET On Saturday, C-SPAN will rebroadcast a 1994 Booknotes interview of Milton Friedman about F. A. Hayek 's The Road to Serfdom at 7:00 p.m. ET June 17, 1999 by Doug Bandow Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and former special assistant to President Reagan. The coming new millennium means different things to different people. Some fatalists believe it presages the end of the world. Some religious people believe it portends the return of Christ. Some lawyers believe it promises yet another financial cornucopia.
Y2K Legal Issues Many of the key questions about y2k legal liability have yet to be answered by any In October, 1998, Congress adopted Public Law 105271, the Year 2000
Extractions: A Practical Guide for Business Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. General Observations III. Contract Issues IV. Insurance Issues V. Legislation Introduction General Observations . First, we must recognize that the Y2K problem has been known to the computer industry since the late 1980s, and has been discussed in the general media since at least early 1996. Therefore, the problem was and is foreseeable, and with the investment of sufficient resources and the exercise of due diligence, presumably avoidable. This is a significant factor for legal analysis of the Y2K problem because as a general matter, whether you are considering contract issues, tort issues (i.e., negligent damage to property or personal injury) or insurance recovery issues, a claimant has a legal duty to prevent foreseeable losses, and to minimize damages to the extent that they are avoidable. Failure to take action to avoid foreseeable losses can forfeit your rights to recover damages caused by Y2K problems, or the right to recover your losses from insurers. Second, although there have been forty to fifty Y2K-related lawsuits filed in the United States within the last year to eighteen months, there have been very few court decisions issued. Many of the key questions about Y2K legal liability have yet to be answered by any court and lawyers must analyze these questions on the basis of general legal principles. A third general observation is that "contingency planning" is a necessary part of every Y2K program because you cannot and will not find all the problems. Beyond being good practical advice, a business that fails to include contingency planning as part of its Y2K program and thereby suffers serious disruptions of services and operations, runs the risk of being found to have a program that was seriously deficient and lacking in due diligence.
USAFA Academic Library Law Web Resources Web Resources Vanderbilt Law Library This guide to legal web resources provides Also links to primary materials, publications, and government agencies.
Minutes Of Y2K Coalition Meeting, May 12, 1999 Public Sector Report Mark Huguley, of SLED, reported that the Public Safety The group is expanding to include legal representatives from each of the
Extractions: SC Information Resources Council Year 2000 Readiness Coalition Minutes May 12, 1999 Review of Minutes Mike LeFever welcomed the attendees and informed the group that the Year 2000 listserv, online information and Year 2000 events calendar are available online at Mike spoke about the sector and enterprise groups and the need to communicate with the general public about all types of Year 2000 information. The Coalition's responsibility is to dispel Y2K myths, enlighten the public about real dangers and inform the public about needed Year 2000 information. Next Steps: Communications and Public Awareness Tom Covey, representing Paul Amos of SCETV, spoke about the Communications Sector of the Coalition. The Communications Sector met recently and discussed starting a weekly SCETV show on YEAR 2000. In addition, ERN Radio could begin a ½ hour show on Year 2000, along with public services announcements (PSA's), etc. Town meetings could also be used to enhance the YEAR 2000 message, plus using webcasting to stream video and teleconferencing. Bud Tibshrany with Time-Warner Cable will take part in the Communications Sector and assist with disbursing PSA's around the state.
Center For Non-Profits - Legal And Management Assistance legal/Management. Membership publications Group Buying The Center s legalAssistance Services for Startup Organizations Read a quick overview about
Extractions: The Center provides individualized telephone consultation on non-profit legal and management issues ranging from IRS regulations, tax laws, fund raising issues, Board/staff roles and responsibilities and many others. Just What is a Non-Profit, Anyway? This article provides an overview of non-profits, charities and some of the more common types of tax-exempt organizations. Thinking of Forming a Non-Profit? What to Consider Before You Begin This booklet explains the basics of what a non-profit is and portrays a realistic picture of what is involved in getting a new non-profit up and running.
Legal The y2k information available from IMSI is provided for the sole purpose of At the end of the entire publication, include ONE trademark paragraph
Extractions: TradeMarks and Registered TradeMarks Usage Guidlines The statements contained herein refer to the IMSI products as delivered by IMSI. The compliance statements do not apply to user customizable features or third party add-on features or products, including items such as macros and custom programming and formatting features. The statements regarding Y2K compatibility does not constitute a warranty or extend the terms of any existing warranty. The warranties provided for IMSI products, if any, are set forth in the end user license agreements that accompany the products or the terms of the license agreement under which you make use of a IMSI product. The Y2K information available from IMSI is provided for the sole purpose of assisting our customers in their planning for the transition to the next century. ANY IMSI Y2K BUG STATEMENTS MADE TO YOU IN THE COURSE OF PROVIDING Y2K RELATED UPDATES, YEAR 2000 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS, OR REMEDIATION SERVICES (IF ANY) ARE SUBJECT TO THE YEAR 2000 INFORMATION AND READINESS DISCLOSURE ACT (112 STAT. 2386). IN CASE OF A DISPUTE, THIS ACT MAY REDUCE YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS REGARDING THE USE OF ANY SUCH STATEMENTS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY YOUR CONTRACT OR TARIFF. Top This Site is owned and operated by IMSI (International Microcomputer Software Inc.) ("IMSI"), which owns or licenses all the material on this Site.
Extractions: Y2K for Women Home Welcome to Y2K Women the Year 2000 Problem Site Exclusively Designed for Women Many people (men and women alike) don't know how to handle an overwhelming problem like Y2K a situation that's riddled with change and anxiety. So they, in essence, "shut down" and don't even want to think about it , let alone make any plans!
Final Results Of 3rd Y2K Poll Sixtyfive percent (65%) report legal considerations are not affecting their Dr. Ed Yardeni s y2k Center is a public service of the Chief Economist of
Preventing Y2K Problems And Ensuring Legal Fallback Preventing y2k problems and ensuring legal fallback Many of these publicationsresponsibly encourage the user to get on with y2k assessments.
Extractions: (Computerworld, 20 July 1998) The last TechLaw column focused on the insurance aspects of the "Y2K bug"with the action by Wilson White on its complaint to the Commerce Commission on vendors requiring payment for "Y2K bug" fixes. This article explores steps that can be taken to prevent Y2K problems and put purchasers in a stronger legal position if their technology fails the date change leap from 31 st December 1999 to the 1 st of January 2000. Many IT managers divide their review of technology for Y2K issue into two parts. The first part of the review is to identify the technology staying in place after the 1 st of January 2000. The issue here is how to make that technology Y2K capable and who bears the costs. The second part of the review is to ensure that the replacement technology is Y2K compliant. The issue here is often seen as being simply ensuring compliance. The first aspect reviewed is now generally well understood. It is the second aspect that illustrates the extent of the problem faced by many IT managers. According to a recent
Hampton & Royce L.C. :: Links news, legal practice materials, consultants, experts, directories, y2k legal.Florida - Home page National Law Journal - legal news - Publication
Extractions: Back to top A Back to top Abacus Data Systems - Software to streamline documents and deadlines - Computer ACLU Freedom Network - Information and materials on civil liberty issues Adoption Network - Home page - Legal AJR News Link - Links to news sites and articles - Newspapers Alabama - Home page Alaska - Home page All Law - Provides links to bar associations, lawyers, state and federal courts, state and federal law, state and national resources, law journals, practice topics, CL resources - Legal ALPS - Home page Alta Vista - Search engine American Academy of Dermatology - Home page - Medical American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Home page - Medical American Academy of Periodontology - Home page - Medical American Association of Law Libraries - Home page - Legal American Bar Association - CL information, ABA Journal, information about ABA, lawyer locator, legislative and governmental advocacy - Legal American Cancer Society - Home page - Medical American Dental Association - Home page - Medical American Heart Association - Home page - Medical American Law Services - On-Line Links to sources on law in U.S., Canada, and Mexico - Legal
University Of Toronto - Faculty Of Law Debit Cards and Stored Value Cards legal Regulation and Privacy Concerns (with TS The Looming Millennium y2k, Computers, and Your Business
Scor - News - Events The y2k IT task force is led by Régis Delayat, the Group s IT Director. Among SCOR publications on the topic are to be mentioned two issues of SCOR
Reed Smith Library Year 2000 legal Issues The False Claims Act and Employee Whistleblowers June 291998 Certification regarding y2k compliance is no different.
Reed Smith Library y2k issues primarily concern the ability of computers to process be used ifit has voluntarily been made public or obtained by independent legal means,
Read The "Right" Stuff! publications MENU The Conservative Caucus 450 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, *Telephone Tax. *Tobacco Tax. *UN Debt . *y2k the Year 2000 Computer Problem
Extractions: 450 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, VA 22180 703-938-9626 Here you will find many issue briefings, newspaper articles, the excellent "First 100 Ways to Restore America" series of detailed plans to cut government, and the "Documents of Freedom" collection of some of the most important historical documents. Revised: August 09, 2005 Howard Phillips Issues Strategy Bulletin Excerpts: Taxpayer Scorecards: Angola 1998 Elections 1999 Federal Budget "Deal" 2000 Presidential Candidate Watch ... Repeal Social Security Tax Hike "Eye On Bureaucracy" Outrageous abuses of gov't. grants & taxpayer dollars Welfare for Chimps! Food Stamps for Felons! Nazi-Like Medical Experiments Legal Services Corporation Outrages ... Psychology + Rats = Nuts! More to be added soon! The Documents of Freedom Collection: Reports and newspaper articles on key issues: Articles of Confederation Impeachment News Conference International Criminal Court ... Legal Services Corporation OP Ed: Borders Concern for the Constitution Chemical Weapons Treaty Vote ClintonScandals #1 ClintonScandals #2 Establishment Ethics ... Mail Fraud?
Extractions: Y2K Legal Brief for Software Companies defending Year 2000 Bug Lawsuits This brief is a shareware legal defense treatise for the purpose of helping programmers and software companies prepare a legal defense against Year 2000 lawsuits. The legal industry is positioning itself to rip off the computer industry for as much as one trillion dollars over the millenium bug And when I say rip-off, that's exactly what I mean. Without a good legal defense the computer software industry is vulnerable to slick legal arguments that would mislead a jury into awarding damages against software companies that are unjust. I feel the time has come for me to write this brief and start defining what the legal issues are with respect to Y2K liability so that this document can be used as a legal defense to Y2K millenium bug litigation. This document is intended to be used by programmers and software companies in court so that the judge and jury can more fully understand the complex technical issues involved when it comes to determining Y2K liability. If you get sued for a Year 2000 bug, you're going to want your lawyer to be familiar with the legal issues contained herein. This document can also be used to prevent lawsuits and litigation from occurring in the first place. By showing the lawyers that software vendors have a strong legal defense, many lawyers will realize that Y2K litigation isn't a pot of gold where lawyers to get rich quick off the backs of programmers and software users. This document is a weapon. Sometimes all you have to do is show the weapon to prevent and attack. This document has that kind of power.
Extractions: dqmcodebase = "/" In 1999, NACCB scored a significant legislative victory for IT staffing firms potentially saving millions of dollars in unnecessary legal fees from unwarranted and frivolous lawsuits due to Y2K failures. On July 20, 1999 President Clinton signed public law 106-37, the Y2K Act. This enactment largely removes mounting pressure over the impending Y2K computer crisis. The protections offered by the new law will allow NACCB member firms and their IT professionals to address Y2K problems with less fear of unwarranted and frivolous lawsuits. As stated in the Y2K Act, one of its purposes is to "establish uniform legal standards that give all business. . . incentives to solve year 2000 computer date-change problems before they develop." It is important to understand that this Act does not provide carte blanche protection from liability in cases involving Y2K remediation. However, there are a number of provisions that are important to the IT staffing industry and for which NACCB fought very hard. Before those are detailed, it is vital to ascertain whether specific cases that arise from remediation are covered under the Act. If you have questions regarding coverage prior to entering into a contract it is advisable for you to contact an attorney who can verify your legal standing. The following provisions are important to note, and were supported by NACCB: (1) pre-litigation notice requirements, (2) duty for plaintiffs to mitigate damages, (3) punitive damages limitations, and (4) proportionate liability protections.